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The athlete had been badly injured during play; although a nurse applied a cold press to the affected
area, his ankle immediately began to_____
• Swell
• Cool
• Diminish
• Relapse
2. “A drop in the bucket” means
• A very small amount.
• Under control
• Part of a large problem.
3. If something costs “an arm and a leg,” it
• Is a very expensive
• Would be harmful to buy
• Is unfairly priced.
4. Choose the best synonym for each word.
• Necessary
• Simple
• Irregular
• Valuable
5. The front desk clerk______ works at that hotel is very helpful
• Who
• Whom
6. If you can´t face yourself, you
• Feel ashamed
• Try to make an excuse for what you´ve done.
• Can´t deny what you´ve done.
7. The sales representative_____ you are going to call speaks English
• Who
• Whom
8. Read the article. Then choose TRUE or FALSE for each statement
Honest man returns $9,000 cash
If it seems that you only read bad news in the newspaper these days, then you'll enjoy this story, Jason
Baxter was driving home last week when he saw a book lying in the road. He didn't know who the book
belonged to, but he thought, "If that were mine, i'd want someone to return it to me."so he stopped and
picked it up. it was an appointment book. Baxter opened one pocket and found what he was looking for
identification - so he could return it to its owner. then he looked in another pocket and found $9,000 in
cash. For some people, this would be a moral dilemma, but not for Baxter. When he got home, he called
the police and told them about the appointment book with the cash in it. "That´s just the right thing to
do." Baxtersald. The police returned the book to its owner, Karrie Jo Blakston, Ms. Blakston sald the sad
all of that money with her to pay for her wedding. She had put the appointment book on top of her car as
she was getting in. But she was thinking about other things, and she forgot about the appointment book.
As she drove away, the book fell off her car.
Ms. Blakston was extremely happy to have the money back. But she was even happier to know that there
are still good, honest people in the world.
The appointment book contained the owner´s identification.
• True
• False
9. Choose the sentences that matches each picture.
• The left bulb isn't as bright as the right one.
• The left bulb is just as bright as the right one.
• The left bulb is almost as bright as the right one.
10. Choose the best synonym for each word.
• Exit
• Reproach
• Apply
• Help
11. The elderly professor was often seen sitting in contemplation. I imagine he was _____ his long
academic career.
• Engaging in
• Defending
• Reflecting on
• Reliving
12. After looking at the map, Jesse_____ that we should continue heading east. I _____ with him, and
started in that direction
• Concluded.. differed
• Assumed.. Concurred
• Deduced.. Disagreed
• Surmised.. Agreed
13. ____ the fox is typically able to withstand heavy writters, it ____ falls victim to famine and
• If… Never
• While… sometimes
• Although… usually
• Ever though… normally
14. Choose the best synonym for each word.
• Pronounce
• Determine
• Support
• Deny
15. You won´t be back in time for dinner,____?
• Won´t your
• Will be you
• Can you
• Will you
16. Choose the best title for this paragraph.
Take the opportunity to expand your social circle. Everyone has different interests, so don´t expert your
mates to be into the same things you are. Give them a break for a while, join a club and get to know people
with the same interests as you. You can never have too many friends.
• Meet likeminded people
• Why it´s so hard
• Get creative
• Make a difference
17. I´ll make an appointment, means
• Arrange a time to come
• Right away
• Point out
• Causing a lot of pain
18. To “put yourself in someone else´s shoes” means you
• Do what someone else does.
• Do what someone else is supposed to do.
• Try to imagine what a situation is like for someone else.
19. She knew the medicine would taste terrible, ____ in order to be cured, she had to take it.
• And
• Although
• So
• But
20. Choose the best title for this paragraph.
Think about what you want to achieve in your free time. Do you want to get fit, get creative or simply
relax? Don´t worry about what you ought to be doing, just think about what will make you feel more
• Why it´s so hard.
• Set a date
• Change your life
• Establish your goals.
21. You´re not from around here, _____?
• Have you
• Are you
• Aren’t you
• Had you
22. When the value of an asset ____ the owner of that asset____ .
• Appreciates… gains popularity
• Decreases… incurs a loss
• Depreciates… becomes enraged
• Increases… becomes poor.
23. Choose the best synonym for each word.
• Expensive
• Tired
• Dirty
• Angry
24. Read the article. Then choose TRUE or FALSE for each statement
Honest man returns $9,000 cash
If it seems that you only read bad news in the newspaper these days, then you'll enjoy this story. Jason
Baxter was driving home last week when he saw a book lying in the road. He didn't know who the book
belonged to, but he thought, "If that were mine, i'd want someone to return it to me." So he stopped and
picked it up. it was an appointment book. Baxter opened one pocket and found what he was looking for
identification - so he could return it to its owner. Then he looked in another pocket and found $9,000 in
cash. For some people, this would be a moral dilemma, but not for Baxter. When he got home, he called
the police and told them about the appointment book with the cash in it. "That´s just the right thing to
do." Baxter said. The police returned the book to its owner, Karrie Jo Blakston, Ms. Blakston said the had
all of that money with her to pay for her wedding. She had put the appointment book on top of her car as
she was getting in. But she was thinking about other things, and she forgot about the appointment book.
As she drove away, the book fell off her car.
Ms. Blakston was extremely happy to have the money back. But she was even happier to know that there
are still good, honest people in the world.
The money was Ms. Blakston´s.
• True
• False
25. Read each group of words. Choose the one word or phrase that does NOT belong.
• Try new foods.
• Go sightseeing
• Surf the web
• Take pictures
26. Do ____ of you have any money I can borrow?
• Either
• Both
• Neither
27. In order to ____ his reign, the king had all of his competitors ____.
• Maintain … knighted
• Solidify … promoted
• Cancel … killed
• Extend … eliminated
28. Read the article. Then choose TRUE or FALSE for each statement
Honest man returns $9,000 cash
If it seems that you only read bad news in the newspaper these days, then you'll enjoy this story. Jason
Baxter was driving home last week when he saw a book lying in the road. He didn't know who the book
belonged to, but he thought, "If that were mine, i'd want someone to return it to me." So he stopped and
picked it up. it was an appointment book. Baxter opened one pocket and found what he was looking for
entification - so he could return it to its owner. Then he looked in another pocket and found $9,000 in
cash. For some people, this would be a moral dilemma, but not for Baxter. When he got home, he called
the police and told them about the appointment book with the cash in it. "That´s just the right thing to
do." Baxter said. The police returned the book to its owner, Karrie Jo Blakston, Ms. Blakston said the had
all of that money with her to pay for her wedding. She had put the appointment book on top of her car as
she was getting in. But she was thinking about other things, and she forgot about the appointment book.
As she drove away, the book fell off her car.
Ms. Blakston was extremely happy to have the money back. But she was even happier to know that there
are still good, honest people in the world.
Baxter took the money to Ms. Blakston
• True
• False
29. Choose the best title for this paragraph.
Make sure you get things done on time. Don´t waste your customer´s valuable time by making them wait for
service. Giving customers what they want now is key of your success, and it should be at the top of your to do
list. The business that goes the job done efficiently and fast is the one that customers will come back to.
• Always try be helpful
• Stand by your products and services
• Don´t procrastinated.
• Be really reliable.
30. I hope ____ some positive changes in my life, and I would like ____ right way.
• Making … to start
• Make … start
• Makes … starts
• To make … to start
31. They haven´t been here since yesterday, ____?
• Have they
• Has they
• Are you
• Have you
32. The man ____ I met on the plane has invited us to lunch.
• Who
• Whom
33. Read the article. Then choose TRUE or FALSE for each statement
Honest man returns $9,000 cash
If it seems that you only read bad news in the newspaper these days, then you'll enjoy this story. Jason
Baxter was driving home last week when he saw a book lying in the road. He didn't know who the book
belonged to, but he thought, "If that were mine, i'd want someone to return it to me." So he stopped and
picked it up. it was an appointment book. Baxter opened one pocket and found what he was looking for
entification - so he could return it to its owner. Then he looked in another pocket and found $9,000 in
cash. For some people, this would be a moral dilemma, but not for Baxter. When he got home, he called
the police and told them about the appointment book with the cash in it. "That´s just the right thing to
do." Baxter said. The police returned the book to its owner, Karrie Jo Blakston, Ms. Blakston said the had
all of that money with her to pay for her wedding. She had put the appointment book on top of her car as
she was getting in. But she was thinking about other things, and she forgot about the appointment book.
As she drove away, the book fell off her car.
Ms. Blakston was extremely happy to have the money back. But she was even happier to know that there
are still good, honest people in the world.
Baxter had a moral dilemma about whether or not to return the money
• True
• False
34. I have observed that a lot of people enjoy ____ about the political situation, but they don´t like ____
anything about it.
• To complain … to do
• Complain … doing/ to do
• To complain … doing
• Complaining … to do /doing
35. Choose the best title for this paragraph.
But don´t go overboard. Many people worry too much about their free time activities. They want to do
things that will impress their friends, look good on their resumes or help them get a better job. But free
time isn´t about that. It is about doing an activity for enjoyment´s sake, so don´t let outside pressures
influence your choice.
• Set a date
• Do what you want
• Plan ahead
• Make a difference
36. Choose the best title for this paragraph.
Studies say that people nowadays have more free time than ever before. Then why doesn´t it feel that
way? These days, our free time is usually spent watching television, using computers or communicating
on our phones. Images and information are constantly flashing into our brains, so it´s no wonder we don´t
feel as if we have really switched off. To really wind down and help us regain our energy levels, it is
important to use our free time wisely.
• Establish your goals
• Get creative
• Why it´s so hard
• Make a difference
37. Choose the best title for this paragraph.
In many free time activities, we take the role of consumer. When we watch TV, play videogames or read,
we are only passively involved. Take on the role of producer for a change. Build a model, write a blog or
make an animation film. You will use a different part of your brains and will feel more energized as a result.
• Make a difference
• Get creative
• Establish your goals
• Change your life.
38. I don´t mind ____ late sometimes. It´s not a problem.
• Work
• Working
• Works
• To work
39. Choose the best synonym for each word.
• Simple
• Ponderous
• Tender
• Nefarious
40. I´m very satisfied with the dentist ____ you´re recommended.
• Who
• Whom

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