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Oracle® HCM Cloud

Functional Known Issues
Release 13 (update 18C)
Oracle® HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues Release 13 (update 18C)
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Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

PREFACE ............................................................................................................................... 5

ORACLE APPLICATIONS HELP .................................................................................................... 5

USING APPLICATIONS HELP ....................................................................................................... 5

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ........................................................................................................... 5

DOCUMENTATION ACCESSIBILITY ............................................................................................ 5

ACCESS TO ORACLE SUPPORT ................................................................................................. 5

COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................................................... 6

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 6

SUPPORTED BROWSERS ............................................................................................................ 6

RELATED DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................................... 6

COMMON ............................................................................................................................... 8

COMMON APPLICATIONS CONFIGURATION............................................................................. 8

BI Cloud Adapter Extracts from BI View Objects with Security Predicates Results in a Partial Data Extract .....8
Expanding Search Region on Scheduled Processes Page Times Out Intermittently ..........................................8
Images and PDFs Not Rendering in Applications Help and Getting Started Work Area ....................................8
SOAP WSDL URLs Are Incorrect in Developer Connect Until Synchronized ......................................................9
Manage Configuration Set Migration Target Security Policy Task Does Not Work ...........................................9
Predefined Dashboards Disappear After Upgrade to 18C .................................................................................9
Application Error Displayed When Only One Cloud Storage Connection Entry Exists in the Configure External
Storage Option After Upgrade .........................................................................................................................10


ORACLE FUSION COMPENSATION .......................................................................................... 10

Access to Personally Identifiable Information Business Objects was Removed from Compensation
Transaction Analysis Duty ................................................................................................................................10
The Total Compensation PDF is Not Generating Information for the Second Work Relationship ..................11

HCM DATA LOADER .................................................................................................................... 11

Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C) 3

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

Existing Payroll Interface Inbound Record and Electronic Income Withholding Orders integrations may fail
on upgrade .......................................................................................................................................................11

HCM CLOUD REST API ............................................................................................................... 12

Future-dated entry in HCM Atom feed is not available immediately ..............................................................12

4 Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C)

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Oracle Applications Help

Use the help icon to access Oracle Applications Help in the application. If you don't see
any help icons on your page, click the Show Help icon in the global area. Not all pages
have help icons. You can also access Oracle Applications Help at

Using Applications Help

Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to find help and use help features.

Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Applications Customer Connect to get information from
experts at Oracle, the partner community, and other users.
• Guides and Videos: Go to the Oracle Help Center to find guides and videos.
• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, see the Oracle Accessibility

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My
Oracle Support. For information, visit My Oracle Support or visit Accessible Oracle Support if
you are hearing impaired.

Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C) 5

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

Comments and Suggestions

Please give us feedback about Oracle Applications Help and guides! You can send e-mail to:

• Supported Browsers

• Related Documentation

This document provides a list of functional Known Issues for Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13
(update 18C).

Note: Issues and limitations are organized by the products within Oracle HCM Cloud that are
responsible for the affected features or objects. In some cases, an issue may affect multiple
products, so it is prudent to review all Known Issues within an offering.

Supported Browsers

Ensure that your browser is at the minimum supported level. Refer to System Requirements
for Oracle Applications Cloud at

Related Documentation

See Oracle Help Center for the full set of Oracle documentation
If you are an on-premise customer, please review the Oracle Fusion Application Technical
Release Notes for installation, upgrade, and platform Known Issues. You can find this
document on My Oracle Support.

6 Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C)

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

The Oracle Applications Business Process Models document links to details of the business
process models. My Oracle Support, Document ID 1542019.1.

Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C) 7

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

Common references Applications Core objects that are centrally defined and shared across

Common Applications Configuration

BI Cloud Adapter Extracts from BI View Objects with

Security Predicates Results in a Partial Data Extract
Some BI View Objects (BIVOs) in Oracle Applications Cloud have security predicates in the
BIVO definition. BICC extracts from such BIVOs result in a partial data extract. In some cases,
the BI Server does not apply the necessary data security access required by the Cloud
Connector user.
Oracle Reference: 28141536

Expanding Search Region on Scheduled Processes Page

Times Out Intermittently
Expanding the search region on the Scheduled Processes page times out intermittently.
Try expanding the search region again.
Oracle Reference: 26273542, 26765308

Images and PDFs Not Rendering in Applications Help and

Getting Started Work Area
In the Applications Help site, diagrams and screenshots are not displayed in the body of help
files. Instead, the image file's alternative text is displayed. PDF type help files do not display.
Likewise, images and PDFs are not rendering on pages in the Getting Started work area.
Oracle Reference: 26235644, 26871809

8 Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C)

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

SOAP WSDL URLs Are Incorrect in Developer Connect Until

The domain name in SOAP WSDL URLs changed in Release 13, when many domains were
consolidated. In Developer Connect, the old domain name (for example, prcPonNegotiations)
appears in the WSDL URL until you manually synchronize the service details.
You must synchronize the service details in Developer Connect to refresh the domain name in
the WSDL, if you have not done so since Release 13 was introduced. Synchronizing the service
details also updates the service name if the name has changed (for example, if the service has
been versioned). To synchronize the service details:
1. In the Navigator, click Developer Connect.
2. On the Web Services page, click Synchronize. All of the SOAP services deployed to your
cloud instance are refreshed.
After you synchronize your services, you should see a change in the domain name of the
WSDL URL - for example, the prcPonNegotiations domain changes to fscmService.
Oracle Reference: No Bug Number.

Manage Configuration Set Migration Target Security Policy

Task Does Not Work
Do not use the Manage Configuration Set Migration Target Security Policy task available in
the Setup and Maintenance work area because the associated feature is not available.
Oracle Reference: 28229272

Predefined Dashboards Disappear After Upgrade to 18C

The predefined dashboard pages D1-D10 disappear after upgrade to 18C, if they weren't
recreated using the Page Integration tool.
Check if these pages were used. If they were used, follow the instructions in the Recreate
Legacy Dashboards Using the Page Integration Tool document (Doc ID 2469563.1) on My
Oracle Support.
Oracle Reference: 19211236

Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C) 9

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

Application Error Displayed When Only One Cloud Storage

Connection Entry Exists in the Configure External Storage
Option After Upgrade
The Manage Cloud Storage UI in BICC displays an error when there is only one Cloud Storage
entry set up in the application.
Create a duplicate entry of the Storage Connection or add another entry in the Storage
Connection tab. Select the new entry and then navigate back to the first entry.
Oracle Reference: 28925524

Known Issues in Oracle Fusion Human Capital


Oracle Fusion Compensation

Access to Personally Identifiable Information Business

Objects was Removed from Compensation Transaction
Analysis Duty
Access to PII (Personally Identifiable Information) business objects was removed from the
Compensation Transaction Analysis duty with this release.
If access to these objects is needed, use the Workforce Confidential Reporting Data duty,
which is given to an HR Analyst.
Oracle Reference: 26404603, 28153228

10 Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C)

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues

The Total Compensation PDF is Not Generating

Information for the Second Work Relationship
The reason for this is that the access to PII (Personally Identifiable Information) business
objects was removed from the Compensation Transaction Analysis duty with the 18C release.
This impacts employees who had multiple work relationships during a statement period and:
• had multiple employer-specific statements for the statement period
• printable statements are configured to generate statements in the worker's local
• for each work relationship, the employee has a different local currency.
This will be fixed in update 19A. After receiving the fix, customers must regenerate the
statements of the affected employees.
Oracle Reference: 28225406

HCM Data Loader

Existing Payroll Interface Inbound Record and Electronic

Income Withholding Orders integrations may fail on
Existing Integrations using the Payroll Interface Inbound Record
(PayrollInterfaceInboundRecord.dat) object or Electronic Income Withholding Orders
(ElectronicIncomeWithholdingOrders.dat) object may fail on upgrade with this error:
The attribute StartDate contains an invalid date. The date must be in the format
YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS. (HRC-1035271).
Update the format of the StartDate attribute on child records to match that on the parent
The data type of this attribute has been corrected. Previously a string, the StartDate is now a
time stamp to match the parent record.
Oracle Reference: 28813523

Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C) 11

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Known Issues


Future-dated entry in HCM Atom feed is not available

When a future-dated action is performed, the entry does not appear in the HCM Atom feed until
the action becomes effective.
Starting in R13 (update 18C), future-dated Atom entries appear in their respective Atom
feeds after the future-dated actions become effective. This is the new default behavior. If you
want to consume future-dated events immediately then you need to adapt your Atom polling
implementation accordingly.
For instructions, see the document Controlled Availability (CA): Future-dated Atom Entries
(Doc ID 2447439.1) on My Oracle Support..
Oracle Reference: 27547847

12 Oracle HCM Cloud Release 13 (update 18C)

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