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Ellen: Congratulations on what a final game that was!

Kobe: Thank you!

Ellen: You could not have dreamed of… you know… anything like that, right?

Kobe: Not for sure. I mean… It was uh… I couldn’t believe that It 1) _______ happened.
You know… that this moment was actually here and this is THE game.

Ellen: Yeah…

Kobe: You know… I was really… It’s kind of a strange feeling.

Ellen: I know! When you were walking out, were you… I mean, you must have been 2)
_______ when you woke up that day, right?

Kobe: No, I was pretty calm because It doesn’t really dawn on you. Then, when I walked
in the arena and you kind of feel the electricity and you just kinda start getting a little 3)
__________ . Then you realize, everybody’s here to watch this final game. Don’t suck!
It’s like you gotta make sure… and then I come out and miss my first five shots and I was
like uh-oh.

Ellen: Yeah… well, that’s the thing. Then It would really 4) _______ with you because If
you’re not hitting It right away, then you’re like… you’d unravel.

Kobe: Yeah… but you know the last game you just say, you know what, I’m just gonna
go out there and let it all hang loose.

Ellen: And when you see all those celebrities, I mean they’re there a lot anyway but
does that 5) _____________ you at all when you look over and you see somebody?

Kobe: No, It’s fun… It just adds to the excitement and adds to the focus. I mean I was
sitting on the bench and I heard your voice come up on a jumbotron. Hey, they got Ellen
up there too.

Ellen: When I was saying goodbye to you?

Kobe: That was pretty… that was funny.

Ellen: I don’t think you might would even hear It coz It’s gonna be so noisy on there.

Kobe: No, I mean the fresh prince is such a 6) __________ tune.

Ellen: Thank you… Thank you very much!

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