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All parts of the questions must be answered at one place only

Explain in detail the similarities, differences, advantages and
1 a disadvantages between finite difference methods, finite volume methods K4 CO1 [8M]
and finite element methods used for solving fluid flow problems
b What are the different types of boundary conditions encountered in K1 CO1 [4M]
solving fluid flow problems
2 a The governing Non Dimensional Equations of fluid motion for Steady K2 CO1 [8M]
Inviscid and incompressible flow in two dimensions are given by
�u � v
+ =0
�x � y
�u � u � p
u +v + =0
�x � y � x
�v � v � p
u +v + =0
�x � y � y
Classify the System of equations
b Compare the demerits of Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Theoretical K2 CO1 [4M]
Fluid Dynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics

3 a Write the Burger’s equation. What types of problems are governed by K1 CO2 [6M]
Burger’s equation?
b Discretize Burger’s equation using any finite difference scheme of your K4 CO2 [6M]
choice. Give the name of the scheme you have selected and comment on
its order of accuracy
4 a Consider the first order wave equation given below K4 CO2 [6M]
�u � u
+a =0 a>0
� t �x
Discretize the above PDE using Forward Time Forward Space (FTFS)
finite difference scheme
b Using von Neumann stability analysis finds the criteria for the stability of K4 CO2 [6M]
the discretized equation from part (a) above

5 a Define vorticity and stream function K1 CO3 [6M]
b Discuss the relative merits and demerits of primitive variable formulation K2 CO3 [6M]
and vorticity stream function formulation for solving the incompressible
fluid flow problems
6 a Describe the steps associated with the pressure correction method K1 CO3 [4M]
b Derive the compressible potential equation from 2D Navier Stokes K2 CO3 [8M]

7 a Solve the following PDE using finite volume method via finite K6 CO4 [8M]
differences on the square mesh shown in figure
2 2
� u � u
+ = f
� x y2

The boundary conditions and source terms are also given below
u1 = u2 = u3 = u6 = u9 = u12 = 0
u4 = 8, u7 = 32, u10 = 72, u11 = 18
f 5 = 8, f8 = 20

b Briefly Explain the FVM? K4 CO4 [4M]

8 a A thin plate having a thickness of 2cm is initially at a uniform K3 CO4 [8M]
temperature of 2000C. At a certain time t=0 the temperature of the east
side of the plate is suddenly reduced to 0 0C. The other surface is
insulated. Use the explicit finite volume method in conjugate with a
suitable time step size, calculate the transient temperature of the plate at
time t=20 Sec. Consider plate properties: k=20 W/m-K and pc=20
MJ/m3-K. Consider five equal sub volume.
b Briefly Explain the Formulation of FVM for two dimensional Heat K4 CO4 [4M]
Conduction Equation
9 a Explain generalized Galerkin method for formulating finite element K4 CO5 [6M]
equations for unsteady flow problems
b Explain the meaning of the term ‘residual’ in variational methods K4 CO5 [6M]

1 a Derive the Quasi one-dimensional compressible flow equations for flow K2 CO5 [12M]
0 through a nozzle. Explain the method of capturing the shock in dealing
with the nozzle flows
b K CO [M]

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