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User Guide | Asset Management Parks System (AMPS) Data Collection

Created April 4th, 2019

Last Updated April 4th, 2019
NYC Parks

What’s In This Data Collection?

The Asset Management Parks System (AMPS) is used by NYC Parks to track work
completed by specialized staff or crews, including tradespeople. It also contains asset
(primarily parks and structures) records and supplies associated with this work. Parks
staff use AMPS to track their work as it is completed. The 6 datasets included in this
data collection are:

1. Work Orders

This table is the primary table for information about work orders, and contains
general information - including a description of the work, assigned title, request
date and completion date - about each work order. Each row represents a single
work order. The primary key field is EVT_CODE. The EVT_OBJECT field can be
joined to the Assets table on OBJ_CODE to know which asset the work order
was for.

2. Assets

This table contains information about objects that work orders can be written to.
Examples of objects types include pieces of equipment, buildings, parks,
maintenance districts, and boroughs. Each record has specific information about
that object. The primary key is OBJ_CODE.

3. Labor

This table contains work order labor records. Each record in this table
corresponds to one labor entry and includes general information about that piece
of labor. The primary key is BOO_CODE. The BOO_EVENT field can be joined
to the Work Orders table on EVT_CODE to know how much labor was booked to
each work order.
4. Transactions

This table contains information about transactions. A transaction tracks the

movement of parts and materials between store houses and work orders. Each
record represents a single transaction. The primary key is TRA_CODE. When
TRA_TOENTITY is “EVNT” then you can use the TRA_TOCODE field to join to
the Work Orders table on EVT_CODE to know which transactions are associated
with each work order.

5. Transaction Details

This table contains specific information about each part that is included in a
transaction. Each record has information about one type of part in the
transaction. A single transaction could have multiple lines (one for each type of
part) in this table. The TRL_TRANS field can be joined to the Transactions table
on TRA_CODE to know which parts were part the transaction.


This table all comments for all tables in AMPS. The record for each comment
indicates which record and table the comment pertains to. Each record is a single
comment. The ADD_CODE field can be joined to another table according to the
value in ADD_ENTITY.

Who Manages This Data Collection?

AMPS tracks specialized staff who maintain parks throughout a borough or around the
city. These services are generally more practical or cost-effective to provide at a
borough or citywide level rather than in each sector. Examples of borough-level services
include work involving heavy or specialized equipment, like full-size tractors or roll-off
container trucks; or work requiring significant, specialized training, like borough
tradespeople, forestry, and horticulture operations. Citywide-level staff use equipment
and complete work that would be inefficient or impractical to provide even at the
borough level. This work includes the seasonal preparation of pools and repairs to their
filtration systems; maintenance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems; maintenance of synthetic turf fields using specialized equipment; operation of
sewer trucks; fabrication of signage; and any other large work orders beyond the
staffing capabilities of an individual borough.
While nearly all of this specialized, borough or citywide-level maintenance is performed
on an as-needed basis, some parks–depending on amenities present and composition
of sector staff–will receive routine service from specialized maintenance staff. A park
with ballfields or decorative lawns might have borough crews seasonally seed, groom,
and water them. The same specialized maintenance can apply for gardens, planted
areas, or areas of ecological importance. Assets with a long expected life, including
parts of the physical plant, such as HVAC or pool filtration systems, receive scheduled
preventative maintenance. Playgrounds will have their swings regularly changed as
seats and bearings wear. Spray showers, most drinking fountains, and some comfort
stations will have their water turned off and be “winterized” each autumn; this process is
performed in reverse each spring.

Aside from the routine, scheduled maintenance discussed above, specialized

maintenance staff are dispatched only when they are needed to correct problems.
Therefore park-level costs for specialized maintenance will fluctuate tremendously from
year to year. A park with a broken pipe flooding a building might require thousands of
dollars to repair the pipe and restore any damage to the building in one year, but only
tens of dollars in specialized maintenance if nothing breaks the next year. Newer parks
typically require less specialized maintenance than older ones–their structures are more
modern, their trees are younger–so they present fewer problems. Parks with more
visitors will have more wear and tear, and consequently require more specialized

To learn more about Parks Maintenance see the ​Annual Report on Parks Maintenance​.

Get Started With This Data:

● How many work orders were opened at my favorite park this year?
● How much did it cost to make repairs at my favorite park this year?
● How long were work orders open at my favorite park this year?

Columns (Fields, Attributes):

Longform Table Name Field Name Description
Work Orders EVT_CODE Unique ID for each work order

Work Orders EVT_DESC Work order description

Work Orders EVT_TYPE Work order type

Work Orders EVT_DATE Date the work order was created

The name of the Park maintenance district in

Work Orders EVT_MRC which the property is located.

Work Orders EVT_PRINTED Indicates if the work order has been printed

Work Orders EVT_OBTYPE Object type

ID number for the park or asset the work order is

Work Orders EVT_OBJECT written about

Work Orders EVT_STANDWORK Work order standard type.

Property where planned preventative

Work Orders EVT_PPM maintenance occurred.

Work Orders EVT_FREQ Frequency of planned preventative maintenance

Recurrence schedule for planned preventative

Work Orders EVT_ISSTYPE maintenance

Work Orders EVT_CLASS Work Order Class

Indicates what should be inspected at a given

Work Orders EVT_ROUTE site

Work Orders EVT_TARGET Scheduled completion date

Indicates expected time to complete scheduled

Work Orders EVT_DURATION task (in days)
Work order number (EVT_CODE) of this work
Work Orders EVT_PARENT order's "parent" work order, as applicable

Work Orders EVT_REQM Problem Code

Work Orders EVT_JOBTYPE Type of work order job

Work Orders EVT_PRIORITY Assigned priority of the work order

Editable date reported, when date was entered

Work Orders EVT_REPORTED into system
Date work order status (EVT_UDFCHAR13) is
Work Orders EVT_START first changed to "Open"

Work Orders EVT_DUE Scheduled due date

Work Orders EVT_COMPLETED Date and time this work order was completed.

Indicates if equipment was repair was covered

Work Orders EVT_WARRANTY under warranty

Work Orders EVT_SAFETY Indicates if the work order is safety related

Indicates is work order was completed and

Work Orders EVT_REOPENED reopened

Work Orders EVT_SCHEDEND Scheduled end time for a scheduled work order

Work Orders EVT_CREATED Date and time this work order was created

Work Orders EVT_UPDATED Date and time this work order was last updated

Number of times the work order record has been

Work Orders EVT_UPDATECOUNT updated
Work Orders EVT_PERIODUOM Period of scheduled task

Work Orders EVT_SQLIDENTITY Unique identifier

Indicates if work order is for multiple pieces of

Work Orders EVT_MULTIEQUIP equipment

EVT_COMPLETED_T Date for when work order was closed

Work Orders RUNC
Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR01 Requested priority of the work order

Subclass of work order for data modification

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR02 requests

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR03 Indicates group this work order is submitted to

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR04 Indicate asset type

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR05 Reason for rejection, for rejected WO

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR06 Trade of person assigned to the work order

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR08 Street location of park/asset, if available

Parks Inspection feature that work order pertains

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR10 to

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR11 Indicates if out of service or salvaged

Indicates if work request was generated on a

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR12 phone or desktop

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR13 Current status of work order

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR14 Date inspection was uploaded

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR15 Daily Immediate Attention (DIA) number

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHAR16 311 service request number

Work Orders EVT_UDFNUM01 Scheduling sequence

Indicates if work order is generated from a Daily

Work Orders EVT_UDFCHKBOX01 Immediate Attention (DIA)
Work Orders EVT_UDFCHKBOX02 Indicates if new part
Work Orders EVT_UDFCHKBOX03 Reviewed for backlog cleanup
Work Orders EVT_UDFCHKBOX04 Indicates if a comment is attached to work order
Indicates if a document is attached to work order
Assets OBJ_OBTYPE Object type
Assets OBJ_CODE Unique object identifier
Assets OBJ_DESC Name of object
Assets OBJ_CLASS Indicates type of object
Assets OBJ_CATEGORY Indicates category of object
Assets OBJ_POSITION Physical location
The ID of the parent object this object is
Assets OBJ_PARENT within
Assets OBJ_MANUFACT Manufacturer of the piece of equipment
Assets OBJ_MRC District the object is located within
Assets OBJ_SERIALNO Serial number for the piece of equipment
Assets OBJ_STATUS Status of object
Assets OBJ_COMMISS Date acquired by parks
Assets OBJ_WITHDRAW Date object went out of service
Assets OBJ_RECORD When object was entered into the system
Assets OBJ_NOTUSED Indicates if object is still in use
OBJ_MANUFACTMOD Equipment model name, for equipment
Assets EL records
Assets OBJ_VALUE Replacement cost, for equipment records
Assets OBJ_UPDATED Date the object record was updated
Number of times the object record has
Assets OBJ_UPDATECOUNT been updated
Assets OBJ_GISOBJID Unique identifier
Assets OBJ_SQLIDENTITY Unique identifier
Assets OBJ_GISLAYER GIS layer this object was synced from
Assets OBJ_XLOCATION X coordinate of this object
Assets OBJ_YLOCATION Y coordinate of this object
Company that the piece of equipment was
Assets OBJ_UDFCHAR01 purchased from, for equipment records
Service Level Agreement value for site
Assets OBJ_UDFCHAR02 level assets
Languages used on the signs for this site,
Assets OBJ_UDFCHAR05 for park records
Assets OBJ_UDFCHAR06 Equipment color, for equipment records
Assets OBJ_CREATED Date record created
Labor BOO_EVENT ID of work order associated with this entry
Indicates whether the entry is to account for
Labor BOO_ACT labor hours or travel hours
Labor BOO_DATE Date this entry was performed.
Title of the person performing with this
Labor BOO_TRADE entry
Indicates if entry was performed during
Labor BOO_OCTYPE regular hours or overtime hours
Labor BOO_ON Start time of labor entry
Labor BOO_OFF End time of labor entry
Labor BOO_HOURS Number of hours booked working
Labor BOO_RATE Hourly rate of employee completing work
Labor BOO_COST Labor cost of this piece of work
Labor BOO_ENTERED Date and time this record is entered
Indicates if this entry corrects a previously
Labor BOO_CORRECTION entered value
Labor BOO_SQLIDENTITY Unique identifier
Indicates whether work was done by mobile
Labor BOO_JECATEGORY or fixed crew
Labor BOO_JESOURCE Crew make up
Labor BOO_DESC Description of labor
Labor BOO_CODE Unique identifier for the labor entry
Indicates if the labor entry is entered via
Labor BOO_MISC Additional Costs
Transactions TRA_CODE Unique identifier for the transaction
Transactions TRA_DESC Description of the transaction
Transactions TRA_TYPE Transaction class
Transactions TRA_DATE Date of transaction
Unique identifier for the corresponding
Transactions TRA_REQ requisition record
Transactions TRA_STATUS Status of transaction

Transactions TRA_FROMENTITY Location type that the materials are coming from

Transactions TRA_FROMCODE Unique identifier of issuing location

Transactions TRA_TOENTITY Location type that the materials are going to

Transactions TRA_TOCODE Unique identifier materials are going to

Number of times the transaction record was

Transactions TRA_UPDATECOUNT updated
Transactions TRA_CREATED Date the transaction record was created

Transactions TRA_UPDATED Date the transaction record was updated

Transactions TRA_SQLIDENTITY Unique identifier

Transaction Details TRL_TRANS Unique identifier for corresponding transaction

Transaction Details TRL_TYPE Transaction class

Unique identifier for each record within one

Transaction Details TRL_LINE transaction

Transaction Details TRL_DATE Transaction date

Transaction Details TRL_EVENT Requisition or work order unique identifier

Activity code within the work order the part is

Transaction Details TRL_ACT being used

Transaction Details TRL_PART Unique identifier for the part

Unique identifier for each transaction line within

Transaction Details TRL_REQLINE a single requisition
Bin within the storehouse the part is coming
Transaction Details TRL_BIN from

Transaction Details TRL_STORE Storehouse unique identifier

Transaction Details TRL_PRICE Value of the part in dollars

Transaction Details TRL_QTY Quantity of parts being issued

Transaction Details TRL_REQ Requisition unique identifier

Transaction Details TRL_CREATED Date transaction line is created

Transaction Details TRL_UPDATED Date transaction line is updated

Transaction Details TRL_AVGPRICE Average price of this part in dollars

Transaction Details TRL_SQLIDENTITY Unique identifier

Transaction Details TRL_DESC Description of transline

Indicates if the transaction line has a file

Transaction Details TRL_ATTACH attached

Transaction Details PAR_CODE Unique identifier for the part

Transaction Details PAR_DESC Description of the part

Transaction Details PAR_CLASS Class of part

Transaction Details PAR_UOM Part unit of measure

Transaction Details PAR_NOTUSED Indicates if the part has been retired

Transaction Details PAR_CREATED Date the part record was entered

Transaction Details PAR_UPDATED Date the part record was updated

Number of time the part record has been

Transaction Details PAR_UPDATECOUNT updated
Transaction Details PAR_SQLIDENTITY Unique identifier

Transaction Details PAR_UDFCHAR01 Item category

Transaction Details PAR_UDFCHAR02 Supplier part number

PAR_LASTSTATUSU Date part status was last updated

Transaction Details PDATE
Comments ADD_ENTITY Table the comment is associated with

Unique identifier for the record the comment is

Comments ADD_CODE associated with

Comments ADD_LANG Language associated with the comment

Comments ADD_LINE Unique, for each record, identifier for comments

Indicates if comment is printed with record when

Comments ADD_PRINT record is printed

Comments ADD_TEXT Comment text

Comments ADD_CREATED Date comment was created

Comments ADD_UPDATED Date comment was updated

Comments ADD_UPDATECOUNT Number of times the comment was updated

Comments ADD_SQLIDENTITY Unique identifier for each comment

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