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GROUP MEMBERS:​ _________________________________________________________________

Spoken Presentation 2 points 1 point 0 points Total


Length The presentation is 12-15 minutes The presentation is 6-12 The presentation is under 6
- 12-15 minutes minutes minutes

Content The presentation provides very The presentation offers The presentation offers very
1. Location detailed information on all of the 7 somewhat detailed basic information and/or
2. Population required topics. information and/or covers covers 0-4 of the required
3. Climate 4-6 of the required topics. topics.
4. Food
5. 2 Landmarks
6. 2 Similarities with ECU
7. 2 Differences with ECU

Presentation The presentation meets all 4 The presentation includes The presentation meets 0-1
1. Looks nice criteria: it looks nice with pictures 2-3 of the required criteria of the required criteria
2. Minimal text and minimal text. It includes an
3. Interactive interactive component. Presenters
4. Eye contact make consistent eye contact with
the audience.

Speaking (Individual) The presenters meet all 2 criteria: The presenters are The presenters are very
1. Loud and clear they speak loudly and clearly and sometimes difficult to hear difficult to hear or
2. Less than 5 pronunciation errors they have less than 5 errors in or understand. They have understand. They have
pronunciation. 6-10 errors in more than 10 errors in
pronunciation. pronunciation.

Vocabulary The presentation meets the criteria: Presenters use 4-7 of the Presenters use less than 4 of
1. Use at least 8 new vocabulary presenters use 8 or more of the new vocabulary words. the new vocabulary words.
words new vocabulary words (see “New
Vocabulary” handout)

TOTAL: ________/10
GROUP MEMBERS:​ _________________________________________________________________

Written Assignment 2 points 1 point 0 point Total


Presentation The assignments meet all 5 criteria: The assignments meet 3-4 The assignments meet 0-2 of
1. Typed typed, double spaced, 12 point font, of the criteria. the criteria
2. Double spaced and they are the correct number of
3. 12 point font pages.
4. Report: 2 pages

Report Content The report meets all 3 criteria: it The report meets 2 of the The report meets 0-1 of the
Discuss: discusses the history of the city, criteria. criteria
1. Major historical events of the city demographics, and popular
(e.g., when it was founded) activities/traditions.
2. Demographics (e.g., nationalities,
languages spoken).
3. Popular activities and traditions in
the city.

Grammar The papers use all 5 required The papers use 3-4 of the The papers use less than 3
Tenses: tenses. The papers have 0-2 required tenses and/or the of the required tenses and/or
1. Present simple grammar mistakes in the required papers have 3-5 grammar the papers have more than 5
2. Conditionals tenses. mistakes in the required grammar mistakes in the
3. Past simple tenses. required tenses.
4. Present Perfect
5. Other high level grammar (you

Timeliness The written assignments were The written assignments

submitted on the same day as the were submitted after the
presentation. presentation date.

TOTAL: _______/8

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