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Post Placement Learning Plan

2. a) Reread your AT’s feedback, including emails, notes, letter of concern (if applicable) and evaluation reports. Using your AT’s comments
as a guide, complete the table below in detail, listing strengths/areas for professional growth, regardless of whether you agree or not.
b) Once you have completed the table to reflect your AT’s comments, revisit the table below. Using a different colour, highlight the
Strengths/Areas for Professional Growth with which you agree. Reflect upon/add additional Strengths /Areas for Professional Growth
according to your own self-assessment of your teaching abilities. Give thought to the criteria you checked off in Appendix A.

My Strengths Areas for Professional Growth

-My patience with poor behavior/talkative -I need to improve on classroom
students management/to be more disciplinary
-My creativity with lessons to keep the -Create top down lesson plans
classroom interesting -Classroom organization: setting learning for
-My compassion which allows me to build the class to see daily/to organize lessons so
better and trusting relationships with students that they’re taught effectively (like my
-My initiative as my AT didn’t have to ask creative lessons require the classroom to be
me to do anything, I asked to do everything I set up a certain way)
did -To not be so dependent on my AT

How will you further develop your teaching skills? Focusing on your Areas for Professional Growth, as well as your Strengths, design your
PPLP. This PPLP should include specific goals, strategies for achieving your goals, and the supports you need for achieving your goals.
What is your ‘push’ factor? What knowledge/skills do you need to acquire to make you more effective as a classroom teacher? This PPLP
is to be submitted to your FA and you are required to meet with your FA to discuss your plan.


When I first started with the full time placement I struggled a lot with teaching the grade nine applied and academic classes. I lacked
confidence, I would easily freeze if I was faced with something I didn’t know or I was not prepared for and overall I was a bit
“mousy.” I leaned on my AT a lot to help me when I couldn’t continue a lesson or when there was disruptive behavior. Although I got
better with my confidence and adapting to changes by the end, I still had the issue of looking to my AT for classroom management
and organization of the way my lessons would be delivered. I also continued to have difficulty when it comes to addressing disruptive
behavior and that is due to this lack of ability to speak up about something that isn’t okay if I am not upset/annoyed/intolerant of it.
There is very little that children can do that would make me want to address it. I also feel hesitant to say anything to them because
they’re so fragile and I don’t know if telling them something they’re doing is wrong or telling them to stop doing something would
hurt them and make them feel uncomfortable to come back.

Goals for Next Placement Steps I will take to achieve each goal Specific Resources/Supports Timeline
Classroom I want to do everything that only fits my personality During
Management/Discipline and that I see would ensure my student’s dignity is /new-teachers/teacher- Placement
kept intact. There’s a belief that I have that peoples tips/maintaining-classroom-
faults should be covered instead of exposed. discipline
Something I want to try is saying “I’d appreciate if
you would get off your phone” so they know that I I believe the best way to learn
care, that I am not upset and that I am thankful for is from others who know how
their cooperation. But I also want to find a way of to do it best. This is a website
managing the class that is efficient so that I can be that has so many tips and ways
consistent with it that way they’ll take me seriously. I to maintain classroom
would need the help of the AT with this, they’ll have discipline written by someone
to tell me what kind of students we have and what who has already done it. I can
they have found to work for them. My AT from introduce these methods to my
placement 1 resorted to yelling most of the time and I AT, or I can see if during my
couldn’t follow suit because I don’t ever yell in placement these methods are
anger. If my AT in placement 2 manages in any way already used.
that is foreign to my personality and abilities, I’ll
either have to fake it till I make it, or I will need
permission for my AT to slowly implement different
ways of managing the class because if they introduce
a different routine, then the students will be more
receptive to it when I perform in the same way.
Independency/Independent I don’t want to make the mistake of relying on my I need the support of my AT in During
Teaching Time AT too much for assisting me whenever I can’t terms of providing me Placement
handle something like my lesson plan not going well independent teaching time and
or when there is disruptive behavior that needs to be where the students will be
dealt with. I will request my AT to give me teaching
time alone early on so that I can get used to the informed early on that they’ll
challenges of the class and feel comfortable with be taught by me.
them on my own sooner rather than later.
Confidence to Present my I actually lack confidence in general, especially with I’ve been practicing a lot of Before and
Lessons new people. I tend to be quiet at first and very shy. It mindfulness through prayer During
takes me a while to feel comfortable being myself. I and listening to Oprah’s Placement
have come from an abusive background that has podcast called Super Soul
damaged my confidence which I’m still healing from. Conversations. This has been
One of the ways that may help me is to speak more in helping me keep calm so my
my classes before placement. Even when I have voice doesn’t shake when I
something to say I wont because I’m worried about speak in front of people.
how I will be perceived and whether or not my I have also been reading the
answer is correct. I seem to be more worried about book “The Subtle Art of Not
what others think of me which holds me back often. Giving a F***” which has been
So allowing myself to get through uncomfortable helping me accept who I am
situations in the class I know will benefit me for and to only give time and
when placement comes. energy to things that matter.
Worrying about what others
think of me is not something
that is worthy of my time or
energy. It has been teaching me
that all I can do is my best and
that being myself instead of
trying to be anyone else will be
more beneficial for my work.
Organization/Improve I enjoy lessons where students can be involved, For organizing I will need my Before and
Writing where they can be silly and where they feel like AT’s help and advice as to During
they’re going on an adventure. For example I had a what they think may or may Placement
lesson with a sandbox and a game board that would not work for the lessons. I may
not have been successful if I did not set the also just look to forums such as
classrooms desks and students up in a way that would reddit to see the suggestions
allow them to participate with ease. This requires a others have.
lot of organizational skills. I need to make sure that I
have an understanding of the classroom dynamic and For my writing I will be using
whether or not the students will cooperate in making this worksheet to help me get
the lessons successful but I will also need to make started:
classroom/desk visualizations as well as prepping https://www.studenthandouts.c
everything and having it set up in the classroom om/handwriting-
before the classes begin. worksheets/dashed-line-print-
I have terrible writing which became troublesome for manuscript-traceable-abc-
my students when they were trying to read it. I am alphabet.html
going to go back to the basics and spend some time
everyday writing out the alphabet as well as whole

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