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8 Questions with Gov.

Mike Huckabee GOP Candidates


The “Owe No” national debt
campaign created a fake candidate It’s the second act of Governor Jerry
to address one issue: the ever- Brown in the Governor’s office. What
growing national debt. PG. 2 can Californians expect from his
transition and third term? PG. 4

Looking at the top three contenders: The potential 2012 Presidential

Govs. Sarah Palin (AK), Mitt Romney Candidate sat down with the Daily
(MA), and Mike Huckabee (AR) and Dues to talk about his books, holidays
their battles to become the 45th and the 2012 election. PG. 6
President of the United States. PG. 3


See how San Joaquin Valley

Congressmen voted on the Rangel
Censure PG. 10
THE RECORD is an online publication of This issue of The Record is iPhone and
the Daily Dues, produced by Dues iPad downloadable via iBooks. To save,
Publications. open the PDF version of the magazine
and press “Open in iBooks.”
All Content is © The Daily Dues 2010.
Deficit Hawks create fake as POLITICO, MSNBC and the
Huffington Post. Their biggest
Pres. candidate for political
move was to promote an eye-
point catching 50-something man
His name is Hugh Jidette, and who looked Presidential.
he’s running for president.
There’s just one problem: he’s The name, Hugh Jidette, has it’s
Jidette doesn’t exist, he’s a own implications to the
political point for a deficit organization (it’s pronounced
reduction organization. Huge Debt).

The Peter G. Petersen The main point that Owe No is

HUGH JIDETTE Foundation created the pushing is increasing spending

candidate as a part of a new and lowering taxes will put
nationwide campaign to fight government on the breadline
increased borrowing and raising due to increasing debts. While
the national debt. Their primary the point is fiscally sound, the
way of displaying it is with their organization doesn’t provide an
new, yet fake, candidate for alternative (such as cutting
president. spending or increasing taxes).

The campaign, called Owe No, The Jidette campaign also

evolved in late November features a Twitter account with
following the 2010 Midterms ridiculous tweets about federal
when they sought out big media spending. The user name is
buys at political websites such @HughJidette.

Fake Candidate, Real Issue

Tweet From the Campaign:

“I firmly believe we should

not leave our debt to our
children. We should leave it
to our great-great-great His name is Hugh
Jidette and he’s
--@HughJidette running for President.
Just one problem:
He’s Fake.
FIELD NOTES: The 2012 Republican Presidential Field
With 2 years before the fire sends greater signals. Her an electric reception at the
starts burning, the GOP field is blunder on the Bush Doctrine Bakersfield Business
perpetually being coy about was huge in 2008, but an Conference in October that
prospective runs for the interview two years later could outdid Sarah Palin and can
Presidency. With Sarah Palin put it past her. In a newer connect with voters. In his
sending mixed signals and Mitt headline maker, Palin slammed preptime, Mitt’s going to have
Romney playing a lower-end John F. Kennedy for running to strategize on how to beat out
strategy, it’s all about posturingaway from his Catholicism in a Palin on issues and on
for the big run against Obama. 1960 speech about a personal personality (the latter may not
separation of church and state be very difficult). He spent a lot
Sarah Palin: Palin has become the as President of the United of money getting his name out
media headliner for the GOP in States (a fear that plagued many in the open in 2008 and now he
2010. With the endorsement Americans in 1960, and plagued should be able to capitalize on
game locked down, her nod for voters in 2008 in regards to Mitt that.
candidates meant success in Romney).
the GOP House races. Despite UPSIDE:  Romney could pick
this, Palin does have her HEADLINE: SarahPAC is facing up numerous McCain delegates
unfavorables. Looking at serious scrutiny after one of its from the West (especially
prospective polling, Palin will contributions to Joshua Livestro, California, where the Tea Party
have to work on her favorability Dutch Conservative journo, is is not as strong as other states)
in states that are important for raising eyebrows about Palin’s and moving in on the
the GOP nomination but less plans to run in 2012. The Northeast.
important in the General contributions center around
Election. Livestro’s advising on the DOWNSIDE: Romney is going
European Debt Crisis. The Dutch to have to answer to
UPSIDE: Big name, big race and journalist hid his work with Palin RomneyCare in many states he
only a Mama Bear can take hold under a shell company in the took in 2008 and in states he
of the country. With 2010 US, begging the question: why wants to win in 2012. Likewise,
momentum on her side, Palin hide? SarahPAC hasn’t Romney will have to avoid or
made a huge splash across the answered calls regarding pivot from a potential gaffe on
country. Even bigger is her new Livestro’s work as all eyes are Mormonism in order to keep his
book tour which softens up on Palin’s Iowa book tour. More message on the issues.
Going Rogue as she does some at Mother Jones
pre-campaign campaigning. SOCIAL MEDIA COUNT: 21,088
Palin’s new show Sarah Palin’s SOCIAL MEDIA COUNT: Twitter Followers, 707, 716 Fans on
Alaska brings to light a 1970s 309,513 Twitter Followers, 2,461,149 Facebook
reminiscence of Jimmy Carter’s Fans on Facebook
Killer Rabbit Attack. Mike Huckabee: The man who
Mitt Romney: As the most made headlines for grabbing
DOWNSIDE: Palin is still making presidential looking person in Iowa in 2008 is still very much
blunders across the country like the GOP field, Mitt Romney has in the ring of three. His best
not taking up an interview with to bring a stellar effort between goal is to get independents
Katie Couric. Unlike the 2010 and 2012. While Palin may away from Mitt Romney, a feat
Presidnet’s avoidance of FOX be the media darling (or not easily done. Huckabee’s
News, Palin’s effort to avoid a punching bag) Mitt Romney had appeal is to the vast
major broadcast news network
The foot in the door for the 2012 campaign is a nice long coast-to-coast book tour aimed at bring the topic of
conversation around the soon-to-be Presidential candidates. Sarah Palin has just started her “America by Heart”
tour with stops in Iowa and other big primary states. Romney ended his “No Apology” tour before the November 2
election and Mike Huckabee is underway with his “Can’t Wait Till Christmas”/”A Simple Christmas” tour in the East
and West Coasts.

conservative Tea Party base SOCIAL MEDIA COUNT: Republicans the House and a
that is backing Sarah Palin. Mitt 107,920 Twitter Followers, 508, 566 slim minority in the Senate.
Romney will take a chunk of the Facebook Fans
Republican establishment and Many news organizations using
many independent voters. Mike POLLING: The most effective the polling data make the claim
Huckabee will need to syphon polling for pre-2012 voting that Palin has a lock on the
off Tea Party and establishment comes from Quinnipac nomination. Not so. In the GOP
voters (nearly the impossible) to University. In it, voters give sectioned polling, 19% of
come into a good second place. Romney the White House over Republican respondents said
Obama, but GOP voters will that they would pick Sarah Palin
UPSIDE: He has some name give Palin the nomination. in a 2012 Primary held today.
identification and has a base of Ridiculous? We thought so. However, Romney scored 18%
supporters in the south and and Huckabee 17%.
midwest. When placed head-to-head
against Obama, Mitt Romney Naturally, all is not cut out for
DOWNSIDE: His name is edged out the 44th President Sarah Palin’s Republican
Huckabee (It’s never gotten very 45-44, Mike Huckabee would tie nomination victory. In fact, she
far) and he’s got to pull of the Obama and Palin would lose should be very fearful of these
impossible with voter types 40-48. The main maneuver numbers as Romney and
(uniting Tea Partiers and giving Romney the win is Huckabee are defeating or
establishment Republicans) in independents, who haven’t had holding the President
order to be in the running for a a favorability of Palin since (respectively) and she’s losing to
nomination grab. 2008. Romney would take the the President by an 8-point
independent swing of voters, margin.
the same voters who gave
Jerry Brown may have rejected a transition office, but transition is more important than
anything for the next Governor of California


Governor-Elect Jerry Brown. That’s the reality for ditching the transition office, the limo, the
the Republicans who dealt with the hitch in the Governor’s Mansion, the suits (OK, so maybe not
nationwide tidal wave of conservative values. The the suits) Brown demonstrates his ability to be
November General Election was a clear conservative on the budget. But in the end, these
demonstration of California exceptionalism in moves could easily be a facade for Brown’s in-
politics (though it is worth noting that Californians office plans when dealing with the State Budget.
really don’t like their own politicians anyway).
Top priority in the transition is the budget deficit.
With Jerry Brown taking Sacramento back, 28 With Arnold on his way out and an estimated $25
years since he left as Governor, California has to billion deficit on the way, Brown is going to have
expect a plan for the next four to eight years. For to work out spending cuts or voter-approved tax
Brown, his transition will be done in a calm, cool hikes. Luckily, for Brown, the leadership in the
and collected approach. That said, Brown Assembly and the Senate are willing to work with
doesn’t have a traditional transition team. him. Unlike Arnold, Speaker of the Assembly
John Perez has pushed for budget negotiations
In his campaign office in Oakland, Brown is with the currently powerless Gov-Elect.
working with former campaign volunteers to get
through appointments and an agenda that he If Brown wants to have a successful transition,
probably will have to kiss off. Brown’s reasoning he’ll want to have full disclosure on his methods
for not taking a K Street office for the transition:
for tackling the deficit (once he’s decided on
saving money. them). Out of the gate, a plan on the budget will
give Californians some confidence in their new
This is where Brown begins his journey to sway Chief Executive. I’d bet that he’s going to
fiscal conservatives towards him in four years. By damage many non-constitutional bureaucracies
During his 1974 Campaign to Now, in 2010, Jerry Brown returns to
become governor, the second in his the Governor’s Office to replace
family, Jerry Brown succeeded another former actor: Arnold
former actor and conservative Schwarzenegger to become the 39th
Ronald Reagan as Governor of Governor of California

before he touches organizations In a separate, yet somewhat IN RE: LT. GOV-ELECT

like the Prison System, who related topic, Brown may have
helped him valiantly triumph to address illegal immigration Let’s put it this way, the Lt.
over Whitman. within his first two years in Governor doesn’t do much in
office. After the Supreme Court the public eye. He is very much
In relation to the budget, ruled that illegal immigrants the Vice President of State
Brown’s team will have to could get in-state tuition to Politics. He stays in
address widespread state universities, Democrats Washington, does some light
unemployment (especially in the might raise a pathway to campaigning, but doesn’t get
Central Valley) and how best to citizenship plan. Likewise, notoriety outside of the SacBee
attract private industries to Republicans will stick to border and his hometown newspaper.
California. enforcement with the California
National Guard. So, what will Jerry Brown and
SIDENOTE: I’d like to think that Gavin Newsom do as the two of
Jerry would continue the Meg Whitman could have been the highest executives in the
“There’s always room at the top” called dedicted to one issue state? Your guess is as good as
ads with him skiing). throughout the campaign. That mine. It would be nice to see
issue was education. Brown the Lt. Gov get outside of the
One thing that Republicans was able to grab the youth vote Capitol Building and address
don’t have to worry about, for in this election because many of the electorate on real issues.
now, is judicial appointments. the youth in the public university Between now and January,
Brown will be lucky to get system were fed up with the Californians will hopefully have
Deukmejian’s two appointments CSU/UC’s ongoing tuition hikes. a better picture of what to
to the High Court in the next expect from Jerry Brown and
four years. If Brown wants the youth, Gavin Newsom as a team.
education will have to be a
priority sometime in this term.
The Former Gov. of Arkansas talked to the Daily
Dues about his books (A Simple Christmas and
Can’t Wait Till Christmas) along with some
political talk and a potential 2012 bid for the White


Possibly testing out the waters for a 2012 Alex: What inspired you to write A Simple
Presidential run, former Governor of Arkansas Christmas?
and 2008 Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee
is on a nationwide book tour to promote his two Huckabee: My publisher called and asked me to
Christmas-themed books A Simple Christmas do a book on Christmas. I wrote it and found it to
and Can’t Wait Till Christmas. be very therapeutic. I’ve written eight other books
and this, by far, is my favorite. When I met people
Huckabee’s tour, which is being run at the same promoting this book, we  didn’t talk about the
time as Former Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin’s stories in my book; most of the time it was their
America by Heart Book Tour, has provided personal stories of Christmas.
Huckabee the opportunity to speak at the Nixon
and Reagan Presidential Libraries while Alex: As many people who have read A Simple
promoting his two bestselling books. Christmas can attest, Can’t Wait Till
Christmas is a shortened, yet powerful
Along with these two books, Gov. Huckabee
extension of your full length book. Why did
hosts the Huckabee Report, a radio show, and
you decide to write the Children’s Book?
‘Huckabee’ on Fox News Channel.

Huckabee made a stop in Fresno, where the Alex Continued on Next Page
Tavlian got a chance to talk to him about a range
of topics:
Huckabee: When A Simple Christmas came out social media in your work on TV, writing and
last year, the response was very strong. I wanted politicking?
to give parents a way to provide a real story that
has a message, not a screaming message, but a Huckabee: Social media, especially Twitter and
message that goes beyond the give gifts and get Facebook, are a big part of what I do. It allows
gifts idea. The lesson that children, when readingme to communicate with people who are
this book, is that patience is a virtue and that interested in what I have to say; easily the
Christmas is about relationships and trust. greatest way to communicate. I started using
social networking in my 2008 Presidential
Alex: Do you believe that Christmas today has campaign; that campaign was almost entirely
become devalued as a religious holiday and is internet-based.
becoming a Hallmark holiday?
Alex: I received ten questions from readers
Huckabee: That’s exactly what’s happened. asking the same thing and it’s the elephant in
People are afraid to even say “Merry Christmas” the room: this book tour, and your lecture at
now they say “Happy Holidays,” “Season’s the Nixon Library, has everyone convinced
Greetings” or something like that. that this is a barometer for a 2012 Presidential
bid. With two years to go, what does 2012
Alex: While Thanksgiving has just passed, have in store for you?
what are you thankful for this year?
Huckabee: I don’t know yet if I’ll be making a run
Huckabee: I’m thankful for a healthy family, for for the White House in two years. I am not ruling
employment in multiple areas (TV, radio and [a Presidential bid] out at this time. The book tour
writing). Along with that, I’m thankful for being also isn’t the singular gauge that will make my
born and being American. decision. I’m trying to see people’s response to
me; whether they want me to run or if they want
Alex: You’ve gone from Pastor to Politician to me to stay on TV and radio.
Media Commentator and Writer, what have
you learned along the way? Alex: Brice Austin from Fresno asks: While
health care costs skyrocket and the Federal
Huckabee: I’ve learned that everyone has value solution doesn’t seem to address the problem,
and no one is boring. From the mailman to the
what is your solution to Health Care and how
TSA agent at the scanners, every person has
does it differ from the President?
Huckabee: Reform, primarily, is not in health
Alex: Here at the Daily Dues, we’re huge fans
care; it’s about health. To reform our health care
of Twitter and Facebook. What impact has
system, we have to engage in preventative health
care rather than curative care.
Valley Congressmen vote on Rangel censure
THE DELEGATION As Charles Rangel joins a list of Congressmen censured by the House of
Representatives, where did the Valley’s delegation vote?

While Rep. Charles Rangel was There has been little indication
censured last week, many of how Congressman-Elect Jeff
people want to know who voted Denham would have voted had
for, and against, Rangel’s the censure vote come in the
Congressional censure. next Congress.

Here in the Central Valley, Another piece of interesting

Congressmen Dennis Cardoza information: only 10 California
(D, CA-18), George Radanovich Democrats voted against the
(R, CA-19), Jim Costa (D, censure. Of them was Rep.
CA-20), Devin Nunes (R, CA-21) Maxine Waters (also under
and Kevin McCarthy (R, CA-22) investigation by House Ethics
all voted for the Rangel censure. Committee for ethics violations).

These five Congressmen Vote Source: The Los Angeles

contributed to the 333 members Times.
of Congress who voted to
censure the Harlem Democrat.

From the Valley to Harlem

There was a consensus
among Valley Congressmen
in the Rangel censure. From
Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) to
prospective House Majority
Whip Kevin McCarthy Charles
(CA-22), all of the
Congressmen voted for the Rangel
Rangel Censure, the first censured in
censure of the 21st Century. December.
It’s What We’re
Made Of.

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