Is There Any Connection Between Depression and Urine Glucose?

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Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 55-57, October-December 2019

Is There Any Connection Between Depression And Urine Glucose?

Muhammad Imran Qadir, Asma Zia Muhammad Hanif & Shujaat Hussain*
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan.

Article Received: 19 June 2019 Article Accepted: 23 October 2019 Article Published: 04 December 2019


The objective of present study was to analyze the connection of depression with urine glucose level. Excretory product glucose check may be a fast
and easy checkup method for abnormally high levels of glucose in your excretory product. Despairing or depression for the most part named as
sadness is a run of the mill yet certified outlook issue. To be resolved to have wretchedness, the reactions must be accessible for some place around
fourteen days.
Keywords: Depression, Glucose.


Excretory product glucose check may be a fast and easy checkup method for abnormally high levels of glucose in
your excretory product. Glucose may be a variety of sugar that your body needs and uses for energy. Your body
converts the carbohydrates you get to glucose. Having an excessive amount of glucose in your body is a proof of a
unhealthiness. If you do not receive treatment and your glucose levels stay high, you'll develop serious
complications. Once you give your sample, a tiny low cardboard device referred to as a gage can live your glucose
levels. The gage can amendment color looking on the number of glucose in your excretory product. If you've got a
moderate or high quantity of glucose in your excretory product, your doctor can perform more testing to work out.
The most common reason for elevated glucose levels is polygenic disease, a condition that affects your body’s
ability to manage glucose levels. It’s vital to observe your glucose levels if you've got already been diagnosed with
polygenic disease, or if you show symptoms of prediabetes. Despairing (genuine troublesome strife or clinical
demoralization) for the most part named as sadness is a run of the mill yet certified outlook issue. To be resolved to
have wretchedness, the reactions must be accessible for some place around fourteen days. A couple of sorts of
distress are fairly unprecedented, or they may make under unique conditions, for instance, Tenacious oppressive
disturbance (furthermore called dysthymia) is a disheartened perspective that continues for something like two
years. The opinions of phenomenal sharpness, apprehension, and exhaustion that run with post birth uneasiness
may make it troublesome for these new mothers to complete step by step care practices for themselves just as for
their kids. Crazy wretchedness happens when an individual has genuine distress notwithstanding some kind of
psychosis, for instance, having maddening false fixed feelings (likes) or hearing or seeing irritating things that
others can't hear or see (mind flights). The crazy reactions regularly have a difficult "subject, for instance, likes of
fault, dejection, or ailment. Standard loaded with inclination issue is depicted by the start of despairing in the midst
of the winter months, when there is less typical sunlight. This despair generally lifts in the midst of spring and
summer. Winter discouragement, customarily joined by social withdrawal, extended rest, and weight gain,
normally reestablishes every year in intermittent brimming with inclination issue. Bipolar disarray isn't exactly
equivalent to distress, yet it is consolidated into this summary is in light of the fact that someone with bipolar
disturbance experiences scenes of low perspectives that meet the criteria for genuine wretchedness (called "bipolar
pity"). Be that as it may, a person with bipolar disturbance moreover experiences exceptional high – euphoric or

55 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 55-57, October-December 2019

bad tempered – attitudes called "frenzy" or a less outrageous structure called "hypomania." Instances of various
types of oppressive issue as of late added to the systematic gathering of DSM-5 join tricky demeanor dysregulation
issue (investigated in adolescents and young people) and premenstrual dysphoric disarray (PMDD). Signs and
Symptoms incorporate if, despite everything that you have been experiencing a part of the going with signs and
reactions a vast bit of the day, reliably, for no not exactly around fourteen days, you may encounter the evil impacts
of trouble: Diligent hopeless, fretful, or "void" outlook Sentiments of bitterness, or pessimism Crabbiness
Sentiments of fault, pointlessness, or lack of protection Loss of interest or satisfaction in preoccupations and
activities Diminished essentialness or shortcoming Moving or talking even more step by step.

The objective of present study was to analyze the connection of depression with urine glucose level.


We took consent from subjects weather we can check their urine samples. Urine samples were taken and analyzed
with the aid of strip test which analyzes contents of urine by color banding pattern. Strip was dipped in the urine and
the strip colors were matched with the colors on the strip container which shows the urine content levels according
to color. A total of 100 subjects took part in this research. Subjects were students of Bahauddin Zakariya University
Multan Pakistan.

The objective of present study was to analyze the connection of depression with urine glucose level.


Table1: Males (depressive and not depressive) urine glucose

-ive 50

Having depression 10% 1%

Not having depression 12% 1%

Table2: Females (depressive and not depressive) urine glucose

-ive 50

Having depression 27% 0

Not having depression 50% 1%

The persons having depression did not have glucose in urine while the minor persons were having glucose in their
urine as shown in tables. There is no recent research found on this while there are chances that urine analyses may
tell about despondency of a person.


Minor persons suffering from depression have urine glucose which may be due to other reasons.

56 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 55-57, October-December 2019


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57 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

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