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Croat OGRA JURISEICON ‘S00 Moro Whur (Cut) No. 10F2017 [Be ftp: To Issue Centann Gustine REGARDING INADEQUACIES BND DBFICIENCHESIN CRDNAL TRIALS ‘Ruronr Semarrrep sy rate Asst CURIA ‘SHREK BasaNt, SENIOR ADVOCATE ‘Stina Stprgrtt Lptina Sesto Anvocars SHENK Panam, ADVOCATE Darsp 04.03.2020 | a i Ingex i So. “| DESCRIPTION OF hocuMEsST | ‘PAGENOS. Tepe Ae ar Cea OF tae AnaK ¥ : / Saw T TT yeas | oa ae eae | == a aa TEA a 7 Ra Cag jcipaats in Collage i Dao aera | 2000 aang ‘| 1 i a Ihcrem Suemme Cover or uous ‘GuuNs- ONGINAL]URISOICTHION ‘Seo MOTO Warr {GRLINO. 1 OF 017 IN tis To Issue GearamN GuIDELIN=S RrcanDING INADEQUACIES AND PERICERNCESIN CRIMINAL TRIALS Report of te Anni Cutine 4. This Hoste Court by onder dated 30032017 while hessag (Cina Apel No 00/2006, zaied extinfoadequcis i the pidcostfllewe dasag cr welsseouphoot the country ‘The Hontble Cour recorded suggestions piven by Shi R Bans, ‘Senior Avoca and nse aodee to all Sate Gaveenments ond ‘he mip High Couns ro whether consents could be acived a about the need to sca dhe eleven eminal rules of practice /riminl manval to bing abou uniformity of pace, 2 By ofdes dated 07.11.2017 and 20.02.2018, Shei R Basan, Senior ‘Advocsie, Shei Sidharth Latha, Senior Aévocate end Shai X ‘Parmesan, Adwocare were apolatd as ai arto asset the Cove Tse onder sed 20022018 also deste the rspestive State Govetnmens and the High Courts osu tein responscs te the nit are. Upon resring do responses, he emi eer ‘were deed co convene matag witha pais oe vetng the ‘io respansts given by hepa ‘By Jima DDL, 1 Saes/Ucon Testes and 21 High Coors tad given stenoses ig esponics in the Supreme Cou ‘Based on hi edback, de wid cre eld» conslation Db, Whi fer al oom crate, and he sare ae closed fo oll pater by isuer ded 18022019. Waimea -ssponsewetlned fom te sakholdes nd olga was convened in he Tis Tetra Cente on 3008. 2013 whe wes stsded by ceprsentives of difret Sates/Uinion ‘Tenis si High Cont Afr ohing ine sesoune the sng, he ani cari abi the Glowing Draft Raler of Ceimiaal Practice, 2020 for she oidertion of this Hon’be Court. Wile ding the Deft Rls doc cas bee ken eat fom ad atthe te time so sctgpie the vee practes exon the vans Str sand High Cousin sis coeny Cat ha seo ben akan a enuce tha the dene eles se comple sd notin any wa epg to the Code of Criminal Procedare, 1973 In fet, many of the j | foggesons te peice dtexonstefectve of the mandtone Province Coe of Cini Pree, 173, 5. esvo Sli bu dts ito do noacksomtedge he asiarer ‘by A Kethit, Advocate, Meta fagg, Adsoente and MV. Mulund, Adore who hare rendered valuable stance a secomplghis t RBaeat Sidhanh Lashes Genine Advocat) Senior Advocse) Pannen ‘hdvocaton Record) 4 io 7m 0,801 come 16.9 secnso8 9 (8) SuPReuz coun: of rworA acon GF mesnaoscs sen(ext.} mo.3/2027 TLL 20_issuE_ceuman_cuioecres eco: noprcuncras_2m DERcrniCTRE Ju cAMGNAL SSIALS ate ¢ 30/oaracar mae matter wan tan op by the Court on ita owe soxiauE om. GuSTIce 8.4. BeRoR ashanti ane fa, Med dobar, Ace. anobel simaaney hav. ‘Seethi Seqeceasen, Ade. ee oe Swati Ghidiyal, adv. ool eae a Sishne we hy Feivarka feast Ae g E REPRE FERRE FEERRE | ‘court nade ome following Sadue notices in terms of the signed roportasie ies, to the Bagistetts Gongsel of ali che Sigh courte. tog the ChMAE Seoresacted/te Adeintsteaters and the Advocataatenezal/Senier Stating Counsel of all the suates/nton SWeitoriee, ao that general esasuneus can be i | a arrived at on the coud to amind the selavint ales of ‘Peketibe/ Cisiial Manuals vo being sboct uniter best prvctioes across the countey. shir Coote miy alse conetder sflstice of Girections weder Article U2 of ste Cosstitution, They can bo given tie option to give ‘scggestions also on other araas of concern Pat up afta efx mani (sanjay sinas-m) (Roxby) ‘court uantar Genre wadear {Signed Mapactabte Order ta placed on the Alia) srgeearpractatad mich better by the ape SN Tin summa coo of mora ESET commana, ontcriat, cohasoreazos 2 nome wmtions.) 3.2 oF 2037 ‘SLM. 20 1800p Geama quIDRRS mroAeOING sasEUIRCIE ‘ND DERLCERNEIE In cRnARIA TRIALS oapes During the course of natring of ceimina2 Appesl Yo,A00/2006 and connected matters, MP. R. Basent, Learned Senior Coupee appearing for the appellaate-couplainant, pointed out cartesn common snadaguncies end datictenctas An the cours of trial adopted by the extal coart while “iepostng of criminal cas an particular, it wm pointed out that though thar ace henefleial provisions a the Rules of fons of the Ligh courts vnich ensure that wertaln docuniate wach a4 List of wit yor and the List of winibite/antariat objects xefersed to, ase annened to fe Sudgmant and otter itself of the trial coast, these feature donot exlet in Rules of come other igh courts, Undesbeeddy, whe Jedzwnte and ondece certain other matters wero also pointed out by (Me, Mebane, earned Santor Counsel for the eppaliante- complainant, using the soucee of argument, fe made the ° ® Holtowing eabeiastone ef duscuestons at the Bar white cohotdaring thle case, emis court hed generally sdverted ‘ee certain common Snadequacies and imperfections that ‘sects in the eximinal fetal in ous county. 1 venture to suggeit thet dé the sovareats of Better adainisteation of criminal gustion and to ener in 4 certain anoot of wttomity, and acceptance of baat practices pravatiing rer various parts of indie, wis court may conater seeve of comtein general gaidalinar to be followed acroas ‘ie boara by AL Criminal Couzte Ln ee countey 3. ie fottowing areas nay be considered epect#ically: 2. the pecntctour practica of the eeial oatee eaving te xeoording of deposition co the clerk csncessed and recording of evidence going on tn more ban oom cave in the sama Court oom, at the sme ‘eine, under the presence md general supervision of and discontinued forthwith, A visit to Salhi Zeial X ah given ve understand, 2. the agpontttons of witness 9 typed fommt, using corpeters, in Court, to the lctation of te presiding officers (An tnglish Wiorever potnible) so that condable trae copies wilt 3 ‘be avalieill Steatyheavay dnd can be Aesued to both dividing 4 Sato caparate paragraphe Aesigning para sumbere to facilitate easy refesence ‘te apacitis postions later iz the course of axpunente sid An vodgments: fdccunacta/nttariat . checks be asslgued picitic nomunclatore and mubess tke e/Oks/ctie (onward): Eee. B/ERE, D/A. ML fends); oe (1 ondaede) o¥e., 40 that raferance Merale Criminal tle of Diectioe 1982 Shute 62 ~ Marking of oxbibt (A) mehinies aenttted sa evidence shall be masked te sottoye: Uy Te Eeted ny the proeecution, wish cepttal Bepter 7 Cottoned by a muneren FL, 72, 23 Gb HF ecaes ny safe, followed by a nunarel D1, 02, 53 ete css) He tore eakiblec, with Gapitad dats followed ny a nunecal C1, C2, 62 ote (@) sai wenibtes merkes by eoverel cessed anal GV aE maceriat objects ahell be mackad in aeabte enters, 1580 4 "Rule 66 = How witneen shall be referred to ‘Mitnetses shall be vefercee by their aesos oF ranks showing the Let of Provacntions itneases, ‘Froseoltion mihibite, Defence witnesses, Detence Teehibits, coort wienenuat, coure Hahihtte and datacted Objects. Kindly ate intar alia tbe Relevant soles 4g the Harada Criminal Males of Practice, 1002, veole 152 = Sudgmnt to contain sertatn Pertinilars.- the gudment in eriginal decieion Gebalt, apart from the particulars presoribed Dy Section 384 of che Code algo contain statensst in fabular Pom giving the following ‘particulars, namely: Re | | —_ ar fase 1 ; se 1 | resi ie ‘avin apr ot Spent we | 9 ee > [brian of ay 1 (4) bata of compiaint tn cota § shalt be Be date of the Liing of She cuargeehant Sn ‘Huepect ff oase nezitote: on police report and the ate of sling of the couplaint in respect of other 2) Deca at appestannlon ip column 19 snail be the ate of azzest, (9) Date of commencenact of estat in estunn 13 sheit be {@) tm mond cases, the date on which ‘oe particulars of the oftance are stated to ‘te accused under soction Z51 of the Code. (el tn asEent cinae Anstiturad on police caport, te date on which the documents Tender taction 207 of the Coda are furntehad to the accused and the Magietrate eatiefied SineelE of the sane onda: section 250 of the fe) Th other varrant cates, whan the recording of evilance te -comenced under ‘section 284 of be Code G) 30 Sessions triste, when the charge 48 reid out ahd explained to ths ascuoed ender section 228 of he Code mute 134 — List of witnuasee ots. to be appended to tedgement ‘thete shall be appended to every dudgpont 2 Lint of the wimecses exanined by the [peoaseution and for the cofence and by the ‘cout and aloo 244 of exhibiee and materia! abjacts sarked.° 6. once munbeze sce assigned to the accused, witnesses and exhibite, they be zetesred to, siitsequently in the proceadings and in the judgments With the Relp of such muBerw only. the practice of referring to the nanas of che sccused/nitnassan and doconante deccriptively in the proceedings paper and AS bead Eo rater to chem Dy name thete rank az Accusea/nitgees must ba show so brackets 7. Repetition of pluadings, evidence, and azquesots in the Judgnants and orders of the Tetal court; Agpeltsta and Hevistonat co apatition of facts, evidence, and conte: over Cousts make the Sudgants cunbertenn, and takes he appeLite/Ravieionsl Court jodgnent/ordar 4x te continuation of the lower court judgment and mst Adestay start with “in thie appeni/eeviston, ohe spayed judgment Se asmiiled on the following this eppenl/revision are". This aoee not of courte, teke amy a option/yurtadiction of the Aopetiate/Rovietoned Crucis to ne-nassate facte and obtentions Af they be Snade rareated 4 the jucgmest. jachanteal xa nazzetion to a avoded $¢ any eat 1 8.38 eresy case file, @ judgment folder te be sppellate/sarietonal josgnant to be numbered av the ext paragzaph acer the last para in the inpucned Jpdqment. ‘hie wouid cater to « better culture of {fodiens inlting saving precious court blow 5, the Reaitay practica in sone etater of the oar obtaining and producing (oz the woud certificates post aorten certificate showing) he exont and sone oh che anjutlen spicitically; my be uniformly inetaved. unis woole ety the fudyar to bare 8 clearer and eucer ‘splaratanding of te site of the injeci 1B. varking of contradictions & healthy practice of marking the contradictlons/ontastens properly doet ‘ROE appear ko aniat Sn govern States, Hdeally the seatamane oned tor the deposition, 2 the aun te cumersene at least ‘te opeatniy and closing words of the contradiction Aeponttion and masind—separataty ‘rorecutsan/Defance @eninit. 32, he practic of omibue marking of 8. 164 ateoent oF witnees Gererves co be deprecated. the stlevint partion Ge euch prior statements of Living persons used for contredicticn or cesrcborstion Of MS/257 of the Evidence sot dee separately snd epect#icals 12, the practicn of whole anle marking of ‘sontesston sbatensst of accused paren fer Snteoducticn. of the relevant etateneat ndnissible Geprecated, realty the aduartble portion and thet ‘pectlon_alone, must be oxtrected in the recovery inmoe (uahazar oz Fanch ~ dieearant An aieterest parts of the Land) within inverted sepatnealy mst be prod by the Iovastigating ve inadnlssible evidence by attanpt 6 prove the sdnisnisle portion andar 8. 27 bf Eridangy Ant should be strictly avotdad 3S. The tesa coasts mst bo xundatorily obliged to epectity tn the Sudpeent the parked of eat off unde eo be satetvad tater ny Jatt muthasts presiding afficers, Te Jodgenmnte snd the consequent 13 | 1) me direct that notices be Snsued to the meplctrars Geneisl of alt the Kich courte, aed He Chet secretarine/the Aéministeators end the Adrceatec-cenaesi/senior Standing counsel of all the ‘Steees/anten Metrstories, ao that genes? contentus can bo ‘Artived at on the aed to anund the solevent nutes of Rractioe/ criminal Manuele to bring about onifom best, rsvttots across the country. This Court may alee consider: Aersance cf dizectione snder Aeticle 442 of the Congettution. thay can be given the option to give \suggertions also on other arene of concer, Ti, WaoRENMRA BAC] ew pean mel S0, “2049. we 4s Hime mo.21, 266 26:2 couRr 10.7 scrim ex ‘86 Mots WEL PebLtcon (Criminal) M.1/2017 {BY ma: go suue cmmain coxbeumnes manent napegmcrEs ame Devzcimmeres 1 crmeuas SRzALe Petitiones=) (Le sup (C) wo. 25668 oe 2005 sur (eri.) Ye. 22027 ext, Ht. Ho.7862/202 {Re deplnc (oj! Concomsticn oF olay in fildog and setsitep * weatana wa: goemree 6.2, weave ‘Sopa toe the partion es ve. simaren tatera, Se. ade, (A.C) AR. maeant, Se Rw. G0.) ‘aniabe sheney, 08 Srisnes aganiiotes, aay eine Santas wetea, 308 Sco. Hamad mishee, Sdv. odes, Aa #F SunJas unas Pathak, 208, ¥. @, Peagessn, 208 5. Braby Ramaesbeamentan, 2 Menezes 3 BEE Pesihahie Fraga tis} Ateet aneaei, x 5 REE seh egen, . Me. duneesh Azpuchan, Adv. De or W/S. Asputhen Rone Aad Co, 20% Me. miner Makessi, Ao BE fs nia Shana, a bee. anand Rana. OR Be) Giana Sot. ade, Wen Peigeca Bcash, BE vip ananker 9.20 aay Me, Madtrayes Banerjee, nay. 2. gop og 208 Sia. Remantina Was, AOR da, Peja singh, Av. Me, Ashok #, Sivectava, 208 - Wishea seurash, nom Bbopesn masta, Ade dagdlenrazan, Ad. RRR ORE fest Starner hoy? iaute may S3yyat_ Sings, ‘ace NOSE eat as, nae, Martner sigh, 13. 286 ret Chandan, 2 FRR BEER RERER FRESE FR i f the counsel the Court nade the foliowiont scat, wa appoint Me. Sidharth Lathea, tearned senior letmee sentor coustel, as Antous Me, Sldhacth Tathia, Learoed Anicos Curiae through hte ‘neeieting counsel, may take stopa £2 sarve fresh nottooe to all the — | | | 8 18 eneved eopondaits~states/Unien ersiterles and leo theis (feanding Counsel, and the Rayietrere Generel of the igh courte, notifying of the matter and caitiog spon then to enter appearance id. f8le thot eadpectiow aetigavite ‘Bee op on 12.12.2017 as part-teare for furthor hearing 4s the meantine, all the respondante shalt furnish copies of ‘frei nespoctive caply aftidarit co beth the Learn Anicus Corts ‘eg WEN suo Moto Reit Patstion (Ceimtnal) ¥o.1/2017 unio) ne.ziets of 2035, Bectagued fem SLP(CHL.) Moos... ./2017 ext MP. o.7862/2017 Lat Wa dattad tn the month of Decenber, 2017 (game manent) (ame maar rome) coon waren (6) ‘maavich oPrrcan FEMI WO.2(9R), .1-1.4,26 © 2 comm 10.7 ‘Sue Moto weit etseian (Crinins:) Mo. 1/2017 2 RE: 10 26808 centame competes suaano=xo HIMOEWAGIES AND DEFICIENCIES Tv CRNANAL THIALS Petttionar(e venaoe (THE STARK oF ANDHRA PRADESH = OFS Respondent om ELb(ova.) cma Yo, 7862/2027 (=n) ih appln. (a) for sendonation of delay in €tting/xeftiing sp) etic. Busy Mo(e) _40343/2017 (22-a) (With apple. sor condonation of delay in 2Lling stp) sE(Get.)...ohay moje), st66/2017 cxr-9) With opin. Zor candenavion of delay Sn Eling $22) SaP(crl.)... Dhasy Nate). €2562/2017 (37-0) (WEth Groin. (a) for condonation of delay in fining Siz, Teeter fom stliag “eve of che Inpugned suageat. tod SUR(erd.) .-. Dbidy Wo(e) 4279902017 (iueh appi fe) Sor eondonation of delay Sn f£:1ing/cetiting su (Gel.) ...,dlasy sofa) 1857/2016 (Wath peayer sor dneeris reline-appih. (2) for condonation of daiay fe tiling 522), for heating toiey. oun im. coerce 24 ome =r we, state tothe . Me, Re Basant, 8x. Ady. (aC) For Pactstonts{e) ox Rexposdants) ERTIES EEE F , Rarmantuae, Ase. (RC) ‘ibs betes takniya, Se, Ady. 0.0.) Surinday 5. Rathi, G{sector, MaLEn Disha tatah, Aa Save Beneath Upeshyays, 20 Paniad singh sharma, 308 Healayn shokle, hav ‘stahne Kant shite, Ade. Gauss Agesind, 202, Suenit Betwade, 200 AROS FORE FREE sangiy oe, naw Parsanand Geos, 202 franase Paimanend Katara, 8. hay. AL Selvin Raga, Rev. ‘Chteag Getny Rav Gharadetta tahindrakar, adv. 5 FREE ‘Vijay Sancasta, 2. aay. Sethe Mallee, om BOER | | & Sandeep Singh, adv. Ankle fas, A. Tndtza Shakar, Ade Sock vanity hom SEL Marva, 208 Saat ined, nae Smriti Stan, aa RERRR BREESE Kanal Chatters, 208 Jaderejes Beare, Adv. Saucer outer Aare ‘Yom, Raghupathy, 205 ¥.0, Prazsean, 208 Praia fame Subeanantan, Ady. anere!, Ade. Sampath Kara, aae. Sanja Xonar Pathe, 208 Arvind Ranar Tedpachty A Miktlesdee 4598, a : Salta maces K, Sharma, X08 2 22 enjon tetherion, ACK Garson bore Dor. Aa Dentel Stone L- ade ogeeh anna, non Sujatha aged, Ase. Me. Bad Bahadur, Adv. fe. Sechin Sharma, ae Mee andl uatiyer, 208 FE ge RERE bie, Seients agneactet, ad. Ma, Banya tay Adv. Me. M. Shosb Alam, 208 Me: Paurta snexet’ hav. BE. G5mad aingh, ‘Ade Nojahid Fact shan, Adv. Misnan: Ranakentras Katnestuaciar, OR Guntur #rathskar, Aon Presse Shag, Aer Pravin. panath, Se. ade Kanaetoal tag, a SOara Dinter Aer. iaah jisaat, Ade ‘Tenge Seeodhy, Riv. Deatpuke Peipadarsning, Aa, W/o. Patenn fcr, 3k BREE RF gre Gattaries, Ady. sae y — a * 1 i 3 i Dhupesh macula, Ay. Rave dagelabenten, A, ON inaiea, AR jana i. Shona, 208 ‘Sujeata Srivaatava, Adv. FEE RRR aR ORSRRE FOGG OF Mokaal Re Gis, ANS Bshaza® Saagsl, 208 Shubhan mhatie, 20% Mandatiet einch, adv tages famar Shatin, 308 Bavecd Betho, a Inte donee singh Ady 1 Tatcang Menasha. Blut tseae Baiding, hav. 2.6, Morayanan Mais, 208 KW Snghisocdhanan Aa Stgeows aivedor maboliay Adv. ‘epost Kamar Singh, eR eishangtaen Roehnant mh, 208 ‘evernpace chetuevedt, non Boe bibey, Aer shavedeup ay, AOR Seyso} Mohan ban, Xe Stehuee maj Sarva, Aer. Senjey Ramer Vives, 208 ead cha, nav Oo Me, mrbtyanja singh, Ady [HON Hiacioy he oounesl the Court mde tha (iow vote MBIGE}.) wo. 1/2037 sepolnted ao anicus curtas to assist shri stédharth learned Rakes Curiae, ALL the cexpondants, 5 Govesnianta /tnion Territories and the igh coucte! rough their Registrars Generel may mvbmit hei serrate vista “ast ens to hig court by 16,03,2016 Mth advance copies te Lesrned Antet Deon aecelpt of auch proporsia, Sf any, Shel ‘asant, earned Anous Carine shel convene «nesting of all the partion for vetting vastous proposal sshd for finalising the deatt propoeal for mubmtssloa witmitted to thie court by 16.04.2018 with copies to sii the pactien. ist the matter on 25.06.2018, SLblce. 2D. non. 7862,__consa, _anen7 aasep. S082 and Dae dasa (Getminet) wo, 1 of 2087 1H all eheee maptaze the petitioners have bean ‘eoctdd to aunt a hatter gesisseis explaining the ‘etune of daley. thoy may de <0 by she next date of Wearkea, copy of ach attiderice a ithe Datta mathije, Llesrned Antcur Corie points out thet Shek 6.6: Fatht, tractor, MLA a scent in court, snl Sxbraner Servioas Comittee, 1e spanca that for the eetective snplenancation of tha proposed Schene PAE CHialsel Appeaia ace ct neglected and are 124d, without Gelay Sn thin Court. tt Se necuanney to have 9 digital solution for sama aspects along with active Tina Antaecace, Por te parpore, 4t would be epestery tut togal Aceiatente are glvan training about Wei duties ang xemponsibilicins in salation te the filing of appenis of convicts wt eenviotions and sentences nave been aphald by the igh Courtts). At the rane time, the tagel servicer Authortties need to have wp-tordate information abost, ‘986h case within theie jurisdiction eo hat the Joga assistants can follow St up. fer this purpose brdovaly, # digital sclution Le secossary 2s | | We, accordingly, apptint the nirector, ALSA (284 nodal agency of tha stakeholders, including, Ministey of man Arfaiss, police/jail authorities, evconnittnn for = sotution. List thoes mbetare on 10.08.2018, { charengawe Rave 1 [ted Haart Fokhtyal 1 Rnccore.s. Rest. bagieezas | = aa 1 Regie Genie ofall High Coors 2. Chief Secretaes ofl Saree/ UT's Dard: 18022018 INRE: Svo Mou Waar Peririon (Cn) No-/2017 1 We have been appointed amici cari hy the Hon'ble Supreme Court in ‘the above maue by orders dhcd 07.11.2019 and 20022018, 2, Yous kind aeseton is don to the onder ofthe Hoabie Supseme Cour ued 90082017 whieh fe appended wm chit communication as APPENDIX. 3, Many ofthe Sate Government ane High Cours have desdy suhmand ce esponses tothe shove by aow and we have already gone through ‘he fa sponses. The sme is eppended for reference es APPENDIX a 44 Gnthe ba of the above, we ave evo a conslaion paper whichis appended his commurieton ¢ APPENDIX. 5, Weléok foci wo your further sqggestons, responses and comments if eyo the dhoee appends in wing before 20.08.2019. re a TRS ERE 28 6. 01 59.02019,cllguiam wil be held eo give opportuni tol of ou te Shes pao or modify you ggesons. On the bat of al inp, ‘F progote wm mm at the salen, the dnt dscns forthe cetailerion of the Hon'ble Couce The responses be sent to KC Piaesh voce at 108, Taner 12, Sspeeme Bacar Moyo Vise Phase, New Debi, 11001, in wating and/or by email et exail 1D ‘wiilpanesies@gralicon). 7 The ellis shal be held Indin Habit Cente on 90082019 betes. Your response ia wong nd your sive pesence ofthat of « responsible and authosized offen/sanding counsel for patipmton is sendy Sed ‘Thanklag You, ‘Yore Sincerl, R Basaat Siac Late {Setior Advoea) (Senior Advocate) [| 80° isn onRatmioravn CoLDOUNALHEED ON 0032018 Pasticimvo tion Counts, Coleus igh Court 2% Dit Cour isiebl Pade igh Cost Siathand High Coos ‘Kerth igh Giore Matis High Cove aghsge High Cours &% Posi arn High Cour Bniticirarme stares aoa apse Negded ; Tesla ‘Panmicincemvs Potice Deraemaers Pas 4 ‘Tent Neds i 3i ‘PRART- RULES OF CRIMINAL PRACTICE, 2029 ‘GuemeLtrvssncsnas 4. BODY SRRTEH TO ACCOMPANY MEDICO LEGAL CHETIFICATE, Post Montes assorT AND NGUETTRERORE: Every Metco Lgl Ceiftas Post Morn Root conin pened foneut of he oma body on serve and Indes, ang, shall be infil on vch sherk Eplaalon The prin fost ofthe bcnan body thal contin oth « ‘fon snd er vew of he une hoy plod ANNEKURE =A 2 PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO GRAMS OF POST MORTEM I CERTAIN casts |. Inch of dt of psn in ple ston funder Sesion 46 Carl Prstere Cos, 197S°CECY) ox Seatens 129 0 139 CHPC| or ete ‘while pate cacy the Investing Ofc: sll inform the ‘spl or doco ia eee anes fer photangts ox igeogrchy {or conducing the postnomem examines ofthe dees. The houmgapbs ofthe dees shal ale be ananged w be sake i all Bu 4 Suck phingrph md vkognpt sal be ken eer by aaging 4 palit phérogacher oF « aomintel phomgupher of ee Sat Gove, wd whert weiher of the above axe sateen Inder pee petguaphes hl be enpge {i Seck phere or slept ah be cd ander a pecans oe etsy mene and a2 sope mien wo eitus proper pact of ach phomgopheiopapte dag Te The Inersgting Ofcet shal sore that euch photographs ad ‘idergaphs, if wn coamsialy ae sczed unr ponbane oF fee neo and ps a ake wo prev the oii ere ‘hee canine onder Seton 65D Indu Evidence Ax, 1872s cela and keno bevel dang The wdeoorphowgeapls shal ese on cearte memo a, sceripaied by dy tified caicee ander Secon 6B fn ite At, 1872 “A, Whenpore ronan ace ecotded in leo othe le soning ‘he poster proening, dl ced hold be sed wih she 2 33 enor cr an aachnent ones individual meony ets ae ne cspible of ing prodbendtone Couse 3. scaigazan/ SPOT memos 1 A ht plan ofthe pce of occeeace 2a ncn shal be appended ‘bythe Inccriging Ott fo the vane nubs o° sot coe it The he plan sal be papted by he Inenigatng Ofte by bend, sad al ieee 1 thelr of eceeees, 1 epee wht te body (or atin) wt / wee oud, 12 he pce where mii ei nd/orwngony 4, Voc ais elorby Bie a fle, she plc wre ler shes if ey, wet oud erhae eae roe, £ toetomte phy any and ieelagrmland manmade means o fers cha sys is, neat any ad “i eliadon of sacs ad hic leatoe, “VRE preparon ofthis ketch by she Inveinng OfBeer call be ‘bbe by ees am prepara by polo desman i sable 34. oF Yoh othir qedotaed oF nominated dnaman by ie Sexe Goverment, who sll pure che sed ste ples ate vsing the 08 in, The mlesnedetid ne webee o shane shal be mate and cuted in he led len, 4 sunny oF DOconmeTs UNDER SECTIONS 173,207 sm 208 eae rly Acound hl be spp it sateen of wins eos ve Secon 16k and 164 CoP and it of docu, me bat rd eke ceding inven and eid pon by he Inerigatng Offa CO, spltion The tt of mtcmeas, ocucenis, mel cbjecs nd ‘eis shal speiy setemens, dosienents, oi bjs snd ‘exits tat are not led pon by the LO. ‘Chane cance 5. The ode faming charge sale acorns’ by x oema huge in For, 132, She W, CRC. wo be pepte personaly by the Pring Oscar ec complete nd laps of in Sues, 6 acoso oF evIDsNce: PRocEDUNN ‘Te dpotton of wisis shal be eed n ped fue, f ote. The reed of idence shal be pepe on. compan, if sl inte Court one ctton oF he Pstiding Ox Prod a incase engage of deposion «ngs oes tina Bagh othe nse ofthe Sat, he Preding Ofc shall inaloneouly eat be deposion che: Nnslf or dg « corp tar nt agi ‘The postion shal be eon inthe nguage of the mes ann gl when ansied b provide le Chase 6 () exspe when ‘sane ino la ‘The depoitons sa witsoncacepion be send over by the Pesiing offer Cour Hal copy of te einen so recorded daly ined to be ato copy by the Besng OFficn/eour eSzer sal he ede celie fee of coe aginet recip wo che arasd or an rose septlcneg she accuse te wits a he proertor onthe ate tutting, 36 JA ‘maior shell be made ale in each Coos: aol resiing OfitieHa be snie t dhe loa anges, os he eagunt of the Pesiing OFS The tidng Otis sl no ecard evidence in mee than one ase these tine 7, neconniic OF EVIDENCE: TORNAT OF WITNESSES 1 The deposition of each wines sha be seorda didn it ito septte pagaptsstging pegrph aonb | Pistdcton winesses all be gumbersd ae PS, PW2 ee, sis Sy, dene vast sal be weed se DW, DW- 2 et itn The Coe aieses Wal be meee CW (CW. in csi, i ‘Tee seed of cepostons sal nite che due of the it ‘ramon, he ese elonon and mecsaminaton |, THER Ofer hall whseer nesses esd he dposion In iion and anewer ms Bw j Objetions by eter the peoseaton oft defence coun shal be ‘Sk tf and etl in the evidence aed decided expeou'y lin aecndeace th a A The mame and umber of de whats sal he clei set! on ay sbveqpent dat, th evden concade on the ate 0 which ‘ebege. § omathie oF wxrmnaL ommers AND EVIDENCE i 1b Pia enki sll be mated as Hake B, 7.2 ee in seit Si, fens Pie sal be td as ait DA, 112 in sci. Th oe xii he mata 9 Eabae , C2ecia vit. 4A. To easly lca the wine teoigh whom the document at fest inode in evden, he exhibit number sal fone show the ‘wiocs sumer of ch ite air the Bit amb TF eb is sucked without proper prof, the same shall be indeed by | ‘oan rch (te poo | idntis W Prototion wines no. 1 (PP) lawoihees 2 dozen in evidence, ee Sourent hal be ete ox Exit P 1/21. 1 proper pont ns ofee for ih document the ke | ARTO SET 38 ‘vn iit mastd i sal be mashed oe Rabie B.1/PY Gubjece rol). The Second document lzedaced by BWI wl be ibe 2am i, Theat cles shal be mated in seni as MOI, MO2 9. SunsequmsT REFERENCES To ACCUSED, wrrvns, ExHerTs AND rama onjpors i 1 fering of age sh secu sal be rf to oay by hie ‘ks in tea of cin he change and nob ts ames of otheeirnces except athe sage of Wend enton by she wits, j 3, es sci the depotcn of wines, ein of he exe sd mach ebje, whe recoring deposition of ote wince the scat, eis and maze ebjers shall be eed by thir ume and not by am or eter fees ‘il Where wines cited i the comple of poles repor: are nat amined, they shal be refered toby thee names andthe cumbia ‘lait them inte compli o pole pore 3 10. pnts 70 staTEAENES ENDER SECTION 161 AND 164 CC 5 Diaiig com crainaion, he levine porton of the satemens ccd ander Seton 16 CPC od nr cnudcing he sped ‘Wen hal beeen ie not pole a ens the ert ist ar he Prag Ofer, in his dienyl nate specie de opening ad dosing wotts of rich sleet parton, ‘wie eating the depen fi In aac cane, where dhe lerant potion i ne exe, the poston ‘tal be ivintiymasetdasproseeaon or deteace eile a he cate af, The afore eal appt wo secordlag of she steno oer Seon 151 shal eat mane aly ro sxmets renal under Seeton 164 of te C2PC whenever rack penton of por statenents of sing psn se ord for comuieioneorsbonsion Jw Ornibec marking of teenie sumer vader S. 6t and 184 C2.C halt be dane | | | i A ‘th Marase OF CONFESSIONAL STATEMENTS ‘The Peng Ors shal eave tha oy admin pon of Secon or Stn 27 Indie Evidence et 872i mare and such poston sone i xine on tpt shetand mated and ren o cei ember Seu Nn MES 12, Ber jlpeicn ol conan fog 1. San with a peeic owing he names of pars sper PORN A. (othe Rae, i Atababeertnent sper FORM B co he Ralls 1B. Ab appendix ging tbe the of prosecution wtraues, defence ‘tots, Coun toxnes, Protcaton Exhiin, Defence Ethie te Cone Eslibis and Mars Obes at per FORM C wo te aes 13 Ta comgiagce wih Sect 364 nad 358 CHP in ete the fms shal coin: 1, tpn: or pois fr deteniation, Le deidon theron. fi, shecentar forthe dion ad Al ‘Wie cate Bf onvedon, he jalgnent shall pal nde the offence ‘ned ke scene ded Inet he ate mip acted nh Of hom ile dea wih sje Ta ce of septa nd ihe aecnsed ‘se esntnament, x dcion dul Ye giant ot che accused en, ‘les i ee in esi in ay exer case ‘Bcln tke jngmee he cated nese exits ms jee he be sft by theienomende ae or combi nda by mame heise ‘Whores her in ido lero te acest oc wise yt ae, ‘he mers eine vi bce ‘THe jgpbie sal be wean In pasgop and each pacguaph sal be ‘simber iti, The Fesing OFicem, may, in shir dseion, rgeae Se adement int deen seston, Gurr vviceicanzous trae |. The aplein for bl mi crinaly be dapost of win pcod of 397 day for the def Ga sing, I the aplcsen i Aspoed off within sich pid, he Prscng Officer ell Frith ressony Wiest in the oder Haat Copy of the onder and the Bat 2 AZ tpptesion mut be fenishad so the arsed on the dst of pronouncement of the onc tet 4 The Paling Otiew main an apgepcne ese in is ero nie ‘bo lement oe led by he proseetor in chase of he ct 18, Separation oF paosccurois ano mwvesTicarons ‘The Sate Gorernmenss skal appoint adrocts, oihee than Prbtic ‘Protect to ave the vesting Ofer dig iets, 19, DIRECTIONS FOR EXPEDITIOUS TRIAL 1k ey onan ore he posesing habe bald as expeditiously 4 poi, nd pai, when the exon of wins bas et beg he sme sl be coated fom dy day wt al he ‘nets in areadace be bee examined, ols ih out she slourmer ofthese eyo the lowing ay 0 be seca for reason to be reson Geton 209 () CoP, Alm hecommencinen’ of hemi ithe oust ns i sect oF sdialeo potpne the cthmencemens fr ae, any lng ot 5a, ery, rom dine toting, forenoon be tse postpone ot sje the name on wsh ema i inks, fr wach dime a Ad cite cesonal. If wees ar in sardanes no aot of ponglimane chal be pated, without cating them, exept foe spt iota be recon wing, ocdon 100 CrP, |, Setlops eves sould be in pecedice ove il eter work ee cer wo shalt en on snans desi the sens eck foc she days conplel. A Seon ct ose ped should not be omponed unr dt enable, ad once the al hes bac ‘oul prose ectnsoty om dy to dye comple 17 eaten, az kas 1 aun o posse, non shold ‘bs ge forth w bok sides end nade steps be ken 0 sop ‘be ie asec ke presence onthe aout dace =o TTI eee enascer Repu | 2 AM Fomus a THE COURT OF Pee: Sensions judge [Det ofthe Jadgeriny Koren an9) (Dens of FRY Cine Pot Sein) ‘Conpiiar Sao OES REACT TE ALL PARROTT 2 Nan eH ALL PARTICULARS (A) Das ohn Bas of ik aeaaier "Die ofFaning of ager Biz ot coniieacenen of ORS Bae hi Dine oft age ‘ite ofthe Sic Ov, ay Accused Deets ak aN [Dae eee | Acad | Ane | Rats ota ‘Ti ta Uedayone sig rel be pss of ws.c0 Ae Fou LIST OF PROSECUTION /DEFENCH/COURT WITNESSES Print TANK] NaN ‘NATURE OF EVIDENCE (Exe WITNESS, POLICE WITwWEss, FADER WITNESS, MEDICAL [WITNESS PANCH WHTNESS, OTHER WITNESS Fa a 1 Defence Wiest, ifanst NE [NM ‘NATURE OF EVIDENCE (@YE WINES, POLICE WITNESS, EXPERT WITNESS, MEDICAL [TINS PANCH WmTNSs, OTHER errs, Ber ©. Coun Wiensssen it anys Ay aR [RAE ‘NATURE OF EVIDENCE [BYE WITNESS POLICE WI=NESG, EXPERT WETNESS, MEDICAL (WETNESS, PANCHE WITNESS, OTHER wines or 7 LIST OF PROSECUTION /DEFENCE/COURT EXHIBITS A. Proseeaton No | SRE Wane Baipice TT ETPRT 7 ERR aw 1 Detences, SNS | aaa Neer Dae Tate DBT 2 Raa 1. Cour tii, EcNe | SBiNeaber | Baier TERT TORT { BRR CHEWS Mavelal Objecte [SNe | kiwaal “Goes | Dae be | ea a a Be pager Sane careers

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