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Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following text.


If you have baggage and items which are lost or forgotten on board of
one of our aircrafts or at the arrival airport, please contact airport arrival
service. Baggage and items which are lost or forgotten either on planes
arriving Oslo airport, in the Terminal at Oslo Airport or at the Airport
Express Train (flytoget) will be handed over to the lost baggage office
(this also applies to items forgotten in the security control). All items
that are handed over to the lost baggage office at Oslo Airport will be
available at the webpage www.missingx.com within 24 hours.

KD 1.1.2 Mengidentifikasi tujuan/fungsi/pesan pada teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Announcement (Pemahaman dan Pengetahuan)
1. What did the writer expect the readers to do after reading the
announcement above?
(A) They will get a good service at the baggage office.
(B) They can find their items and baggage at the airport.
(C) They will know the claim procedures of the lost items.
(D) They can be very easy to contact the airport arrival service.

KD 1.3.4 Menyimpulkan akibat/dampak/manfaat pada teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Announcement (Penalaran)
2. Why it is important for certain passengers to contact airport arrival
(A) To inform the position of the passengers.
(B) To find the person who loses the baggage.
(C) To know where the passengers should go.
(D) To make it easy for searching the lost items.

KD 3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi Persamaan kata dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Announcement (Aplikasi)
3. “this also applies to items forgotten in the security control.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
(A) Things to be handed over the lost baggage office.
(B) Arrival in the terminal at Oslo Airport.
(C) Airport Express Train.
(D) Contact person at arrival service.

Halaman 1 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Catatan: Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following text.

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk Invitation (Aplikasi)
4. Why does Anna hold a party?
(A) To share her luck.
(B) To celebrate her graduation.
(C) To commemorate her birthday.
(D) To have fun with her friends.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian

peristiwa, rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks fungsional
pendek berbentuk Invitation (Penalaran)
5. From the invitation we know that
(A) the party will be held on week end.
(B) Anna will hold a party in the afternoon.
(C) the party will last for all night.
(D) we should contact Anna for confirmation.

Questions 6 to 9 refer to the following text.

An Accident
It happened just after school. As usual the road was an utter mad
house. Children were running across the road to get their cars and buses.
Cars and buses honked angrily at them.
Just then I saw a young boy make a dash across the road. There was
a loud blare of horn, a squeal of brakes and I saw a car knock into the
boy. He fell as though his feet were swept from under him.
Fortunately the car was not moving very fast and the driver
managed to stop the car before a wheel could run over the fallen boy.
All traffic stopped. I ran over the boy and saw blood on the road. He
was bleeding from a cut on his head. A man came and examined the boy.

Halaman 2 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Then he lifted the boy and carried him to a car. They sped off presumably Catatan:
to the hospital.
Many people surrounded the driver who looked dazed and
bewildered. A policeman came to calm things down.
As there was nothing I could do, I turned and walked down the road
carefully. It was terrible to witness an accident. It certainly would not
like to be involved in one.

KD 1.1.2 Mengidentifikasi tujuan/fungsi/pesan pada teks Recount (Pemahaman dan

6. Why did the writer write the above text?
(A) To amuse the readers.
(B) To share his experience.
(C) To inform us about the accident.
(D) To describe the victim of the accident.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian

peristiwa, rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Recount
7. From the text we know that
(A) The victim of the accident was badly injured.
(B) The writer helped the victim of the accident.
(C) The accident happened in the morning.
(D) The car that hit the boy moved very fast.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Recount (Penalaran)
8. After reading the text, what do you think the character of the writer is
(A) Curious. (C) Careless.
(B) Helpful. (D) Ignorance.

KD 2.2.4 Menjelaskan Referensi makna dalam teks Recount (Aplikasi)

9. “He was bleeding from a cut on his head.”
The underlined word refers to
(A) the writer. (C) the boy.
(B) the man. (D) the policeman.

Questions 10 to 13 refer to the following text.

The Best Student Budget Tips

1. Know what you spend. Check the amount of your money and
moderate your spending accordingly.
2. When you crave food on the go, think twice. Will you starve if you
don’t grab a Kentucky Fried Chicken? Is that Starbuck’s coffee really
necessary? Bring food from home to school or on your travels.
3. On that note, bring a water-bottle with you. Dehydration is ugly.
4. Know when to decline an event. You are not obligated to go out with
friends if it means spending money you can’t (or don’t want to)

Halaman 3 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Catatan: 5. For the gamers out there, don’t buy games or launch. I know how
tempting it is, but consider the fact that you will probably be able to
borrow the game from a friend within a week or two of the game’s
6. Keep a piggy bank. You think I jest, but I do not. It is far more
difficult to recklessly spend cash that has been stuffed inside a toy
animal’s stomach.
7. Lastly, do your best to expand your income. Parents are the main
sources of student budgets, but if you are able to have part-time jobs,
it will be better.

And there you have it. Be sure; it is super easy to impulse buy, and
it is not entirely realistic to abide by this list 100% of the time.
Adapted from:http://blog.studentlifenetwork.com

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Procedure (Penalaran)
10. Based on the text, why do we need to bring our food from home?
(A) It is more hygienic.
(B) It is more delicious.
(C) It needs lower budget.
(D) It will not make us starve.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian

peristiwa, rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Procedure
11. If we follow all the tips above we probably will
(A) be free of money problems.
(B) become rich students.
(C) be in a very difficult way.
(D) become good students.

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Procedure (Aplikasi)
12. According to the text, why should we keep a piggy bank? Because
(A) it is not easy to spend the money that we have put in it.
(B) its price is not really expensive.
(C) we can put our money in it whenever we want.
(D) it takes time to go to save our money in a bank.

KD 1.3.5 Menyimpulkan sikap/nilai yang diusung (Penalaran)

13. After reading the text, the readers are expected to be
(A) stingy. (C) generous.
(B) thrifty. (D) extravagant.

Halaman 4 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Questions 14 to 17 refer to the following text. Catatan:

Morinda citrifolia is a tree in the coffee

family, Rubiaceae. Its native range extends
through Southeast Asia and Australasia, and the
species is now cultivated throughout the tropics
and widely naturalized.
Morinda citrifolia grows in shady forests, as
well as on open rocky or sandy shores. It reaches
maturity in about 18 months, then yields between
4 and 8 kg (8.8 and 17.6 lb) of fruit every month
throughout the year. It is tolerant of saline soils,
drought conditions, and secondary soils. It is
therefore found in a wide variety of habitats: volcanic terrains, lava-
strewn coasts, and clearings or limestone outcrops, as well as in coralline
atolls. It can grow up to 9 m (30 ft) tall, and has large, simple, dark
green, shiny and deeply veined leaves.
The plant bears flowers and fruits all year round. The fruit is a
multiple fruit that has a pungent odour when ripening, and is hence also
known as cheese fruit or even vomit fruit. It is oval in shape and reaches
10–18 centimetres (3.9–7.1 in) size. At first green, the fruit turns yellow
then almost white as it ripens. It contains many seeds. It is sometimes
called starvation fruit. Despite its strong smell and bitter taste, the fruit is
nevertheless eaten as a famine food and, in some Pacific islands, even a
staple food, either raw or cooked. Southeast Asians and Australian
Aborigines consume the fruit raw with salt or cook it with curry. The
seeds are edible when roasted.
In Thai cuisine, the leaves (known as bai-yo) are used as a green
vegetable and are the main ingredient of kaeng bai yo in which the leaves
are cooked with coconut milk. The fruit (luk-yo) is added as a salad
ingredient to some versions of somtam

KD 1.1.1 Mengidentifikasi Topik/isu/masalah dalam teks Report (Pemahaman dan

14. What does the text mainly talk about?
(A) Morinda citrifolia in general.
(B) The size of Morinda citrifolia.
(C) The origin of Morinda citrifolia.
(D) The flowers of Morinda citrifolia.

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Report (Aplikasi)
15. What is the colour of the Morinda citrifolia’s leaves?
(A) Green. (C) Yellow.
(B) White. (D) Dark green.

Halaman 5 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Catatan: KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian

peristiwa, rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Report
16. According to the text, we can infer that the fruit of Morinda citrifolia
(A) can be consume by the human being
(B) has strong smell and sweet taste
(C) can change its colour into green as it ripens
(D) is oval in shape and more than 18 cm in size

KD 3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi persamaan kata dalam teks Report (Aplikasi)

17. “The fruit is a multiple fruit that has a pungent odour when ripening,
The underlined word is closest in meaning to
(A) tangy (C) tasteless
(B) flat (D) dull

Questions 18 to 20 refer to the following text.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian

peristiwa, rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks fungsional
pendek berbentuk Advertisement (Penalaran)
18. Who will be interested in reading the advertisement above?
(A) A teacher who wants to teach at a good school.
(B) A student who wants to continue their study at a university.
(C) Parents who want to find good school for their children.
(D) Businessman who wants to build a new school.

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks fungsional pendek berbentuk
Advertisement (Aplikasi)
19. To attract the candidates the school is described as
(A) providing good quality building and ensure overall growth of
your child.
(B) having complete facilities and easy access.
(C) gaining international achievements and colorful environment.
(D) the best school with 31 years of excellence for your children’s

Halaman 6 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

KD 3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi persamaan kata dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk Catatan:
Advertisement (Aplikasi)
20. "Emphasis on development of creative abilities."
The underlined word is closest in meaning to
(A) proficiencies (C) incapability
(B) adeptness (D) failure

Questions 21 to 24 refer to the following text.

In the forest long, long ago, there lived an old man. The man lived
with his son. The old man’s name was Wise Man and his son’s name
was Little Wolf.
Wise Man looked very old and wrinkled. His eyes were filled with
wisdom and his head was covered in long white hair. Little Wolf’s hair
was black, black as the darkest night. Little Wolf’s eyes could see a
toothpick in a whole pile of hay. He could run like a cheetah and he
could kill a bear with his bare hands.
“Father, we are so lucky to live in the forest together. It is so
beautiful,” Little Wolf told his father. “Yes Little Wolf,” Wise Man
answered, “But I will not always be here with you, someday I will die
and you will hunt and cook for yourself.” “I do not want to live without
you,” Little Wolf replied and he ran off crying. Wise Man went to where
his son was crying. “I will not go now so let us share the moments we
have,” Wise Man told little Wolf. Little Wolf asked, “Can we go fishing
in the beautiful lake?” “Of course,” answered Wise Man.
The two of them went to the still lake. They got into the canoe and
paddled to the middle of the lake. As soon as they set out the rods they
both caught a fish. When it started to get dark the two of them went back
to their tipi with five fish each. Little Wolf got into the bedroll and fell
The next morning Wise Man was not up yet. Little Wolf thought
something was wrong because Wise Man was always up before him.
Little Wolf went back into the tipi and saw Wise Man lying there. “Little
Wolf,” Wise Man said, “I am sick and I need medicine.” Little Wolf ran
to the medicine pouch and got four different medicines that Wise Man
would have to take every day. Wise Man was taking the medicine for
four days and then he died. It was the saddest day of Little Wolf’s life.
That evening as Little Wolf sat mournfully looking at the sky, he
saw something familiar. It was white and fluffy, “Father!” Little Wolf
cried. The fluffy face nodded and the eyes twinkled. It was Wise Man.
Now every once in a while Wise Man could come down and give Little
Wolf advice on how to live. That is why there are clouds.

KD 1.1.1 Mengidentifikasi Topik/isu/masalah dalam teks Narrative (Pemahaman dan

21. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
(A) Wise Man was not up yet in the morning.
(B) Wise Man got sick and needed medicine.
(C) Little Wolf got worried about Wise Man.
(D) It was the saddest day of Little Wolf’s life.

Halaman 7 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Catatan: KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Narrative (Aplikasi)
22. When did the Wise Man die?
(A) Some days after he went fishing with his son.
(B) Before his son Little Wolf went to buy the medicine.
(C) Days after Little Wolf looked at the sky in the evening.
(D) After his son Little Wolf ran off crying to reach the lake.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Narrative (Penalaran)
23. From the text, we can conclude that Little Wolf
(A) knows nothing of his father’s illness.
(B) always asked for his father’s help.
(C) really loves his father.
(D) never cares of his father’s health.

KD 1.3.5 Menyimpulkan sikap/nilai yang diusung (Penalaran)

24. What can we learn from the story?
(A) We must control our emotion wisely.
(B) We always have to obey our parents.
(C) Parents’ love never end to their childs.
(D) Help your parents when they are in trouble.

Questions 25 to 28 refer to the following text.

Many people have heard about the Moai, the beautiful stone statues
that you can see looking out at the ocean on Rapa Nui (Easter island).
But how much do we know about people built and moved these statues?
There are 887 statues in total, and we know that the first ones were
made about 1.000 years ago. The people who made them only used hand
tools- the evidence of this is the many old tools which archaeologist
have found all over the island. Archaeologists believe that is must have
taken about a year to make each statue, which five or six men working
on it. But it is much more difficult to explain how these people moved
these heavy stones across the island into their final places. Most people
believe that people couldn't have carried them by hand. The largest
stones are nearly ten meters long and weigh about 18.000 kilograms!
Professor Carl Jeffrey says, "The people must have had some ways of
moving these stones. Some archaeologists think they might pull the
stones across the island. But the stones were so heavy; it must have
taken between 180 and 250 men to pull each one.
But the mystery doesn't end there. The statues all sit on other
stones called Abu. So the people must have put these large stones onto the
Abu. Archaeologists can't give a clear explanation of how it happened.

KD 1.1.1 Mengidentifikasi Topik/isu/masalah dalam teks Report (Pemahaman dan

25. The text is mainly about ... making the statues of Moai.
(A) the mystery in
(B) the way of the ancient people
(C) the difficulty in
(D) the incredible process of

Halaman 8 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa, Catatan:

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Report (Aplikasi)
26. In the text above it is stated that in making a statue needed
(A) high technology and creative workers.
(B) short time and modern tools.
(C) long time and cooperative skill of the makers.
(D) strong workers and sophisticated tools.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Report (Penalaran)
27. After reading the text, the readers may wonder
(A) why it was not easy to pull the statue at that time.
(B) how the big stones could be brought to Easter Island.
(C) where the stone statues are placed now.
(D) which the best stone statue is.

KD 2.2.4 Menjelaskan Referensi makna dalam teks Report (Aplikasi)

28. "Most people believe that people couldn't have carried them by hand."
The underlined word refers to
(A) most people (C) six men
(B) heavy stones (D) stones statues

Questions 29 and 30 refer to the following text.

KD 1.1.2 Mengidentifikasi tujuan/fungsi/pesan pada teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Notice (Pemahaman dan Pengetahuan)
29. What is the purpose of the caution?
(A) To tell the readers about the jellyfish.
(B) To warn the readers to stay away from the water.
(C) To allow the readers to swim.
(D) To inform the readers that swimming in the area can be painful.

Halaman 9 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Catatan: KD 1.1.8 Mengidentifikasi konteks penggunaan (a.l. tempat, waktu, situasi, dsb) pada
teks fungsional pendek berbentuk Notice (Pemahaman dan Pengetahuan)
30. Where can you find such a caution?
(A) At the swimming pool. (C) In a restaurant.
(B) At the beach. (D) At the lake.

Questions 31 and 32 refer to the following text.

Slim1TM, ournovel weight loss formula contains SUPERMAX53 and Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take three
CHROMIUM53 along with optimal doses of Garcinia capsules 3-times per day, 1/2 – 2 hours before meals with a
Cambogia.Slim1TM is known for its weightloss benefits and full glass of water. For best results, utilize Slim1TM with a
combined with a healthy diet and exercise is clinically shown to: healthy diet and exercise regime.
 Boosts fat burning*  Promotes healthy serotonin levels*
 Helps curb appetite*  Maintains normal cholesterol levels* Supplement Facts
 Reduces body weight 3-times greater than diet & exercise alone* Serving Size: 3 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 90
SUPERMAX53 is a special form of (-) Hydroxycitric acid, the Amount % Daily
active ingredient of Garcinia Cambogia that is bound to Per Serving Value
calcium and potassium, which significantly increases its Calcium (as hydroxycitrate) 165 mg 17%
biovailability and effectiveness. CHROMIUM53 is a niacin- Chromium (as 133 mcg 111%

bound chromium that has been shown to promote serotonin
Potassium (as hydroxycitrate) 240 mg 7%
levels, curb appetite, burn fat and reduce body weight 3-times
(-)Hydroxycitric acid 900 mg **
greater than diet and exercise alone.*
Raspberry Ketones 10 mg **
Slim1TM is all-natural. No artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners or **Daily Value not established.
Other ingredients: Garcinia cambogia extract, gelatin
preservatives. Stimulant-free. Gluten-free. (capsule), cellulose, silica, and magnesium sterate.
Warning: Consult your physician before starting any weight
Warning: Consult
loss program your
if you physician
have a medicalbefore starting
condition, anytake
if you weight Made with
loss program if you have a medical condition, if you take Garcinia Cambognia  Supermax53
prescription medications,
prescription medications, or
or if
if you
you are
are pregnant
pregnant oror nursing.
Chromium 53  Raspberry Ketones

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 270 CAPSULES
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Dietary Supplement

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk Label (Aplikasi)
31. Why is consuming the product beneficial?
(A) It supports the immune system.
(B) It burns fat and reduces body weight.
(C) It increases appetite.
(D) It is easily absorbed by our bodies.

KD 1.1.1 Mengidentifikasi Topik/isu/masalah dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

(Pemahaman dan Pengetahuan)
32. What is the label about?
(A) Food. (C) Medicine.
(B) Supplement. (D) Vitamin.

Questions 33 to 35 refer to the following text.

Galih, there will be a robotic championship. It’s a challenge for the

creativity to make a robot with some applications. I am sure it will be
great if we can join it. The competition will be held in Town Hall next
month. I just plan to look for further information about it. What do you
think of it? Reply soon.


KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk Short Message (Aplikasi)
33 The text gives us information about Ilham’s ... to join the championship.
(A) reason (C) intention
(B) result (D) hope

Halaman 10 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian Catatan:

peristiwa, rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks fungsional
pendek berbentuk Short Message (Penalaran)
34. From the text we know that
(A) Galih absolutely agrees with Ilham’s idea to join the championship.
(B) Ilham has not got the detailed information of the championship.
(C) Ilham and Galih are the winners of the robotic championship.
(D) the championship is just for the great people.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian

peristiwa, rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks fungsional
pendek berbentuk Short Message (Penalaran)
35. “It’s a challenge for the creativity to make a robot with some applications.”
It means that people who want to join the championship have to
(A) play smart phone.
(B) do difficult things.
(C) think hard how to join it.
(D) like to make something new.

Questions 36 and 37 refer to the following text.

Dear Dandi,
I congratulate you on getting your bachelor’s degree this spring. You’re
accomplishing this while maintaining a home and raising three children
is a marvellous achievement. Your determination to reach your goal has
been admirable. I’m sure your wife, who has been
your chief support, must be very proud of you.
You are a good role model.

Your friend,

KD 1.1.2 Mengidentifikasi tujuan/fungsi/pesan pada teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Greeting Card (Pemahaman dan Pengetahuan)
36. Based on the text, the writer writes the text in order to
(A) express his proud to be his friend.
(B) pray for his achievement to reach the goal.
(C) show his feeling pleased and satisfied to him.
(D) praise his friend’s success in academic and family.

KD 3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi Persamaan kata dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Greeting Card (Aplikasi)
37. The sentence “You are a good role model.” in the text can be replaced
(A) you are a hero.
(B) you play very well.
(C) you are a good example.
(D) you have a good character.

Halaman 11 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Catatan: Questions 38 to 40 refer to the following text.

Once upon a time, there was a big feast in the sky; all the birds
were invited to a feast by the people of the sky. Meanwhile, there was a
tortoise that was very clever and very hungry. As soon as it heard about
the great feast, it began to plan how it would travel to the sky.
Tortoise went to the birds’ home and asked if it could go with them.
The birds agreed and they each give him a feather, with which it made a
pair of wings for the Tortoise.
The great day came, and Tortoise and the birds set off on their journey
to the sky. Finally, the birds and Tortoise arrived at the party. The people
of the sky invited the birds to eat the delicious food they had prepared,
but then Tortoise asked, “For whom have you prepared this feast?” “For
you, because you are a special animal,” replied the people on the sky.
The Tortoise turned towards the birds and said, “Remember I am
the most special animal, because I am the only one Tortoise who can fly.
You should wait for your turns after me.”
The birds waited angrily as Tortoise ate and drank most of the
feast. After a while, they had their turns, but a few of them were too
upset to eat. Due to their anger, before flying home, each bird took back
the feather they lent to the Tortoise without its notice. So, the Tortoise
stood full of food and drink, but without any wings to fly home.
When the feast was over, birds and tortoise jumped down to go
home, but it was shocked because he lost his wings. So, the Tortoise fell
and landed with a great crash on the ground. It did not hurt the tortoise
but its shell broke into pieces. Fortunately, there was a good doctor in
the neighbourhood. Tortoise’s wife sent for him and he collected all the
bits of Tortoise’s shell and stuck them together. That is why a Tortoise’s
shell is not smooth.

KD 1.1.1 Mengidentifikasi Topik/isu/masalah dalam teks Narrative (Pemahaman dan

38. What is the main idea of paragraph five?
(A) The angry birds lost their appetite to eat.
(B) The Tortoise ate and drank a lot at the feast.
(C) The angry birds took back their feathers from the Tortoise.
(D) The Tortoise did not know that the birds left him at the feast.

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Narrative (Aplikasi)
39. Why were the birds angry with the Tortoise?
(A) The birds lent their feathers to the Tortoise.
(B) The tortoise boasted that it was the only tortoise that could fly.
(C) The birds wanted their feathers back.
(D) The Tortoise ate a lot at the feast.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Narrative (Penalaran)
40. Based on the text, the Tortoise’s attitude towards the birds shows that
the Tortoise
(A) disliked the birds.
(B) was ungrateful to the birds.
(C) respected the birds.
(D) was afraid of the birds.

Halaman 12 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Questions 41 to 44 refer to the following text. Catatan:

The human brain is divided in half, a right and left hemisphere. The
right hemisphere deals with visual activities and plays a role in putting
things together. For example, it takes visual information, puts it together,
and says “I recognize that- that’s a car,” or “that’s a book” or “that’s a
bus.” It organizes or groups information together. The left hemisphere
tends to be the more analytical part; it analyses information collected by
the right hemisphere. It takes information from the right hemisphere and
applies language to it. The right hemisphere “sees” a car, but the left
hemisphere says, “Oh yeah, I know whose car that is- It’s John’s car.”
The right hemisphere determines the emotional content of speech. It
usually communicates by using images, has highly developed spatial
abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, concerned with emotions and
feelings. A person with an injury to the right side of the brain “doesn’t
put things together” and fails to process important information. As a
result, he or she often develops a “denial syndrome” and says “there’s
nothing wrong with me.” Because the right side of the brain is injured, it
fails to “collect “information, so the brain does not realize that
something is missing.
The left side of the brain or the left hemisphere deals with word
choice, rules of grammar, and the meaning of words and helps to analyse
information given to the brain. It communicates by using words, has
highly developed verbal abilities, is logical and systematic, concerned
with matters as they are. If someone has an injury to his or her left side
of the brain, he or she’s aware that things aren’t working (the right
hemisphere is doing its job) but is unable to solve complex problems or
do a complex activity. A person with left hemisphere injuries tends to be
more depressed, has more organizational problems and has problems
using language.

KD 1.1.2 Mengidentifikasi tujuan/fungsi/pesan pada teks Report (Pemahaman dan

41. What is the main purpose of the text?
(A) To persuade readers to protect their left and right sides of their
(B) To inform the functions of the brain.
(C) To demonstrate how the information influences the brain
(D) To explain the injured part of the brain.

KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Report (Aplikasi)
42. What makes the brain fail to know that something is missing?
(A) The right hemisphere is injured and fails to collect information.
(B) The right hemisphere cannot deal with the left hemisphere.
(C) The right hemisphere cannot remember it.
(D) The failure of putting things together.

Halaman 13 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

Catatan: KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Report (Penalaran)
43. What will happen if the right hemisphere injured?
(A) Someone can still communicate with certain words.
(B) Someone’s ability in analysing a situation will be disordered.
(C) Someone is unable to deal with words usage.
(D) Someone’s emotion will be disturbed.

KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,

rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Report (Penalaran)
44. The first paragraph implies that
(A) the right hemisphere is able to communicate with certain language.
(B) the right hemisphere puts the information together based on the
analysis of the left hemisphere.
(C) the right hemisphere can take over the job of the left hemisphere.
(D) the left hemisphere applies words to the things collected by the
right hemisphere.

Questions 45 to 47 refer to the following text.

KD 1.1.2 Mengidentifikasi tujuan/fungsi/pesan pada teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Announcement (Pemahaman dan Pengetahuan)
45. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
(A) To help the readers to make many friends from internet.
(B) To prevent the readers from negative effect of using internet.
(C) To maximize the usage of the internet for communication.
(D) To save data and information posted on the internet.

KD 2.2.2 Mengidentifikasi Kata sambung dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

Announcement (Aplikasi)
46. We are not allowed to meet up with someone we have only been in
touch with online … it can be dangerous.
(A) when (C) so
(B) although (D) because

Halaman 14 dari 15 halaman

BAHASA INGGRIS / IX SMP   SIAGA UN

KD 2.2.4 Menjelaskan Referensi makna dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk Catatan:
Announcement (Aplikasi)
47. “Tell an adult is someone or something makes you worried or
What does the underlined word refer to?
(A) Admin. (C) Blogger.
(B) Parents. (D) Netizen.

Questions 48 to 50 refer to the following text.

The most unforgettable experience is always hard for me to forget,

and stays fresh in my memory all the time.
It was last Monday, I turned 17. When I woke up early in the
morning and the first thing I expected was wishes from my family. I
came out from my room with a smiling face and expectation of greetings
from my family, but everything happened unexpected. No one
remembered my birthday. So from smiling face to dull face I ate my
breakfast, picked up my bag and went straight to school, with another
expectation of greetings from my friends. But as I reached my class, not
a single friend of mine wished me. My mood became so off. Then I
came home and got a note that everyone had gone to my uncle’s house
and I was left alone at home. I was really disappointed.
Then after a while I got a message stated that I had to come to my
uncle’s house for an emergency matter. I was so worry and went there
fast. When I reached the house, all of my families and friends made a
loud voice of birthday greetings. I was very surprised and tears started
coming down from my eyes. Then I realized that all of them had planned
it before. I was really happy that day. Then I blew the candle and made
some wishes.

KD 1.1.1 Mengidentifikasi Topik/isu/masalah dalam teks Recount (Pemahaman dan

48. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) No one wished her birthday.
(B) Nobody remembered her birthday.
(C) The writer was really disappointed.
(D) The writer felt sad and lonely.
KD 2.2.2 Menjelaskan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,
rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Recount (Aplikasi)
49. What did the writer expect when she woke up?
(A) She got wishes from her family.
(B) Her friends remembered her birthday.
(C) She expected a surprise from everyone.
(D) Her family greeted and gave her smile.
KD 2.3.2 Menyimpulkan rincian argumentasi, rincian langkah-langkah, rincian peristiwa,
rincian deskripsi, rincian unsur-unsur teks dalam teks Recount (Penalaran)
50. Why was the writer surprised when she came to her uncle’s house?
(A) Everyone greeted and wished her.
(B) Her family and friends made a birthday party for her.
(C) She heard a loud voice of birthday greetings.
(D) She had to blow candle and make a wish.

D:\LalaPo\TP 17-18\siaga us-un\semester 2\un\ix smp k13 b.inggris.doc

Halaman 15 dari 15 halaman

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