Is Now Time To Upgrade Your Computer

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Is Now the Time to Upgrade Your

Operating System and Personal Computer?
by Richard M. Weber, MBA, CLU, AEP (Distinguished)
Brian D. Horn, MSIS

n’t reflect your version of “where no one 2013. We’ve come a long way since
Abstract: Microsoft recently announced
that it would no longer provide sup-
has gone before” or represent the criti- the original Compaq Computer “lug-
port—nor security updates—for cal focal point of your daily medita- gable.” A reasonable definition of a
Microsoft XP, one of the most popular tion—it’s time to assess: what next? laptop was that it was a portable, all-
PC operating systems ever. It may be What does it mean that as of early in-one-box combination of display,
time for the next “thing” to meet your spring 2014, XP is no longer sup- keyboard, disk drive, and the rest of
technology needs.
ported? If in the past you’ve been the electronics that made it work. That
assisted by corporate or institutional IT, distinction is somewhat blurred as PC
Microsoft recently announced that starting now, you’ll likely get the cold manufacturers and Apple Inc. have
it would no longer provide support— shoulder. You’re on your own when it incorporated everything but the key-
nor security updates—for Microsoft comes to figuring out how to use “con- board into an almost portable device.
XP, one of the most popular PC oper- fig.sys.” But the primary issue is that But no one is going to argue that an
ating systems ever. In fact, after 13 there will be no further security updates iMac is a laptop, regardless of its gor-
years of running all our Windows soft- guarding against new vulnerabilities geous unified design.
ware, it is Microsoft’s longest-lived exploited by those who would create Leading manufacturers such as
operating system. Even though Apple mayhem with your computer and its HP, Dell, Lenovo, Sony, and Toshiba
has made significant inroads from its files—not to mention your identity and sell popular laptops of the PC variety,
paltry base of 3 percent of the market your bank/brokerage accounts! running primarily Microsoft operat-
10 years ago, Microsoft’s operating sys- Do we have your attention?! ing systems and software. Apple Inc.
tems (boosted by the wildly popular exclusively designs and sells its
Microsoft Word and Excel office pro- If It’s Old/Let’s Be Bold unique brand of MacBookPro and
ductivity software) still account for an If your home-based PC is as old MacBook Air, both of which in turn
estimated 92 percent of worldwide as the XP operating system (really, if run on the current Mavericks
usage within personal computing.1 it was purchased before 2010), it’s OSX10.9 operating system. By the
Most readers have probably time to replace the computer. Didn’t time of this publication, OSX11.0
upgraded to the newer MS Windows 7 you wonder why it took 10 minutes may well have been announced.
or 8 for their business desktops and lap- to re-sort that small database? Were Somewhat expanding the laptop
tops—or been dragged there kicking you led to believe that streaming space, we have “netbooks” (Asus,
and screaming by the dreaded “IT guy.” movies were intentionally displayed Sony, Acer, and Lenovo, among oth-
But it’s just as likely that the PC in the one frame at a time? ers) that are small and light—the use
kitchen, family room, or home office is The good news is that today’s of which is probably optimized at
still using “old reliable” XP with its pas- computers are not only faster, sleeker, Starbucks or Panera for e-mail and
toral desktop background of a lovely and cheaper—with the option for Facebook rather than for serious com-
spring day in an otherwise uninhabited incredibly colorful high-resolution puting, gaming, or streaming.
universe. Assuming that the scene does- displays—but you also have some We also have a specific callout for
great choices. Google’s low-cost Chromebook. At
$279 (Wi-Fi only) or $299 (Verizon
This issue of the Journal went to press
in June 2014. Copyright © 2014, Laptop Options LTE connectivity to the Internet)
Society of Financial Service Professionals. New laptop sales overtook desk- Chromebook enjoys a larger display
All rights reserved.
top sales in the U.S. sometime in than the typical netbook and is very



light compared to a laptop, boots up “apps” (we used to call it software)— CD/DVD drive, nor do most of their
in less than 10 seconds, and comes over a million separate games, utili- laptops. While PC manufacturers con-
with 100GB of Google Drive cloud ties, business applications, entertain- tinue to provide them as part of a typ-
storage that is free for the first 2 years. ment and social media portals, and ical basic configuration, it probably
If you choose Chromebook for all more “reminder” apps than you could won’t be more than several years before
those features and deploy Google Docs ever use in a lifetime. The Retina dis- they’re dropped from all but hobbyist
for creating documents, you’ll want to play is so crisp that a page of words machines. With the spread of broad-
closely read the extensive licensing and numbers appears as sharp as in a band and cloud computing, along with
agreement. Use of cloud-based Google printed magazine, and streaming streaming movies (Netflix, Amazon
Docs allows Google to explore the movies retain their original resolution. Prime, and Hulu+, among others) and
content of any of those “docs” and use It appears that younger generations streaming music (Pandora, iTunes
that information as the basis for mar- have especially taken to the iPad and Radio, and Amazon), everything seems
keting products and services. iPad Mini as their devices of choice— to be moving to the cloud. Let’s hope
Hint: when selecting a laptop, opt sometimes to the complete exclusion for clear skies and smooth sailing.
for the slightly more expensive SSD of any other computing device (except,
storage device—that’s Solid State of course, their smartphones). Cross-Over Options
Disk—versus the no longer so ubiqui- The competition has taken While there are those who might
tous HD hard drive. File access times, notice. Android operating systems be drawn to the style, ease of use, and
boot times, and overall performance installed on Samsung and HTC the many included programs/apps/soft-
are demonstrably better, and an SSD is tablets offer attractive features and ware found on a modern iMac, Mac
much more likely to survive a minor benefits, although the total number Mini, or MacBookPro, some PC users
drop to the floor. Mileage will vary. of available apps is still lagging. have not made “the move” for a con-
Additional tablet considerations cern about not being able to run Win-
Tablet Options could include Amazon’s Kindle Fire. dows programs, including Quicken
We probably wouldn’t have Its screen is a bit bigger than that of and other software that is either exclu-
included tablets in consideration of the typical tablet—and matches or sive to PCs or simply better written for
replacing a home or home office com- exceeds iPad’s processor speed and data the much larger PC user base. But that
puter except for the fact that tablets storage capacity. really hasn’t been a problem for a num-
were expected to outsell laptops by this Tablets inherently use the same data ber of years, going back to 2006 with
year—even more quickly than when storage as the SSD referred to earlier. Apple’s deployment of Intel micro-
laptops won the race over desktop processors. Whether rebooting and
computers ( Desktop Options using Apple’s proprietary Boot Camp
Microsoft is probably the most Well, if you must. Certainly if it’s for Mac as an exclusive “environment,”
advanced in its attempts to merge seri- desirable to have a centrally located or the newer and extremely easy to use
ous computing on its flagship operat- computer in the family room or kitchen Parallels or VMWare installed on any
ing system (Windows 8.1) via its Sur- for a number of different casual users, a Mac computer, it’s easy to create a “vir-
face tablet that doubles as the display PC or iMac will deliver a spectacular tual” operating environment in which
for a compatible laptop. experience in speed, screen resolution, to install any of Microsoft’s underly-
Apple’s well-regarded iPad (the and data storage. ing operating systems—and the soft-
newest incarnation is the iPad Air), Go for the largest and highest defi- ware that you know and love will be
still holds the record for total tablets nition display that’s within your budget, fully operational and compatible. For
sold by any one company,3 but and consider a large capacity SSD example, the Society of FSP’s Historic
Android competitors are closing in. instead of the familiar whirling disk. Volatility Calculator (HVC) will only
iPad and iPad Mini are still the tablets Warning: None of Apple Inc.’s run in a Windows operating system,
of choice for the sheer number of Mac desktop computers have a but once VMWare or Parallels is



installed with an underlying XP or ware discover new “holes” through delivered on its promise not only as
Windows 7 or 8.1 operating system, which to drive their malicious efforts— to ever-increasing processing speeds,
HVC can be added as a desktop icon only to be caught and fixed by soft- but the rate of introducing entirely
and selected and run as quickly and ware vendors including Apple and new devices we never knew we
easily as any native Mac program. Microsoft—until the next round of needed—until they were invented—
Which brings up another hint: if digital pothole discoveries and digital and for which we now can’t imagine a
you choose to switch to a Mac but asphalt patches. time we didn’t have them. Those of us
would still like to continue to use XP Computer hardware (printers, in the baby boom generation gener-
on your 2009 or newer PC and really keyboards, mice, thumb drives, exter- ally have the good fortune to have
don’t need more than a few exclusively nal disk drives, monitors, and all man- grandchildren who serve as our tech-
PC programs such as HVC and per- ner of third-party gadgets with USB nology experts. You can rightly be
haps Quicken or a specific game, turn connectors) also seems to have a rela- suspicious when they urge us to buy
off the virtual operating system’s access tively short useful life if only because of the newest iPhone—they want the
to the Internet. For those things for the constant improvement in storage hand-me-down. All in all, that’s not a
which you need Internet, use the Mac’s technology and the inevitable collision bad arrangement! ■
operating system “side,” even with with Murphy’s Law (data expands to
respect to downloading an update to exceed the increased capacity to store Richard M. Weber, MBA, CLU, AEP, is well
known by insurance agents for his activ-
HVC. Both Parallels and VMWare it). That’s different from Moore’s Law,
ities on their behalf in the area of life
allow you to designate a common proclaimed by Intel cofounder Gor-
insurance “Due Care.” He received the
folder each operating environment can don Moore almost 50 years ago, pre- Kenneth Black, Jr., Leadership Award in
share—even though the underlying sciently predicting that processing 2008 in recognition of his “exemplary
operating systems exist in parallel capacity would double approximately leadership qualities and significant contri-
(hence the name) universes! every 2 years—with a later corollary butions to the fulfillment of the Society’s
observation that the cost of manufac- core values of ethics, education, and rela-
tionships.” He is president of The Ethical
When in Doubt/ turing drops roughly 50 percent in the
Edge, Inc., Pleasant Hill, CA, consulting to
Throw It Out same time period. insurance companies and agents on
We’re reluctant to start an anti- Hint: personal computing is rap- issues of product expertise and the
environmental movement, but the fact idly moving to USB 3.0 and Thunder- appropriate use of technology. Now
is that computer software and even bolt 2 protocols for high-speed data immediate past president of the Society
of Financial Service Professionals, Mr.
hardware are being updated at such a transfers between external devices such
Weber has written hundreds of articles
fast pace, deciding not to update or as additional storage drives and the PC
and delivered presentations throughout
renew software can both create an or Mac computing device. And since the industry on “... increasing earnings
operational problem and leave your virtually all USB 3.0 devices are back- while maintaining high levels of integrity
computing environment vulnerable to ward compatible for USB 2.0 devices, and ethics.” He can be reached at
viruses or worse. Both Microsoft and opt for the faster peripherals when
Apple encourage keeping operating sys- there is a choice.
tems up-to-date (and at least Apple has Brian D. Horn, MSIS, is chief operations and
technology officer at the Society of FSP. He is
no economic ax to grind—its last Bottom Line
a graduate of the Philadelphia College of
major overhaul was provided to Mac Consumer technology has been Textiles and Science with a degree in Infor-
users at no cost). While many operat- on an accelerated, virtually geometric mation Systems and Penn State University
ing systems updates provide functional growth curve since the time simple with a Masters in Information Science. Brian
improvements and features, most transistors were first incorporated in joined the Society in June 1997 and is
updates in both major operating sys- the small portable radios we took to responsible for many key functions of the
Society, including marketing, membership,
tems are driven by the constant game baseball games and the beach in the
and chapter development as well as finance
of catch-up as promulgators of mal- 1950s and 1960s. Moore’s Law has and administration, in addition to retaining



responsibility for the association’s develop-

ment and implementation of technology. He
may be reached at

of_operating_systems indicates that total
Microsoft operating system usage as of April
2014 was 90.69% (4 different MS platforms).
(2) Aron Hiaso, “Terapeak Trends Measuring
Momentum in Laptop and Tablet Sales,”
accessed at
in-laptop-and-tablet-sales/#.U4e0dhahufE, indi-
cating that tablet sales have outpaced sales of
laptops since the fall of 2013.
(3) See
sales-to-date-145-million-plus. The iPad sales to
date have breached the 145 million mark. Based
on the quarterly financial reports from the mon-
umentally successful Apple Inc. beginning in the
third quarter of 2010 when the tablets were first
introduced to the latest second quarter report of
2013, there has been a total of 145.34 million
units sold. Its unique touch screen, virtual key-
board, built-in Wi-Fi, and selective cellular con-
nectivity have certainly captured the imagination
of millions of users all over the world. Its domi-
nance of the computer tablet market is boosted by
state-of-the-art versatility of its functions: GPS
navigation, social media, games, reference, and a
plethora of other apps. Also see Chuck Jones,
“Tablet Ownership Hitting an Inflection Point:
What It Means for Apple and Android Users,”
accessed at


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