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Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 01-04, January-March 2020

Study and Survey Analysis of Smart Blue Eyes Technology Device

M.Srimathidevi1, C.Jerlin Christina Grace2, N.Esakiammal Sivaranjani3, B.Nisharni4 & G.Jayaraman5
UG Scholar, 5Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India.
Email: srimathim1898@gmail.com1, shebadyni@gmail.com2, nsivaranjani01@gmail.com3,
durgaiamman10@gmail.com4, icon4jai@gmail.com5

Article Received: 09 November 2019 Article Accepted: 17 January 2020 Article Published: 01 February 2020


Blue Eyes is a technology, which aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory abilities like those of human beings. The
basic idea behind this technology is to give computer human power. For example, we can understand a person‟s emotional state by his facial
expressions. If we add these perceptual abilities to computers, we would enable them to work together with human beings as intimate partners. Blue
Eyes technology basically uses different types of sensors to identify physical as well as psychological actions and to extract key information. Then, it
is used to calculate the psychological, emotional, physical or any informational state of user. It aims at creating computational machines that have
perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings. This paper discusses the concept of blue eyes technology. The world of science cannot be
measured in terms of development and progress. It shows how far human mind can work and think. It has now reached to the technology known as
“Blue eyes technology” that can sense and control human emotions and feelings through gadgets. This paper implements a new technique known as
Emotion Sensory World of Blue eyes technology which identifies human emotions (sad. happy. excited or surprised) using image processing
techniques by extracting eye portion from the captured image which is then compared with stored images of database. After identifying mood the
songs will be played to make human emotion level normal.


The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even realise the physical and emotional
state. Imagine yourself in a world where humans interact with computers. It has the ability to gather information
about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. It can
even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presents, and starts
interacting with you. The devices are fixed with Bluetooth processors which provide wireless communication
between sensors and the central unit. Although, your personal
monitor that can perform any actions. It can understand our
emotions even when you touch the mouse. It does the verification
of your identity, also feels your presence, and starts interaction
with the user. For example, you have asked the computer to dial to
your home urgently. It than realize that the situation is very urgent
and with the help of mouse, dials at home, and make a connection. The blue eyes technology aims at creating
computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings. It uses non-obtrusive
sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and microphones to identify the user‟s actions through the
use of imparted. In the name of BLUE EYES Blue in this term stands for Blue tooth (which enables wireless
communication) and eyes because eye movement enables us to obtain a lot of interesting and information.


Blue eyes is to design and develop smarter devices by creating devices with help of emotional intelligence. To
make this possible it uses various sensing devices in order to evaluate the results. Eventually, creating
computational devices with perceptual sensing abilities that could sense human‟s behavior and can provide
physiological information.

1|P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 01-04, January-March 2020

The process of making computers with emotions so it can sense the behavior
is known to be as Affective Computing. The devices have to detect even the
smallest variations of our moods and actions. For example, user may click a
mouse swiftly or fast either in the happy mood or in the angry mood. This
system consists of a mobile measuring device and a central analytical
system. The mobile device is integrated with Bluetooth module providing
wireless interface between sensors worn by the operator and the central unit. ID cards assigned to each of the
operators and adequate user profiles on the central unit side provide necessary data personalization.

From the physiological data obtained from the user, an emotional state may be determined which would then be
related to the task the user is currently doing on the computer. Over a period of time, a user model will be built in
order to gain a sense of the user's personality. The scope of the project is to have the computer adapt to the user in
order to create a better working environment where the user is more productive.

It identifies emotional behaviour of humans just by moving the mouse or

touching the mouse or keyboard and the device started to react with the users.
This is done with the help of intelligent devices like Emotion Mouse.This
Emotion Mouse can detect emotions with just touching the mouse. The Emotion
Mouse is designed to analyze and identify the user‟s emotions such as sad,
happy, anger, eager etc. when the person is interacting with computer.


The blue eyes system furnishes technical means for monitoring and recording the operator‟s basic physiological
features. The complete industrial surroundings can make a danger of exposing the operator to toxic materials and
this can affect the person‟s cardiac system, circulatory system, and pulmonary system.

The blue eyes system checks all the above features against abnormalities like the low level of blood oxygenation or
the high pulse rate. The total system consists of two vital parts and they are Data Acquisition Unit (DAC), Central
System Unit (CSU).

Data Acquisition Unit (DAU)

The main use of DAU is to collect the physiological information from sensors and forward to the CSU for
processing and also verification purposes. The voice data is transmitted by using a tiny headset and the DAU
consists of many hardware modules. Data Acquisition Unit are to maintain Bluetooth connections to get
information from sensor and sending it to CSU.

Central System Unit (CSU)

The CSU mostly consists of voice information transmission and a wireless Bluetooth device. This CSU is
connected to a computer using USB wire, parallel and serial cable wire. It performs online data analysis, records
conclusion for further exploration and provides visualization interface.

2|P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:

Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)

(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 01-04, January-March 2020


This project provides a best useful way for user‟s by giving more strong and user friendly facilities in the world of
computing devices. Wireless communication is provided by Bluetooth whereas the eye movements gives us
important information and also tells us about interesting things. It is developed because of the need for real-time
monitoring system for a human operator. This approach is innovative since it helps to supervise the operator.These
new possibilities can cover areas such as industry, transportation, military command centres or operation theatres.
It may even reach our hand held mobile phones. More capabilities can be added to computers that will allow them
to interact like humans, recognize human presents, talk, listen, or even guess their feelings.


From this project in future it is possible to create a computer which can interact with us as we interact each other
with the use of blue eye technology. It seems to be a fiction, but it will be the
life lead by “BLUE EYES” in the very near future. The outcome involves that
all the future applications will be using blue eyes technology in order to make
our day to day life simpler and easier. Ordinary household devices such as
televisions, refrigerators, and ovens may be able to do their jobs when we look
at them and speak to them.

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3|P a g e ISSN (Online): 2582- 0974 Website:
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(Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 01-04, January-March 2020

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