2nd quarterFinalsOralCom

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Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________________ Score: __________


2nd Quarter Exam
October 11 & 12, 2018

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided before the number.

___ 1. It is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.

A. Speech Style B. Speech Context C. Speech Act D. Communicative Strategy
___ 2. It refers to the actual act of uttering.
A. Illocutionary act B. Locutionary act C. Perlocutionary act D. Assertive
___ 3. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition.
A. Directives B. Commissives C. Declaration D. Assertive
___ 4. It is a type of illocutionary act which brings a change in the external situation.
A. Commissive B. Declaration C. Assertive D. Expressive
___ 5. It is a type of illocutionary act which commits the speaker to doing something in the future.
A. Commissive B. Expressive C. Directive D. Assertive
___6. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional reactions.
A. Declaration B. Directive C. Expressive D. Commissive
___7. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker tries to make the addressee perform an action.
A. Assertive B. Directive C. Commissive D. Declaration
___8. These are statements which enable the speaker to perform something just by stating it.
A. Performatives B. Assertives C. Directives D. Expressives
___9. It refers to the resulting act of what is said.
A. Illocutionary act B. Locutionary act C. Perlocutionary act D. Assertive
___10. It refers to the social function of what is said.
A. Illocutionary act B. Locutionary act C. Perlocutionary act D. Assertive
___11. Which of the following statement is FALSE.
A. People do not communicate in just one way, using only one method.
B. We interact based on a specific Speech Context.
C. Intrapersonal Communication involves more than one person.
D. A different Communicative Strategy that leads to effective Communication is needed for every situation.
___12. It is considered as a drawback or disadvantage of Reading/Speaking from a manuscript.
A. Speakers tend to look upward, sideward, or worse, on the floor.
B. The Speaker might forget the lines when delivering the speech.
C. The formality of the language of the Speech often means the use of complex words or jargon.
D. The Speaker can just go on and on, and sometimes, with no point to make at all.

II. (For items 13-20, use the choices below) Identify the type of speech act according to John Searle (1976).

A. Assertive B. Directive C. Commissive D. Expressive E. Declaration.

___13. Back off, beasts, and give way to me, your queen.
___14. Rest assured, everything will be fine.
___15. You are fired!
___16. You can look at different angles but I think it is best to decline the offer.
___17. I couldn’t thank you enough for saving my life.
___18. Pardon me for what I have done.
___19. Can you please e-mail me our group presentation so that I can check it again?
___20. I am the only person who can explain the proposition well because I am intelligent.

III. Identify the type of communicative strategy in each statement. (For items 21-30, use the choices below.)

A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-taking D. Topic control E. Topic shifting F. Repair G.


___21.“Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.”

___22.“Sorry, I can’t decide on that now. I am still focused on my writing assignment. Let’s talk next time, okay?”
___23.“Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you because I want to personally offer apologies for what I did
___24.“Best regards to your parents, see you around.”
___25.“Hey, how are you? I missed you.”
___26.“Have you heard the news about the latest achievement of our government?”
___27.“Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say something.”
___28.“Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearly understand what we want to say.”
___29.“One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the importance of sports and wellness to a healthy
___30.“Do you have anything to say?”

IV. True or False. Write YES if the statement is true; write NO if it is false.

_____31. Any speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

_____32. An outline determines whether your supporting ideas match your main idea or not.
_____33. In the introduction, you explain the importance of your topic by giving examples.
_____34. Knowing the audience and the occasion is crucial in writing.
_____35. Rehearsing is a major requirement.
_____36. Audience analysis is not that necessary when preparing a speech.
_____37. The approach that you will use in your introduction can determine the success of the speech.
_____38. The primary objective of speech writing is getting the right or appropriate topic.
_____39. Narrowing a topic means making your main idea more specific and focused.
_____40. Word choice is one consideration in writing a speech.
_____41. Demography refers to the values, beliefs and needs of the audience.
_____42.The purpose of the speech will help you identify ideas that will support your main idea or message.
_____43. Persuasive speech provides the audience with amusement.
_____44. An informative speech provides the audience with well-argued ideas that can influence their own beliefs.
_____45. Speech writing is a recursive process.

V. Answer the following numbers as precise as you can. Write legibly and avoid erasures.

1. What makes one an effective speaker? (5 points)

2. If given the chance to speak to the world, what would you like to talk about? Why you have chosen that topic? (5

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher HT-I, English Department

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