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TOSHIBA No. 2B313-050E*B OPERATION MANUAL. FOR X-RAY GENERATOR - 150kV, 640MA - MODEL — KX0-15R (2B313-050E*B) TOSHIBA CORPORATION © TOSHIBA CORPORATION 1990 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No. 28313-050E4B REVISION RECORD [DATE |_bare_| PAGE __ | aPpucaste | oocuwer revsce] YEAR REASON wo. [pun Ram OW yautHor | CHANGED |S N was} "90 ; augs 3 Mr. Fujivara ™ sal +90 28 | wov. 9 Mr. Fujiwara | +3) 191 Dec. 10 Mr. Fujiwara 2 3. No. 28313-0508 CONTENTS Page GENERAL — 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Certificate of Component Compliance a SYSTEM COMPOSTTION 2 2.1. Standard Component Units 2 2.2 Optional Component Units 2 ‘SPECIFICATIONS — 3 3.1 Ratings and Duty Cycle 3 3.2 Automatic Exposure Control Function ---~ 3 3u3., System Accuracy 3 3.4 Accuracy of Back-up Required by DHHS Standard 3 OPERATING REQUIREMENTS 4 4.1 Power Requirements 4 4.2. Grounding Requirements ~ 4 4.3. Anbient Conditions 4 4.4 Installation Requirements 4 DESCRIPTION OF EACH PART OF THE SYSTEM ~ 6 5.1 X-ray Control 6 5.2 Other Operations 5.3. High-voltage Generator Model DG-15F OPERATING PROCEDURES ~- 6.1 Preparations Before Operation ~ 6.2 BUCKY Radiography 6.3. Tomography ~ CAUTION UPON SAFETY —— Jel Introduction 7.2 Maximum Permissible Dose 13 74 15 76 8, TROUBLESHOOTING 9, MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ~ 9.1 9.2 9.3 94 9.5 10. APPENDICES ~- No. 28313-0508 CONTENTS~ continued Owners’ Responsibility - Manufacturer's Responsibility Radiation Safety ~ Safety Equipment Operation uv Introduction ~ Maintenance Schedule -- Periodic System Maintenance corrective System Maintenance Procedures ~ User Service and Maintenance No. 28313-0508 GENERAL 1.1 Introduction ‘The KXO-15R is an X-ray generator provided with a two-tube control system which can be used to perform every type of radiography. This generator can perfor general radiography, Bucky radiography, and tomography, when in combination with Toshiba optional equipment. The features of this system are as follows. Features (1) User's program radiography (radiographic tube voltage, tube current, timer, ABC, density, field) can be performed in each radiographic technique. (2) The load and the anode heat storage of the X-ray tube are under continuous monitoring, ensuring safe operation, (3) The digital display is easy to read, and the sheet switches are operated with just a light touch. (4) ‘The compact design of the X-ray generator gives more free space in the operation room. (5) The phototimer has two channels for wafer-type fiber detector. 1.2 Certificate of Component Compliance This generator is in compliance with the Radiation Control for Health ‘and Safety Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-602, 42 U. S.C. 263b et seq) and Gil the regulations required in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Wo. 28313-0508 2, SYSTEM COMPOSITION 2.1 Standard Component Units (2) X-ray control (DC-15R) .. peel Hand awiteh « (2) Wigh-voltage generator (DG-15F) « (3) High-voltage switch (HRU-A) .. (an additional switch is required for the second tube.) 2.2 Optional Component Units (2) age unit : ST-O1A (2) Wigh-speed starter RS-200 No. 28313-050E*B 3. SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 Ratings and Duty Cycle (a) Ragiographic rating : 150 KV, 320 mA 100 kV, 500 mA 80 KV, 640 mA (2) Duty eyele (a) Radiographic duty cycle 1 sec. exposure time at 60-sec. intervals at maximum output rating. (3) Maximum Line current: 250 A at radiographic tube voltage 100 ky radiographic tube current 500 mA 3.2 Automatic Exposure Control Function (1) Exposure time : 1/120 seconds or less (2) weprodueibitity eV 5 0.045 (eV: Coefficient of variation) (3) Film density setting: Te film density setting can be changed in 9 steps including one for the standard density. 3.3 system Accuracy Appendix 5 describes the maximum possible deviation of X-ray technique qertors (wh, kV, and exposure time) from the indications provided by the generator controle during exposure. See the installation test Btocedures for the definition of the measurement basis upon which these Pretements are derived. The maximum deviation, formulated, includes the jenerator design, test instrunentation error (as specifically outlined), fn measurement reading error. 3.4 accuracy of Back-up Required by DHHS Standard (Q) Maximum product of mA and second 540 mAs in automatic exposure control aa 4.3 bl 28313-05088 OPEKATING KEQUIREMENTS Power Requirements oe Single-phase AC ———eeereeorrw——+ Nominal line voltage 200 V Power frequency 50/60 He Permissiple line voltage Within +10% fluctuation rate (at no load) Permissible line impedance (0.051 @ max. Rating of the fuse or 100 A max. cireuit breaker _Cireute preakee fe Reconmended capacity of the 50 kVA distribution transformer Grounaing Requirements Electrical grounding mst be provided in accordance with all applicable legal requirements for medically used electrical equipaent. Ambient Conditions Temperature 5° to 40re Humidity 30% to 85% RH Atmospheric pressure + 70 to 106 kPa Installation Requirenents po not install this system where it may be exposed t (1) Gorrosive gases (2) Steam (3) High humidity (4) Excessive aust (5) Excessive oil vapor () salt air (7) Explosive dust or geses No. 28313-0505 (8) Excessive vibration or shock (9) Floor with a slope of more than 10 degrees (40) Abnormal Line voltage Fluctuations QL) Direct sunlight Precautions: (a) Use a neutral detergent or soapy water to clean the cover of the operating panel of the X-ray control, Do not use the following chemicals which may damage the PVC cover: Acetone Alcohol Ethyl acetate Dissolve PVC Chloroform concentrated nitric acid concentrated hydrochloric acid Toluene Discolor PVC Sodium hydroxide (b) Do not place heavy objects on the cover. No. 28313-0508 5. DESCRIPTION OF EACH PART OF THE SYSTEM 5.1 X-ray Control (1) Status indicators TOSHIBA sen KXO-15R srs (2) Radiographic pale (3) Technique operation and operation and indicators indicators No, 28313-0508 (1) Status indicators <3> <5> <6>

<10> c1> ¢ 2963) ¢4> 652669672 69> <10> STANDBY indicator lamp: After the power is turned ON, this indicates when the system is ready for use. When the tube or the focus is changed, the light goes out for a few seconds. READY indicator lamp: Shows that preparation for radiography is completed. X-RAY indicator lamp: Shows that radiographic X-rays are being generated. Large-focus indicator Lamp: Indicates that the large focus of the X-ray tube is selected. Sual1-focus indicator lamp: Indicates that the small focus of the X-ray tube is selected. High speed starter indicator Lamp: Indicates that the high speed starter is selected. TUBE 1 indicator Lamp: Indicates that the first tube is selected. TUBE 2 indicator Lamp: Indicates that the second tube is selected. OVER LOAD indicator Lan; ‘This lights when the system settings exceed the system rating or Xeray tube rating. When the anode heat storage reaches 90%, this lamp blinks. BACKUP indicator lamp: ‘This Lights when the system is in an abnormal condition. Correct the condition according to section 8- <7 No. 28313-0508, {Buzzer} © When a BACKUP condition occurs, a continuous sound is emitted. © During radiographic X-ray exposure or after completion of Xray generation, a continuous sound is emitted. (Can be changed.) (2) Radiographic operation and indicators «12> <> RADIOGRAPHY ap «12> «13> «14> R-KV UP/DOWN keys: ‘The value can be set in steps of 2 kV by means of the up [4] and down [¥] keys. (40 to 150kV) Reh UP/DOWN keys: The following ten steps can be selected using the up [4] and down [¥] keys: (20, 50, 100, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640 mA) Radiographic time selector and indicator (mis/sec): ‘The following 24 steps can be selected using the up [4] and dows [¥] keys: (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0-18, 0.20, 0.25, 0-30, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 1.0, 115, 2.0, 3.0, 5-0, 9.9 sec) After X-ray generation, the actual exposure time is displayed for a few seconds. mAs display (mA x sec) can be selected at the time of installation. No. 28313-0508*8 Note that in areas where the power supply frequency is 60 Hz» there are differences between the displayed time and the actual times shown below. eceytze ga coee id eseesceconenda ovr | 0.008 1 pale 002 | 0.017 2 pulees ce 4 polees ovo | 0.042 5 pulses 0.05 | 0.050 6 pulses ows | 0.058 7 pales o.08 | 0.083 10 pulses onto | _ 0.100 12 pulses on | our 14 pulses ons [| _ ot 17 pulses os | 0.158 19 pulses ote | 0.183 22 pulaee ‘The maximum allowable mAs is 600 mis. <16>


15> 16> POWER switch: ‘The switch is set upward to turn ON the system. It has the function to interrupt the power supply in case of overload. Technique selector and display: ‘The tube and four techniques can be selected by means of the selector. The technique selected is displayed on the illuminated indicator. ID setting ke Q, 2, 3, 4) WR: To select the programmed radiographic conditions (KV, mA, sec DENSTIY FIELD), select one of the keys from 1 to 4. When the switch is pressed, the indicator lanp Lights and the pre-registered conditions are set at once. TE it is necessary to change one of the registered programs, press the [WR] key. Four ID setting keys are allocated to each of four techniques. For convenience, attach to the ID setting keys the ID sheets provided. X-ray pickup field selection keys: ‘These keys permit the selection of a desired X-ray pickup field when the optional solid-state timer "SOLIDET" is attached to the X-ray system. The selected field is indicated by the lanp inside the key. = 10 - 5.2 5.3 Wo. 28313-0508, Other Operations <19> Hand switch ‘This is provided with a [READY] switch and an [X-RAY] switch, Tt is used for radiography. High-voltage Generator Model DG-15F ‘This generator, containing 4 silicon rectifiers, 1 high voltage transformer, and 2 filament transformers, uses the full-vave rectification method for high voltage generation. A maximum of 2 X-ray tubes can be connected to this system. -u- 6. 61 6.2 No. 28313-0508 OPERATING PROCEDURES Preparations Before Operation Whenever any type of radiography is to be performed, first carry out the following preparations. (Q) Power supply Turn ON the breaker of the distribution board. After the nornal status is confirmed, set the POWER switch upward. Check that the STAND BY indicator lamp is lighted. (2) X-ray tube warm-up ‘An appropriate X-ray tube warm-up period before X-ray generation is necessary for the stable operation and long life of the X-ray tube. Perform warm-up according to the aging schedule specified for the X-ray tube used. BUCKY Radiography (2) Select BUCKY radiography or [@} using the technique selector. (a) Set the radiographic time (sec). (2) Set radiographic conditions. (b) Set the radiographic tube current (mA). (c) Set the radiographic tube voltage (kV). (a) Confirm that "OVER LOAD" display is not lighted on the STATUS indicator panel. If it is lighted, reduce mA and set "sec" for a longer time. (3) For Bucky radiography, consider the relationship between X-ray exposure time and the moving speed and moving time of the grid. If the exposure time selected is too short, or if the moving time of the grid is shorter than the X-ray exposure time, the grid cross-stripes will appear on the film. Adjust as required. (4) Perform radiography using the hand switch attached to the controller after the preparation of radiography is completed. -12- 63 No. 28313-0505 (5) Press the [READY] button first; the anode of the X-ray tube will rotate. X-ray exposure is possible after 0.8 sec to 1.1 sec (Note 1) and the "READY" display lamp lights. When the [X-RAY] button is pressed under these conditions, X-rays are generated at once and the My-RAY" display lamp Lights. The buzzer sounds for approx. 0.5 sec after the end of the exposure. Note ‘The acceleration of the anode rotation has been adjusted according to the characteristics of the X-ray tube used. Note 2: The radiographic conditions cannot be set while the [READY] and [X-RAY] buttons are being pressed. Hold down the [READY] and [X-RAY] buttons during the exposure; if the buttons are released before the exposure is completed, Reray generation is stopped at once. (6) Set the power switch downward and turn OFF the breaker on the distribution board after the completion of radiography. ‘Tomography (2) Set the required radiographic condition, Out of the radiographic conditions to be set, the exposure time (sec) must be longer than the tomographic time because the length of the tomographic time determines the exposure time. (3) Prepare the tomographic unit for operation. (4) After all the necessary preparations have been completed, perform the tomographic operation, Follow the same procedures for this operations as those described for Bucky radiography. -13- 1 Ma 13 No. 25313-050E*8 CAUTION UPON SAFETY Introduction one of the most important considerations in X-ray work is protection against the hazards of X-ray radiation. X-ray equipment properly used gees not pose any danger. However, careless or improper usage can be Gangerous. Therefore, it is essential that all service or operating personnel be properly informed of this. Those who operate this equipment must fully understand the problem themselves. They should sTecPbe thoroughly familiar with the characteristics of Xray radiation gna should become fully acquainted with the instructions in this manual pertaining to its proper use Maximum Permissible Dose Various studies on the effects of X-ray radiation have provided tie seeetion to establish the maxim permissible dose of X-ray foundation to eergeults of these studies have been used by the National seas oa Radiation Protection and the International Comittee on section protection in forming recommendations for the maxinun permissible dose (MPD). Perm eis. Secomendations can be interpreted to mean that the maximum me tucitie dose (HPD) to che most. critical organs, accumlates at any Pereira oe exceed 5 x 10-25v (5 reno) multiplied by the number of ynve bnyonaage-I6 and she dose sn any 13 conssoutive weeks shall net rears oem ctlsv {3 tens). Thus, for those involved in radiological works, accumulated MPD equals 5(N-18) x Lo~2sv {5(N-18) rems}, where N vores aecUa yeare ano ia greater than 18. For the hands, forearms, feet, and ankles of radiologists, the MPD is set at 75 x 1072sv {75 rems} a yerr- owners’ Kesponsibility the owner of the X-ray equipment unit assumes sole responsibility for radiation safety. He is also responsible for assuring that the Tadiation sourees under his control are used only by persons competent fe use them, and he mst provide such persons with proper instruction in jefe operating procedures and the rules of radiation safety. ua - PP “4 25 1 2501 Wo. 25313-0505" Manufacturer's Kesponsibility ‘Although this equipment incorporates protection against X-ray radiation other than the useful beam, practical design cannot provide complete protection. The design of the equipment does not compel the operator or his assistants to take adequate precautions, or prevent the possibility Of authorized or unauthorized persons carelessly, unwisely or unknowingly exposing themselves or others to direct or secondary radiation. Therefore, only authorized and properly trained persons should operate this equipment. ‘All persons authorized to use the equipment mst be avare of the danger Of excessive exposure to X-ray radiation. The equipment is sold with the understanding that the TOSHIBA COKPORATION, Medical Equipment Division, ite agents and representatives, neither assume nor accept any responsibility for any injury or danger which may result from exposure to X-ray radiation. Furthermore, TOSHIBA CORPORATION does not accept ‘any responsibility for over-exposure of patients or personnel to the Yorey radiation generated by this equipment due to poor operating techniques or procedures. Also, no responsibility will be assumed for any machine that has not been properly serviced and maintained in geeordence with the manufacturer's technical manual or which has been modified or tampered with in any way. Radiation Safety Radiation protection Since effects harmful to the health may be experienced by anyone exposed to an excessive amount of X-ray radiation, the greatest Coheideration should be given to protection against the direct primary beam from the X-ray tube. Some of these effects are cumilative and may extend over a period of months or years. The best safety rule for Xerey protection is to always stay out of the primary beam. any object in the path of the primary beam produces secondary or scattered radiation. The intensity of this scattered radiation Gepends upon the type and anount of the primary beam and the atomic husber of the objects or tissues struck by the primary beam. This Taciation may actually be of greater intensity than the image forming radiation reaching the film. Since this radiation is as potentially dangerous as the primary beam radiation, protective measures must be taken to safeguard against it. These protective measures may be carried out with lead shielding Gevices. Items such as movable lead screens as well as lead Smpregnated rubber gloves end aprons can be used to minimize possible Gangerous exposures. It is imperative that these devices have a lead thickness of at least 0.25 um or the equivalent, they should be used by those persons exposed to radiation fields of 12.9 x 107¢/ (kg+h) {3 mk/i} or more. During servicing or operating this equipment a person's unprotected hanas, wrists, arms, or other parts of the body Bhould never be exposed to the primary X-ray beam. se No. 28313-0508 7.5.2 Monitoring of personnel Monitoring of personnel provides a valuable crosscheck of the adequacy or radiation safety. It can aid in revealing inadequate or improper radiation protection practices, and potentially serious radiation exposure situation Adequate protection should be confirmed by measurement in rads. This measurement should be taken to determine that the X-ray radiation at ‘ny location does not exceed the accepted tolerance dose. A less accurate, but frequently used, means of confirming this protection is to place unexposed film at several strategic locations for a given period prior to film development. The use of fluorescent screens, After the eyes get used to the darkness, my also aid in locating inadequate protection areas. Another common method of radiation monitoring is the use of film badges ‘These devices consist of an X-ray sensitive film inserted into a badge which incorporates metal filters of varying degrees of X-ray transparency. Even though this device can only measure the radiation reaching the particular area of the body it is worn on, it Goes furnish a clue to the amount of radiation that is being received, All these measures are useless unless the rules of safety regarding X-ray protection are known and are rigidly followed. Refer to the following recomendations for specific safety requirements. Reconmendations Te is vitally important that everyone associated with X-ray work become fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Bureau of Standards, the National Council on Radiation Protection, and the International Committee on Radiation Protection. The control of diagnostic medical X-ray equipment varies in detail from state to state. However, in general, the recoumendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection based on the other authorities, are strictly adhered to. It is not practical to list all the relevant recommendations in this manual. However, prior to operation, all. personnel qualified and authorized to operate this apparatus should become familiar with and, where pertinent, conform to the established recommendations contained in the documents provided by the aformentioned authorities. The current sources of information are listed for reference. (2) National Couneil on Radiation Protection No. 33 (Medical X-ray and Gamma-ray Protection for Energies up to 10 MEV-equipment Design and Use) (2) National Bureau of Standards Handbook No. 76 (Medical X-ray Protection up to Three Million Volts). Refer to N.G.R.P. Report No. 33. (3) Current Recommendations of the International Committee on Radiation Protection. - 16 - No. 28313-0508 7.6 Safety Equipment Operation 7.641 7.6.2 Xray tube operation Cold X-ray tubes (such as those de-energized for 8 hours or more) ‘ould be pre-conditioned according to the tube manufacturer's instructions before making normal exposure. Generator operation (1) Structure of the X-ray examination room Lt is suggested that your X-ray examination room be provided with adequate X-ray shielding. This unit is designed to be moisture and dust proof, but since electrical insulation may deteriorate and metallic parts easily develop rust in humid locations, install the unit in a dry, well-ventilated place. (2) Complete grounding with a grounding resistance of 100 uit or less. Check the grounding resistance semi-annually. (3) 1€ an X-ray tube is overloaded, its target may melt or: loose vacuum, and the tube cannot be used. Avoid overloads and allow time for the tube to cool between exposures. (4) When this X-ray control is used in conjunction with « Bucky device, the Bucky device should be returned to the stop position when not used. (5) The electric shock-proof cable is flexible, but sharp bends in it should be avoided. (6) The X-ray tube filament is on and the rotating anode will continue to rotate as long as the [READY] button of the hand switch is kept pressed. Release the pushbutton to avoid unnecessary heating and rotation as soon as the exposure is terminated. (7) The equipment is dangerous to both patient and operator unle: the established safe exposure factors are observed. (8) The equipment should not be used in an explosive atmosphere. Giot for use in the presence of flammable anesthetics.) (9) Always keep the [LINE] of the X-ray control off unless radiography is needed. The Line switch of the main power supply box should ‘also be kept off when operations are not scheduled, for exemple, overnight. ac No. 28313-050E ‘TROUBLESHOOTING Im case of system trouble or failure, troubleshoot following the instructions given below and then turn OFF the power inediately. Finally, affix @ label stating "DO NOT OPERATE" onto the body of the systen and inform the TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS representative of the trouble or failure that has occurred. Contents of error Inspection and procedure During radiography, the BACKUP | Record the error code number and then indicator lights or any error | turn the power OFF. Determine code appears. whether the same error recurs after restoring power and performing the sane operation once again as a test. The error code is displayed on the film density indicator <14>. ane % 9.1 9.3 Wo, 28313-0508 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Introduction Wnen installing this equipment, a complete series of calibration and adjustment procedures are performed. In order to maintain this X-ray equipment in the proper condition a periodic maintenance progran must be established. It is the user's responsibility to supply or arrange for this service. ‘The initial installation calibration and checkout procedures for the Xeray tube are carried out by the assembler in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's instructions for the model in which the X-ray tube is to be used. The X-ray tube should be reinspected periodically for proper functioning and possible deterioration due to use. Maintenance Schedule ‘The schedule of periodic maintenance procedures described here shall be conducted for both the X-ray tube and generator system with the frequency listed below. First Servicing Second Servicing ~ - 6 months after installation L year after installation Note 1: All subsequent servicing shall be performed every 12 months thereafter. When a new X-ray tube is installed, repeat the first servicing. Note 2: Rechargeable batteries which back up C-MOS RAMs on the PWB, should be exchanged as follows. Rechargeable batteries ---------- every two years Periodic System Maintenance ‘The maintenance items are described in the Periodic Maintenance Data Record stated below for your information. When performing periodic maintenance, Preventive maintenance manual (No. 2¥313-003E), which are available from your TOSHIBA Medical SYSTEMS representative, are essential. CAUTION: ONLY TRAINED AND QUALIFIED PERSONNEL SHOULD BE ALLOWED ACCESS 10 TAB INTERNAL PARTS OF THE EQUIPMENT. BE SURE 70 OPEN THE LINE DISCONNECT SWITCH BEFORE REMOVING THE COVERS. ao 94 9.5 to. No, 28313-0508 Corrective System Maintenance Procedures ‘This generator was designed by giving reliability and ease of maintenance a foremost consideration. However, longevity of this equipment can be realized only through proper operation. Line voltage variations, aging of the X-ray tubes, and attempts to operate the equipment beyond the maximum limits of ite operational parameters will adversely affect its longevity. Note: Do not under any circumstances attempt to alter or modify the equipment since such action may invalidate the HHS certifications. User Service and Maintenance TOSHIBA X-ray equipment contains operating safeguards to provide maximum safety. Before calling for service, adopt the proper operating procedures and check this manual again. ‘The equipment should be cleaned frequently, particularly if corroding chemicals are present. On enameled metal and plastic surfaces and chrome plated trim, use a cloth moistened with warm water (with or without mild soap depending on the nature of contamination). Do not use strong cleaners or solvents as they will damage the finish. APPENDICES Appendix 1: Drawing of operation panel Appendix 2: Outline drawing of console Appendix 3: Outline drawing of high-voltage generator Appendix 4: Drawing of TD sheet Appendix 5: System accuracy so No. 28313-0508 youed uoyqezedo Jo BupMEaq 1 xrpuoddy [a a) fa) fa He et pe} ey fet CI 6 fe] le (ma) (eae) eee ee A AHdVEDOIOVE J Epp Heesoo | snuwis ysl-OxXn™ ai 850 306 28313-0508 700 300, Appendix 2 Outline drawing of console ea No. 28313-0508 540 CATHODE SIDE ol[o) . 7 cc ol & 5 © oy ANODE SIDE | 490 470 [emersoOnme| [eoere 701 (2-TUBE) (1-TUBE) Appendix 3 Outline drawing of high-voltage generator Se No. 28313-0502 TOSHIBA 1 VF Le de Le Le He THT Rs Be Be Be Be TP LT 2s 25 BF ms BY 25 24 24 (m2 RT ET aT RT Qe 2 BT Re Be SY & OT oe BF By & ay ee & Eves et fF be Eres f¢ ft he b oD Appendix 4 Drawing of ID sheet ee Ho. 28313-050E*B Appendix 5 System Accuracy (Design accuracy including test instrumentation error) 1, Radiographic Technique Factors a a a) mA Value Indication ‘The following are the maximum deviations from the indicated mA setting. The maximum deviation from the indicated mA setting is equal to: : ( 10 } 2 wv Value Tndication ‘he maximum deviation from the indicated kV setting is equal to: s( > je Exposure Time Value Indication ‘The maximum deviation from the indicated exposure time setting and following exposure in automatic exposure control is as follows. (a) From 0.01 to 0.20 second time range “[ ° } impute Note that in areas where the power supply frequency in 60 Hz, there are differences between the displayed time and the actual time as shown below. Displayed in 50 He area in 60 Bz area time (sec) Actual time Pulses Actual time Pulses (sec) (sec) 0.01 0.010 1 0.008 1 0.02 0.020 2 0.017 a 0.03 0.030 3 0.033 4 0.04 0.040 4 0.042 5 0.05 0.050 5 0-050 6 0.06 0.060 6 0.058 7 0.08 0.080 8 0.083 10 0.10 0.100 10 0-100 12 0.12 0.120 12 0.117 v9 ons 0.140 14 0.142 V7 o.16 0.160, 16 0.158 19 0.18 0.180 18. 0.183 22 0.20 0.200 20 0.200 2 ase 30 (p) From 0.25 to 9.9 second time range (5 je (c) Intomography, the exposure time is control timer and the accuracy is ¢I and (b) above. = 26 - No. 28313-U50E4B controlled by the X-ray he same as described in (a)

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