UN VAGANZA Bahasa Inggris IX SMP

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UN VAGANZA  TP2017/2018 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP

IX SMP/IA/UV/SMT-II/2017-2018


Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following text.

To: All new students
Re: Uniforms

All new students are required to wear a special uniform during school hours to easily recognize the
freshmen, the sophomores and the seniors.
Girls must wear a long-sleeved shirt or blouse with a long black skirt. Boys must wear a short-
sleeved shirt and black pants.

Academic staff

1. Why do all new students have to wear a 2. What uniform can’t be used by female
special uniform during school hours? students?
(A) To make them have a good appearance. (A) Long-sleeved blouse with long black
(B) To differentiate between freshmen and skirt.
other students. (B) Long-sleeved shirt with long black
(C) To show that they have a good skirt.
uniforms. (C) Similar uniforms to their sophomores.
(D) To make them decent students. (D) A special uniform for new students.

Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following text.

3. What is the writer's intention to write the
(A) To tell how to join Janet and
Matthew's party.
(B) To announce Janet's baby shower
(C) To ask the addressee to come to the
baby shower party.
(D) To inform how to come to the baby
shower party.

4. What should you do first before going to

the party?
(A) Send a greeting card to Janet and
(B) Find a nice gift for Janet and Matthew.
(C) Confirm the attendance by phone.
(D) Celebrate Janet’s pregnancy.

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UN VAGANZA  TP2017/2018 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP

Question 5 refers to the following text.

5. What does the notice mean?

(A) Children may play with their pets in
the area.
(B) Children are not allowed to play in the
(C) The play area is only for children’s
(D) People are not allowed to take pets into
the area.

Questions 6 and 7 refer to the following text.

Dear Aurell,

I have difficulty in doing the English homework. I will be happy if you could help me, can I come to
your house this afternoon? Please reply soon.


6. What is Putti's purpose to write the 7. On receiving the message, Aurell will
message? inform Putti that
(A) Asking information about the English (A) she agrees to help her doing the
homework. homework.
(B) Asking for help to do the homework. (B) she will be home this afternoon.
(C) Asking permission to do the (C) she will make her happy.
homework. (D) she will go home soon.
(D) Giving information about difficult
Questions 8 to 11 refer to the following text.
It happened one evening when my friend Segaran and I wanted to go and visit another friend who
lived some distance away. I had a bicycle. Segaran did not. So, as usual, he sat side-saddle on the
horizontal bar of the bicycle while I pedalled. We had done it many times before, so it should not be any
Near my friend's house, we got onto a gravel path made slippery by the recent rain. Still we
managed to wobble along, thoroughly enjoying the rough ride.
As we passed by a stream, I made the mistake of going too near the bank. The rain had softened
the soil and it could not hold our combined weight. One moment we were going along merrily, the next
we were tumbling head over heels into the stream as the bank gave way beneath us.
Splash! Splash! Splash! We plunged into the river bicycle first, followed by Segaran, then me.
Normally the stream is only a few centimetres deep with clear water. When we fell in, it was a metre
deep with foul black water. The water prevented us from getting badly injured but we also had to pay
the price of gulping some of it. It tasted horrible. Segaran got the worst of it for being sandwiched

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between the bicycle and me, but it was not too bad. We had only a few cuts and bruises. Our pride was
far more hurt.
We retrieved ourselves and the bicycle from the stream. We were both dirty and soaking wet.
Obviously we were in no condition to visit anyone. So we decided to go home.
We walked all the way home. I had to push the bicycle because its front wheel was bent out of
shape. From that moment I vowed never to carry anyone on a bicycle again. Never again do I want to be
dirty and wet with cuts and bruises all over my body. Once was enough.
Taken from: http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php?005

8. The text mostly tells us about the writer’s 10. If the accident did not happen, the writer
… experience. would probably
(A) enjoyable (C) interesting (A) carry someone on his bicycle again
(B) unpleasant (D) wonderful (B) visit his friend some other time
(C) ask Segaran to pedal his bicycle
9. The writer and his friend decided not to (D) push his bicycle along the way
continue their journey. This information is
stated in … paragraph. 11. “We retrieved ourselves and the bicycle
(A) the second (C) the fourth from the stream.”
(B) the third (D) the fifth What is the synonym of the underlined
(A) Lost. (C) Stumped.
(B) Rescued. (D) Abandoned.

Questions 12 to 15 refer to the following text.

Popsicle stick towers are a common engineering project to be assigned in school. Your assignment may
have various criteria for height, weight, and number of popsicles, but this guide will give you a general
idea of how to construct a sturdy tower out of just popsicle sticks and wood glue. This project is fun
and relatively easy to do.
You will need:
 Popsicle wooden sticks
 Glue
What to do:
1. Arrange four popsicle sticks together in a square.
2. Glue each piece together and Wait for the glue to dry. The glue does not need to be completely dry,
but you want to make sure it has set enough that the sticks will not move as you handle the square.
3. Place a popsicle stick diagonally across the square and glue it.
4. Repeat this whole process to make enough braced squares to complete your tower.
5. Combine three squares into three-fourths of a cube and glue these pieces together.
6. Attach the fourth side to the cube. Once the glue has set, you can attach the final side to the cube.
7. Repeat to form the remaining squares into a cube. Repeat this whole process assembling four
squares into a cube until you have enough cubes to build the tower as high as you want.
8. Stack two cubes on top of each other and glue the joints of the cubes together.
9. Clamp the joints of the cubes in place. Use clothes pins or workbench clamps and attach the clips to
hold the two cubes together.
10. Repeat the process with another cube. When you glue the last cube on top, your tower is finished!
Adopted from: https://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Popsicle-Stick-Tower

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12. What is the text about? 14. What are popsicle sticks made of?
(A) How to make popsicle sticks. (A) Metal. (C) Bamboos.
(B) How to make a popsicle stick tower. (B) Wood. (D) Aluminium.
(C) How to glue pieces of popsicle sticks.
(D) How to arrange four popsicle sticks. 15. "…, but you should make sure it has set
enough ...."
13. What should we wait for the glue to dry? The underlined word refers to
(A) To avoid the sticks form moving while (A) the stick (C) the cube
handling. (B) the glue (D) the square
(B) To build the towe as tall as we want.
(C) To arrange four popsicle sticks together.
(D) To make sure the sticks are not broken

Questions 16 to 19 refer to the following text.

Olive (Olea europaea) is a subtropical broad-leaved evergreen tree and it has edible fruit (family
Oleaceae). The tree ranges in height from 3 to 12 metres (10 to 40 feet) or more and has numerous
branches. Its leaves, leathery and lance-shaped, are dark green above and silvery on the underside and
are paired opposite each other on the twig. The wood is resistant to decay. If the top dies back, a new
trunk will often arise from the roots. The tree’s beauty has been extolled for thousands of years. The
edible olive was grown on the island of Crete about 3500 BCE. Semitic peoples apparently cultivated it
as early as 3000 BCE. Olive oil was prized for anointing the body in Greece during the time of Homer,
and it was an important crop of the Romans about 600 BCE. Later, olive growing spread to all the
countries bordering the Mediterranean.
Olive trees are wind-pollinated and bloom in late spring. Small, whitish flowers are borne in loose
clusters in the axils of the leaves. Flowers are of two types: perfect, containing both male and female
parts, which are capable of developing into the olive fruits; and male, which contain only the pollen-
producing parts. Fruit setting in the olive is often erratic. In some areas, especially where irrigation and
fertilization are not practiced, bearing in alternate years is the rule. The trees may set a heavy crop one
year and not even bloom the next.
Adopted from: https://www.britannica.com/plant/olive-plant

16. What is the main idea of paragraph two? 18. What will happen if an olive tree has male
(A) Perfect olive flowers. flowers only?
(B) Pollination on olive trees. (A) It will have no fruits.
(C) The blossom of olive flowers. (B) It cannot grow well.
(D) Characteristics of olive flowers. (C) It will not attract pollinators.
(D) It cannot produce flowers.
17. What medium is needed by olive trees for
pollination? 19. “ The wood is resistant to decay.”
(A) Water. (C) Insects. The underlined word is closest meaning to
(B) human. (D) Wind. (A) sturdy (C) prior
(B) prominent (D) persistent

Questions 20 to 22 refer to the following text.

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness,
Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the
island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.
Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking,
Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for

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UN VAGANZA  TP2017/2018 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help
me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat." Vanity answered. Sadness
was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh....Love, I am so sad that I need
to be by myself!" Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when
Love called her!
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed
and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder
went his own way. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder,
"Who helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because, only Time is capable of understanding
how great Love is."
Adopted from: https://www.motivation-for-dreamers.com/a-love-story.html

20. What does the second paragraph tell you 22. What can we learn from the story?
about? (A) Love is a dominant feeling in human
(A) Love’s joy after being saved. life.
(B) Richness’ rejection to save Love. (B) Knowledge is the most important in
(C) The feelings’ efforts to be saved. life.
(D) Love’s effort to stay on the island. (C) We have to love and care for each
21. "Because, only Time is capable of (D) Nothing is more valuable than feelings.
understanding how great Love is."
What is the closest meaning of the
underlined word?
(A) Competent. (C) Successful.
(B) Powerful. (D) Fluent.

Questions 23 to 26 refer to the following text.

A sphinx is an imaginary creature of old myths. The Egyptian, Greeks and other peoples of the
Middle East had stories about such creatures. Sometimes a sphinx was used to guard sacred places.
Egyptian sphinxes had the head of a man and the body, feet and tail of a lion. Others had heads of
rams or falcons. Egyptians often made statutes of sphinxes to honour kings and queens. Paintings
showed kings as lions who conquered their enemies and sphinxes became symbols of royal protection.
Statues of sphinxes often lined roads that led to temples, like those near the great temple at Karnak.
The Great Sphinx is the largest, oldest and most famous sphinx statue. It lies in the desert near the
Egyptian pyramids at Giza. The monument is 73 metres long and 20 metres high. The face is 4 metres
wide. The Great Sphinx was built about 4,500 years ago. The shape of the sphinx was carved out of big
blocks of limestone, which was an important building material of that time. Historians believe that the
sphinx's face is a portrait of Khafre, a king of ancient Egypt.

23. The text gives us information of 24. According to the text, sphinxes usually
(A) what sphinx is and one of the greatest (A) stand in row along the road toward a
sphinx ever gate of a temple
(B) how sphinx is made and wht it was (B) are placed in a middle of the sacred
made areas
(C) where we can find the sphinx and when (C) are built as big as the great Sphinxes
we can see them (D) are found inside the sacred monuments
(D) why sphinx is made and when it is

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UN VAGANZA  TP2017/2018 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP

25. The best arrangement of the description of 26. “The shape of the sphinx was carved out of
the Great Sphinx is big blocks of limestone, ...”
1. Facial appearance 4. Age It means that a sphinx is made … lime
2. Location 5. Size stone.
3. Material 6. Statue (A) in (C) of
(A) 6-2-5-4-3-1 (C) 6-3-2-4-5-1 (B) from (D) out
(B) 6-2-3-4-5-1 (D) 6-4-5-2-3-1

Questions 27 and 28 refer to the following text.

27. What is the purpose of the text? 28. From the text we can conclude that the
(A) To describe a product. product
(B) To advertise a product. (A) contains artificial flavors.
(C) To inform how to make a product. (B) is only made from fruit juice.
(D) To inform the content of a product. (C) contains gelatin and gluten
(D) is made with natural juice.

Questions 29 to 32 refer to the following text.

This animal's true name is the American bison, but most people call them buffalo. Bison are the
largest terrestrial animal in North America. They can stand up to six feet (1.8 meters) tall. A male can
weigh upwards of a ton (900 kilograms), and a female can weigh about 900 pounds (400 kilograms).
Along with their formidable size, bison have several unique traits that help to identify them. One
of the most noticeable is the hump on their shoulders. Another characteristic is their deep brown fur,
which can grow very long, especially around the face and head. Bison also grow a long beard and
mane. The head of a bison is very large with a thick skull. Bison fight by crashing their heads or horns
together. Both male and female bison have short, curved, black horns, which can grow to two feet (0.6
meters) long.
American bison like to live and travel in groups. They communicate by hearing and smelling. The
most important communication is done with pheromones and smells, especially during reproduction.
Bison also grunt, snort, and growl.
Winter can be very hard on bison. The cold and lack of food can take its toll, especially if the
bison is sick, injured, young or old. Very young bison have the highest risk of dying over the winter.
Despite their immense size, bison still have to worry about predators. Buffalo calves can easily become
the prey of a wolf pack or grizzly bear.
Today bison are only wild in national parks, state parks, and reserves.

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UN VAGANZA  TP2017/2018 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP

29. What is the main idea of paragraph two? 31. From the text we can conclude that
(A) A bison’s formidable size. (A) bisons prey on bears
(B) The most prominent trait of a bison. (B) bisons are endangered animals
(C) A bison’s hump on its shoulder. (C) a bison has a hump on its back
(D) People’s miss identification on bisons. (D) bisons don’t like to live in colonies

30. What should we to to bisons? 32. “Despite their immense size, bison still have
(A) We protect them from extinction. to worry about predators.”
(B) We identify them well. What does the underlined word mean?
(C) We employ them for production. (A) Huge. (C) Powerful.
(D) We preserve them in town parks. (B) Abundant. (D) Trivial.

Questions 33 to 36 refer to the following text.

Once upon time in Aceh Land, there was lush forest with cold breeze. Inside the forest, there was
a King Parakeet with their colony. The king known as the wise and clever. His group did respect and
amazed the greatness of the king. They lived safely, peacefully, and happy. Everyday they tweeted
with harmony. However, their peaceful life was disturbed. A hunter went into their jungle and planned
to catch them.
It was a beautiful morning.The parakeets and their king perched on a branch of tree. They did not
know that the hunter was hiding. The hunter was going to catch the parakeets using a net. Then, the
hunter threw his net towards the parakeets. Several parakeets and the parakeet king were trapped under
the net. They were very scared.
The parakeet king told them about what to do. "Relax. I have a plan. Let's pretend to be dead.
When the hunter lifts the net up, we fly fast to the sky," advised the parakeet king. Later, the hunter
went to his net. He was upset! He thought all the parakeets were already dead. He then lifted the net
up. Soon the parakeets freed themselves and flew to the sky, but the parakeet king was still trapped. It
would fly after all the parakeets were free.
The hunter was surprised to see the parakeets flying. Then, he saw there was one parakeet left in
the net. He moved quickly and "Gotcha!" he catched the parakeet king. Later, the hunter arrived home
and put it in a cage.
In the jungle, all the parakeets were sad. They set a plan to free their king. All the parakeets flew
to the hunter's house. With their beaks, they pecked the cage until there was an enough space for the
parakeet king to fled. When the parakeet king could free itself, it said "Thank you. You all are very
kind to me. Without your help, l'm still trapped in this cage."
Adopted from: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.co.id

33. What is the purpose of the text above? 35. In the end of the story, the parakeet birds
(A) To teach moral value through the story. (A) had a new wise leader
(B) To describe parakeet birds. (B) were caught by the hunter
(C) To relate a person's experience. (C) were saved and return to the jungle
(D) To explain how to escape from a cage (D) were trapped in a cage at the hunter’s
34. What does the fourth paragraph tell us
about? 36. “Once upon time in Aceh Land, there was
(A) The parakeet king advised the lush forest with cold breeze.”
parakeets. What is the closest meaning of the
(B) The hunter caught the parakeets with a net. underlined word?
(C) The parakeet king was caught by the (A) Arid. (C) Stark.
hunter. (B) Dormant. (D) Green.
(D) The parakeet king attempted to free the

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Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following text.

37. Who will be interested to read the 38. To attract the candidates the school is
advertisement above? described as
(A) A teacher who wants to teach at a good (A) providing good quality building and
school. artistic class room.
(B) A student who wants to continue their (B) having complete facilities and easy
study at a university. access.
(C) Parents who want to find good school (C) gaining international achievements and
for their children. colorful environment.
(D) Businessman who wants to build a new (D) locating in a green environment and a
school. lot of class rooms.

39. "Dedicated and responsible teachers"

The underlined word is closest in meaning
(A) strong (C) loyal
(B) creative (D) simple

Questions 40 and 41 refer to the following text.

Dear Reyhan,

CONGRATULATIONS! I Know you must be proud and happy to attain the rank of
Eagle Scout. May the high goals and ideals which led to this special honour
continue to inspire you in the years ahead.


40. What is the writer's intention to write the 41. "May the high goals and ideals which led to
text? this special honour continue to inspire you
(A) To praise Reyhan for his success. in the years ahead."
(B) To inspire Reyhan to reach his goal. We can infer from this statement that the
(C) To share his happiness with Reyhan. writer hopes Reyhan
(D) To support Reyhan to get the Eagle (A) stay humble and calm.
Scout. (B) always be happy.
(C) keep on success in the future.
(D) be a better person.

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Questions 42 to 44 refer to the following text.

42. What is the announcement about? 44. We know from the announcement that the
(A) School's invitation. program ... for four weeks.
(B) School's registration. (A) survives
(C) Summer holiday. (B) lasts
(D) Summer camp. (C) changes
(D) starts
43. Discounts are available for those who
(A) confirm the invitation
(B) ask parent's permission
(C) register early or on group
(D) take the baking lessons

Questions 45 to 48 refer to the following text.

I have a close friend. Her name is Nurlela. She is beautiful, attractive and fashionable. She is
always well-dressed in every moment. She gives much attention on her appearance.
Recently, she bought a new stylish bag made from sting ray fish skin. Her new sting ray fish bag
is luxurious; she looks amazing with the bag. When she is walking all her friends including me turn
around and give special attention. The bag that she carries and her clothing style makes her stunning.
She really has got perfect appearance.

45. What is the writer's purpose to write the 46. According to the text, Nurlela has a perfect
text? appearance because
(A) To tell about a friend's physical (A) she always looks smart and beautiful.
appearance. (B) her bag and her cloth are always
(B) To admire her friend's style. match.
(C) To show her jealousy. (C) she likes to wear luxurious dress.
(D) To describe a fashionable model. (D) she likes to buy a new dress and a new

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47. The writer describes Nurlela as a ... girl. 48. "..., she looks amazing with the bag."
(A) nice (C) gorgeous The underlined word is closest meaning to
(B) humble (D) simple ....
(A) fantastic (C) interesting
(B) charming (D) extraordinary

Questions 49 and 50 refer to the following text.

49. The text is intended to make 50. What will the students prepare if they want
(A) the second grade student to have fun at to join in the party?
the party. (A) Food. (C) T-Shirt.
(B) the students of the second grade attend (B) Stationery. (D) Short.
the end of year celebration.
(C) the third grade students come to the
Mr. Richardson's class.
(D) all the students of grade 2 and grade 3
come to the party.


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