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Customs This project was made possible by a collaboration

If being hosted by an Eritrean, and they between the University of Iowa College of Nursing
offer food it is rude for guest to reject it and and the Early Childhood Department of Northwest
even should be eaten if not hungry. Eritrean
Are Education Agency in Sioux City, Iowa.
Early Childhood/Special Education Nurses: Jennifer
families often eat off of one platter.
Mars, Judy Turner, Sheila Finch
Families expect schools to teach their University of Iowa, College of Nursing Lecturer:
children everything, even discipline and Carol Dupic
Students: Sara Pohlen, Jenny Tran, Laura Binnebose

Drugs are frowned upon. Children may
often hide their drug use from their parents.

Alcohol is used on special occasions by the



Cooper, D., & Underwood, A. (2010).
Eritrean cultural profile. Retrieved from
[A Christian Eritrean woman in traditional scarf and cloths.]
Fau, V. (2012). Children of Eritrea: realizing

children’s right is Eritrea. Humanium.
Retrieved from
Religious Practices
Churches are seen as a place to socialize for u-Ha/Eritrean-Americans.html
the community and is a way to bring the
Ockerstrom, L. Eritrean Americans. Northwest Area Education Agency does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color,
Eritrean people together. Eritreans are often Countries and their Cultures. Retrieved religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity,
Christians or Muslims. How one dresses can from disability, veteran status or as otherwise prohibited by law in its educational programs, services and employment practices. Questions or grievances related to this policy may be addressed to:
give insight to one’s religion. Muslim Jerome Shaefer, Equity Coordinator, 1520 Morningside Ave., Sioux City, IA 51106-1716,
women wear scarves covering their entire u-Ha/Eritrean-Americans.html
head and Christian women wrap a scarf
around their head. However, women do not
always wear the scarves.
Family Structure
Who are the Eritreans? The culture holds traditional family and
gender roles as the women traditionally
Background take care of the house chores and cooking
while the men work. Due to immigration
The Eritreans are people who have
both men and women are working outside
immigrated to the United States due to civil
the home and sharing the household tasks.
war. The war is causing lack of opportunity
for the people to make a good living in their It is preferred that Eritreans marry other
country. Starting in the 1980’s, the Eritreans Eritreans, and 18 years of age is a common
started immigrating to the US to create a age for marriage. Arranged marriages are
home; some people did this without common with the culture and divorce is not
knowing anyone and others came over with Health
acceptable. Homosexuality is not accepted
family or friends. in the culture. If a person is Muslim the Being overweight is thought to be attractive
men can have up to seven wives and if so education is needed on health, exercise,
Eritrean’s native language is Tigrinya. Most
Christian the man will only have one wife. and eating habits. It is common for Eritreans
under the age of 50 will speak some English
to have obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol
in the US. It is important to remember even Frequently Eritreans will stay together as a and high blood pressure are common.
though one may speak English an community. The elderly family members
interpreter should be used when explaining are often cared for by their children in their If an Eritrean has a life-threatening illness
technical medical information. home. If family is left behind in Eritrea, it is the family would like to be the ones to tell
also common practice to send money home the individual the news. It has been found
to help the extended family. that Eritreans do not take medications for
chronic illnesses such as cholesterol or
Birth control is often used for the Depression may be common especially for
practicality of having small families. When those who have just immigrated. Eritreans
giving birth the women often value natural often times do not understand the concept
birth with no intervention and only females of depression. Those with mental health
may attend the birth both at home or in the issues are often cared for by the family and
hospital. Women most often breastfeed the family is supportive of the individual.
Medical Practices
their child. A fat baby is believed to be a
Traditionally​: Eritreans use plants and native HIV and AIDS are a feared stigma and most
healthy baby.
remedies. Among the elderly population keep this diagnosis to oneself.
therapeutic burning is common. Male and The Eritrean culture does not approve of
female circumcisions are seen. teen dating and since that is common in the Death
US, some parents have a difficult time
Western medicine​ is used when here in the The mourning period may last 1-2 weeks
accepting that change. Sex education with
US, and if that is unsuccessful they may turn and the family is often gathered at a central
the topics of STDs, birth control, and female
to their traditional practices. It is sometimes location to accept condolences. It is not
circumcision is also being taught to the
found that they feel too much blood is being common for a spouse to remarry, unless
teens in the U S.
drawn. one has no children.

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