Is There Any Relationship Between Human Body Weight and Urine Leukocytes?

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Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 72-74, July-September 2019

Is there any Relationship between Human Body Weight and Urine Leukocytes?
Muhammad Imran Qadir & Hafiz Shahid Hussain*
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

Article Received: 21 February 2019 Article Accepted: 15 July 2019 Article Published: 30 August 2019


The objective of this study was to correlate human body weight and urine leukocytes. A complete blood cell analysis also measures the leukocytes
level. In blood stream, if level of leukocytes is higher than normal it may an indication of infection. This infection may be in the bladder or in the
urethral tube that carries urine from bladder. In urine, leucocytes may be due to kidney stones, pelvis tumor and any other type of blockage in urinary
tract. Frequent urination, burning sensation and cloudy urine indicates leukocytes in urine. In this method, stick was dipped for few second in a
sample container and then compared with the chart given. Dipstick procedure was followed and tested for the urine leukocytes. Results were analyzed
by estimating the percentages of the samples. There were four different categories of body weights and also noted the readings accordingly. It was
concluded that there was no significant relationship between body weight and urine leukocytes.
Keywords: Leukocytes, White blood cells in urine, Body weight, Urine leukocytes.


A complete blood cell analysis also measures the leukocytes level. In blood stream, if level of leukocytes is higher
than normal it may an indication of infection. It is due the reason as WBC’s or leukocytes are the part of immune
system of body and they are invader of the disease and infection. In urinalysis, leukocytes presence appears. If the
level is high, then there may be an infection in the urinary tract.

This infection may be in the bladder or in the urethral tube that carries urine from bladder. Kidney infection also
appear, if there is any presence of leukocytes in urine. There are chances of bacterial infection to occur when we
hold the urine for a longer period of time before urinate to relieve ourselves. Holding urine for a longer period of
time, it can stretch the bladder. When the urine stays in the bladder for a longer time, chances of bacteria to replicate
are more and infection may occur.

In urine, leucocytes may be due to kidney stones, pelvis tumor and any other type of blockage in urinary tract.
Frequent urination, burning sensation and cloudy urine indicates leukocytes in urine. Body weight of human is
influenced by water content in cell. More than 70% constitutes our body. Banana shake is used to gain weight.
Doctor recommends an appetizer help to eat more and gain weight. There a lot of nutraceuticals available for the
body weight, if an individuals want. To become obese, eat more and take regular exercise. Carbohydrates
containing food eat daily and weight of a body is increase.

The objective of this study was to correlate human body weight and urine leukocytes.


Measurement of leukocytes in urine

The project was design to perform urinalysis. 100 people were tested for urinalysis. In this method, stick was
dipped for few second in a sample container and then compared with the chart given. Dipstick procedure was
followed and tested for the urine leukocytes.

72 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 72-74, July-September 2019


From these results, there was a greater percentage of patients who had negative leukocytes in their urine and their
weight was in the range of 50-60 kilograms. In male patients, it was recognized the results that urine leukocytes
presence was independent of weight of the patients.

Table 1: Relationship between body weight and urine leukocytes

Male(Weight in kilogram) Urine Leukocytes Positive Urine Leukocytes Negative

40-50 0% 2%

50-60 1% 11

60-70 1% 2%

70-80 0% 5%

In female, it was observed that females with weight 50-60 kilograms had more percentage with 29% that had
negative values while with the same weight range, only 8 percent have leukocytes in their urine. So we inferred that
there was no significant relationship with body weight.

Table 2: Relationship between body weight and urine leukocytes

Female(Weight in kilogram) Urine Leukocytes Positive Urine Leukocytes Negative

40-50 3% 22%

50-60 8% 29%

60-70 1% 11%

70-80 0% 4%


In this project, it was a questionnaire based study in which were the patients asked about their leukocytes in urine.
Urine samples were collected of the patients and meanwhile we measured the weight of the patients. Results were
analyzed by estimating the percentages of the samples. There were four different categories of body weights and
also noted the readings accordingly. In this way, it was acknowledged that there was not any relationship human
body weight and urine leukocytes.


It was concluded that there was no significant relationship between body weight and urine leukocytes.

73 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 72-74, July-September 2019


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