Is There Relativity of Chicken Likeness With Presence of Protein in Urine?

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Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 69-71, October-December 2019

Is There Relativity of Chicken Likeness With Presence of Protein in Urine?

Muhammad Imran Qadir, Salma Batool & Riffat Malik*
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

Article Received: 21 June 2019 Article Accepted: 27 October 2019 Article Published: 04 December 2019


Normal and healthy kidney not get permit to remove the proteins from blood, but in some cases the proteins leak by the kidney and pass through the
urine. Chicken is a wild and domestic animal. Their first domestic purpose was not food but as a fighter. Wild type chicken can fly large distances
while domestic can fly but for the shorter distances. The objective of present study was to correlate between chicken likeness and urine protein. Most
of students took part in the current study and they were the under graduates of Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan. All the tools were
arranged by us that we used during the testing of glucose in urine. The glucose in urine test was performed by us. We concluded that there is no
specific relation between chicken likeness and urine protein.
Keywords: Chicken likeness, Urine protein.


Normal and healthy kidney not get permit to remove the proteins from them but in some cases the proteins leak by
the kidney and pass through the urine. This happens in a case when the filters of kidney get damaged because of
kidney disease. The body produces large quantity of the proteins which leads to a situation named as proteinuria.
Many of proteins can pass through the urine, one is albumin. The diseases of kidney do not have early significant
symptoms. They are only and early predicted by urine test. The presence of protein in urine is an alarming for the
individual because normal individual does not have protein in their urine test. In chronic kidney disease, protein
appears in the urine. There so many ways to retain the protein in the body. Plenty of fruits, legumes, grains and
vegetables should be eaten. Always use lean meat instead of red meat. Consumption of fish should be increased.
Avoid the take of salt. Do not drink soda water instead, drink more water. Avoid the use of fast food. Rely on fresh
and organic food. Many serious consequences are related to it such as bone disease, bone pain, fatigue in case of
anemia, dizziness and many more. The leakage can also be prevented by taking ACE inhibitors and tests of kidney
regularly. The normal protein level that should present is less than thirty milligram. If that is not the case means
your kidney is getting the infection. If the disease is so severe that treatment failed to repair it than that situation
called the failure of anything. Same is the case in kidney failure. The kidney failure or renal failure is the condition
in which one or both of the kidney damage cannot be reversed. The symptoms that related to it are bubbly looking
urine during toilet use, swelling in feet, hands, face and abdomen. Coffee has no significant adverse effect on
kidneys. If you drink three to four cup of coffee a day that does not mean your kidney is in risk of damaging. But
that is vice that try to avoid from the usage of too much cup of coffee. Presence of protein in child’s urine is
alarming which has some symptoms such as swelling in eyelids, legs and ankles. Protein urine test measures the
amount of protein in your urine.

Chicken is a wild and domestic animal. Their first domestic purpose was not food but as a fighter. It is the common
poultry all around the word. Too much use of chicken is barbaric for your health and planet. Some chicken also
trained for fighting purpose till now. We eat both male and female chicken. They both are equal for eating purpose.
Rooster is cock which is male and cockerel is younger chicken. The meat from cow, sheep and goat is called as a

69 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 69-71, October-December 2019

red meat while the meat that is obtained from the chicken is the white meat. Now research is conducting to find that
is laying eggs is painful or not? A lot of dishes are now available throughout the world. It’s impossible for us to
know all the dishes made by chicken. But some of them are butter chicken, chicken noodle soup, buldak, BBQ,
chicken tabaka, orange chicken, white cut chicken, adobo, chargha. But fried chicken has negative impact on health
as compared to boiled and cooked chicken. Chicken not only meant for meat but also for eggs. They both are rich in
protein. According to an estimate 172-gram chicken breast contains 54 grams of protein. It also contains 284
calories from fat. Chicken is carbohydrate free meat. Broilers are those which are especially raised for meat

The objective of present study was to correlate between chicken likeness and urine protein.


Measurement of Urine Protein

The presence of protein in urine was detected by the simple test. Sample container, strip, gloves are the materials of
the test. The samples of individuals were collected in a container. The sample bag was opened and dipped the strip
in the sample for 30 seconds, dried the strip and noted the color changes on the strip and compared them with the

Project Designing

Round of 100 students took part in the current study and they were the under graduates of Bahauddin Zakariya
University, Multan, Pakistan. All the tools were arranged by us that we used during the testing of glucose in urine.
The glucose in urine test was performed by us. The glucose urine strips were in sampling of each student.


Table 1. Relativity of chicken likeness with urine protein

Male Presence of urine protein Absence of urine protein

Chicken likeness 4% 13%

Chicken dis-likeness 0% 3%

This shows that the males with protein in urine are the chicken lovers.

Table2. Relativity of chicken likeness with urine protein

Female Presence of urine protein% Absence of urine protein%

Chicken likeness 13% 41%

Chicken dis-likeness 10% 16%

This represents that females who not contain the protein in urine are not chicken lovers.
70 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 69-71, October-December 2019


We concluded that there is no specific relation between chicken likeness and urine protein.


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71 | P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

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