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1. As a veteran seventh grade English 2. Mr.

Thomas has been the chair of the

teacher in a suburban middle school, you physical education department of a large,
have seen students come and go. Some of private all male high school for fifteen years.
your students have walked into your class Mr. Johnson, who played varsity football for
resembling precocious fifth graders while Mr. Thomas at the very same school in the
other students come into your class looking ninth grade, is the new physical education
more like ninth graders. This school year is teacher. When he looks over his class roll, he
realizes that his classes are divided between
no different. You have a set of identical twin
grades. He is relieved to know that his first
girls, Stacey and Tracey. At the beginning of
class is a ninth grade class. Harry is in his third
the school year, they looked exactly alike, by
class of the day. His third class is an eleventh
January and you begin to see a big grade class. When Harry walks into the gym,
difference in the twins. Stacey’s hips are because of his size, Mr. Johnson wonders if he
beginning to widen, she has grown at least 3 is in the wrong class. Before he could address
inches, and quite frankly, she is the most is concern with Harry, one of the boys yelled,
mature looking girl in class. Tracey on the “Little boy, are you lost?” Someone else asks,
other hand, looks the same way she did at “Harry, are those the same gym shorts from
the beginning of the school year. By the end last year? Those would be the same gym
of February, the twins’ mother informs you shorts from ninth grade.” There are several
that Stacey has begun her menstrual cycle. more comments from the students and lots of
She also informs you that Tracey has not. laughter. Mr. Thomas is watching the entire
gym from a door in the gym.
a. Stacey is the most physically mature girl in her a. As an experienced educator, what suggestions
seventh grade English class, how will this most likely and information would Mr. Thomas have for Mr.
affect her relationships with other students, Johnson about Harry?
including her twin sister? Explain your answer. b. If this was an all girls’ school, would the same
b. As the teacher, how should you respond to advice apply? Explain what the advice a female
Stacey? veteran teacher have for a new female teacher
about a late maturing girl?
c. How can the difference in the twins’
maturation be explained?

Option: 1
A. For Stacey these changes might make her feel self-conscious of herself. Stacey might
feel uncomfortable or out of place around her peers. Stacey’s peers might pick fun at
her due to her being more mature than others meaning she looks older and bigger
than the rest of the kids. Stacey’s sister might feel as though the changes of her
sister’s body is separating them.
B. I would respond to her in the same way that I respond to other students. Stacey
would be no different from the others. If Stacey was to have complications or needed
to talk to someone about the changes I would refer her to the school counselor to
speak with her about how to manage her feelings regarding this sensitive issue.
C. Although they are twins they both have a lot of the same genes but still they are two
different individuals and each person’s body works differently than others because
they have their own set of genes.

Part II writing application Class Activity: Create your own after school physical activity
program. Create one physical activity that you will have your students participate in. For
your application exercise.

My after school activity program will be centered on both eating healthy and physical
sports consisting of basketball, rugby, softball, and soccer, and tennis. Each day of the
week students will participate in a 2 hour after school program called ‘’Kids live Rite’’. The
first hour will be centered on the study of nutrition each day on how eating healthy food
and snacks contributes to a long healthy life. The 2nd hour would consist of the different
sports each day to keep the students healthy and bodies in shape.

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