Bar Qs and As in Labor 2007 2017

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2007-2013 See scribd attend to other employees who teach and live inside the campus.

Examination-Questions-and-Suggested- ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
2014 Bar Q and A The complaint for illegal dismissal should be
dismissed. There was no showing that in hiring
LABOR LAW the replacement cook, SU severed its
employer-employee relationship with Linda.
In illegal dismissal cases, an employee must
I. first establish, by substantial evidence, the
fact of dismissal before shifting to the
Linda was employed by Sectarian University employer the burden of proving the validity of
(SU) to cook for the members of a religious such dismissal (Grand Asian Shipping Lines,
order who teach and live inside the campus. Inc. v. Wilfred Galvez, G.R. No. 178184,
While performing her assigned task, Linda January 29, 2014). Here, Linda’s dismissal was
accidentally burned herself. Because of the not clearly established.
extent of her injuries, she went on medical
leave. Meanwhile, SU engaged a
replacement cook. Linda filed a complaint for
illegal dismissal, but her employer SU
contended that Linda was not a regular II.
employee but a domestic househelp. Decide
(4%) Lucy was one of approximately 500 call
center agents at Hambergis, Inc. She was
SUGGESTED ANSWER: hired as a contractual employee four years
ago. Her contracts would be for a duration of
five (5) months at a time, usually after a one-
The employer’s argument that Linda was not month interval Her re-hiring was contingent
a regular employee has no merit. The on her performance for the immediately
definition of domestic servant or househelper preceding contract. Six (6) months after the
contemplates one who is employed in the expiration of her last contract, Lucy went to
employer’s home to minister exclusively to Hambergis personnel department to inquire
the personal comfort and enjoyment of the why she was not yet being recalled to work.
employer’s family. The Supreme Court already She was told that her performance during her
held that the mere fact that the househelper last contract was “below average.” Lucy
is working in relation to or in connection with seeks your legal advice about her chances of
its business warrants the conclusion that such getting her job back. What will your advice
househelper or domestic servant is and be? (4%)
should be considered as a regular employee
(Apex Mining Co., Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 94951,
April 22, 1991). Here, Linda was hired not to
minister to the personal comfort and
enjoyment of her employer’s family but to SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Lucy cannot get her job back. She is a fixed- unilaterally been providing to its employees?
term employee and as such, her employment (1%)
terminates upon the expiration of her
contract (Rowell Industrial Corporation v. (A) Yes, because it is suffering losses for the
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 167714, March 7, first time.
2007, 517 SCRA 691).
(B) Yes, because this is a management
prerogative which is not due to any legal or
contractual obligation.
(C No, because this amounts to a diminution
I will advise Lucy that she can get her job back of benefits which is prohibited by the Labor
if she files a case for illegal dismissal where, as Code.
a general rule, the twin reliefs of backwages
and reinstatement are available. In the instant (D) No, because it is a fringe benefit that has
case, Lucy is a regular employee because the already ripened into a demandable right.
employment contracts of five (5) months at a
time, for four (4) years are obviously intended
to circumvent an employee’s security of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
tenure, and are therefore void. As a regular
employee, Lucy may only be dismissed from (C) No, because this amounts to a diminution
service based on just and authorized causes of benefits which is prohibited by the Labor
enumerated under the Labor Code, and after Code.
observance of procedural due process
prescribed under said law (Magsalin v.
National Organization of Working Men, G.R.
No. 148492, May 9, 2003).

Linis Manpower, Inc. (LMI) had provided

janitorial services to the Philippine Overseas
III Employment Administration (POEA) since
March 2009. Its service contract was
Lolong Law Firm (LLF), which employs around renewed every three months. However, in
fifty (50) lawyers and one hundred (100) the bidding held in June 2012, LMI was
regular staff, suffered losses for the first time disqualified and excluded. In 2013, six
in its history. The management informed its janitors of LMI formerly assigned at POEA
employees that it could no longer afford to filed a complaint for underpayment of wages.
provide them free lunch. Consequently, it Both LMI and POEA were impleaded as
announced that a nominal fee would respondents. Should POEA, a government
henceforth be charged. Was LLF justified in agency subject to budgetary appropriations
withdrawing this benefit which it had from Congress, be held liable solidarily with
LMI for the payment of salary differentials
due to the complainant? Cite the legal basis (A) Should the votes of the probationary and
of your answer. (4%) dismissed

SUGGESTED ANSWER: employees be counted in the total votes cast

for the purpose of determining the winning
Yes, but only to the extent of work performed labor union?
under the contract. The second paragraph of
Art. 106 of the Labor Code provides: SUGGESTED ANSWER:

Art. 106. Contractor or subcontractor. – … In Yes. Rule IX, Sec. 5 of DOLE Department Order
the event that the contractor or 40-03 provides that “[a]ll employees who are
subcontractor fails to pay the wages of his members of the appropriate bargaining unit
employees in accordance with this Code, the sought to be represented by the petitioner at
employer shall be jointly and severally, liable the time of the issuance of the order granting
with his contractor or subcontractor to such the conduct of a certification election shall be
employees to the extent of the work eligible to vote. An employee who has been
performed under the contract, in the same dismissed from work but has contested the
manner and extent that he is liable to legality of the dismissal in a forum of
employees directly employed by him … appropriate jurisdiction at the time of the
issuance of the order for the conduct of a
The fact that POEA is a government agency is certification election shall be considered a
of no moment. In U.S.A. v. Ruiz (G.R. No. L- qualified voter, unless his/ her dismissal was
35645, May 22, 1985), the Supreme Court declared valid in a final judgment at the time
ruled that the State may be sued if the of the conduct of the certification election.”
contract it entered into is pursuant to its
proprietary functions. (B) Was there a valid election?


V. Yes. To have a valid election, at least a

majority of all eligible voters in the unit must
Liwayway Glass had 600 rank-and-file have cast their votes (Art. 256, now Art. 266,
employees. Three rival unions A, B, and C of the Labor Code). In the instant case, 500
participated in the certification elections out of 600 rank-and-file employees voted.
ordered by the Med-Arbiter. 500 employees
voted. The unions obtained the following 1. C) Should Union A be declared the
votes: A-200; B-150; C-50; 90 employees winner?
voted “no union”; and 10 were segregated
votes. Out of the segregated votes, four (4) SUGGESTED ANSWER:
were cast by probationary employees and six
(6) were cast by dismissed employees whose
respective cases are still on appeal. (10%)
No. The Labor Code provides that the Labor VI.
Union receiving the majority of the valid votes
cast shall be certified as the exclusive Lina has been working as a steward with a
bargaining agent of all the workers in the unit Miami, U.S.A.-based Loyal Cruise Lines for the
(Art. 256, now Art. 266, of the Labor Code). past fifteen (15) years. She was recruited by
Here, the number of valid votes cast is 490; a local manning agency, Macapagal Shipping,
thus, the winning union should receive at least and was made to sign a ten-month (10)
246 votes. Union A only received 200 votes. employment contract everytime she left for
Miami. Macapagal Shipping paid for Lina’s
(D) Suppose the election is declared invalid, round-trip travel expenses from Manila to
which of the Miami. Because of a food poisoning incident
which happened during her last cruise
contending unions should represent the assignment, Lina was not re-hired. Lina
rank-and-file employees? claims she has been illegally terminated and
seeks separation pay. If you were the Labor
Arbiter handling the case, how would you
SUGGESTED ANSWER: decide? (4%)

None of them should represent the rank-and- SUGGESTED ANSWER:

file employees (Art. 255, now Art. 265, of the
Labor Code).
I will dismiss Lina’s complaint. Lina is a
contractual employee and the length of her
(E) Suppose that in the election, the unions employment is determined by the contracts
obtained she entered into. Here, her employment was
terminated at the the expiration of the
the following votes: A-250; B-150; C-50; 40 contract (Millares v. NLRC, G.R. No. 110524,
voted “no union”; and 10 were segregated July 29, 2002, 385 SCRA 306, 318).
votes. Should Union A be certified as the
bargaining representative?


Yes. The Labor Code provides that the Labor Non-lawyers can appear before the Labor
Union receiving the majority of the valid votes Arbiter if: (1%)
cast shall be certified as the exclusive
bargaining agent of all the workers in the unit
(Art. 256, now Art. 266, of the Labor Code). (A) they represent themselves
Here, the number of valid votes cast is 490.
Thus, the winning union should receive at (B) they are properly authorized to represent
least 246 votes; Union A received 250 votes. their legitimate labor organization or
member thereof
(C) they are duly-accredited members of the on dismiss those employees who committed
legal aid office recognized by the DOJ or IBP illegal acts?

(D) they appear in cases involving an amount SUGGESTED ANSWER:

of less than Php5,000
No. The employer may be considered as
SUGGESTED ANSWER: having waived its right to dismiss employees
who committed illegal acts during the strike
(A) they represent themselves (Art. 222, Labor (Reformist Union of R.B. Liner v. NLRC, G.R.
Code: Rule III, Sec. 6, 2011 NLRC Rules of No. 120482, January 27, 1997, 266 SCRA 713).
(C) If due to prolonged strike, Lazo
Corporation hired replacements, can it
refuse to admit the replaced strikers?

As a result of a bargaining deadlock between

Lazo Corporation and Lazo Employees Union, No. Sec. 3, Art. XIII of the Constitution
the latter staged a strike. During the strike, guarantees workers the right to strike in
several employees committed illegal acts. accordance with law, and prolonged strike is
Eventually, its members informed the not prohibited by law. With Art. 212 (o)
company of their intention to return to work. defining strike as “any temporary stoppage of
(6%) work as a result of an industrial or labor
dispute, it is the prerogative of strikers to cut
short or prolong a strike. By striking, the
(A) Can Lazo Corporation refuse to admit the employees have not abandoned their
strikers? employment. Rather, they have only ceased
temporarily from rendering work. The striking
SUGGESTED ANSWER: employees have not lost their right to go back
to their positions, because the declaration of
No. The commission of illegal acts during a a strike is not a renunciation of their
strike does not automatically bring about loss employment, much less their employee-
of employment status. Due process must be employer relationship.
observed by the employer before any
dismissal can be made (Stamford Marketing ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
Corp. v. Julian, G.R. No. 145496, February 24,
2004, 423 SCRA 633). No. As a general rule, replacements take their
employment as conditional, i.e., subject to the
(B) Assuming the company admits the rights of strikers to return to work.
strikers, can it later
However, since this is an economic strike, the FUBU (BPIEU-Davao City-FUBU) v. Bank of the
strikers are entitled to reinstatement only in Philippine Islands, G.R. No. 174912, July 24,
case Lazo Corporation has not yet hired 2013).
permanent replacements (Consolidated Labor
Association v. Marsman & Co., G.R. No. L- ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
17038, July 31, 1964, 11 SCRA 589).
I will decide in favor of the chambermaids. Art.
248 (c) of the Labor Code considers as unfair
labor practice on the part of Luisa Court its
. “contract out the services or functions being
performed by union members.” Luisa Court’s
IX. abolition and act of outsourcing the
chambermaids’ positions are clearly acts of
illegal dismissal.
Luisa Court is a popular chain of motels. It
employs over thirty (30) chambermaids who,
among others, help clean and maintain the
rooms. These chambermaids are part of the
union rank-and-file employees which has an X.
existing collective bargaining agreement
(CBA) with the company. While the CBA was Luisa was hired as a secretary by the Asian
in force, Luisa Court decided to abolish the Development Bank (ADB) in Manila. Luisa’s
position of chambermaids and outsource the first boss was a Japanese national whom she
cleaning of the rooms to Malinis Janitorial got along with. But after two years, the latter
Services, a bona fide independent contractor was replaced by an arrogant Indian national
which has invested in substantial equipment who did not believe her work output was in
and sufficient manpower. The chambermaids accordance with international standards.
filed a case of illegal dismissal against Luisa One day, Luisa submitted a draft report filled
Court. In response, the company argued that with typographical errors to her boss. The
the decision to outsource resulted from the latter scolded her, but Luisa verbally fought
new management’s directive to streamline back. The Indian boss decided to terminate
operations and save on costs. her services right then and there. Luisa filed
a case for illegal dismissal with the Labor
If you were the Labor Arbiter assigned to the Arbiter claiming arbitrariness and denial of
case, how would you decide? (4%) due process.

SUGGESTED ANSWER: If you were the Labor Arbiter, how would you
decide the case? (4%)
I will decide in favor of Luisa Court, provided
that all the requisites for a valid retrenchment SUGGESTED ANSWER:
under the Labor Code are satisfied. It is
management prerogative to farm out any of
its activities (BPI Employees UnionDavao City-
I will dismiss the case. ADB enjoys immunity preference to stay in the Philippines. He was
from suit (DFA v. NLRC, G.R. No. 113191, dismissed by the company. Lionel now seeks
September 18, 1996). your legal advice on: (6%)


I will decide in favor of Luisa, by granting (A) whether he has a cause of action
nominal damages. To clarify, however, Luisa’s
dismissal is not illegal, for it has been held that Lionel has a cause of action; he was illegally
failure to observe prescribed standards of dismissed. Dismissal due to an employee’s
work, or to fulfill reasonable work refusal of a promotion is not within the sphere
assignments due to inefficiency, as in this of management prerogative. There is no law
case, may constitute just cause for dismissal that compels an employee to accept
(Iluminada Ver Buiser v. Leogardo, Jr., G.R. No. promotion (Dosch v. NLRC, G.R. No. L-51182,
L-63316, July 31, 1984, 131 SCRA 15). July 5, 1983).
Nonetheless, the employer’s failure to comply
with the procedure prescribed by law in
terminating the services of the employee (B) whether he can file a case in the
warrants the payment of nominal damages of Philippines
Php 30,000, in accordance with the Supreme
Court’s ruling in the case of Agabon v. NLRC Yes. Since this is a case of illegal dismissal, the
(G.R. No. 158693, November 17, 2004). Labor Arbiters have jurisdiction over the same
(Art. 217 (a) (2), Labor Code). Under the 2011
XI. NLRC Rules of Procedure, all cases which
Labor Arbiters have authority to hear and
decide, may be filed in the Regional
Lionel, an American citizen whose parents Arbitration Branch having jurisdiction over the
migrated to the U.S. from the Philippines, workplace of the complainant or petitioner
was hired by JP Morgan in New York as a call (Rule IV, Sec. 1).
center specialist. Hearing about the
phenomenal growth of the call center
industry in his parents’ native land, Lionel
sought and was granted a transfer as a call
center manager for JP Morgan’s operations (C) what are his chances of winning
in Taguig City. Lionel’s employment contract
did not specify a period for his stay in the He has a big chance of winning. An employee
Philippines. After three years of working in cannot be promoted without his consent,
the Philippines, Lionel was advised that he even if the same is merely a result of a
was being recalled to New York and being transfer, and an employee’s refusal to accept
promoted to the position of director of promotion cannot be considered as
international call center operations. insubordination or willful disobedience of a
However, because of certain “family lawful order of the employer. In this case, JP
reasons,” Lionel advised the company of his Morgan cannot dismiss Lionel due to the
latter’s refusal to accept the promotion XIII.
(Norkis Trading Co., Inc. v. Gnilo, G.R. No.
159730, February 11, 2008, 544 SCRA 279). Don Luis, a widower, lived alone in a house
with a large garden. One day, he noticed that
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: the plants in his garden needed trimming. He
remembered that Lando, a 17-year old out-
His chances of winning is nil because the of-school youth, had contacted him in church
objection to the transfer was grounded solely the other day looking for work. He contacted
on personal “family reasons” that will be Lando who immediately attended to Don
caused to him because of the transfer (OSS Luis’s garden and finished the job in three
Security & Allied Services, Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. days. (4%)
No. 112752, February 9, 2000, 325 SCRA 157);
Phil. Industrial Security Agency Corp. v. (A) Is there an employer-employee
Dapiton, G.R. No. 127421, December 8, 1999, relationship between Don Luis and Lando?
320 SCRA 124).
Yes. All the elements of employer-employee
Which of the following groups does not enjoy relationship are present, viz: 1. the selection
the right to self-organization? (1%) and engagement of the employee; 2. the
power of dismissal; 3. the payment of wages;
(A) those who work in a non-profit charitable and 4. the power to control the employee’s
institution conduct. There was also no showing that
Lando has his own tools, or equipment so as
to qualify him as an independent contractor.
(B) those who are paid on a piece-rate basis

(C) those who work in a corporation with less
than ten (10) employees
None. Lando is an independent contractor for
Don Luis does not exercise control over
(D) those who work as legal secretaries Lando’s means and method in tending to the
former’s garden.
(B) Does Don Luis need to register Lando with
(D) those who work as legal secretaries (Tunay the Social Security System (SSS)?
na Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawa sa Asia
Brewery v. Asia Brewery, Inc., G.R. No. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
162025, August 3, 2010).

Yes. Coverage in the SSS shall be compulsory

upon all employees not over sixty (60) years of
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Teachers
and Employees Labor Union (OLPCS-TELU) is
No. Lando is not an employee of Don Luis. a legitimate labor organization composed of
What the parties have is a contract for a piece vice-principals, department heads,
of work which. while allowed by Art. 1713 of coordinators, teachers, and non-teaching
the Civil Code, does not make Lando an personnel of Our Lady of Peace Catholic
employee under the Labor Code and Social School (OLPCS).
Security Act.
OLPCS-TELU subsequently filed a petition for
XIV. certification election among the teaching and
non-teaching personnel of OLPCS before the
Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) of the
Luisito has been working with Lima Land for Department of Labor and Employment
twenty vears. Wanting to work in the public (DOLE). The Med-Arbiter subsequently
sector, Luisito applied with and was offered a granted the petition and ordered the conduct
job at Livecor. Before accepting the offer, he of a joint certification election for the
wanted to consult you whether the payments teaching and non-teaching personnel of
that he and Lima Land had made to the Social OLPCS.
Security System (SSS) can be transferred or
credited to the Government Service
Insurance System (GSIS). May OLPCS-TELU be considered a legitimate
labor organization? (5%)
What would you advice? (4%)
Yes. The facts of the case concede that OLPCS-
TELY “is a legitimate labor organization.”
Yes. Under R.A. 7699, otherwise known as the
Portability Law, one may combine his years of
service in the private sector represented by
his contributions to the Social Security System
(SSS) with his government service and XVI.
contributions to the GSIS. The contributions
shall be totalized for purposes of old-age, Samahang East Gate Enterprises (SEGE) is a
disability, survivorship and other benefits in labor organization composed of the rank-and-
case the covered member does not qualify for file employees of East Gate Enterprises (EGE),
such benefits in either or both Systems the leading manufacturer of all types of gloves
without totalization. and aprons.

EGE was later requested by SEGE to bargain

collectively for better terms and conditions of
XV. employment of all the rank-and-file
employees of EGE. Consequently, EGE filed a
petition for certification election before the (A) Are the employees of Philhealth allowed
Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR). to self-organize and form PEA and thereafter
demand Philhealth to enter into negotiations
During the proceedings, EGE insisted that it with PEA for better terms and conditions of
should participate in the certification employment?
process. EGE reasoned that since it was the
one who filed the petition and considering SUGGESTED ANSWER:
that the employees concerned were its own
rank-and-file employees, it should be allowed Yes. Employees of Philhealth are allowed to
to take an active part in the certification selforganize under Sec. 8, Art. III and Sec. 3,
process. Art. XIII of the Constitution which recognize
the rights of all workers to self-organization.
Is the contention of EGE proper? Explain. They cannot demand, however, for better
(5%) terms and conditions of employment for the
same are fixed by law (Art. 244, Labor Code),
SUGGESTED ANSWER: besides, their salaries are standardized by
Congress (Art. 276, Labor Code).
No. Under Art. 258 (a) of the Labor Code, an
emploġer is a mere bystander in certification (B) In case of unresolved grievances, can PEA
elections, whether the petition for resort to strikes, walkouts, and other
certification election is filed by said employer temporary work stoppages to pressure the
or a legitimate labor organization. The government to accede to their demands?
employer shall not be considered a party
thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a SUGGESTED ANSWER:
petition for certification election.
No. Since the terms and conditions of
government employment are fixed by law,
government workers cannot use the same
XVII. weapons employed by workers in the private
sector to secure concessions from their
employers (Blaquera v. Alcala, G.R. Nos.
Philhealth is a government-owned and 109406. 110642, 111494, 112056, 119597,
controlled corporation employing thousands September 11, 1998).
of Filipinos. Because of the desire of the
employees of Philhealth to obtain better
terms and conditions of employment from
the government, they formed the Philhealth
Employees Association (PEA) and demanded XVIII.
Philhealth to enter into negotiations with PEA
regarding terms and conditions of The procedural requirements of a valid strike
employment which are not fixed by law. (4%) include: (1%)
(A) a claim of either unfair labor practice or XIX.
deadlock in collective bargaining
Lincoln was in the business of trading
(B) notice of strike filed at least fifteen (15) broadcast equipment used by television and
days before a ULP-grounded strike or at least radio networks. He employed Lionel as his
thirty (30) days prior to the deadlock in a agent. Subsequently, Lincoln set up Liberty
bargaining-grounded strike Communications to formally engage in the
same business. He requested Lionel to be one
(C) majority of the union membership must of the incorporators and assigned to him 100
have voted to stage the strike with notice Liberty shares. Lionel was also given the title
thereon furnished to the National Assistant Vice-President for Sales and Head
Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) at of Technical Coordination. After several
least twenty-four (24) hours before the strike months, there were allegations that Lionel
vote is taken was engaged in “under the table dealings”
and received “confidential commissions”
from Liberty’s clients and suppliers. He was,
(D) strike vote results must be furnished to therefore, charged with serious misconduct
the NCMB at least seven (7) days before the and willful breach of trust, and was given
intended strike fortyeight (48) hours to present his
explanation on the charges. Lionel was
SUGGESTED ANSWER: unable to comply with the 48-hour deadline
and was subsequently barred from entering
(B) notice of strike filed at least fifteen (15) company premises. Lionel then filed a
days before a ULP-grounded strike or at least complaint with the Labor Arbiter claiming
thirty (30) days prior to the deadlock in a constructive dismissal. Among others, the
bargaining-grounded strike (Art. 263 (c), Labor company sought the dismissal of the
Code). complaint alleging that the case involved an
intra-corporate controversy which was
within the jurisdiction of the Regional Trial
Court (RTC).

(C).majority of the union membership must

If you were the Labor Arbiter assigned to the
have voted to stage the strike with notice
case, how would you rule on the company’s
thereon furnished to the National Conciliation
motion to dismiss? (5%)
and Mediation Board(NCMB) at least 24 hours
before the strike vote is taken (Art. 263 (f),

(D) strike vote results must be furnished to the I will deny the motion to dismiss. “Corporate
NCMB at least seven (7) days before the officers” in the context of Presidential Decree
intended strike (Art. 263 (f), Labor Code). No. 902-A are those officers of the
corporation who are given that character by
the Corporation Code or by the corporation’s
by-laws. Sec. 25 of the Corporation Code have been made a part of the wage or salary
enumerates three specific officers that in law or compensation of the employees, a matter
are considered as corporate officers – the which is not in the facts of the case (American
president, secretary and the treasurer. Lincoln Wire and Cable Daily Rated Employees Union
is not one of them. There is likewise no v. American Wire and Cable Co., Inc., G.R. No.
showing that his position as Assistant Vice- 155059, April 29, 2005).
President is a corporate officer in the
company’s by-laws. The Labor Arbiter ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
therefore, has jurisdiction over the case (Art.
217 (a) (2), Labor Code).
No. Having been enjoyed for the last ten (10)
years, the granting of the bonus has ripened
into a company practice or policy which can
no longer be peremptorily withdrawn. Art.
XX. 100 of the Labor Code prohibits the
diminution or elimination by the employer of
Lito was anticipating the bonus he would the employees’ existing benefits.
receive for 2013. Aside from the 13th month
pay, the company has been awarding him
and his other co-employees a two to three
months bonus for the last ten (10) years. XXI.
However, because of poor over-all sales
performance for the year, the company
unilaterally decided to pay only a one month An accidental fire gutted the JKL factory in
bonus in 2013. (4%) Caloocan. JKL decided to suspend operations
and requested its employees to stop
reporting for work. After six (6) months, JKL
Is Lito’s employer legally allowed to reduce resumed operations but hired a new set of
the bonus? employees. The old set of employees filed a
case for illegal dismissal.
If you were the Labor Arbiter, how would you
Yes. A bonus is an act of generosity granted by decide the case? (4%)
an enlightened employer to spur the
employee to greater efforts for the success of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the business and realization of bigger profits.
The granting of a bonus is a management
prerogative, something given in addition to I will rule in favor of the employees. JKL factory
what is ordinarily received by or strictly due merely suspended its operations as a result of
the recipient. Thus, a bonus is not a the fire that gutted its factory. Art. 286 of the
demandable and enforceable obligation, Labor Code states that an employer may bona
except when it is made part of the wage, fide suspend the operation of its business for
salary or compensation of the employee. It a period not exceeding six (6) months. In such
may, therefore, be withdrawn, unless they a case, there would be no termination of the
employment of the employees, but only a these “tasters” joined the union of rank-and-
temporary displacement. Since the file employees of Luningning and demanded
suspension of work lasted more than six that they be made regular employees of the
months, there is now constructive dismissal latter as they are performing functions
(Sebuguero v. NLRC, G.R. No. 115394, necessary and desirable to operate the
September 27, 1995, 245 SCRA 532). company’s business. Luningning rejected the
demand for regularization. On behalf of the
“tasters,” the union then filed a notice of
strike with the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE). In response, Luningning
XXII. sought a restraining order from the Regional
Trial Court (RTC) arguing that the DOLE does
Despite a reinstatement order, an employer not have jurisdiction over the case since it
may choose not to reinstate an employee if: does not have an employer-employee
(1%) relationship with the employees of an
independent contractor.
(A) there is a strained employer-employee
relationship If you were the RTC judge, would you issue a
restraining order against the union? (4%)
(B) the position of the employee no longer

(C) the employer’s business has been closed Yes. There is no labor dispute in the instant
case. Since Lamitan Manpower is a bona fide
(D) the employee does not wish to be independent contractor, there is no
reinstated. employee-employer relationship between the
Luningning and the tasters.
(D) the employee does not wish to be
reinstated (DUP Sound Phils. v. CA, G.R. No. No. Art. 254 of the Labor Code is clear that no
168317, November 21, 2011). temporary or permanent injunction or
restraining order in any case involving or
growing out of labor disputes shall be issued
by any court or other entity, except as
provided in Article 218 and 264 of the same
XXIII. Code.

Luningning Foods engaged the services of XXIV.

Lamitan Manpower, Inc., a bona fide
independent contractor, to provide “tasters”
Lanz was a strict and unpopular Vice-
that will check on food quality. Subsequently,
President for Sales of Lobinsons Land. One
day, Lanz shouted invectives against Lee, a (D) monthly salary plus sales commissions,
poor performing sales associate, calling him, plus cost of living allowance and
among others, a “brown monkey.” Hurt, Lee representation allowance
decided to file a criminal complaint for grave
defamation against Lanz. The prosecutor SUGGESTED ANSWER:
found probable cause and filed an
information in court. Lobinsons decided to
terminate Lanz for committing a potential (D) monthly salary plus sales commissions,
crime and other illegal acts prejudicial to plus cost of living allowance and
business. Can Lanz be legally terminated by representation allowance (Songco v. NLRC,
the company on these grounds? (4%) G.R. No. L-50999, March 23, 1990).


No. The grounds relied upon by Lobinsons are XXVI.

not just causes for dismissal under the Labor
Code. Defamation is not a crime against Liwanag Corporation is engaged in the power
person which is a ground to dismiss under Art. generation business. A stalemate was
282, now Art. 295 (d) of the Labor Code. reached during the collective bargaining
negotiations between its management and
the union. After following all the requisites
XXV. provided by law, the union decided to stage
a strike. The management sought the
assistance of the Secretary of Labor and
Lizzy Lu is a sales associate for Luna Employment, who assumed jurisdiction over
Properties. The latter is looking to retrench the strike and issued a return-to-work order.
Lizzy and five other sales associates due to The union defied the latter and continued the
financial losses. Aside from a basic monthly strike. Without providing any notice, Liwanag
salary, Lizzy and her colleagues receive Corporation declared everyone who
commissions on the sales they make as well participated in the strike as having lost their
as cost of living and representation employment. (4%)
allowances. In computing Lizzy’s separation
pay, Luna Properties should consider her:
(1%) (A) Was Liwanag Corporation’s action valid?

(A) monthly salary only SUGGESTED ANSWER:

(B) monthly salary plus sales commissions Yes. A strike that is undertaken despite the
issuance by the Secretary of Labor of an
assumption or certification order becomes an
(C) monthly salary plus sales commissions, illegal act committed in the course of a strike.
plus cost of living allowance It rendered the strike illegal. The Union
officers and members, as a result, are deemed
to have lost their employment status for (A) exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all
having knowingly participated in an illegal act cases decided
(Union of Filipro Employees (UFE) v. Nestle
Philippines, Inc., G.R. Nos. 88710-13, by the Labor Arbiter (B) exclusive appellate
December 19, 1990, 192 SCRA 396). Such kind jurisdiction over all cases decided
of dismissal under Art. 264 can immediately
be resorted to as an exercise of management
prerogative (Biflex Phils., Inc. v. Filflex by Regional Directors or hearing officers
Industrial & Manufacturing Corp., G.R. No. involving the recovery of wages and other
155679, December 19, 2006, 511 SCRA 247). monetary claims and benefits arising from
employer-employee relations where the
aggregate money claim of each does not

No. Liwanag Corporation cannot outrightly thousand pesos (P5,000) (C) original
declare the defiant strikers to have lost their jurisdiction to act as a compulsory arbitration
employment status. “(A)s in other termination
cases,” the strikers are entitled to due process
protection under Art. 277 (b) of the Labor body over labor disputes certified to it by the
Code. Nothing in Art. 264 of the Code Regional
authorizes immediate dismissal of those who
commit illegal acts during a strike (Stamford Directors (D) power to issue a labor
Marketing Corp. V. Julian, G.R. No. 145496, injunction
February 24, 2004, 423 SCRA 633; Suico v.
NLRC, G.R. No. 146762, January 30, 2007, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
513 SCRA 325).
(C) original jurisdiction to act as a compulsory
(B) If, before the DOLE Secretary assumed arbitration body over labor disputes certified
jurisdiction, the striking union members to it by the Regional Directors (Art. 129, Labor
communicated in writing their desire to Code).
return to work, which offer Liwanag
Corporation refused to accept, what remedy,
Bar Exam 2015 Suggested Answers in Labor
if any, does the union have?
Law by the UP Law Complex
FEBRUARY 26, 2019
File a case for illegal dismissal [Art. 217 (a) (2),
Labor Code]
(A) Rocket Corporation is a domestic
corporation registered with the SEC, with
XXVII. 30% of its authorized capital stock owned by
foreigners and 70% of its authorized capital
The jurisdiction of the National Labor stock owned by Filipinos. Is Rocket
Relations Commission does not include: (1%) Corporation allowed to engage in the
recruitment and placement of workers, eight (8) hours per day. Because of additional
locally and overseas? Briefly state the basis orders, LKG now requires two (2) shifts of
for your answer. (2%) workers with both shifts working beyond
eight (8) hours but only up to a maximum of
(B) When does the recruitment of workers four (4) hours. Carding is an employee who
become an act of economic sabotage? (2%) used to render up to six (6) hours of overtime
work before the change in schedule. He
complains that the change adversely affected
SUGGESTED ANSWER him because now he can only earn up to a
maximum of four (4) hours’ worth of
(A) No. Article 27 of the Labor Code mandates overtime pay. Does Carding have a cause of
that pertinently, for action against the company? (4%)

a Corporation to validly engage in SUGGESTED ANSWER

recruitment and placement of workers,
locally and overseas, at least seventy-five No. A change in work schedule is a
percent (75%) of its authorized and voting management prerogative of LKG. Thus,
capital stock must be owned and controlled Carding has no cause of action against LKG if,
by Filipino citizens. Since only 70% of its as a result of its change to two (2) shifts, he
authorized capital stock is owned by Filipinos, now can only expect a maximum of four (4)
it consequently cannot validly engage in hours overtime work. Besides, Art. 97 of the
recruitment and placement of workers, Labor Code does not guarantee Carding a
locally and overseas. certain number of hours of overtime work.
In Manila Jockey Employees’ Union v. Manila
(B) Under Section 6(m) of RA 8042, illegal Jockey Club (G.R. No. 167760, March 7,
recruitment is considered economic 2007,517 SCRA 707), the Supreme Court held
sabotage if it is committed by a syndicate or that the basis of overtime claim is an
is large scale in scope. It is syndicated illegal employee’s having been “permitted to
recruitment if the illegal recruitment is work”. Otherwise, as in this case, such is not
carried out by three (3) or more conspirators; demandable.
and it is large scale in scope when it is
committed against three (3) more persons,
individually or as a group. III.

II. Benito is the owner of an eponymous

clothing brand that is a top seller. He employs
LKG Garments Inc. makes baby clothes for a number of male and female models who
export. As part of its measures to meet its wear Benito’s clothes. in promotional shoots
orders, LKG requires its employees to work and videos. His deal with the models is that
beyond eight (8) hours everyday, Benito will pay them with 3 sets of free
from Monday to Saturday. It pays its clothes per week. Is this arrangement
employees an additional 35% of their regular allowed? (2%)
hourly wage for work rendered in excess of

No. the arrangement is not allowed. The Far East Bank (FEB) is one of the leading
models are Benito’s employees. As such, banks in the country. Its compensation and
their services require compensation in legal bonus packages are top of the industry. For
tender (Art. 102, Labor Code). The three sets the last 6 years, FEB had been providing the
of clothes, regardless of value, are in kind; following bonuses across-the-board to all its
hence, the former’s compensation is not in employees:
the form prescribed by law.
(a) 13th month pay; (b) 14th to 18th month
ANOTHER SUGGESTED ANSWER pay; (c) Christmas basket worth P6,000; (d)
Gift check worth P4,000; and (e)
Under Article 102 of the Labor Code, wages Productivity-based incentive ranging from a
of an employee are to be paid only in legal 20% to 40% increase in gross monthly salary
tender, even when expressly requested by for all employees who would receive an
the employee. Hence, no lawful deal in this evaluation of “Excellent” for 3 straight
regard can be entered into by and between quarters in the same year.
Benito and his models.
Because of its poor performance over-all, FEB
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER decided to cut back on the bonuses this year
and limited itself to the following:
The models are not employees. Therefore,
Art. 102 of the Labor Code applies. The (a) 13th month pay; (b) 14th month pay; (c)
payment does not have to be in legal tender. Christmas basket worth P4,000; and (d) Gift
But even if they are employees, the wage check worth P2,000.
arrangement between Benito and the
models is allowed by Art: 97(f) of the Labor Katrina, an employee of FEB, who had gotten
Code which defines wage as the a rating of “Excellent” for the last 3 quarters
remuneration or earning paid to an was looking forward to the bonuses plus the
employee, however designated, capable of productivity incentive bonus. After learning
being expressed in terms of money, whether that FEB had modified the bonus scheme, she
fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or objected. Is Katrina’s objection justified?
commission basis, or other method of Explain. (3%)
calculating the same, which is payable by an
employer to an employee under a written or SUGGESTED ANSWER
unwritten contract of employment for work
done or to be done, or for services rendered
or to be rendered. It includes the fair and Katrina’s objection is justified. Having
reasonable value, as determined by the enjoyed the across-the-board bonuses,
Secretary of Labor, of board, lodging or other Katrina has earned a vested right. Hence,
facilities customarily furnished by the none of them can be withheld or reduced. In
employer. to the employee. the problem, the company has not proven its
alleged losses to be substantial. Permitting
reduction of pay at the slightest indication of the need may arise. Is Soledad’s defense
losses is contrary to the policy of the State to meritorious? (4%)
afford full protection to labor and promote
full employment (Linton Commercial Co. v. SUGGESTED ANSWER
Hellera, G.R. No. 163147, October 10,
2007,535 SCRA 434). As to the withheld
productivity-based bonuses, Katrina is Soledad’s defense is meritorious. Sec. 4(d) of
deemed to have earned them because of her the Kasambahay Law (RA No. 10361)
excellent performance ratings for three provides that the term “Domestic Worker”
quarters. On this basis, they cannot be shall not include children who are under
withheld without violating the Principle of foster family arrangement, and are provided
Non-Diminution of Benefits. access to education and given an allowance
incidental to education, i.e. “baon”,
transportation, school projects and school
Moreover, it is evident from the facts of the activities.
case that what was withdrawn by FEB was a
productivity bonus. Protected by RA No. 6791
which mandates that the monetary value of VI.
the productivity improvement be shared with
the employees, the “productivity-based Ador is a student working on his master’s
incentive” scheme of FEB cannot just be degree in horticulture. To make ends meet,
withdrawn without the consent of its he takes on jobs to come up with flower
affected employees. arrangements for friends. His neighbor, Nico,
is about to get married to Lucia and needs a
V. floral arranger. Ador offers his services and
Nico agrees. They shake hands on it, agreeing
that Nico will pay Ador P20,000.00 for his
Soledad, a widowed school teacher, takes services, but that Ador will take care of
under her wing one of her students, Kiko, 13 everything. As Ador sets about to decorate
years old, who was abandoned by his parents the venue, Nico changes all of Ador’s plans
and has to do odd jobs in order to study. She and ends up designing the arrangements
allows Kiko to live in her house, provides him himself with Ador simply executing Nico’s
with clean clothes, food, and a daily instructions.
allowance of 200 pesos. In exchange, Kiko
does routine housework, consisting of
cleaning the house and doing errands for (A) Is there an employer-employee
Soledad. One day, a representative of the relationship between Nico and
DOLE and the DSWD came to Soledad’s
house and charged her with violating the law Ador? (4%)
that prohibits work by minors. Soledad
objects and offers as a defense that she was (B) Will Nico need to register Ador with the
not requiring Kiko to work as the chores were Social Security System
not hazardous. Further, she did not give him
chores regularly but only intermittently as
(SSS)? (2%)
SUGGESTED ANSWER hired for 3 straight contracts of 4 months
each but at 2-week intervals between
(A) Yes. With Ador’s simply executing Nico’s contracts. After the third contract ended,
instruction, Nico, who now has control over Don Don is told that he will no longer be given
Ador’s work, has become the employer of another contract because of “poor
Ador. In Royale Homes Marketing Corp. v. performance.” Don Don files a suit for
Fidel Alcantara (G.R. No. 195190, July 28, “regularization” and for illegal dismissal,
2014), the Supreme Court held that control is claiming that he is a regular employee of
the most important determinant of CALLHELP and that he was dismissed without
employer-employee relationship. cause. You are the Labor Arbiter. How would
you decide the case? (4%)
(B) Yes, as under Section 9 of the Social
Security Law (Art. 1161 as SUGGESTED ANSWER

amended), coverage in the SSS shall be As Labor Arbiter, I will decide the case in
compulsory upon all employees not over favor of Don Don. Given the nature of Don
sixty (60) years of age and their employers: Don’s work, which consist of activities usually
or desirable in the usual business of
CALLHELP, Don Don should be considered a

(B) If Ador is a purely casual employee, then, CALLHELP’s termination of Don Don’s service
no. Casual employees are not subject to the in the guise of “poor performance” is not
compulsory coverage of the SSS by express valid. Whether for a probationary or regular
provision of law (Section 8(5) (3), RA No. employee, the requisites of dismissal on that
1161, as amended). ground do not appear to have been complied
with by the employer here.
(A) There is no employer-employee
relationship. The case at hand Star Crafts is a lantern maker based in
Pampanga. It supplies Christmas lanterns to
pertains to a civil law arrangement. There is stores in Luzon, Metro Manila, and parts of
no business undertaken by Lucia; what the Visayas, for the months of August to
parties have is a contract for a specific November being the busiest months. Its
service. factory employs a workforce of 2,000
workers who make different lanterns daily
VII. for the whole year. Because of increased
demand, Star Crafts entered into a
contractual arrangement with People Plus, a
Don Don is hired as a contractual employee
service contractor, to supply the former with
of CALLHELP, a call center. His contract is
100 workers for only 4 months, August to
expressly for a term of 4 months. Don Don is
November, at a rate different from what they day, Din Din is informed by her boss that she
pay their regular employees. The contract is being promoted to a managerial position
with People Plus stipulates that all equipment but she is now being transferred to the
and raw materials will be supplied by Star Visayas. Din Din does not want to uproot her
Crafts with the express condition that the family and refuses the offer. Her boss is so
workers cannot take any of the designs home humiliated by Din Din’s refusal of the offer
and must complete their tasks within the that she gives Din Din successive
premises of Star Crafts. unsatisfactory evaluations that result in Din
Din being removed from the supermarket.
Is there an employer-employee relationship
between Star Crafts and the 100 workers Din Din approaches you, as counsel, for legal
from People Plus? Explain. (4%) advice. What would you advise her? (4 %)

Yes. People Plus is a labor-only-contractor SUGGESTED ANSWER

because it is not substantially capitalized.
Neither does it carry on an independent I will advise Din Din to sue her boss and the
business in which it uses its own investment supermarket for illegal dismissal. Din Din
in the form of tools, equipment, machineries cannot be compelled to accept the
or work premises. Hence, it is just an agent or promotion. Her unsatisfactory evaluations as
recruiter of workers who perform work well as her boss’ insistence that she should
directly related to the trade of Star Crafts. agree to the intended transfer to Visayas are
Since both the essential element and the badges of an abuse of management
conforming element of labor-only prerogative. In Pfizer Inc. v. Velasco (G.R. No.
contracting are present, Star Crafts becomes 177467, March 9, 2011, 645 SCRA 135), the
the employer of the supplied worker.. As Supreme Court held that the managerial
principal; Star Crafts will always be an prerogative to transfer personnel must be
employer in relation to the workers supplied exercised without abuse of discretion,
by its contractor. Its status as employer is bearing in mind the basic elements of justice
either direct or indirect depending on and fair play. Hence, Din Din’s dismissal is
whether the contractor is legitimate or not. illegal.
Thus even if People Plus were a legitimate job
contractor, still Star Crafts will be treated as
a statutory employer for purposes of paying X
the workers’ unpaid wages and benefits.
Karina Santos is a famous news anchor
IX appearing nightly in the country’s most
watched newscast. She is surprised, after one
newscast, to receive a notice of hearing
Din Din is a single mother with one child. She before the station’s Vice-President for
is employed as a sales executive at a Human Resources and calls the VP
prominent supermarket. She and her child immediately to ask what was wrong. Karina is
live in Quezon City and her residence and told over the phone that one of her crew filed
workplace are a 15-minute drive apart. One a complaint against her for verbal abuse and
that the management is duty bound to Matatag Insurance does not have to await
investigate and give her a chance to air her the result of the criminal case before
side. Karina objects and denies that she had exercising its prerogative to dismiss.
ever verbally assaulted her crew. The VP then Dismissal is not affected by a criminal case.
informed her that pending the investigation, Under the Three-fold Liability Rule, a single
she will be placed on a 30-day preventive act may result in three liabilities, two of which
suspension without pay, and that she will not are criminal and administrative. To establish
be allowed to appear in the newscast during them, the evidence of the crime must
this time. amount to proof beyond reasonable doubt;
whereas, the evidence of the ground for
Is the preventive suspension of Karina valid? dismissal is substantial evidence only. In this
Discuss the reasons for your answer. (4%) regard, the company has some basis already
for withholding the trust it has reposed on its
manager. Hence, Rico’s convic tion need not
SUGGESTED ANSWER precede the employee’s dismissal.

No. The preventive suspension of Karina is XII

not valid. The employer may place an
employee under preventive suspension if his/
her continued employment would pose a Blank Garments, Inc. (BLANK), a clothing
serious and imminent threat to the life or manufacturer, employs more than 200
property of the employer or of his/her co- employees in its manufacturing business.
employees. These requirements are not Because of its high overhead, BLANK decided
present here. to sell its manufacturing business to Bleach
Garments, Inc. (BLEACH) lock, stock and
barrel which included goodwill, equipment,
XI and personnel. After taking on BLANK’s
business, BLEACH reduces the workforce by
Rico has a temper and, in his work as not hiring half the workers specifically the
Division Manager of Matatag Insurance, ones with séniority, BLANK and BLEACH are
frequently loses his temper with his staff. still discerned to be sister companies with
One day, he physically assaults his staff identical incorporators. The laid-off
member by slapping him. The staff member employees sue both BLANK and BLEACH for
sues him for physical injuries. Matatag unlawful termination.
Insurance decides to terminate Rico, after
notice and hearing, on the ground of loss of (A). How would you decide this case? (4%)
trust and confidence. Rico claims that he is
entitled to the presumption of innocence
because he has not yet been convicted. (B) What is the “successor employer”
Comment on Matatag’s action in relation to doctrine? (2%)
Rico’s argument. (4%)
(A) In transfer of ownership, the buyer corporation or its new majority shareholders
corporation, as a general rule, is not duty- are not entitled to lawfully dismiss corporate
bound to absorb the employees of the selling employees.
corporation. The buyer corporation becomes
liable to the displaced employees only if the SUGGESTED ANSWERS
change of ownership is done in bad faith or is
used to defeat the rights of labor. In such a
case, the successor employer is duty-bound (B) The “successor employer” doctrine refers
to absorb the displaced to a sale or transfer in
employees (Peñafrancia Tours and Travel
Transport, Inc., v. Sarmiento, G.R. No. ownership of an entity that has been done in
178397, October 20, 2011, 634 SCRA 279). bad faith or to defeat the rights of labor. In
such a case, it is as if there have been no
Since the facts of the case do not show any changes in employer-employee relationship
bad faith in BLEACH’S sale to BLANK, BLEACH, between the seller and its employees. The
consequently, is not obliged to absorb the buyer becomes a “successor employer” and
displaced employees of BLANK. is obliged to absorb the displaced employees.

The case at hand involves sales of assets as XIII

differentiated from sales of stocks. The ruling
in SME Bank v. De Guzman (G.R. No. Luisa is an unwed mother with three (3)
184517, October 8, 2013), which reversed children from different fathers. in 2004, she
Manlimos v. NLRC (G.R, No. 113337, March 2, became a member of the Social Security
1995, 312 Phil. 178), pointed out that in asset System (SSS). That same year, she suffered a
sales, the rule is that the seller. in good faith miscarriage of a baby out of wedlock from
is authorized to dismiss the affected the father of her third child. She wants to
employees, but is liable for the payment of claim maternity benefits under the SSS Act. Is
separation pay under the law. The buyer in she entitled to claim? (3%)
good faith, on the other hand, is not obliged
to absorb the employees affected by the sale, SUGGESTED ANSWER
nor is it liable for the payment of their claims.
In contrast with asset sales, in which the
Yes, provided Luisa has reported to her
assets of the selling corporation are
employer her pregnancy and date of
transferred to another entity, the transaction
expected delivery, and paid at least three
in stock sales takes place at the shareholder
monthly contributions during the 12-month
level. Because the corporation possesses a
period immediately preceding her
personality separate and distinct from that of
miscarriage, then she is entitled to maternity
its shareholders, a shift in the composition of
benefits up to four deliveries. As to the fact
its shareholders will not affect its existence
that she got pregnant outside wedlock, as in
and continuity. Hence the corporation
her past three pregnancies, this will not bar
continues to be the employer and continues
her claim because the SSS is non-
to be liable for the payment of their just
claims. Absent a just or authorized cause, the
IV (A) Victor sued for medical reimbursement,
damages and attorney’s fees, claiming that
Luis, a PNP officer, was off duty and resting at tuberculosis was a compensable illness. Do
home when he heard a scuffle outside his you agree with Victor? Why or why not? (2%)
house. He saw two of his neighbors fighting
and he rushed out to pacify them. One of the (B) Due to his prolonged illness, Victor was
neighbors shot Luis by mistake, which unable to work for more than 120 days. Will
resulted in Luis’ death. Marian, Luis’ widow, this entitle him to claim total permanent
filed a claim with the GSIS seeking death disability benefits? (2%)
benefits. The GSIS denied the claim on the
ground that the death of Luis was not service SUGGESTED ANSWER
related as he was off duty when the incident
happened. Is the GSIS correct? (3 %)
(A) TB is listed under Sec. 32-A of the POEA-
SEC as a work-related disease. It was also
SUGGESTED ANSWER either contracted or aggravated during the
effectivity of Victor’s contract. Having shown
No. The GSIS is not correct: Luis, a policeman, its manifestations on board, Victor should
just like a soldier, is covered by the 24-Hour, have been medically repatriated for further
Duty Rule. He is deemed on round-the-clock examination and treatment in the
duty unless on official leave, in which case his Philippines. This obligation was entirely
death outside performance of official peace- omitted in bad faith by the company when it
keeping mission will bar death claim. In this waited for his contract to expire on him
case, Luis was not on official leave and he before signing him off. On this basis, Victor is
died in the performance of a peace-keeping entitled to medical reimbursement, damages
mission. Therefore, his death is and attorney’s fees.
(B) No. Victor’s TB is work-related and it
XV developed on board, thereby satisfying the
twin requisites of compensability. However,
Victor was hired by a local manning agency as despite , his knowledge of his medical
a seafarer cook on board a luxury vessel for condition, he failed to report to his manning
an eight-month cruise. While on board, agent within three days from his arrival as
Victor complained of chronic coughing, required by Sec. 20-B(3) of the POEA-SEC.
intermittent fever, and joint pains. He was Since he already felt the manifestations of TB
advised by the ship’s doctor to take complete before his sign-off, he should have submitted
bed rest but was not given any other to post-employment medical
medication. His condition persisted but the examination (Jebsens Maritime Inc. v.
degree varied from day to day. At the end of Enrique Undag, G.R. No. 191491, December
the cruise, Victor went home to Iloilo and 14, 2011, 662 SCRA 670). The effect of his
there had himself examined. The omis sion is forfeiture by him of disability
examination revealed that he had benefits (Coastal Safeway Marine Services,
tuberculosis. Inc. v. Elmer T. Esguerra, G.R. No. 185352,
August 10, 2011, 655 SCRA 300). In effect, (B) Was the Secretary of Labor correct in
the 120-day rule has no application at all. declining to assume jurisdiction over the
dispute? (2%)
(C) Was LB justified in terminating all those
The Alliance of independent Labor who were members of AILU on the two
Unions (AILU) is a legitimate labor federation grounds cited? (3%)
which represents a majority of the
appropriate bargaining unit at the Lumens SUGGESTED ANSWER
Brewery (LB). While negotiations were
ongoing for a renewal of the collective (A) No. Firstly, a Notice of Strike is always
bargaining agreement (CBA), LB handed required by Art. 263(c) of
down a decision in a disciplinary case that
was pending which resulted in the
termination of the AILU’s treasurer and two the Labor Code before a strike may be
other members for cause. AILU protested the staged-be it grounded on bargaining
decision, claiming that LB acted in bad faith deadlock or unfair Labor Practice. Secondiy,
and asked that LB reconsider. LB refused to the Supreme Court already held in Sukothai
reconsider. AILU then walked out of the that while AILU may not exhaust the 15-day
negotiation and declared a strike without a cooling-off period in case of dismissal from
notice of strike or a vote.AILU members employment of its officers who were duly
locked in the LB management panel by elected in accordance with the Union
barricading the doors and possible exits constitution and by-laws and the dismissal
(including windows and fire escapes). LB constitutes union busting and a threat to
requested the DOLE to assume jurisdiction AILU’s existence, still, Art. 263 (f) requires
over the dispute and to certify it for that a strike vote be undertaken through a
compulsory arbitration. The Secretary of secret ballot and approved by a majority of
Labor declined to assume jurisdiction, finding the total union membership in the bargaining
that the dispute was not one that involved unit. Devoid of a notice of strike and a strike
national interest. LB then proceeds to vote, AILU’s strike is therefore illegal.
terminate all of the members of the
bargaining agent on the ground that it was (B) The refusal of the Secretary to assume
unlawful to: (1) barricade the management jurisdiction is valid. Par. (g) of Art. 263 (old) of
panel in the building, and (2) participate in an the Labor Code leaves it to his sound
illegal strike. discretion to determine if national interest is
involved. Assumption power is full and
(A) Was AILU justified in declaring a strike complete. It is also plenary and discretionary
without a strike vote and a notice of strike? (Philtranco Service Enterprises, Inc. v.
Why or why not? (3%) Philtranco Workers Union-AGLO, G.R. No.
180962, February 26, 2014). Thus, if in his
opinion national interest is not involved, then
the company cannot insist that he assume
(C) If dismissal is based on illegal strike: administrative proceedings to terminate
those union members who resigned in
The company has to file a complaint for illegal violation of the CBA’s maintenance of
strike first. Once the strike is declared by final membership clause. Libra Films refuses,
judgment to be illegal, it can dismiss the citing its obligation to remain a neutral party.
union officers. As to members, their dismissal As a result, LFEU declare’s a strike and after
must be based on their having committed filing a notice of strike and taking a strike
illegalities on the occasion of their illegal vote, goes on strike. The union claims that
strike. Since the company prematurely and Libra Films grossly violated the terms of the –
indiscriminately dismissed the AILU members CBA and engaged in unfair labor practice.
then their dismissal is illegal.
(A) Are LFEU’s claims correct? Explain. (4%)
If dismissal is based on the unlawful acts of
barricading to lock the AILU members: Yes. (B) Distinguish between a “closed shop”
Article 264 (a) of the Labor Code authorizes clause and a “maintenance of membership”
the employer to declare the loss of clause. (2%).
employment status of “ANY WORKER” or
union officer who knowingly participates in (C) Distinguish between “union dues” and
the commission of illegal acts during a strike. “agency fees.” (2%)


The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) (A) LFEU’s claim that Libra Films committed
between Libra Films and its union, Libra Films ULP based on its violation of the CBA is not
Employees’ Union (LFEU), contains the correct. For violation of a CBA to constitute
following standard clauses: ULP, the violation must be violation of its
economic provisions. Moreover, said
1. Maintenance of membership; violation must be gross and flagrant. Based
on the allegation of the union, what was
2. Check off for union dues and agency fees; violated was the maintenance of
and membership clause which was a political or
representational provision; hence, no ULP
was committed (BPI Employees Union-Davao
3. No strike, no lock-out. City v. BPI, G.R. No. 164301, August 10,
2010, 702 SCRA 42).
While Libra Films and LFEU are in re-
negotiations for an extension of the CBA, (B) In a “closed shop” clause, all employees
LFEU discovers that some of its members are required to be members of the union at
have resigned from the union, citing their the time of hiring. They too must remain
constitutional right to organize (which members of good standing during the period
includes the right NOT to organize). LFEU of employment as a condition of continued
demands that Libra Films institute employment. Maintenance of membership
clause, on the other hand, requires all of Filipinos working therein to organize.
employees who are union members at the Under these conditions, he is allowed to
time of the execution of the CBA to maintain support the existing union by joining it as to
their membership of good standing, as a increase its membership.
condition of continued employment.
(C) Union dues are union funds paid by union
members, normally through check-off by the What is the rule on the “equity of the
employer on the basis of an individual written incumbent”? (2%)
autho rization duly signed by the employees
pursuant to Art. 241. (o) of the Labor Code.
Agency fee, on the other hand, is a SUGGESTED ANSWER
reasonable fee equi valent to the dues and
other fees paid by members of the The Equity of the Incumbent rule has it that
recognized collective bargaining agent. Art. all existing federations or national unions,
248(e) of the Labor Code mandates that only possessing all qualifications of an LLO and
non-union members who accept the benefits none of the grounds for CR cancellation, shall
under the CBĄ may be assessed agency fees. continue to maintain their existing affiliates
Their check-off authorization is not required. regardless of their location or industry to
which they belong. In case of dissociation,
XVIII affiliates are not required to observe the one
union-one industry rule.

George is an American who is working as a

consultant for a local IT company. The XX
company has a union and George wants to
support the union. How far can George go in (A) XYZ Company and Mr. AB, a terminated
terms of his support for the union? (3%) employee who also happens to be the
President of XYZ Employees Union, agree in
SUGGESTED ANSWER writing to submit Mr. AB’s illegal dismissal
case to voluntary arbitration. Is this
agreement a valid one? (3%)
George, as a general rule, is prohibited by
Art. 270 (a) of the Labor Code from giving any
donation, grant or other form of assistance, (B) XYZ Company and XYZ Employees Union
in cash or in kind, directly or indirectly to the (XYZEU) reach a deadlock in their negotiation
Union. He can give a support only upon prior for a new collective bargaining agreement
permission from the Secretary of Labor (CBA).
relative to “Trade Union activities” as defined
in said law. XYZEU files a notice of strike; XYZ Company
proposes to XYZEU that the deadlock be
George, in addition to his alien employment submitted instead to voluntary arbitration. If
permit, must first prove that the country you are counsel for XYZEU, what advice
whereof he is a national recognizes the right would you give the union as to the: (1)
propriety of the request of XYZ Company, and less one layer of appeal because the NLRC is
(2) the out of the way.

relative advantages/disadvantages between The disadvantages of voluntary arbitration

voluntary arbitration ‘ and compulsory are:
arbitration? (4%)
(a) in case of appeal by the employer to the
SUGGESTED ANSWER CA, the monetary award will not be secured
with an appeal bond which Rule 43 of the
(A) The agreement is valid because the Rules of Court does not require; and
preferred mode of settling labor disputes is
through voluntary modes, like voluntary (b) in case of enforcement of judgment, the
arbitration. The agreement is consistent with Voluntary Arbitrator has no sheriff to enforce
Sec. 3, Art. XIII of the Constitution. Moreover, it.
Art. 262 of the Labor Code authorizes a
voluntary arbitrator to hear and decide by The advantages of compulsory arbitration
agreement of the parties, all other labor are:
(a) subject to pre-litigation mediation, a case
(B) (1) As counsel, I will advise the union to can be initiated through the filing of a verified
accede to the request of complaint by a union member, unlike in
voluntary arbitration where the Voluntary
the company. Besides being the Arbitrator acquires jurisdiction primarily
constitutionally preferred mode of dispute through a submission agreement. In a case
settlement, voluntary arbitration is less where the company is unwilling, the EBR (and
adversarial and more expeditious. only the EBR) may serve a notice to arbitrate;
hence, a union member may be left out in the
(B) (2) The advantages of voluntary process if the EBR does not serve that notice;
arbitration are: (b) a monetary award is secured with the
employer’s appeal bond; and (c) there is a
system of restitution in compulsory
(a) the parties’ dispute is heard and resolved arbitration.
by a person whom both parties have chosen
as their judge; hence, likely to be impartial,
The disadvantages of compulsory arbitration
are: (a). State interference with the affairs of
(b) if both parties are willing to submit their labor and management is maxi
dispute, the decision is final and binding on
them in general by reason of their submission
agreement; and mized, disregarding the inter-party nature of
the relationship; and (b) the system of
appeals entails a longer process.
(c) in the event of a challenge, the decision is
elevated to the CA and then to the SC, i.e.,
XXI (B) The NLRC may issue an injunctive writ to
enjoin an illegal activity. under Art.264 (old)
Philippine News Network (PNN) engages the of the Labor Code; as an ancillary remedy to
services of Anya, a prominent news anchor avoid irreparable injury to the rights of a
from a rival station, National News Network party in an ordinary labor dispute pursuant to
(NNN). NNN objects to the transfer of Anya Rule X; 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure, as
claiming that she is barred from working in a amended; and to correct the Labor Arbiter’s
competing company for a period of grave abuse of discretion pursuant to Rule XII
three years from the expiration of her of the 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure, as
contract. Anya proceeds to sign with PNN amended.
which then asks her to anchor their nightly
newscast. NNN sues Anya and PNN before Moreover, for labor injunction to issue, it
the National Labor Relations Commission must be proven under Art. 218 (e), Labor
(NLRC), asking for a labor injunction. Anya Code:
and PNN object claiming that it is a matter
cognizable by a regular court and not the i. that the prohibited or unlawful acts have
NLRC. been threatened and will be committed and
will be continued unless restrained;
(A) Is NNN’s remedy correct? Why or why
not? (3%). ii. that substantial and irreparable injury to
the complainant’s property will follow;
(B) What are the grounds for a labor
injunction to issue? (2%) iii. that greater injury, will be inflicted upon
complainant by the denial of relief than will
(C) Distinguish the jurisdiction of a Labor be inflicted upon defendants by the granting
Arbiter from that of the NLRC. (3%) of relief;

SUGGESTED ANSWER iv. that complainant has no adequate remedy

at law; and
(A) The NLRC has no jurisdiction. As to PNN,
there is no employer-employee relationship v. that public officers charged with the duty
between itself and NNN; hence, the NLRC to protect complainant’s property are unable
cannot hear and resolve their dispute or unwilling to furnish adequate protection.
(Reasonable Causal Connection Rule). *As to
Anya, the injunctive power of the NLRC is (C) As to jurisdiction, the LA can hear and
ancillary in nature; hence, it requires a resolve cases under Art. 217 (old) of the
principal case, which is absent. Besides, the Labor Code, money claims under Sec. 7 of RA
dispute between her and PNN is not No. 10022; and referred wage distortion
resolvable solely through the application of disputes in unorganized establishments, as
the Labor Code, other labor statutes; CBA or well as the enforcement of compromise
employment contract. (Reference to Labor agreements pursuant to the 2011 NLRC Rules
Law Rule) of Procedure, as amended. ‘On the other
hand, the NLRC reviews decisions rendered (A) As the Labor Arbiter assigned to this case,
by the LA; decisions or orders rendered by how would you resolve the jurisdiction
the RD under Art. 129 of the Labor Code; and question. (3%)
conducts compulsory arbitration in certified
cases. (B) What is the rule on personal liability of
corporate officers for a corporate act
As to the power to issue a labor injunction, declared to be unlawful? (2%)
the NLRC can issue an injunctive writ. On the
other hand, the Labor Arbiter cannot issue an SUGGESTED ANSWER
injunctive writ.
(A) The Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over
XXII Carlo’s illegal dismissal

Mario comes from a family of coffee bean complaint as he was hired by Mario on a
growers. Deciding to incorporate his fledgling “salary and commission”. basis. In Grepalife
coffee venture, he invites his best friend, v. Judico (G.R. No. 73887, December 21.
Carlo, to join him. Carlo is hesitant because 1989, 180 SCRA 445) it was held that a
he does not have money to invest but Mario worker who is paid on a salary plus
suggests a scheme where Carlo can be the commission basis is an employee. While
Chief Marketing Agent of the company, regular courts have jurisdiction over Mario’s
earning a salary and commissions. Carlo corporate act of severing ties with Carlo, the
agrees and the venture is formed. After one Labor Arbiter, pursuant to Art. 217 A-(2) of
year, the business is so successful that they the Labor Code, has jurisdiction over Carlo’s
were able to declare dividends. Mario is so illegal dismissal complaint.
happy with Carlo’s work that he assigns 100
shares of stock to Carlo as part of the latter’s
bonus. Much later on, it is discovered that (B) Corporate officers are not, as a general
Carlo had engaged in unethical conduct rule; personally liable for the corporate acts
which caused embarrassment to the they performed in behalf of the corporation
company. Mario is forced to terminate Carlo they represent. They are, however,
but he does so without giving Carlo the personally liable for their corporate acts if
opportunity to explain. Carlo filed a case they acted with malice or bad faith (Girly Ico
against Mario and the company for illegal V. Systems Technology Institute, Inc., G.R. No.
dismissal. Mario objected on the ground that 185100, July 9, 2014).
the Labor Arbiter had no jurisdiction over the
case as it would properly be considered as an ALTERNATIVE ANSWER
intra-corporate controversy cognizable by
the RTC. Further, Mario claimed that because (A) Carlo is party to a joint-venture. Hence, he
Carlo’s dismissal was a corporate act, he is not related to Mario as an employee. As a
cannot be held personally liable. business organization, the affairs of that
joint-venture are not governed by Labor Law,
except in relation to its employees. Any issue
arising from that affair, therefore, must be
brought to the RTC. Thus, the NLRC has no or a mere lessee of the jeepney? Explain your
jurisdiction because the matter did not arise answer. (3%)
from employer-employee relationship and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the issue between the disputants is not
resolvable solely through the application of In a number of cases decided by the Supreme
Labor Law. Court, (National Labor Union vs. Dinglasan,
98 Phil. 649, 652 (1996); Magboo vs.
Bernardo, 7 SCRA 952, 954 (1963); Lantaco,
2016 See scribd Sr. vs. Llamas, 108 SCRA 502, 514 [1981]), it was ruled that the relationship between
53/2016-Bar-Suggested-Answer-in-Labor- jeepney owners/operators on one hand and
Law jeepney drivers on the other under the
boundary system is that of employer-
employee and not of lessor-lessee. It was
SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO THE 2017 BAR explained that in the lease of chattels, the
EXAMINATIONS LABOR AND SOCIAL lessor loses complete control over the chattel
LEGISLATION: PART ONE leased although the lessee cannot be reckless
I in the use thereof, otherwise he would be
A. responsible for the damages to the lessor. In
What are the accepted tests to determine the case of jeepney owners/operators and
the existence of an employer-employee jeepney drivers, the former exercise
relationship? (5%) supervision and control over the latter. The
management of the business is in the
owner’s hands. The owner as holder of the
The four elements of an employment certificate of public convenience must see to
relationship are: (a) the selection and it that the driver follows the route prescribed
engagement of the employee; (b) the by the franchising authority and the rules
payment of wages; (c) the power of dismissal; promulgated as regards its operation. Now,
and (d) the employer’s power to control the the fact that the drivers do not receive fixed
employee’s conduct. (Lakas sa Industriya ng wages but get only that in excess of the so-
Kapatirang Haligi ng Alyansa-Pinagbuklod ng called “boundary” they pay to the
Manggagawang Promo ng Burlingame v. owner/operator is not sufficient to withdraw
Burlingame Corporation, G.R. No. 162833, the relationship between them from that of
June 15, 2007, 524 SCRA 690, 695, citing Sy v. employer and employee.
Court of Appeals, 398 SCRA 301, 307-308 II.
(2003); Pacific Consultants International Asia,
Inc. v. Schonfeld, G.R. No. 166920, February Procopio was dismissed from employment
19, 2007, 516 SCRA 209, 228) for stealing his co-employee Raul’s watch.
Procopio filed a complaint for illegal
B. dismissal. The Labor Arbiter ruled in
Applying the tests to determine the existence Procopio’s favor on the ground that Raul’s
of an employer-employee relationship, is a testimony was doubtful, and, therefore, the
jeepney driver operating under the boundary doubt should be resolved in favor of
system an employee of his jeepney operator Procopio. On appeal, the NLRC reversed the
ruling because Article 4 of the Labor Code –
which states that all doubts in the another HRD manager without any prior
interpretation and implementation of the notice to him. Where no less than the
provisions of the Labor Code, including the company’s chief corporate officer was
implementing rules and regulations, shall be against him, Peñaflor had no alternative but
resolved in favor of labor – applied only when to resign from his employment. (Unicorm
the doubt involved the “implementation and Safety Glass, Inc. v. Basarte, 486 Phil. 493
interpretation” of the Labor Code; hence, the [2004])
doubt, which involved the application of the III.
rules on evidence, not the Labor Code, could A.
not necessarily be resolved in favor of
Procopio. Was the reversal correct? Explain Andrew Manning Agency (AMA) recruited
your answer. (3%) Feliciano for employment by Invictus
Shipping, its foreign principal. Meantime,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: AMA and Invictus Shipping terminated their
In Peñaflor v. Outdoor Clothing agency agreement. Upon his repatriation
Manufacturing, G.R. No. 177114, January 21, following his premature termination,
2010, the Supreme Court explained the Feliciano claimed from AMA and Invictus
application of Article 4 of the Labor Code Shipping the payment of his salaries and
regarding doubts on respondent’s evidence benefits for the unserved portion of the
on the voluntariness of petitioner’s contract. AMA denied liability on the ground
resignation. Thus, the High Court said: that it no longer had any agency agreement
Another basic principle is that expressed in with Invictus Shipping. Is AMA correct?
Article 4 of the Labor Code – that all doubts Explain your answer. (3%)
in the interpretation and implementation of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the Labor Code should be interpreted in favor AMA is not correct. Section 10 of Republic Act
of the workingman. This principle has been 10022 provides that the liability of the
extended by jurisprudence to cover doubts in principal/employer and the
the evidence presented by the employer and recruitment/placement agency for any and
the employee. (Fujitsu Computer Products all claims shall be joint and several. This
Corporation of the Philippines v. Court of provision shall be incorporated in the
Appeals, 494 Phil. 697 [2005]) As shown contract for overseas employment and shall
above, Peñaflor has, at very least, shown be a condition precedent for its approval.
serious doubts about the merits of the Such liabilities shall continue during the
company’s case, particularly in the entire period or duration of the employment
appreciation of the clinching evidence on contract and shall not be affected by any
which the NLRC and CA decisions were based. substitution, amendment or modification
In such contest of evidence, the cited Article made locally or in a foreign country of the
4 compels us to rule in Peñaflor’s favor. Thus, said contract.
we find that Peñaflor was constructively
dismissed given the hostile and
discriminatory working environment he B.
found himself in, particularly evidenced by As a rule, direct hiring of migrant workers is
the escalating acts of unfairness against him not allowed. What are the exceptions?
that culminated in the appointment of Explain your answer. (2.5%)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: required to obtain an alien employment
Direct Hires — workers directly hired by permit.
employers for overseas employment as
authorized by the Secretary of Labor and SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO THE 2017 BAR
Employment and processed by the POEA, EXAMINATIONS IN LABOR AND SOCIAL
1. Those hired by international organizations
2. Those hired members of the diplomatic VIII
corps. Marciano was hired as Chief Engineer on
3. Name hires or workers who are able to board the vessel M/V Australia. His contract
secure overseas employment opportunity of employment was for nine months. After
with an employer without the assistance or nine months, he was re-hired. He was hired a
participation of any agency. [Labor Code, third time after another nine months. He now
POEA Rules] (Section 1(i), Rule II, Omnibus claims entitlement to the benefits of a
Rules and Regulations Implementing The regular employee based on his performed
Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act tasks usually necessary and desirable to the
of 1995 as amended by Republic Act No. employer’s business for a continuous period
10022) of more than one year. Is Marciano’s claim
The direct hires are exceptions to the ban on tenable? Explain.
direct-hiring under Article 18 of the Labor SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Code. Marciano’s claim is not tenable. The Supreme
Court squarely passed upon the issue in
C. Millares v. NLRC, G.R. No. 110524, July 29,
2002, where one of the issues raised was
Phil, a resident alien, sought employment in whether seafarers are regular or contractual
the Philippines. The employer, noticing that employees whose employment are
Phil was a foreigner, demanded that eh first terminated every time their contracts of
secures an employment permit from the employment expire. The Supreme Court
DOLE. Is the employer correct? Explain your explained:
answer. (2.5%)
[I]t is clear that seafarers are considered
SUGGESTED ANSWER: contractual employees. They can not be
The employer is not correct. According to considered as regular employees under
Section 2, Department Order No. 97-09 Article 280 of the Labor Code. Their
Series of 2009, issued on August 26, 2009 employment is governed by the contracts
[Revised Rules for the Issuance of they sign everytime they are rehired and
Employment Permits to Foreign their employment is terminated when the
Nationals]one of the foreign nationals that contract expires. Their employment is
are exempt from securing an employment contractually fixed for a certain period of
permit is a permanent permanent resident time. They fall under the exception of Article
foreign nationals, probationary or temporary 280 whose employment has been fixed for a
visa holders. Moreover, the Labor Code specific project or undertaking the
speaks of non-resident aliens that are completion or termination of which has been
determined at the time of engagement of the
employee or where the work or services to be No. In Tunay na Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawa
performed is seasonal in nature and the sa Asia Brewery v. Asia Brewery, Inc., G.R. No.
employment is for the duration of the 162025, August 3, 2010, the High Court
season. We need not depart from the rulings explained, who are those confidential
of the Court in the two aforementioned cases employees covered by the prohibition to join,
which indeed constitute stare decisis with form and assist any labor organization under
respect to the employment status of Article 245 [now 255] of the Labor Code, as
seafarers. follows:
IX Confidential employees are defined as those
Section 255 (245) of the Labor Code who (1) assist or act in a confidential capacity,
recognizes three categories of employees , (2) to persons who formulate, determine,
namely: managerial, supervisory, and rank- and effectuate management policies in the
and-file. field of labor relations. The two (2) criteria
are cumulative, and both must be met if an
(a) Give the characteristics of each category employee is to be considered a confidential
of employees, and state whether the employee that is, the confidential
employees in each category may organized relationship must exist between the
and form unions. Explain your answer. (5%) employee and his supervisor, and the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: supervisor must handle the prescribed
Under Article 255 [245] of the Labor Code the responsibilities relating to labor relations.
following are provided: The exclusion from bargaining units of
employees who, in the normal course of their
Managerial employees are not eligible to
duties, become aware of management
join, assist or form any labor organization.
policies relating to labor relations is a
Supervisory employees shall not be eligible principal objective sought to be
for membership in the collective bargaining accomplished by the confidential employee
unit of the rank-and-file employees but may rule. (San Miguel Corp. Supervisors and
join, assist or form separate collective Exempt Employees Union v. Laguesma, G.R.
bargaining units and/or legitimate labor No. 110399, August 15, 1997, 277 SCRA 370,
organizations of their own. 374-375, citing Westinghouse Electric Corp.
The rank-and-file union and the supervisors’ v. NLRB (CA6) 398 F2d 669 (1968), Ladish Co.,
union operating within the same 178 NLRB 90 (1969) and B.F. Goodrich Co.,
establishment may join the same federation 115 NLRB 722 [1956])
or national union. X.
(b) May confidential employees who assist A.
managerial employees, and who act in a
The labor sector has been loudly agitating for
confidential capacity or have access to
the end of labor-only contracting, as
confidential matters being handled by
distinguished from job contracting. Explain
persons exercising managerial functions in
these two kinds of labor contracting, give the
the field of labor relations form, or assist, or
effect of a finding that one is a labor-only
join labor unions? Explain your answer?
contractor. Explain your answers. (4%)
The Supreme Court in Polyfoam-RGC contracting, the following elements are
International Corporation vs. Concepcion, present:
G.R. No. 172349, June 13, 2012 citing Sasan, (a) The contractor or subcontractor does not
Sr. v. National Labor Relations Commission have substantial capital or investment to
4th Division, G.R. No. 176240, October 17, actually perform the job, work or service
2008, 569 SCRA 670 distinguished under its own account and responsibility; and
permissible job contracting or subcontracting (b) The employees recruited, supplied or
from “labor-only” contracting, to wit: placed by such contractor or subcontractor
“Permissible job contracting or are performing activities which are directly
subcontracting refers to an arrangement related to the main business of the principal.”
whereby a principal agrees to put out or farm (Sasan, Sr. v. National Labor Relations
out to a contractor or subcontractor the Commission 4th Division, supra, at pp. 689-
performance or completion of a specific job, 690. [Citations omitted])
work or service within a definite or In PCI Automation Center, Inc. v. NLRC, G.R.
predetermined period, regardless of whether No. 115920, January 29, 1996, the effect of a
such job, work or service is to be performed finding that one is a labor-only contractor
or completed within or outside the premises was ruled as follows:
of the principal. A person is considered In legitimate job contracting, no employer-
engaged in legitimate job contracting or employee relationship exists between the
subcontracting if the following conditions employees of the job contractor and the
concur: principal employer. Even then, the principal
(a) The contractor or subcontractor carries employer becomes jointly and severally liable
on a distinct and independent business and with the job contractor for the payment of
undertakes to perform the job, work or the employees’ wages whenever the
service on its own account and under its own contractor fails to pay the same. In such case,
responsibility according to its own manner the law creates an employer-employee
and method, and free from the control and relationship between the principal employer
direction of the principal in all matters and the job contractor’s employees for a
connected with the performance of the work limited purpose, that is, to ensure that the
except as to the results thereof; employees are paid their wages. Other than
(b) The contractor or subcontractor has the payment of wages, the principal
substantial capital or investment; and employer is not responsible for any claim
(c) The agreement between the principal and made by the employees. (Philippine Bank of
contractor or subcontractor assures the Communications vs. NLRC, 146 SCRA 347
contractual employees entitlement to all [1986])
labor and occupational safety and health On the other hand, in labor-only contracting,
standards, free exercise of the right to self- an employer-employee relationship is
organization, security of tenure, and social created by law between the principal
and welfare benefits. employer and the employees of the labor-
In contrast, labor-only contracting, a only contractor. In this case, the labor-only
prohibited act, is an arrangement where the contractor is considered merely an agent of
contractor or subcontractor merely recruits, the principal employer. The principal
supplies or places workers to perform a job, employer is responsible to the employees of
work or service for a principal. In labor-only the labor-only contractor as if such
employees had been directly employed by duly authorized representatives; and
the principal employer. The principal (e) Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
employer therefore becomes solidarily liable (Art. 297 [282], Labor Code)
with the labor-only contractor for all the NOTE: The foregoing answer can be found in
rightful claims of the employees. (Philippine pages 899-890 of the book entitled Principles
Bank of Communications vs. NLRC, 146 SCRA and Cases Labor Relations, First Edition 2016,
347 [1986]) by Atty. Voltaire T. Duano. The topic on the
Thus, in legitimate job contracting, the just cause for termination has been time and
principal employer is considered only an again the subject matter of bar questions,
indirect employer, (Article 107, Labor Code, more specifically during the 2015, 2014,
as amended) while in labor-only contracting, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2003,
the principal employer is considered the 2001, 1995, 1996, 1995, 1999 Bar
direct employer of the employees. (last Examinations.
paragraph of Article 106, Labor Code, as
amended) C.
In short, the legitimate job contractor Give the procedure to be observed for validly
provides services while the labor-only terminating the services of an employee
contractor provides only manpower. The based on a just cause? (4%)
legitimate job contractor undertakes to SUGGESTED ANSWER:
perform a specific job for the principal
As defined in Article 297 of the Labor Code,
employer while the labor-only contractor
as amended, the requirement of two written
merely provides the personnel to work for
notices served on the employee shall observe
the principal employer.
the following:
(a) The first written notice should contain:
What are the grounds for validly terminating
1. The specific causes or grounds for
the services of an employee based on a just
termination as provided for under Article 297
cause? (5%)
of the Labor Code, as amended, and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: company policies, if any;
An employer may terminate an employment 2. Detailed narration of the facts and
for any of the following causes: circumstances that will serve as basis for the
(a) Serious misconduct or willful charge against the employee. A general
disobedience by the employee of the lawful description of the charge will not suffice; and
orders of his employer or representative in 3. A directive that the employee is given
connection with his work; opportunity to submit a written explanation
(b) Gross and habitual neglect by the within a reasonable period.
employee of his duties; “Reasonable period” should be construed as
(c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of a period of at least five (5) calendar days from
the trust reposed in him by his employer or receipt of the notice to give the employee an
duly authorized representative; opportunity to study the accusation, consult
(d) Commission of a crime or offense by the or be represented by a lawyer or union
employee against the person of his employer officer, gather data and evidence, and decide
or any immediate member of his family or his on the defenses against the complaint.
(Unilever v. Rivera, G.R. No. 201701, June 3, election. Explain how they differ from one
2013; Section 12, DOLE Department Order another. (4%)
(b) After serving the first notice, the Voluntary Recognition refers to the process
employer should afford the employee ample by which a legitimate labor union is
opportunity to be heard and to defend recognized by the employer as the exclusive
himself/herself with the assistance of his/her bargaining representative or agent in a
representative if he/she so desires, as bargaining unit, reported with the Regional
provided in Article 299 (b) of the Labor Code, Office in accordance with Rule VII, Section 2
as amended. of these Rules. Certification Election” or
“Ample opportunity to be heard” means any Consent Election refers to the process of
meaningful opportunity (verbal or written) determining through secret ballot the sole
given to the employee to answer the charges and exclusive representative of the
against him/her and submit evidence in employees in an appropriate bargaining unit
support of his/her defense, whether in a for purposes of collective bargaining or
hearing, conference or some other fair, just negotiation. A certification election is
and reasonable way. A formal hearing or ordered by the Department, while a consent
conference becomes mandatory only when election is voluntarily agreed upon by the
requested by the employee in writing or parties, with or without the intervention by
substantial evidentiary disputes exist or a the Department. (Rule I, Section 1, Book V,
company rule or practice requires it, or when Rules to Implement the Labor Code)
similar circumstances justify it. (Perez v. B.
PT&T, G.R. No. 152048, April 7, 2009, Section
12, DOLE Department Order 18-A) Marcel was the Vice President for Finance
and Administration and a member of the
(c) After determining that termination of Board of Directors of Mercedes Corporation.
employment is justified, the employer shall He brought a complaint for illegal suspension
serve the employee a written notice of and illegal dismissal against Mercedes
termination indicating that: (1) all Corporation, which moved to dismiss the
circumstances involving the charge against complaint on the ground that the complaint
the employee have been considered; and (2) pertained to the jurisdiction of the RTC due
the grounds have been established to justify to the controversy being intracorporate
the severance of their employment. based on his positions in the corporation.
The foregoing notices shall be served Marcel countered that he had only been
personally to the employee or to the removed as Vice President for Finance and
employee’s last known address. (Section 5, Administration, not as a member of the
5.1, Rule I-A, D.O. No. 147-15, Series of 2015) Board of Directors. He also argued that his
XI position was not listed as among the
corporate offices in Mercedes Corporation’s
A. by-law. Is the argument of Marcel correct?
The modes of determining the exclusive Explain your answer. (2.5%)
bargaining agent of the employees in a SUGGESTED ANSWER:
business are: (a) voluntary recognition; (b)
certification election; and (c) consent
Marcel’s contention is correct. It is settled in the Board of Directors/Trustees. (Matling
Matling Industrial and Commercial Industrial and Commercial Corporation v.
Corporation v. Coros, G.R. No. 157802, 13 Coros, supra at 26-27) [Emphasis supplied.]
October 2010, cited in Marc II Marketing Inc. With the given circumstances and in
v. Joson, G.R. No. 171993, December 12, conformity with Matling Industrial and
2011, where it held, thus: Commercial Corporation v. Coros, Marcel
Conformably with Section 25, a position must was not a corporate officer of Mercedes
be expressly mentioned in the [b]y-[l]aws in Corporation because his position as Vice
order to be considered as a corporate office. President for Finance and Administration was
Thus, the creation of an office pursuant to or not specifically mentioned in the roster of
under a [b]y-[l]aw enabling provision is not corporate officers in its corporate by-laws.
enough to make a position a corporate office. C.
[In] Guerrea v. Lezama [citation omitted] the
first ruling on the matter, held that the only State the jurisdiction of the Voluntary
officers of a corporation were those given Arbitrator, or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators
that character either by the Corporation in labor disputes? (4%)
Code or by the [b]y-[l]aws; the rest of the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
corporate officers could be considered only The voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary
as employees or subordinate officials. arbitrators shall have exclusive and original
xxx jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved
It is relevant to state in this connection that grievances arising from:
the SEC, the primary agency administering 1. The implementation or interpretation of
the Corporation Code, adopted a similar the collective bargaining agreements; (Article
interpretation of Section 25 of the 274 [261], Labor Code, Section 4, Rule XIX,
Corporation Code in its Opinion dated Book V, Omnibus Rules Implementing the
November 25, 1993 [citation omitted], to wit: Labor Code)
Thus, pursuant to the above provision 2. The interpretation or enforcement of
(Section 25 of the Corporation Code), company personnel policies which remain
whoever are the corporate officers unresolved after exhaustion of the grievance
enumerated in the by-laws are the exclusive procedure; (Article 274 [261], Labor Code,
Officers of the corporation and the Board has Section 4, Rule XIX, Book V, Omnibus Rules
no power to create other Offices without Implementing the Labor Code)
amending first the corporate [b]y-laws. 3. Wage distortion issues arising from the
However, the Board may create appointive application of any wage orders in organized
positions other than the positions of establishments; (par. 4, Article 124, Labor
corporate Officers, but the persons Code, Section 4, Rule XIX, Book V, Omnibus
occupying such positions are not considered Rules Implementing the Labor Code)
as corporate officers within the meaning of
4. The interpretation and implementation of
Section 25 of the Corporation Code and are
the productivity incentive programs under RA
not empowered to exercise the functions of
the corporate Officers, except those
functions lawfully delegated to them. Their 5. Upon agreement of the parties, shall also
functions and duties are to be determined by hear and decide all other labor disputes
including unfair labor practices and stressed that as opposed to the
bargaining deadlocks. (Article 275. [262], abovementioned Genuino v. National Labor
Labor Code, Section 4, Rule XIX, Book V, Relations Commission, G.R. Nos. 142732-33
Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor & 142753-54, December 4, 2007, 539 SCRA
Code) 342 the social justice principles of labor law
6. Violations of a Collective Bargaining outweigh or render inapplicable the civil law
Agreement, except those which are gross in doctrine of unjust enrichment.
character, shall no longer be treated as unfair B.
labor practice and shall be resolved as Gene is a married regular employee of
grievances under the Collective Bargaining Matibay Corporation. The employee and
Agreement; (Article 274. [261], Labor Code) Matibay Corporation had an existing CBA that
XII provided for funeral or bereavement aid of
A. P15,000.00 in case of the death of a legal
Juanito initiated a case for illegal dismissal dependent of a regular employee. His
against Mandarin Company. The Labor widowed mother, who had been living with
Arbiter decided in his favor, and ordered his him and his family for many years, died;
immediate reinstatement with full hence, he claimed the funeral aid. Matibay
backwages and without loss of seniority and Corporation denied the claim on the basis
other benefits. Mandarin Company did not that she had not been his legal dependents as
like to allow him back in its premises to the term legal dependent was defined by the
prevent him from influencing his co-workers Social Security Law.
to move against the interest of the company; (a) Who may be the legal dependents of
hence, it directed his payroll reinstatement Gene under the Social Security Law? (2.5%)
and paid his full backwages and other SUGGESTED ANSWER:
benefits even as it appealed to the NLRC. Section 8 (e) of the Social Security Law
A few months later, the NLRC reversed the provides that the dependents shall be the
ruling of the Labor Arbiter and declared that following:
Juanito’s dismissal was valid. The reversal (1) The legal spouse entitled by law to receive
ultimately became final. support from the member;
May Mandarin Company recover the (2) The legitimate, legitimated or legally
backwages and other benefits paid to Juanito adopted, and illegitimate child who is
pursuant to the decision of the Labor Arbiter unmarried, not gainfully employed, and has
in view of the reversal by the NLRC? Rule, not reached twenty-one (21) years of age, or
with reasons. (2.5%) if over twenty-one (21) years of age, he is
congenitally or while still a minor has been
SUGGESTED ANSWER: permanently incapacitated and incapable of
Mandarin Company cannot recover the self-support, physically or mentally; and
backwages and other benefits paid to Juanito (3) The parent who is receiving regular
pursuant to the decision of the Labor Arbiter support from the member.
despite the reversal by the NLRC. The refund (b) Is Gene entitled to the funeral aid for the
doctrine has already been reversed in Garcia death of his widowed mother? Explain your
v. Philippine Airlines, Inc., G. R. No. 164856, answer. (2%)
July 20, 2009, where the Supreme Court then
SUGGESTED ANSWER: 2011, explained the concept of increased
Gene is entitled to the funeral aid for the theory as follows:
death of his widowed mother under CBA. Corollarily, for the sickness or resulting
This is because the said CBA clearly provided disability or death to be compensable, the
for funeral or bereavement aid of P15,000.00 claimant must prove either (1) that the
in case of the death of a legal dependent of a employee’s sickness was the result of an
regular employee. But in so far as the SSS law occupational disease listed under Annex “A”
is concerned, the only way that Gene can of the Amended Rules on Employees’
recover is that if he will qualify as the primary Compensation, or (2) that the risk of
beneficiary of his widowed mother provided contracting the disease was increased by his
he has the restrictions on the definition of working conditions.
dependent children. Certainty is not required only probability
C. Under the increased risk theory, there must
be a reasonable proof that the employee’s
Rosa was granted vacation leave by her working condition increased his risk of
employer to spend three weeks in Africa with contracting the disease, or that there is a
her family. Prior to her departure, the connection between his work and the cause
General Manager of the company requested of the disease. (Castor-Garupa v. Employees’
her to visit the plant of the company in Compensation Commission, G.R. No. 158268,
Zimbabwe in order to derive best April 12, 2006, 487 SCRA 171, 180) Only a
manufacturing practices useful to the reasonable proof of work-connection, not
company. She accepted the request because direct causal relation, however, is required to
the errand would be important to the establish compensability of a non-
company and Zimbabwe was anyway in her occupational disease. (Government Service
itinerary. It appears that she contracted a Insurance System v. Cordero, G.R. Nos.
serious disease during the trip. Upon her 171378 & 171388, March 17, 2009, 581 SCRA
return, she filed a claim for compensation, 633, 640) Probability, and not certainty, is the
insisting that she had contracted the disease yardstick in compensation proceedings; thus,
while serving the interest of her employer. any doubt should be interpreted in favor of
Under the Labor Code, the sickness or death the employees for whom social legislations,
of an employee, to be compensable, must like PD No. 626, were enacted. (Government
have resulted from an illness either Service Insurance System v. Corrales, G.R. No.
definitely, accepted as an occupational 166261, June 27, 2008, 556 SCRA 230, 243-
disease by the Employee’s Compensation 244)
Commission, or caused by employment Applying the above ruling, Rosa must present
subject to proof that the risk of contracting a reasonable proof that her working
the same is increased by working conditions. condition increased his risk of contracting the
Is the serious disease Rosa contracted during disease, or that there is a connection
her trip to Africa compensable? Explain your between his work and the cause of the
answer. (2.5%) disease otherwise the same is not
SUGGESTED ANSWER: compensable.
In Government Service Insurance System vs. NOTE: The foregoing answer can be found in
Besitan, G.R. No. 178901, November 23, page 766 of the book entitled Principles and
Cases Labor Standards and Social Legislation, strike. It affects numerous employers
First Edition 2015, by Atty. Voltaire T. Duano. including those who do not have a dispute
The topic on compensation proceedings has with their employees regarding their terms
been time and again the subject matter of and conditions of employment.Employees
bar questions, more specifically during the who have no labor dispute with their
2012, 2005 and 1996 Bar Examinations. employer but who, on a day they are
. scheduled to work, refuse to work and
XIII instead join a welga ng bayan commit an
A. illegal work stoppage. Even if petitioners
Given that the liability for an illegal strike is joining the welga ng bayan were considered
individual, not collective, state when the merely as an exercise of their freedom of
participating union officers and members expression, freedom of assembly or freedom
may be terminated from employment to petition the government for redress of
because of the illegal strike. Explain your grievances, the exercise of such rights is not
answer. (4%) absolute. For the protection of other
significant state interests such as the right of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: enterprises to reasonable returns on
The following are the effects of participation investments, and to expansion and growth
in an illegal strike and commission of illegal enshrined in the 1987 Constitution must also
acts during strike: be considered, otherwise, oppression or self-
1. Any union officer who knowingly destruction of capital in order to promote the
participates in an illegal strike; and interests of labor would be sanctioned. And it
2. Any worker or union officer who knowingly would give imprimatur to workers joining
participates in the commission of illegal acts demonstrations/rallies even before affording
during a strike may be declared to have lost the employer an opportunity to make the
his employment status; (Third paragraph, necessary arrangements to counteract the
Article 279 (a) [264 (a)], Labor Code) implications of the work stoppage on the
business, and ignore the novel principle of
shared responsibility between workers and
A sympathetic strike is stoppage of work to employers aimed at fostering industrial
make common cause with other strikers in peace. There being no showing that
another establishment or business. Is the petitioners notified respondents of their
sympathetic strike valid? Explain your intention, or that they were allowed by
answer. (1%) respondents, to join the welga ng bayan on
SUGGESTED ANSWER: October 24, 1990, their work stoppage is
beyond legal protection.
The illegal stoppage of work by way of
sympathetic strike has been settled in the C.
case of Biflex Phils. Labor Union (NAFLU) v. Due to business recession, Ballistic Company
Filflex Industrial and Manufacturing retrenched a part of its workforce. Opposing
Cororation, G.R. No. 155679, 19 December the retrenchment, some of the affected
2006, where it was ruled that stoppage of employees staged a strike. Eventually, the
work due to welga ng bayan is in the nature retrenchment was found to be justified, and
of a general strike, an extended sympathy the strike was declared illegal; hence, the
leaders of the strike, including the For a valid exercise of the assumption of
retrenched employees, were declared to jurisdiction authority, any of the following
have lost their employment status. conditions must be present:
Are the striking retrenched employees still a. Both parties have requested the Secretary
entitled to separation pay under Sec. 298 of Labor and Employment to assume
(283) of the Labor Code despite the illegality jurisdiction over the labor dispute; or
of their strike? Explain your answer. (2%) b. After a conference called by the Office of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the Secretary of Labor and Employment on
the propriety of the issuance of the
The strikers including the union officers Assumption or Certification Order, motu
should be paid their separation pay by virtue proprio or upon a request or petition by
of retrenchment notwithstanding the illegal either party to the labor dispute. In the said
strike was declared illegal. The issue on conference. the parties shall also be
entitlement to separation pay due to encouraged to amicably settle the dispute.
authorized cause and the ground for (Section 2, Operational Guidelines of
termination due to knowingly participating in Department Order No. 40-G-03, Series of
illegal strike are distinct and different. 2010, dated February 24, 2011)
XIV NOTE: The foregoing answer can be found in
Pursuant to his power under Sec. 278(g) pages 468-487 of the book entitled Principles
(263(g)) of the Labor Code, the Secretary of and Cases Labor Relations, First Edition 2016,
Labor assumed jurisdiction over the 3-day old by Atty. Voltaire T. Duano. The topic on the
strike in Armor Steel Plates, Inc., one of the assumption of jurisdiction has been time and
country’s bigger manufacturers of steel again the subject matter of bar questions,
plates, and ordered all the striking employees more specifically during the 2012, 2004 and
to return to work. The striking employees 1996 Bar Examinations.
ignored the order to return to work. (b) What are the consequences of the
(a) What conditions may justify the Secretary assumption of jurisdiction by the Secretary of
of Labor to assume jurisdiction? (2.5%) Labor, and of the disobedience to the return
SUGGESTED ANSWER: to work? Explain your answer. (2.5%)
Pursuant to Article 263 (g) [now 278 (g)], The consequences of assumption of
when a labor dispute causes or is likely to jurisdiction are as follows:
cause a strike or lockout in an industry a. If a strike or lockout has not taken place,
indispensable to the national interest, the the parties are enjoined to conduct any
Secretary of Labor and Employment may untoward action that may lead to a strike or
assume jurisdiction over the dispute and lockout.
decide it or certify the same to the National b. if a strike or lockout has already taken
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) for place, all striking and locked out workers
compulsory arbitration. (Section 1, shall, within twenty-four (24) hours from
Operational Guidelines of Department Order receipt of an Assumption or Certification
No. 40-G-03, Series of 2010, dated February Order, immediately return to work and the
24, 2011) employer shall immediately resume
operations and readmit all workers under the
same terms and conditions prevailing before (Grand Boulevard Hotel v. Genuine Labor
the strike. Organization of Workers in Hotel, Restaurant
c. At any point in time, the parties are not and Allied Industries (GLOWHRAIN), G.R. No.
prevented from submitting the dispute to 153664, 18 July 2003, 406 SCRA 688, 710;
Voluntary Arbitration with the Secretary of Telefunken Semiconductors Employees
Labor and Employment or his/her duly Union-FFW v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos.
authorized representative as Voluntary 143013-14, 18 December 2000, 348 SCRA
Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. 565, 582; Federation of Free Workers v.
(Section 3, Operational Guidelines of Inciong, G.R. No. 49983, 20 April 1982, 208
Department Order No. 40-G-03, Series of SCRA 157, 165)
2010, dated February 24, 2011)
While the consequence of disobedience to
the return to work has been ruled in the case
of Manila Hotel Employees Association v.
Manila Hotel Corporation, G.R. No. 154591,
March 5, 2007. In holding that defiance of the
assumption order or a return-to work order
by a striking employee, whether a union
officer or a member, is an illegal act and,
therefore, a valid ground for loss of
employment status. The High Court
The law explicitly prohibits such acts.
x x x x (omitted)
(a) x x x x

More to the point, the Court has consistently

ruled in a long line of cases spanning several
decades that once the SOLE assumes
jurisdiction over a labor dispute, such
jurisdiction should not be interfered with by
the application of the coercive processes of a
strike or lockout. Defiance of the assumption
order or a return-to work order by a striking
employee, whether a union officer or a
member, is an illegal act and, therefore, a
valid ground for loss of employment status.

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