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Praxis Core Analysis

Maria Roush

College of Southern Nevada


Praxis Core Analysis

In order to gain access to the Bachelor’s program at the school you choose, whether it’s

UNLV, UNR, or NSC, you are required to take and pass the Core Praxis including tests in

reading, writing, and math. In the state of Nevada, the passing scores for math are 150, reading

156, and writing 162. The importance of these tests is to ensure you have an overall

understanding of reading, writing, and math as a whole. Successfully passing all three sections

highlights the groundwork that has been laid not only in progressing at a good rate in your

classes but also in being able to enter into the Bachelor’s program.

I have always shown strength in reading and writing throughout junior high school, high

school, and even college and can say, without hesitation, that I was not nervous at all to take

these two sections. Math on the other hand is a completely different beast for me and I dreaded

this part the most. With my confidence being so high for two out of the three tests, I didn’t

prepare at all before sitting down to take the tests. For math, I briefly went into the link provided

for Kahn Academy as well as looked at notes from prior math classes (Math 95 and 120) which

did assist in me feeling a bit more at ease once I proceeded to take that test.

The scores I received did not go the way I thought they would prior to taking the tests.

The reading test produced the lowest of the three with a score of 59% indicating “needs

significant improvement” meaning I am not likely to pass without taking the time to prepare and

study. The writing portion was a step up from that of the reading test with a score of 69%

suggesting “needs improvement” which of course was just for the multiple-choice portion of the

test and tells me that, like with reading, I am not likely to pass if there isn’t a priority put on

preparation and studying. The most surprising of the three was the result of the math test which

were 70% showing that I am “borderline” to passing the test. On one hand the test results weren’t

what I expected with how strongly I felt beforehand with reading and writing and how uneasy

and unsure I was about the math test. However, on the other hand, with not preparing at all for

reading and writing it should be no surprise the results were as bad as they were and with the

little bit of studying done for math the grade was slightly better.

Being able to take the practice tests clearly showed not only where improvement is

needed, but the lengths in which I have to go in order to feel confident before and during the test

and to likely pass on the first try. In addition to the free resources available with the writing

center provided by CSN and the links available, I plan to take a Praxis prep class with an

emphasis on the reading and writing portions. As far as math, I have a tutor I work closely with

and would utilize their services to prepare for the math test.

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