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Materi Pelatihan – Ilmu Sungai dan Bangunan Hidraulika


BREUSERS, H.N.0 River Dynamics, Lecture Notes, Specialist-1 Study Programme in

Water Resources Development, Bandung, January 1985.

DARJANTA BUDIHARDJA Teknik Pengendalian Banjir, Makalah Penyebarluasan Standar

daan Teknologi Hasil Litbang PU

JANSEN, P. Ph. Principles of River Engineering, The non-tidal alluvial river, Pitman,

KEITH RICHARDS Rivers, Form and Process in Alluvial Channels, Methuen & Co Ltd,

KLAASSEN, G. J. River Dynamics, Volume I - Introduction into River Dinamics, January


MARGARET PETERSON River Engineering, Prentice – Hall, 1986.

SIMONS, DARYL B. Sediment Transport Technology, Water Resources Publications,

Colorado, USA, 1992.

SISWOKO Teknik Sungai, Diktat Kuliah, Program Pendidikan Spesialis PSDA,

Bandung, Juni 1992.

VRIES, M. DE Engineering Potamology, Lecture Notes, Specialist-1 Study

Programme in Water Resources Development, Bandung, January

YINIARTI Bahan Ajar Teknik Sungai, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Agustus


YINIARTI Bahan Ajar Angkutan Sedimen, Institut Teknologi Bandung , Program

Pendidikan MPSDA, Bandung, Januari 2014.


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