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1. Trust in WOM is higher than company’s advertisements

67 % agree if they don’t trust a product, they will stop buying it. (Edelman)
Another report says 81% of people rank trust as a deciding factor.
92% people trust recommendations from friends and family ( Nielson) and 82% seeks
recommendations from friends and family.
( 91% of 18-34 trust personal recommendations as much as online reviews) and ( 78%
consumers trust online reviews as personal recommendations)
63% trust influencers more than ads

2. Online reviews are less trustworthy than we think

Reviews are subjective. People writing reviews are of different ages, buy unusual sizes, could
be married or single so their reviews might not match our thinking.
Only 1.5%(15 out of 1000) people write reviews. So it is hard to rely on them

According to 2 people from Harvard and Boston university, they analyse reviews on Yelp. 16%
extreme reviews are filtered either favourable or unfavourable
When restaurants face increased competition, they put fake reviews. If their reputation is weak
then also they put fake reviews.

3. Trust in social media is low

It was 39% in 2012, 31% in 2016 and now 28% in 2018

80% of all tweets come from 10% of the tweeters and rest 20% tweets come from 90% of the

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