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They used to live in a single comparted house, where the all members of a home did
all their chores together in a single shared space, but now they work in same house
but physically away from each other.

Their culture was to built a new compartment to their existing structure after a
marriage, but now with construction with concrete houses , they have to adjust to
single space as they cannot built on their own.

The main advantage of the government built houses is that its more safe,strong and

In their old dwelling they divided their 1 big space according to requirement, that
is after bed they roll up their beds and use it for doing other chores, this is
more efficient and useful comparing to splittup spaces of the government provided

In their traditional system of housing, they could build a house at any time as the
material to build was easily available and they could use their traditional
building methods.

Government provided houses are too hot in summer, comparing to the temperature they
lived earlier in their traditional dwelling, but its far safe and useful in


Their traditional lifestyle had their houses adjacent to eachother , had common
areas of workship and gathering

Cluster living decresed, after a marriage either the new couples have to live in a
new house away from the old or have to adjust in existing house.

Waste management and sewage lines are way effective and useful of the Government
built structures.

The cultural decoration of the houses decreased, ( Used decorative patterns with
mud , dung etc. )

New structures were a deviation from their indigenuos settlement patterns.

Demolition of their traditional structure had adverse effect on their environment

and spaces to nourish their culture declined.

The idea of Kutcha and pucca houses increased. Along with their concrete houses
(PUCCA) , they started to built temporary houses (KUTCHA) so in their hot climate
they live in temporary structure and in their permenent during monsoon and winter.

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