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Technical Questions:

1. How many programs are there in the project?


2. What is your role and responsibility?

Team member, Module leader, Technical Leader

Team Member: Coding/Analyzing
Attending status meeting
Team Leader:
Assign task, status task, Solving team problems and personal problems.
Conducting or organizing meeting. Allocating task to team

3. What is your notice period?

(How soon you join in our company)

15 days to 1 month.

4. How the work will be downloaded?

• Mails
• Internet tools with in the company the site used, site to down load.
• Client request management system.
• Quick place.
• Task management system.
• Request management system.

5. Whom does you report?

• Team Leader/Project Leader/Module Leader/Technical Leader.

• Client-> On site coordinator, Offshore coordinator-Team Leader

6. What is your team size?

Main Frames up to 5 to 20.

7. Tell about the client?

No of the people in the company.

10 Million dollars
Location of the company.
Service Health insurance, Life insurance.
8. What is the name of the work?
Type of project

• Development: Developing the system from the scratch which does not exist
• Enhancement: Enhancing the system functionality or providing more features
with the existing system
Existing system functionality.
• Maintenance: Solving the problem in existing system /Functionality.
• Support: If problem takes less than 8 hours it is to support more than 8 hrs in
its maintenance.
• Production support: Supporting to live environment if we solve problem in
live environment it is called production support.
• Suggestion: Development program and involved in maintenance
Eg: Report layout

9. What is your section Id?

SLRLT002 (8 characters MAX).

10. What is reporting Structure?

• Team Member.
• Team Leader/Module Leader.
• Project Leader/Tech Leader/Architect.
• Project Manager/Delivery Manager.

11. How big are your projects?

• Tell the no of programs.

• Tell the no of tables->200 to 400 for M/F.
• Tell the no of files-> 1000 to 1500 files for PL/I say files only.

12. What is average line of code in project?

1500 to 2000 M/F.

13. Where do you start your work?

As the team member we will start with coding

14. What are the problems you faced?

• Solving data Expectations/Invalid Data/Bad Data.

• Solving Input output operations are file errors.
• Resolving space problems for the physical files.
• Changing the report formats.
• Eliminating duplicate records in the data base.
• Invalid arithmetic operations /calculations.
• Insufficient data name sizes Or Record length.

15. What is the complex situation you faced?

• Converting complex business functionality in to technical skills i.e., Logic

• Customer says I want to see how many item s are missing.
• Show he want to know want are the items we are identified programs
which transferring items from one location to another location.
• Start picking program by program and analyzing it.
• If there is a problem we interact with project leader.

16. How do you test your programs?

• Manually Cobol-display
• Pl/I-Put list

17. What are your recent tasks?

• Extracting data form file to table.

• For PL/I from 1 file to another file.
• 1 to many files.
• From multiple files to single file.
• Report modifications /record structure change.

HR Questions:

1. Tell about your self ?

• School +Intermediate
• Start graduation, what %
• Trained, experienced, I have done my project.
• When did you join in the company?
• I always take volunteer participation in company events or projects or
• I always motivate team.

Weak Points:

• Once I decide or fix a goal I cannot change.

• I postpone things very frequently, but rarely but unimportant.
• Sometimes I donot care of myself.
• Some times I donot maintain good dress, it indicate I am low confident.
• Some times I feel disappointed completely,but I have the capability of coming
out soon to solve the problem.

3. Why are you changing your company?

I have very good Technical and analytical skills and I am confident that the company
uses my skills and your company makes good revenues and grows. If company grows
I will be a part of growth. I am confident. I will definitely be a part of growth.

4. How long you are going to be their in this company?

As long as I am adding value to the company and company adding the value to me I
will be there.

5. You are working as a consultant why are you picking the agent?

As I said I am working as a consultant Iam sure in another 3 or 4 months this project

will be completed and I have to look for another project that is the reason I have
started attending the interviews and this is my first interview. If I get selected now I
accept it .I have already said that if I set my mind I cannot change it again. After
joining in the IBM if I get offer I will come back to you and negotiate with you.

6. Where do you want to see after two years?

• I want to see my self as a good Leader

• I always set my goals in two areas
• Career goals-> I want to become Technical Person
• Personal Goals->I always set my financial goals to strengthen my financial
assets to care my family.
• I save some money and try to my make it double by saving Tax.
• Investing some money on Bonds, Personal Plans, Money Multiple bonds,
money backs.

7. When do you see?

• I want to see my self as a simple point of contract for all problem like
financial & Personnel
• I want to be myself in the role where we generate more revenues.

8. What is current salary CTC, what is your expected salary?

Current salary 20000 to 25000

Expected salary
Iam expecting 10 to 20% hike in my salary.

9. Why should I day you 30000?

• I can generate more than what you pay me. I am confident. I have good team
players, technical skills, Positive thinking.
• I have all the skills and get then together and use for hike revenue in the
10. Why should I hire you?

I have good programming skills. I have good communication skills, I am always

available critical problems ex:-Boundary less behaviour, extra mile.

11. How do you manage stress?

• Physical Exercise.
• I spent time with people who motivate me encourage me and lift my spirit.
• Try to find the solution if I achieve my 70% of stress
• Refreshments.
• Try to recollect the good things happened to me.

12. Would you like Risk?

• Yes, I take the risk and try to find a plan to resolve the risk.

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