Learning Environment and Academic Performance of Third Year Bse Students

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Surigao State College of Technology

Surigao City



An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal

Presented to

the Faculty of Teacher Education Division


Surigao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in English






December 2017
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City


The researchers would like to express their deepest

sense of gratitude to our Almighty Father who is the very

source of all the knowledge and wisdom. Apart from Him, the

researchers could do nothing. God’s guidance and provisions

greatly helped the researchers to produce this study.

The researchers offer huge thanks to Dr. Elvis P.

Patulin, their research adviser for imparting the necessary

and substantial concepts and ideas to make this study more

effective. For without him, this study would not be a

successful one.

Another huge thanks to Mrs. Irmalyn B. Paymalan for

imparting her knowledge in analyzing and interpreting the

data and result of our study. For without her as their

statistician, this study would be a mess since the

researchers have no background in such field.

The researchers share millions of thanks to the third

year BSED students for giving their valuable time in

answering the research questionnaires. This study came to

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

reality because of their responses and feedbacks.

Lastly, the researchers wholly give gigantic gratitude

to their parents who supported them from the very beginning

of this endeavor and through their undying support and

patience in the financial matters. Without them, this

research would be futile.


This research study focused on the Learning

Environment and Academic Perforance in Surigao State

College of Technology specifically in BSED English students

A.Y. 2017 – 2018.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City


Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

Review of Literature
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation
Definition of Terms

Research Design
Research Environment
Research Respondents
Research Instrument
Ethics and Data Gathering Procedure
Data Analysis





Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

A Research Questionnaire
B Letter of Request to the Dean
C Letter of Request to the Dean of Programs
and Standards


1. Distribution of the Respondents
2. Effects of Learning Environment as to Teacher-Student
Relationship, Classroom Structure, Student-Student
Relationship, School Faculties, and Teachers’
3. Significant Difference in the Learning Environment and
Academic Performance in Surigao State College of
Technology when grouped by GPA.
4. Comparison of the Mean Differences of groups

1. Research Paradigm
2. Surigao State College of Technology
Location Map
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Chapter 1



Education is an undying process of learning (Singh,

2012) where development of all those capacities in the
individual exits which enables him to control his learning
environment and fulfill his capabilities. The forces of
environment begin to influence the growth and development
of the individual right from the womb of the mother.
Educational process of development occurs in physical,
social, cultural and psychological environment. A proper
and adequate environment is very much necessary for a
fruitful learning of the child. Especially the home and the
school should provide the necessary stimulus for learning
experience. The child spends most of his time in school and
here his environment is exerting a different influence on
performance through curricula, teaching techniques,

Students’ academic gain and learning performance is

affected by numerous factor including gender, age, teaching
faculty, students schooling, father/guardian social
economic status, residential area of students, medium of
instructions in schools, tuition trend, daily study hour
and accommodation as hostelries or day scholar. The
learning environment can also be viewed from a pedagogical
perspective. The pedagogical learning environment covers
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

the pedagogical methods and practices used in learning and

teaching (Silander & Ryymin, 2012).

Learning environment has a big impact to the students

for this is where the place they allotted for their
learning and it happens to affect the Academic performance
of the BSEd students in Surigao State College of Technoloy.
Furthermore, there are also difficulties and problems that
the students would undergo in this matter. First, is the
availability of classrooms in the school wherein students
are having a hard time in focusing their studies because of
it. Second, is the population of the School we have now.

Review of Literature

The literature related to concept, definitions and

influencing factors on Home Adjustment, School Environment
and Academic Achievement.

Home Adjustment

The home environment plays a vital role in the

development of a child’s personality. The child constantly
interacts with the family and is invariably influenced by
the entire environment that surrounds it. Children need a
congenial environment, an environment characterized by
human care, particularly by the mother and at the same time
providing various experiences and stimulation (Caldwell,
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

The most desirable state of adjustment is one in

which the individual is perfectly happy and satisfied with
all aspects of his life at home. Home itself is a complex
unit. The assessment of its psycho-social environment is
not an easy matter. Home adjustment has been conceptualized
as the quality of human interactions, from the child’s
point of view. It includes those aspects which foster
growth and development, such as family, trust and
confidence, sharing of ideas, making decisions, parental
approval, parental encouragement, support, guidance,
affection and approval of peer activities.

School Environment

School environment as perceived by students has an

advantage of characterizing the setting through the eyes of
the actual participants. Students have a good advantage
point to make judgments about classrooms because they have
encountered several learning environments and have enough
time in a class to form accurate impressions.

Academic Achievement

In today's competitive world, education is an

important means for the socially disadvantaged people to
raise their standard of living; education has an important
role to play in development of the country. Academic
achievement constitutes a major and salient sphere of
child’s life. His career, status, income as well as
understanding knowledge, personality and happiness directly
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

or indirectly depend on education.

Academic achievement is the core of the entire

educational growth. It is the prime and perennial
responsibility of a school or any other educational
institution established by the society to promote whole
scholastic growth and development of a child.

Introduction Intelligence is not the only determinant

of academic achievement of a student. Academic achievement
of a student is always associated with the many components
of learning environment. According to Bosque and Dore
(1998), learning and teaching environment ought to
implement six functions: inform, communicate, collaborate,
produce, scaffold, and manage. They added that conceptually
speaking, the learning environment refers to the whole
range of components and activities within which learning
happens. Based on the Sandberg’s (1998), the definition on
the functions of a learning environment can be quoted as
“Teacher component’s role is to provide something between
loose guidance and direct instruction.

It can be a human agent (present or distant), an

intelligent agent, and instructions like some text books
provide. This component provides information from the
syllabus to the task level” Student's motivation for
learning is also generally regarded as on of the most
critical determinants, which contribute to the success and
quality of any learning outcome (Mitchell, 1992).
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Conceptual Framework

Home adjustment is vital in academic achievements.

When students are in school sometimes they don’t feel at
home that is why the Department of Education mandated that
learning environment (schools) should be like home for the
learners. Theories in learning environment (reference 1, 2,
3, 4, year) is important in this current study.

Figure 1 is the research paradigm of the study. The

first box shows the Learning Environment that contains the
relationship between teachers, students, school facilities
and other stakeholders. It also includes the ambiance and
classroom setup conducive to learners. The second box is
the Academic Performance that contains the active and
passive learners, scores or grades, students’ outputs,
checklist, and performances that shows the effectiveness
of teaching and learning process towards the teacher and
the students. Overall, this figure describes on how the
learning environment affect the students’ performance.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Learning Environment Academic Performance

 teacher-student  active and passive

relationship learning

 classroom
structure  scores or grades

 students’ outputs
 student-student

 checklist
 school facilities
 students’
 teachers’ achievements

Figure 1

Research Paradigm
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Statement of the Problem

This study determines learning environment and

academic performance of BSE students in Surigao State
College of Technology.
Especially, it answers the following questions:
1. To what extent do the respondents assess the
learning environment of Surigao State College of
Technology in terms of:

1.1 teacher-student relationship;

1.2 classroom structure;
1.3 student-student relationship;
1.4 school facilities; and
1.5 teachers’ attributes?
2. What is academic performance of respondents in
terms of their GPA in the previous semester?

3.Do the ratings of respondents on the learning

environment significantly differ?

4. Do the learning environment and academic

performance significantly relate?


At 0.05 level of significance, it is hypothesized

H₀: The ratings of respondents on the learning
environment do not significantly differ.
H₁: The learning environment and academic performance
do not significantly relate.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may give benefit/s to the

School Administrators. The study would give factual
and relevant information to school administrators as to
their reference in the situation of the students in the
school as to the learning environment and their performance
in Academic.

Faculty. As the facilitators and implementers of

educational program, they should be aware of the
environment they have. If how the learners progress as to
the learning environment they have.

Parents. This study will benefit them to have a

better Child and must be aware on how their child behave in
college, by the help of this study they will be informed
that certain things affects individual.

Students. The findings of the study will help them

realize the importance of undergoing and performing
different tasks given to them by their instructors. It will
also give them an idea on how to conduct their own classes
if they are already on the field of teaching.

Researchers. The findings of the study would serve as

a perfect reference for them to glean on and to base their
future research undertakings.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This present study is limited only to the following:

Focus. This study focused on the learning environment

and Academic Performance of the BSED Students in SSCT.

Respondents. The respondents of the study are those

who took the Teacher Education Secondary Courses.

Place. This study was conducted exclusively in the

city campus of Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao

Time. The study was conducted on Academic Year 2016 –


Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined conceptually and
operationally for better understanding of the readers with
regards to the content and context of this study.

Academic Performance. This is the outcome of

education — the extent to which a student, teacher or
institution has achieved their educational goals.
Active learning. This is a process whereby students
engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion,
or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation of class content.
Checklist. This is a type of informational job aid
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits

of human memory and attention.
Learning environment. This refers to the diverse
physical locations, contexts, and cultures in which
students learn.
Passive learning. This is a method of learning or
instruction where students receive information from the
instructor and internalize it, often through some form of
memorization or rote learning, and "where the learner
receives no feedback from the instructor".
Physical environment. This is the part of the
human environment that includes purely physical factors (as
soil, climate, water supply).
School Facilities. These are buildings and grounds,
parking lots, playing fields, and fixed equipment. It is
the board's desire that the local taxpayers who provide the
school should be able to obtain maximum use of the
facilities, to the extent consistent with the primary
educational function of the school.
Students’ Achievements. This is a student doing well
academically, obtaining life skills and giving back to
their community.
Student-Student Relationship. This is the interaction
of the students inside the classroom.
Teachers’ Attributes. This is the teachers good
quality or feature inside the learning situation.
Teacher-Student Relationship. This is the interaction
between the Student and Teacher inside and out the campus.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, research

environment, respondents, research instrument, ethics and
data gathering procedure and data analysis.

Research Design
The study will employ the descriptive research design.
This design is found to be very appropriate because it will
describe learning environment and academic performance of
the third year BSE students in Surigao State College of
In addition, differential and correlational methods
will also be employed in determining the significant
difference of the ratings of the respondents on the
variables in learning environment as cited in Problem 1 and
the significant relationship between the learning
environment and academic performance.

Research Environment
This study will be conducted at Surigao State College
of Technology, City Campus. It was established on September
15, 1969 with the name Surigao del Norte School of Arts and
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Figure 2

Location Map of Surigao State College of Technology

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

It has undergone various changes in its name,

administration and excellent development in its structure
and facilities through the years. On June 5, 1998 it was
formally named as Surigao State College of Technology.
Surigao State College of Technology is a public college in
the Philippines with three annex namely: Surigao State
College of Technology, Mainit Campus, Del Carmen Campus and
Malimono Campus. It is mandated to provide higher
vocational, professional and technological instruction and
training in the fields of agriculture, fisheries,
engineering and sciences as well as short-term technical
courses. It is also mandated to provide primary
consideration to the integration of research/studies for
the development of the Province of Surigao Del Norte.
Surigao State College of Technology also offers K to 12
senior high school programs with three tracks TVL, STEM and
HUMS wherein it provides sufficient time for mastery of
concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare
graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills
development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Research Instrument
A researchers–made instrument will be utilized in
gathering the needed data in the study. The questionnaire
is composed of two parts. Part 1 determined the learning
environment as to teacher-student relationship, classroom
structure, student-teacher-relationship, school facilities
and teachers’ attributes. The academic performance of the
respondents will be obtained through the grades of the
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

respondents filed in the Office of the Chair of Teacher

To determine the learning environment, the following

scale and interpretation will be used.

Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 2.50-3.49 Agree (A)
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree (D)
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Research Respondents
The respondents of the study are the BSE third years
students. The respondents will be obtained through the use
of simple random sampling.
Table 1 presents the distribution of the respondents.

Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents

Respondent N n %

BSE English 71 25 29%

BSE Filipino 45 19 22%

BSE Mathematics 20 15 18%

BSE Biological Science 22 15 18%

BSE Physical Science 11 11 13%

Total 169 85 100%
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Ethics and Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will prepare a letter asking
permission to the Chair, Teacher Education to conduct the
said study (Appendix A). Another letter is to be prepared
and addressed to the respondents of the study.
When approval is secured, the researchers will
personally approach the target respondents of the study.
The items in the questionnaire will be clarified to make
sure the desired data are obtained from the respondents.
After the survey-instruments will be retrieved,
tallying, tabulation and analysis of the data will
immediately follow.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Data Analysis

Data will be analyzed through use of the following

statistical tools.

Weighted Mean. This tool will be used to determine the

learning environment as to teacher-student relationship,

classroom structure, student-teacher-relationship, school

facilities and teachers’ attributes.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This tool will be used

to determine the significant difference on the ratings of

the respondents on the learning environment as cited in

Problem 1.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (rxy).

This tool will be used measure the significant relationship

between the learning environment and academic performance

of respondents.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the
data on the learning environment and academic performance
of BSE students in Surigao State College of Technology.
Learning Environment

Table 2 reflects the assessment of learning

environment by the respondents.

Table 2
Assessment of Learning Environment

Variable Mean SD Verbal

Teacher-Student Relationship
1. The teacher treats their 2.86 .64 Agree
students' faculty.
2. Teacher-student harmonious 2.80 .61 Agree
relationship is festered.
3. The teachers spend extra 2.68 .58 Agree
time for consultation.
4. The teachers provide 3.05 .60 Agree
guidance to their students.
Classroom Structure
1. The classrooms are clean. 2.47 .61 Disagree
2. The classrooms are well- 2.45 .49 Disagree
3. The classrooms are well- 2.54 .65 Agree
4. The classrooms are well- 2.27 .75 Disagree
Student-Student Relationship
1. Healthy competition among 2.68 .71 Agree
students is observed.
2. No conflicts among students 2.58 .62 Agree
are seen.
3. Camaraderie among students 2.68 .66 Agree
is fostered.
School Facilities
1. The library holdings are 2.81 .57 Agree
2. The classrooms have 2.75 .53 Agree
learning gadgets like LCD
3. The internet is accessible. 2.08 .73 Disagree
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
4. Laboratories are well- 2.33 .73 Disagree
Teachers Personality
1. The teachers are 2.81 .68 Agree
considerate and friendly.
2. The teachers are 2.78 .66 Agree
3. The teachers are good 2.71 .73 Agree
listeners of the students'
4. The teachers provide 2.88 .61 Agree
avenues for the students to
develop and grow.
Average 2.64 .64 Agree

The table reveals that teacher-Student relationship,

classroom structure, school facilities, teachers
personality are of well relationship and completely
adequate with an average mean of 2.64, interpreted as
The table shows that there is a good teacher-student
relationship. Item no.4 “The teachers provide guidance to
their students” is ranked one, with an average of 3.05,
interpreted as agree. This means that teachers serve as
real facilitators. They go hand in hand with students in
guiding their progress. Item no. 1 “The teacher treats
their students' faculty” is ranked second, with an average
of 2.86, interpreted as agree showing the close
relationship of the teacher and students. Teachers do not
only care for imparting knowledge but knowing their
students well. Item no. 3 “Teacher-student harmonious
relationship is festered” shows that there is a visible
closeness of the teacher and students. Lastly, item no. 3
“The teachers spend extra time for consultation”, with an
average mean if 2.68, interpreted as agree reflects the
great concern of the teacher. The teacher wants to help the
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

students in any way he/she can. This is of good benefit

both for the teacher and students.
The table reflects that the classroom is well
structured. Item no. 3 “The classrooms are well-lighted” is
ranked one, with an average mean of 2.54, interpreted as
agree. This is seen in almost every classroom in the
College. However, items no. 1 “The classrooms are clean”, 2
“The classrooms are well-arrange”, and 3 “The classrooms
are well-ventilated” are interpreted as disagree. This
means that classrooms are not good for learning for it is
not clean, well-arranged, and well-ventilated. This
inevitably affects the learning of the students for the
classroom is not conducive for learning.
The table reveals that there is a good student-student
relationship. Item 1 “Health competition among students is
observed”, and 2 “Camaraderie among students is fostered”
are ranked one, with an average mean of 2.68, interpreted
as agree. Item no. 2 “No conflicts among students are seen”
is ranked second, with an average mean of 2.58, interpreted
as agree. This gives benefit to all the students. They can
help one another.
The table shows a positive personality of students.
Item no. 4 “The teachers provide avenues for the students
to develop and grow” is ranked one, with an average mean of
2.88, interpreted as agree. This reflects the teacher’s
desire to help his/her students’ learning growth. Item no.
2 “The teachers are considerate and friendly” is ranked
second, with an average mean of 2.81, interpreted as agree.
A friendly and considerate teacher gives confidence for the
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

students to talk to them. Morever, teachers are

approachable and a good listener is a good personality of a

Academic Performance

Table 3 reveals the academic performance of the


Table 3
Academic Performance of the Respondents
Variable Mean SD Verbal Interpretation
GPA 2.96 .64 Agree

The table reveals that academic performance with an

average of 2.96, interpreted as agree is affected by the
learning environment. A conducive learning environment has
a direct relationship to the academic performance of the
students. A good learning environment allows students to
learning effectively.

Significant Difference

Table 4 shows the difference of variables in the

learning environment of the respondents.

Table 4
Difference of Variables in the Learning Environment and GPA

Variables F P Decision Verbal

Teacher-Student Not Rejected Not
.360 .782
Relationship Significant
Classroom Structure Not Rejected Not
.424 .737
Student-student Not Rejected Not
1.360 .261
Relationship Significant
School Facilities Not Rejected Not
.975 .409
Teachers’ Personality Not Rejected Not
1.884 .139
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Gleaned from the Table are F-values of .36, .42,
1.36, .98, 1.88 with p=0.78, .74, .26, .41, .14 which are
greater than 0.05 variables in the learning environment.
The null hypothesis was not rejected indicating that there

is no significant difference on the ratings of respondents

on the variables in the learning environment.

Significant Relationship

Table 5 reflects the relationship of variables in the

learning environment of the respondents.

Table 5
Relationship of Variables in the Learning Environment
F P Rejection Verbal
Teacher-Student -.07 .53 Not Not Significant
Relationship Rejected
GPA Classroom -.04 .73 Not Not Significant
Structure Rejected
Student-student -.16 .14 Not Not Significant
Relationship Rejected
School -.18 .09 Not Not Significant
Facilities Rejected
Teachers’ - .02 Rejected Significant
Personality .25*

It can be gleaned from the Table that the obtained p-

values are greater than 0.05 when the extent of variables
on the assessment of the learning environment of the
respondents as to teacher-student relationship, classroom
structure, student-student relationship, school facilities
correlated with academic performance. This brought the non-
rejection of the null hypothesis which indicates that there
is no significant relationship between the learning
environment and academic performance of the respondents.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

However, teacher’s personality has a P value lesser than

0.05 which leads the rejection of the null hypothesis

indicating that there is a significant relationship of

teacher’s personality to academic performance. It suggests
that if the teacher has a bad personality, it affects the
academic performance of the students.
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Chapter 4


This chapter summarizes the results and findings of

the study and on the basis of the findings, conclusions

were drawn and recommendations are given.


This research study focused on the learning

Environment and Academic performance of third year students

on Teacher Education Courses A.Y. 2017-2018. Specifically,

this study sought answers how learning environment of Third

year BSEd Students in terms of their academic performance.

Moreover, the significant difference on the Learning

Environment and Academic performance was determined.

Questionnaire was used to gather data from 85

respondents that would ascertain the perceptions. The

gathered data were analysed using the frequency and the

Academic performance of the students. Mean (M) and standard

deviation (SD) were used to determine the Learning

environment and Academic performance. One-way Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the significant

difference on the Learning environment in terms of their

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Findings. The findings of the study are revealed as


1. The respondents agree that the learning environment

affect academic performance.

2. There is a significant relationship between

learning environment and Academic Performance except in

terms teachers’ personality.

3. There is no significant difference among the

variables affected by the learning environment and among

the variables affected on Academic Performance.

Conclusions. Based from the finding of the study, the

following conclusions are drawn.

1. The students’ academic performance is impacted with

the learning environment.

2. The better the teacher’s personality in the

learning environment, the more likely; the students’

academic performance becomes high. However, teacher-student

and student-student relationship, and school facilities do

not relate to the academic performance of the students.

3. The students’ academic performance is not affected

by the learning environment.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City


In the light of the findings and conclusions of the

study, the following recommendations are given.

School Administrators. They should improve the

learning environment by adding sufficient school facilities
and monitoring the teachers’ personality.

Faculty. They should be aware of the environment they

have. If how the learners progress as to the learning
environment they have. Moreover they should be aware to the
academic performance of the students in their class.

Parents. They must be aware on how their child

behaves in college, by the help of this study they will be
informed that certain things affects individual.

Students. They should realize the importance of

undergoing and performing different tasks given to them by
their instructors. It will also give them an idea on how to
conduct their own classes if they are already on the field
of teaching..
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City


Adepoju, T.L. & E.E. O. (2011) “A Study of Secondary School

Students’ Academic.

International Journal of Educational Research and

Technology 3(1), March, 21-26.

Brophy,J.& Good, T.L.(1986).Teacher behavior and student

achievement. In M.C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of

research on teaching (3rd ed.; pp. 328–375). New York:









Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Research Questionnaire



A. On Learning Environment. The following items show the

extent of learning environment in SSCT. Read each sentence
carefully and decide how much you observed each of the
items. Indicate your choice by checking on the appropriate
box using the scale below.

4 - Strongly Agree (SA

3 – Agree (A)
2 – Disagree (D)
1 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

A Teacher-Student Relationship 4 3 2 1
1. The teacher treats their students’ faculty. /
2. Teacher – student harmonious relationship /
is festered.
3. The teachers spend extra time for /
4. The teachers provide guidance to their /
B Classroom Structure 4 3 2 1
1. The classrooms are clean. /
2. The classrooms are well-arrange. /
3. The classrooms are well-lighted. /
4. The classrooms are well-ventilated. /
C Student-Student Relationship 4 3 2 1
1. Health competition among students is /
2. No conflicts among students are seen. /
3. Camaraderie among students is fostered. /
D School Facilities 4 3 2 1
1. The library holdings are adequate. /
2. The classrooms have learning gadgets like /
3. The internet is accessible. /
4. Laboratories are well-equipped. /
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
E Teachers’ Personality 4 3 2 1
1. The teachers are considerate and friendly. /
2. The teachers are approachable. /
3. The teachers are good listeners of the /
students’ problems.
4. The teachers provide avenues for the /
students to develop and grow.

A. On Academic Performance. What is your GPA during the second

semester, S.Y. 2016-2017, please check the bracket provided
before the choices.
( ) 3.0- 2.5 ( ) 1.4-1.0
( ) 2.4- 2.1
(/) 2.0- 1.5

Thank you for your cooperation!

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Letter of authorization to Dean and Chair
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City, Main Campus

November 20, 2017

Chair, Teacher Education Division
Surigao State College of Technology


Greetings of peace!

We, from BSED 4A English students, are currently working on

a research study entitled “LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND
In connection to this, we are humbly asking your good
office to allow us administer our research questionnaires
to our respective respondents – 3rd year BSEd students.
The questionnaires will be our basis in gathering responses
and in analyzing and interpreting data for the study.
We are hoping for your benevolent response to this matter.
Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,

Approved by:
Chair, Teacher Education Division
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Letter of authorization to Dean and Chair
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City, Main Campus

November 20, 2017

RONITA E. Talingting, Ph.D.

Dean Programs and Standards
Surigao State College of Technology


Greetings of peace!

We, BSED 4A English students, are presently conducting a


In this connection, we are humbly asking your permission to

allow us administer our research instrument for the said
study to our target respondents in your department.

We are hoping for your kind and benevolent response to this

matter. Your approval means a lot to us for the realization
of this study.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by:


Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Curriculum Vitae


Name : Michel D. Galavia

Nickname : Mich

Address : Pongtud, Alegria Surigao del Norte

Place of Birth : Pongtud, Alegria Surigao del Norte

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Parents (Father) : Leonardo s. Galavia

(Mother) : Melinda D. Galavia


Elementary : Pongtud Elementary School

: Pongtud, Alegria SDN

: S.Y 2009 – 2010

Secondary : Alegria National High School

: Alegria SDN

: S.Y 2013 – 2014

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Tertiary : Surigao State College of


: Main Campus, Surigao City

: A.Y 2016 – 2017

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major : English
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae


Name : Laiviel M. Sipe

Nickname : Lalai

Address : Doña Helene, Basilisa, Dinagat


Place of Birth : Doña Helene, Basilisa, Dinagat


Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Parents (Father) : Alberto B. Sipe

(Mother) : Irene M. Sipe


Elementary : Doña Helene Elementary School

: Doña Helene, Basilisa, Dinagat


: S.Y 2009 – 2010

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Secondary : Tag – abaca National High School

: Tag – abaca, Dinagat Islands

: S.Y 2013 – 2014

Tertiary : Surigao State College of


: Main Campus, Surigao City

: A.Y 2016 – 2017

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major : English
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae


Name : Adelyn B. Tolibas

Nickname : El El, Adel

Address : Timamana, Tubod, Surigao del Norte

Place of Birth : Timamana, Tubod, Surigao del Norte

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Parents (Father) : Albert S. Tolibas

(Mother) : Delia B. Tolibas


Elementary : Timamana Elementary School

: Timamana, Tubod, Surigao del Norte

: S.Y 2009 – 2010

Secondary : Timamana National High School

: Timamana, Tubod, Surigao del Norte

: S.Y 2010 – 2014

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Tertiary : Surigao State College of Technology

: Main Campus, Surigao City

: A.Y 2017 – 2018

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major : English
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae


Name : Lawrence L. Villarin

Nickname : Lor, Rence

Address : Brgy. Canlanipa, Surigao City

Place of Birth : New Mabuhay, Dinagat Island

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Parents (Father) : Ernesto Y. Villarin

(Mother) : Luzviminda L. Villarin


Elementary : New Mabuhay Elementary School

: New Mabuhay, Dinagat Island

: S.Y 2009 - 2010

Secondary : Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

: Rizal Street, Surigao City

: S.Y 2010 - 2014

Tertiary : Surigao State College of Technology

: Main Campus, Surigao City

: A.Y 2017 – 2018

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major : English

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