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1. What discipline in environmental health that studies the association between exposure
to environmental agents and resulting development of disease?
A. Environmental toxicology
B. Environmental engineering
C. Environmental epidemiology
D. Preventive medicine

2. Reduction of the development and progression of disease by addressing the factors

is important in the study of environmental health. This under the scope of:
A. Environmental toxicology
B. Environmental engineering
C. Environmental epidemiology
D. Preventive medicine

3. What field in public health that deals with theory and practice of assessing,
correcting, controlling, and preventing factors in the environment that impact the
health of the community negatively?
A. Non-communicable disease epidemiology
B. Occupational health
C. Environmental health
D. Both B and C are correct.

4. What country were the worst nuclear-power-plant disaster happened?

A. Japan
B. Ukraine
C. Russia

5. What pollutant was released after an accident at Union Carbide plant in Bhopal India
in 1984 killing thousands of Indian?
A. Methyl mercury
B. Methyl isocyanate
C. Crude oil
D. Dioxin

6. What pollutant was released following an explosion at a chemical plant in Seveso,

A. Methyl mercury
B. Methyl isocyanate
C. Crude oil
D. Dioxin
7. What route of entry, pollutants in the water enters our system?
I. Lungs
II. Skin
III. GI Tract

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I and IV

8. Accessibility of an individual to safe and adequate health care can have adverse
health effects. This statement is:
A. True B. False

9. Salmonella present in the food or water is still under the study of environment health.
This statement is:
A. True B. False

10. Asbestos is ban in manufacturing of insulation in buildings, houses because:

A. exposure to this can lead to lung cancer.
B. exposure to this can lead to skin disease.
C. it is costly to produce and requires tremendous amount of manpower leading to
work-related diseases.
D. it is rare to obtain this material in the environment.

11. Which of the following group will have a greater impact on their health if living in an
impoverished community?
A. Elderly
B. Children
C. Indigenous people
D. Socioeconomic status

12. In the environmental risk assessment, the first thing to do is:

A. Measure the magnitude
B. Understand the key determinants
C. Set priorities
D. Define the problem

13. In the environment risk management, the first thing the pollution control officer will
do is:
A. Define the problem
B. Set policies
C. Develop an intervention strategy
D. Measure the magnitude
14. Applying the law of diminishing returns, which of the following statement concurred
to the law?
A. When doctors use medical interventions, more is not always better. Over time, an
excessive number of medical interventions can harm a patient instead of lead to
B. Increasing the number of hours that an employee works leads to greater
productivity to an extent. However, after hours are increased to a certain point,
the employee ends up being less productive due to burnout, illness, and
C. How at a certain point, increasing labor does not yield an equally increasing
amount of productivity?
D. All of the above statements are true.

15. Which of the factors is considered a non-technical one?

A. Human wants
B. Status in the society
C. Political systems
D. All of the above.

16. Mr. Roberto Gonzales is the pollution control officer of Company DEF. One day, he
received a letter from DENR stating the violation of the company. One of the
violations being highlighted is deposition of toxic materials in the river nearby. He
immediately gathered his group and brainstorm for an intervention strategy. Will you
agree of what Mr. Gonzales first move to address the issue?
A. No
B. Yes

17. What is the next to do if you were Mr. Gonzales to address the problem?
A. I would develop a policy on waste disposal.
B. I would determine the key determinants
C. I will set priorities and policies.
D. There is not any because in the first place, he is wrong in the first place.

18. What is the main reason why we study environmental health?

A. To address the negative impact of external factors to the health of present and
future individuals or community.
B. To minimize the effect of changing conditions of the environment.
C. To be able to avoid detrimental effect of our environment because of human
needs and wants.
D. All of these are correct.

19. Taking the lesson learned in Chernobyl explosion. What is the best strategy to
prevent similar future catastrophe?
A. Development of stricter legislation in the form of treaty for international
cooperation on the use of radioactive materials.
B. Development of hi-tech engineering facilities in nuclear plants.
C. Develop a stricter mechanism of monitoring in nuclear plants.
D. Develop effective urban planning strategies such as designing a radiation proof
buildings and infrastructures.

20. Which is the most important consideration in addressing accidents like in Takaimura
Nuclear Plant?
A. Agents
B. Vectors
C. Routes of entry
D. All of these are correct.


1. What is the science of the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of
hazards arising in or from the workplace that could impair the health and well-being
of workers?
A. Environmental epidemiology
B. Occupational health
C. Occupational health and safety
D. Both A and B are correct.

2. What is ILO stands for?

A. International labor organization
B. International laws organization
C. Intercontinental labor outline
D. International labor outline

3. What do you call the practice of assessment and control of environmental factors
and stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause injury, sickness,
impaired health and well-being or significant discomfort and inefficiency among
workers or among the citizens of the community?
A. Occupational health
B. Occupational health and safety
C. Occupational hygiene
D. None of the above.

4. Which of the following fields/discipline is involved in the practice of occupational

health and safety?
A. Engineering
B. Epidemiology
C. Environmental science
D. All of the above are correct.

5. What do you call the process of identification and measurement of exposures,

problem tasks and risks?
A. Risk management
B. Risk assessment
C. Work-site analysis
D. Inspection

6. What of hazard are bacteria, viruses and fungi?

A. Air contaminants
B. Chemical hazards
C. Biological hazards
D. Physical hazards

7. Which of the following is the correct intervention when controlling noise?

A. Treating floors, ceilings and wall with acoustic material.
B. Reducing exposure time.
C. Installing reflective shields.
D. Provision of protective clothing.

8. The science of ergonomics encompasses all of the following tasks EXCEPT:

A. Walking
B. Reaching
C. Lifting
D. Eating.

9. Improvisation of tools because it is costly to buy an ergonomically designed one may cause
problems in the future. This statement is:
A. True
B. False

10. Which of the following is an example of hazard?

A. Poorly designed computer table.
B. Presence of uncapped syringe in the table.
C. Using solvent in plumbing.
D. Working in glass blowing company.

11. Installing a light diffuser in one of the bright lights built in our houses is an example of:
A. Engineering control
B. Work practice control
C. Administrative control

12. Which of the following is considered under administrative control?

A. Doing a rotation schedule of employees to different areas of the laboratory.
B. Creating policy that prohibits eating in the laboratory.
C. Develop a standard operating procedures manual.
D. Create an exhaust system in areas with large evolution of fumes.

13. Which of the operations where benzene is likely the contaminant?

A. Applying pesticides
B. Degreasing
C. Painting
D. Both B and C are correct.

14. Which of the following are considered a secondary prevention in occupational diseases?
A. Use of PPE
B. Reduction of magnitude of exposure to hazardous materials
C. Administration of chelating medications in workers with lead poisoning.
D. Measurement of radiation levels in workers working in nuclear medicine laboratory.

15. Mrs. Lee is the owner of a textile factory in Binondo, Manila. She is been in the business for
nearly 35 years. She is famous of doing things “old school” ways. Even the machines that
are 20 years in service are still in use. An annual report came to her office that there is an
increasing incidence of hearing loss among her workers. What is best way to curb this
A. She needs to install sound proofing materials.
B. She should perform regular maintenance of the machine.
C. She should fire the employees and hire a new batch.
D. She should buy new and modern machines.

16. Which of the following is best thing to do avoid eye strains in the workplace?
A. Should have an adequate lighting either from natural or artificial lights.
B. Use artificial lighting only even it is too bright because artificial lights are commonly
C. Use of natural light only even it creates shadow.
D. Adjust the lighting to a dimmer setting.
17. Mang Jose was street sweeper. He was awarded several times as the most outstanding
employer of the city. He works on time and finish early because he does not stop working
even at noon time. After 15 years in service he was forced to retire because of skin cancer
even he is just 40 years old. He now undergoing chemotherapy treatment. What is the best
explanation why he developed skin cancer?
A. Mang Jose has developed skin cancer due to daily sun exposure for the past 15 years in
B. Mang Jose has an oncogene for cancer but due to daily sun exposure he develops skin
cancer instead of other forms of cancer.
C. Mang jose develops cancer because of his old age.
D. Both A and B are correct.

18. High exposure to infrared is detrimental to the eye because:

A. cornea, iris, lens and retina are sensitive to thermal damage
B. there is a possibility of mutation in the DNA.
C. optical nerve will tear due to thermal damage.
D. all of the above are correct.

19. Pelvic congestion is most likely to occur in the following scenario EXCEPT:
A. Mang Domeng is working in a farm all his life. He has nobody to help him even driving
the tractor is part of his daily job.
B. Manang Lisa is an office clerk and there was an on-going construction of a high-rise
building beside her office building.
C. Ms. Crisostomo Ibarra is a local fisherman in Dagupan. He maintains hectares of
fishpond. During harvest he is the one who spearhead the harvest.
D. Mr. Brown is a bus driver. Mainly his route is from Manila to Sagada, a 12-hour drive and
highways for the past year is not in good shape because of Typhoon Emeng.
20. Working in a below zero-degree Celsius is detrimental to workers. Employees will suffer
from this condition if the management will not address this concern.
A. Cold stress
B. Heat stress

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