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Student Name: Dasiah Byrd

Date: 2/8/2020
Portfolio Artifact Description: Celebrity Gossip Newspaper: The use of small graphics
to illustrate stories, use of editing tools and your own editing skills to create a finished
What you learned: With the celebrity gossip newspaper assignment I learned more
about text wrapping. I actually like the way pictures look when they have the words
pertaining to the picture around them. This assignment also caused me to embrace my
inner creative again. To think of something that was gossip like but incorporate my
favorite tv stars was pretty fun. It also helped me with the columns, and being able to
place breaks/ lines in between information.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S
Addressed: Standard #3 3c: Students curate information from digital resources using
a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that
demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I definitely enjoyed the celebrity gossip
newspaper activity. It allowed a chance for a semi group project by having to utilize the
stories posted by my peers. I would definitely utilize this activity in the future, I would do
it as a group project. I enjoyed being able to add pictures to correlate the stories that
were provided.

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