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Student Name: Dasiah Byrd

Date: 2/16/2020

Portfolio Artifact Description: Who’s on first database: Utilize google forms to

create a database, and use google images to upload pictures.

What you learned: The who’s your database assignment was a great learning tool.
It allowed me to learn how to pretty much create a quiz for my students. I’ve
personally never have created my own multiple choice quiz until this assignment. I
have always known google to be a go to source for multiple things this is just one
more thing that I can add to the list. I also found it very neat that if formulates a
spreadsheet with dates and times the answers were submitted.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S

Addressed: Standard #4 4c: Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of
a cyclical design process.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: Through this assignment I learned a
tool that I will definitely be able to use in the future. It gives me the opportunity to
do multiple choice questions as well as short answers. This tool is something that I
would even consider for like a first grade class. This would be something I would
want the students to do individually. After completed they could send it to
classmates to get their responses.

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