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Student Name: Dasiah Byrd  

Date:   01/21/2019

Artifact Description: Truss bridge-Using lines or other shape tools to create an

accurate 2- dimensional drawing of a unique truss shape.

What you learned: Through this assignment I learned what a truss bridge even
is. Before today I had no idea what the name of that style of bridge was
although I do believe I’ve seen one once before. I found the assignment itself to
be a pretty simple task based off of the straight lines. It was pretty much like
connect the dots in my eyes. I did however find myself trying to perfect the
lines and make sure everything was lined up accurately.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S

Addressed: Section 4 4a-Students know and use a deliberate design process for
generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving
authentic problems.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This project in my eyes would

be a perfect arts and crafts idea for a preschool classroom. It would allow the
children to work with their hands and actually see a picture come to life. This
activity allows the children to look at geometry in a fun way. An activity like
this can also lead up too many open-ended questions for the class to engage in
to get their minds thinking. Like why do you think they make the bridge this
way? This activity will help me in regard to just knowing how to work with the
lines. It would be perfect to create simple shapes for my students. I now know
with the lines on Microsoft you can pretty much do whatever type of layout you
need to.

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