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How to turn her on ​step by step 

Ben Baker 
Copyright ​©​ 2019 by Ben Baker 

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner 
without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in 
a book review. 


This guide is a bonus section of the ​Attract​ handbook. To get 

the best results, please read the ATTRACT book, w
​ atch the 
complimentary videos and download the files you received with 
your purchase h
​ ere in this link​.  
If you need help or have questions about signing up, visit ​the 
contact page​. 

This guide aims to arm you with effective techniques for 

having smooth escalation in your interactions with women 

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What you’ll learn here applies after you’ve built a certain 
level of trust and comfort.  

Before we start, I want to make something clear. If at any 

point during the interaction she asks you to stop, you ​MUST 
stop gently back off immediately. 
If done right, they call it ​passionate and beautiful 
connection​, if you push it without her consent, it’s a
​ ssault​! So 
be smart about it and only get intimate with women who want 

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The Global Rules of Arousal & 


Whenever you’re with a woman that you see as a potential 
lover, if she is also single and there is a chance you and her 
become intimate, it is your obligation to ​gently, systematically 
and constantly move the interaction forward. Both verbally and 

Escalation must be done smoothly a

​ nd not in some random 
way. Neither too fast, nor too slow. 

● If you never escalate, you’ll inevitably wind up trapped in the 


● If you escalate too quickly or in the wrong way, she’ll think 

you’re a sleazy guy, and you’ll never see her gain. 

Or in other words:​ Neither the desperate, nor the boring, ever 

get the girl. 

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So, be fun, playful, and casual. Not clingy, dull or serious. 

A good mindset you can have, is a genuine willingness to walk 

away. A frame of mind where you truthfully think: 

“This is cool. I enjoy being with her, but I don’t need it. Now 
let’s see what happens.” 

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7 Things You Need to Know 

Here are seven things you need to know to consistently turn 
her on and share sexual experiences together. 

Women Think, Feel & Do Things Differently 

to Us 
What makes logical sense to you, does not necessarily make 
sense to her. For example, if you ‘feel’ it’s time to go for the kiss 
but she resists, it’s n
​ ot​ a signal to push harder. It just means 
you’re on different frequencies. 

Women Have Mixed Feelings About Sex 

Many women have been pressured by society to be “​ strong”, 
and this has left them totally confused. 

It has created a culture of women trying to “be” men and 

thinking that being strong only means resisting others and 

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going their own way. At the same time, their natural desire is 
telling them to follow. 

If you understand her mixed emotions well, and help her to 
get through them, you will win. 

Many Women Associate Sex with Shame 

It’s difficult for women who have this mentality to enjoy the 
experience of having sex. This has nothing to do with you, so 
don’t take it personally. 

This type of women require more time and patience at your 


You Are Expected to Escalate 

If you’re too patient and never escalate, you’ll be written off 
as a loser guy who is too afraid to go for it. 

You’ve got to be smart and dynamic here because even 

though some women take five dates and a ton of patience, 
others will be ready to have sex within the first ten minutes of 

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meeting you. That’s why I discuss more openly in my coaching 

program admc. When you learn this gauging skills, you’ll be 
amazed with the possibilities.  

You Have to Turn Her on Before You Have 

It doesn’t matter how horny you are. If she’s not turned on, 
you’re not having sex with her! Period. 

Most guys don’t give this detail the credit it deserves. Instead, 
they push hard, quickly and without changing her mental or 
emotional state.  

They know that once they start having sex, she’s probably 
going to enjoy it, so their plan is to get to that point as quickly 
as possible. 

This never works and if it does, she will regret it. So make 
sure you follow the steps and escalate! 

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Women Love to Take Their Time in Bed 

Women love the feeling of anticipation and sexual tension 
just as much as the main event – or even more. 

I understand that sometimes you might just want to 

immediately rip your pants off and have her go to town with 
you. But that’s not how it works in most cases.  

You’ve Got to Figure Out Her Body 

You can’t just rely on the same tricks you’ve been using your 
whole life to satisfy every new girl you meet. What you did in 
the past to get one woman off, might do absolutely nothing for 
the next girl you get with (she might even hate it). 

● Some like it rough while others like it gentle. 

● Some women love a foot massage, and some won’t even let 
you touch their feet. 

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What Turns Women On 

Your Vibe and Energy 
If you know how to vibe with a girl and you come across with 
a good energy, you’ll be in for a treat! If you aren’t like that and 
you don’t know how to be, I’ve explained this in detail in my 
ATTRACT​ book and the videos​. 

Passionately describing something builds tremulous levels of 
attraction. The better story teller you are, the more you can 
influence. It really turns her on to see that your passionate and 
enthusiastic while you’re talking about life. Small touches like 
using gestures and facial expressions make more of a difference 
than people think.  

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Women Notice Your Style 

If you wanna go for quality you gotta remember, you’re not 
gonna get away with wearing tracksuit pants and a stained 

What you wear conveys a message about you, and if you’re 

out there not looking decent, then you’re instantly telling her 
not to bother with you because you aren’t even bothering with 
yourself. So, style it up! 

A Few More Quick Ones 

● How you smell (cologne & natural scent combined) 

● Kissing 

● Light touching/stroking 

● Whispering in her ear 

● Looking at her lips while one of you is talking 

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● Feeding her certain foods, like fruit 

What Her Resistance Means 


Sometimes women resist the last minute before sex. Rarely it 
means she just doesn’t want to do it, sometimes it means other 
things. Here’s a quick little list of different reasons for her 
resistance and what you can do about it. 

1. Just teasing…​ Don’t be surprised if she’s just feeling playful 

and wants to tease you. 
2. Not shaved…​ Some women don’t feel sexy enough to have 
sex if they’re not shaved. If your game is good, some of the 
women who end up in your room have not been sexual 
with a guy for a while. Most are not prepared and you’re 
might be heading a deep, dark forest. 
3. Her period…​ Not all women will be open and tell you when 
they’re on their period. If everything else was good and for 
some reason, she just doesn’t want to do it, this could be 
the case. 
When a girl tells me she is on her period I usually make a 

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joke like, “I’m a vampire and I love blood”. It’s up to you 

how you want to handle situations like this. 
4. Trust…​ If she doesn’t trust you, she’s not going to have sex 
with you. The antidote is to this is spending longer time 
with her! 
5. Sexual shame…​ A lot of women carry feelings of shame 
about sex. This causes them to hesitate a lot in the 
bedroom and again, the antidote to this is time and more 
comfort with you. 

If for any reason she resists, the best way to deal with it is to 
just pull back and be totally fine with it. Change the subject and 
then try again after 30 minutes. There’s no point in getting 
bitter and upset about it. All that will do is guarantee that you 
lose her and never get there. 

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How to Turn Her On 


Disclaimer: Escalation starts when she is comfortable, trusts 
you and feels some level of attraction for you. If you don’t see 
any of these signs, avoid escalation otherwise it will backfire 
and we’re all gonna die. 

As I’ve mentioned, if you want to have sex with her, you need 
to turn her on and get her ready. 

The formula is stimulate, arouse, wait, arouse, wait. 

Anticipation​ is the name of the game! 

A woman’s way of dealing with this can make you angry. Us 
guys want it to be easy and fast but most of the time it doesn’t 
happen that way. So always remember not to allow negative 
emotions turn to frustration and you reacting. 

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Describe What You’re Going to Do to Her 

Telling a woman what you are going to do to her has massive 
effects when you do the right way. Once she knows a little about 
what you intend to do with her, her mind can run wild. 

This is the starting stage of 

anticipation. O
​ nly do this after 
you’ve gotten to the stage where 
she trusts you and feels comfortable 
enough getting close and touching 
you​. If you do it before she has 
decided she is comfortable with you, 
you’ll trigger an automatic ‘no’ 
response that ends with her leaving. 

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Before you even think about kissing her, make sure you do 
the “Kiss Test”. Avoid going for the kiss unless you have 
watched the kiss test video. 

By testing for the kiss, you can be sure it’s not going to 
backfire and that she is gonna be ok with it. You can watch the 
kiss test video instructions in t​ he video section of the program​. 

After successfully passing the kiss test, you can kiss her like 

Softly touch her lips with your lips… then slowly pull back, 
smell her neck and give her a bunch of tiny kisses on the neck. 
Then go back to place your lips on hers and softly lick her lower 
lips… fade it to another slow kiss… pull back again and whisper 
in her ears “​you taste so good​”, before going back for another 
slow round. If she tastes like eggs, don’t tell her you taste so 
good. That would be a lie. 

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You can gently suck her lower lip, kiss gently and pull back 
again. Remember it’s all about the push-pull. 

Also remember to n
​ ot to use your tongue for at least a 
minute in​. And when you use your tongue, do it slowly and don’t 
go too deep. 

The ultimate right way of kissing her is ​mirroring​ her​. Usually 

if she’s over 25 she knows what she’s doing. They pay attention 
to details.  

The Hand Hold 

It’s as simple as it sounds. Holding hands builds the 
connection between you and the girl. Just make sure you don’t 
do it too soon or too late. If you’re holding hands remember… 
Gently rubbing the skin on her wrist or arm will turn her on. 

The question for most guys is “​When should I go for it?​” 

The answer is I don’t know man… I am not there with you! We 
use ​testing and Calibration​. It’s not random. Calibrate, if pass 

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then go in. In the escalation model I go into more detail on this. 

For now, here is an example of how I would go for it: 

For the first date, I invite them 

for coffee or a drink in a nice 
lounge bar at around 7pm. Then, 
after 1 drink, when I feel she is 
more comfortable, I say “We can 
go for a quick walk to get some 
fresh air”. 

When we go for a walk, after a 

few steps out of the venue, if I feel she is comfortable, I slowly 
stop and tell her (with a smile), “Give me your hand”, if she fully 
complies, I hold her hand like this photo and start walking. If 
she resists, I just say (with boss tonality) “Not ready yet? No 
problem”... And continue walking as nothing is a big deal. Then 
talk about Roses are red and Violets are blue. 

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Hand Massage 
While I was in Thailand, I did a few massage courses. It comes 
up in conversations when I’m on dates. 

And when it does, I’m prepared to use it to transition into a 

hand massage. The routine usually goes like this: 

“Yes I’ve spent a few years in Thailand, it’s nice, warm and the 
people are friendly. While I was there, I did a few yoga courses 
and workshops. One of the best workshops was the massage. 

We did Thai and deep-tissue massages. I can show you a 

couple moves. Give me your hand.” 

It’s absolutely crucial that you do and say this part with ​FULL 
CONVICTION!​ If you display any doubt or hesitation, she’s going 
to pull back. So offer it like a man with full conviction. 

Remember: conviction is essential to successful escalation. 

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The Shoulder Rub 

This is a continuation of ​hand massage​. Once I give her a 
hand massage (if she enjoyed it), I transition into a shoulder 
and upper back massage. Could do it even in a cafe if she’s 

If you aren’t confident in your massage skills, go ahead and 

look it up. Watch a few videos on YouTube or do a course. It is a 
good investment. 

Merci Wine Kiss (MWK) 

Here is my Merci Wine Kiss 
(MWK). The first kiss can be 
tough for a lot of guys, and 
women can tell a lot about 
you from it. So, to make 
things easier for you, here 
is my ​Merci Wine Kiss 

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For this technique, you’ll need a box of Merci chocolate, a 

bottle of red wine, some Anise Badian and some cloves. Make 
sure you get all four things. No skipping. 

When you’re at your place, tell her, “we’re about to make a 

delicious ‘light’ snack you’ve never had before. I learned this 
ancient recipe in Tallinn when I was in Saaremaa island” in 

(If you’ve never been there before, say it jokingly and 

exaggerate how mind-blowing it is). 
This treat... is T
​ O DIE FOR​! 

Get her to get the shot glasses (make sure she is involved in 
the process and not just looking at you). 

Then put a couple cloves and 1 piece of Anise Badian in each 

glass, pour in some wine and let it sit for 30 seconds. (Yes red 
wine in shot glass) 

Next get a piece of Merci chocolate, unwrap it, dip it in the 

shot glass, tell her to open her mouth and slowly let her bite it. 

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If she resists don’t make a big deal out of it. Just let her do it 
herself. And get her to feed you too! 

If she doesn’t resist you can feed her a couple. After a couple 
bites, take the shots and drink the wine. You end up with some 
cloves in your mouth. Chew on them, they are amazing! ​If you 
swollow Cloves without chewing, it’s gonna fuckin hurt like fuck 
and you wish you never bought this book to start with. Chew 
them bro… it’s the right way! 

And after a few, you can slowly go for the kiss (Don’t forget to 
do the kiss test I showed you before).  

Remember, everything you do has to be fun and ​YOU​ should 

enjoy it too. Most guys just think about finishing a technique so 
they can get to the bang faster. Don’t be that guy. Take your 
time, enjoy yourself, and do things slowly and properly. 

She came all the way to your place. All she just needs to 
know is that you’re not desperate and you know how to escalate 

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This is the combination of 
smelling her and gently 
licking her. When you are at 
the right time of the 
interaction, when she trusts 
you and you are already sitting in private, smell her neck, 
shoulders and slowly and gently move down to the side of her 

You can do this with her hands and arms, neck and 
shoulders, boobs, side of her body and all the way down to her 
legs. Very slowly and gently only if she doesn’t resist. 

While you smell her, allow your lips to gently rub on your 
skin. For this I recommend you start using lip balm because this 
doesn’t work very well if you have cracked lips. 

A good place to S
​ mlick​ her is from her neck down to her 
lower belly. It’s one of the most sensitive parts of a woman's 

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While you do this, try not to be repetitive and predictable. 

Remind yourself: Anticipation is the key! Smlick for a minute, 
then have some wine. 

Going Down 
When you go down on her, try different stuff with your 
tongue: Clockwise, counter clockwise, writing the alphabet, 
going in and out, tracing shapes… Honestly it’s more difficult to 
come up with something that feels bad in that scenario so don’t 
be afraid to be creative. 

If you want to add more than just your tongue, (and I would 
recommend you do so some of the time) you can use your 
middle finger to gently go in and out of her. Just make sure your 
finger is wet and you do it slowly. Dry doesn’t touch dry! 

Only Go In When She’s 100% Ready 

When you do enough foreplay and you do it the right way, 
she’ll get turned on and becomes ready for sex. The signs that 
she’s ready are: 

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1. She grabs your fire hose 

2. She grabs your hand and puts it in her mouth 

3. If you touch her, you’ll notice she is wet 

Head In, Head Out… Wait, Wait, Wait 

When she’s ready for the transition from the foreplay to sex, 
remember… “anticipation” is still the name of the game… The 
show must go on slowly. 

So, before you go inside of her, make sure she is wet, and the 
tip of your fire hose is also wet.  

If you don’t have oil or lube, use a little bit of spit. Some 
chicks love to see you actually using spitting on your hose, and 
some find it disgusting and may slap you and kick you out.  

If it’s your first time with her, I’d recommend not making a 
scene when “spit dicking”. With one hand, softly touch her face 

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or even go for the kiss and use your other hand to rub the spit 
on your hot dog. 

When you finally go in, insert only the tip. Leave the shaft out 
of it for a minute will ya? After a minute, only head i​ n and out​. 
In and out​ is the name of the burger shop in the USA. I don’t 
mean that. I mean going inside and outside of her. After a 
couple minutes, go fully in and let the party begin. 

Different Tempos 
While you’re having sex, periodically change the tempo and 
the position you’re in. If you do the same thing for more than 5 
minutes, it becomes boring for her and she might start feeling 
There are a few exceptions. If you and her are both so into it 
and she is dripping, kissing slowly and passionately, then do it 
by all means. 

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Eye Contact During Sex 

Some women are ‘eye-lookers’, some are shy and look away if 
you stare at them.  

In general, it would be a good idea to make deep eye contact 

at times during different stages of sex. 

Especially when you are inside of her, if you can manage to 
stare at her and go in and out slowly, tell her how beautiful she 
is, you’ll make some unique connection with her. 

Sexy Lines 
Make sure you don’t do too many of these lines. If you 
overuse them, you’ll end up looking needy. So only use one 
every 15 minute or so during sex and foreplay.  

I am giving you some of my best material here: 

● I love how you feel. 

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● I love how you smell 

● How can something be so beautiful? 

● Your skin is so soft 

● Your skin is so smooth 

● You make me so hard 

● You turn me on so much 

● You make me feel so good 

Pay a visit to adult store. The technology has made amazing 
progress! F​ un Factory​ brand has some nice and interesting toys 
you can get and play with your partner. 

Most guys are shy about it and guess what happens… They 
lose the girls to guys who are NOT shy about it. The guys who 

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are not shy about it end up giving her more pleasure and she 
ends up going back to him! 

There is a way to bring up the toy during sex which I will 

teach you in the program. 

I met a chick and we really connected. After a few weeks of 

seeing her, I got her a pink vibrator and play with her 
sometimes. I told her t​ his is Mustafa! When I am not around, 
he’ll read you books and sing you songs. 

Man we’ve got all sorts of jokes. I text her and tell her 
Mustafa texted me and said you haven’t been feeding him. He 
wants to move out​.  

She says ​he’s gone out drinking and hasn’t been back. He 
stopped eating his salad etc… 

If you get close to a cool chick and have good sex, play with 
the idea. 

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Escalation Model 

There are several models for this. This is the one I find the 
most commonly accepted. 

The formula is s​ timulate​, ​arouse​, wait, a

​ rouse​, wait. 
Anticipation is the name of the game! 

● For each level, you are only required to do one technique. 

● You can only go to the next level after passing the previous 

● At any stage if you feel resistance, be ok with it. Slowly pull 

back, change the subject and don’t question her. 

● When you’re moving forward, don’t look overly excited with a 

smile that screams “I haven’t had sex in 50 years”. Act cool, 
relaxed and remember: NOTHING IS A BIG DEAL. 

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Level 1 
● From no touch to hand touch 

● From no touch to hug (At the moment of meeting or leaving) 

● From no touch to kiss on the cheek (At the moment of 

meeting or leaving) 

Level 2 
● Elbow touches elbow. 

● Arm touches arm. 

These can be done while sitting in a cafe or while walking 


The rule here is to go smoothly, without looking at where you 

touch her. It’s got to be really subtle. 

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Level 3 
● Hand touches hand for a longer period than just a handshake 

● Wrist touch with hand 

● Elbow touch with hand 

● Upper arm touch with hand 

These can be done while sitting in a cafe or while walking 

together on the date. 

Give her a reason and then do it with conviction. Without 

conviction she’s going to pull back. 

You can do things like giving her a hand/wrist massage, or a 

palm reading, or you can check out any rings or tattoos that she 
might have. 

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Level 4 
● Back of the shoulder touch 

● Front of the shoulder touch 

These can be done while sitting in a cafe, walking together or 

back at your place. 

Give her a reason and then do it with conviction. Without 

conviction she’s going to pull back. 

As you can imagine, a shoulder massage works well here. 

For bonus points, If there is compliance and she isn’t giving 

you resistance, you can transition into softly smelling her, and 
from there, gentle kissing. 

Level 5 
● Foot touch 

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If she has nice feet and is wearing heels, you could say, 
“​You’ve got nice feet​” and then very gently and smoothly go for 
the touch. 

Softly and slowly touch the tip of her toes and slide up to her 
ankle, lean back, and then change the subject. 

Level 6 
● Leg touch 

When your hand touches her legs you can say, “​ your skin is 
soft and smooth”​. At the same time, start to softly and gently 
rub her leg from her knee up for about 10cm, then lean back 
and carry on with the conversation. 

Level 7 
● Neck smell, touch and kiss 

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You can tell her, ​“you smell nice”​, while very slowly moving 
closer to her neck from the side, then gently kissing the spot 
between her neck and shoulders. 

Level 8 
● Touching her boobs down to belly button. 

● Take your time and do it really slowly. 

● It’s time for phrases like “Your skin is soft and beautiful”. 

Level 9 
Kissing and smelling her boobs and neck down to belly 

⁃ Take your time and do it really slowly. 

⁃ It’s time for phrases like “Your skin is soft and beautiful”. 

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Level 10 
At this step I recommend you smoothly and slowly turn her 
over and do the same with her back. From the top back of her 
neck, all the way down to her bum. 

● Take your time and let her really enjoy the anticipation. 

● Most guys jump into sex too fast. Remember: The longer you 
wait here the more she gets turned on and the more. 

Level 11 
Here I recommend you skip the pussy and start kissing inside 
her thighs. Gently kiss, sniff and softly touch with the tip of your 
fingers. Do this for ~3 minutes and escalate to the next step 

Level 12 
Here is where things can get either really good or really bad. 
Some chicks really take care of themselves down there and 
have beautiful, clean vaginas. Smells nice and tastes like 

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nothing. Licking it can be a very pleasant experience. These 

ones are confident and have no problem letting you go to town 
on them. 

Some others who don’t take care of their body can be a bit 
tricky. Bad smell, too much hair and in general not enjoyable. 

If she’s clean, soft and smells nice you can start licking her 
clit. Make sure you take a couple minutes and gently rub the 
sides of the pussy and then slowly start licking the clit. 
Remember… clit is where it’s at. Especially if you’re a beginner 
make your goal to only please her clit. 

You can do different moves with your tongue. Up and down, 

clockwise, counter clockwise, faster, slower… you can even do 
the alphabets. As you do this you can gently insert your middle 
finger inside of her. But make sure your finger is wet. ​Never go 
in dry​. 

Depending on what kind of girl she is and how good you are 
she could have orgasms by now. 

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Level 13 
By this time, she should be fine with you pulling your sword 
out. Some girls are hornier and attack you. Jump on you and go 
down unzip your pants and grab your fire hose. 

If that’s not the case and she’s shy, you can make your way 
up from her pussy to her belly button, boobs and neck as you 
slowly and gently kiss her, and I​ F SHE’S NOT RESISTING​ softly 
and gently grab her hand and put it on your fire hose. 

Most women start rubbing it and want to go down on you or 

start giving you a hand job. I recommend you have some 
coconut oil ready next to your bed or on your desk in case you 
get to this position. You can grab the oil and give her some. 
Party on bro! 

Level 14 
When you are hard and she is wet, you can slowly go in. 
Remember the anticipation! The slower you do at first the 
better. First just the tip. Tip in, tip out. Until she starts to get 

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really turned on and gets to a point that physically grabs and 

pulls you in. Then you can go harder. 

Level 15 
If you want to see her again, make sure after you come, you 
stay in bed and do the pillow talk. I don’t mean be needy by no 
means. But stay in bed, playing with her hair, kiss the back of 
her shoulders for a bit and stay in there for 5-10 more minutes. 
Remember women are not like us. They need the “post play”. 


● At the end of the day MOST women love sex too. 

● The name of the game is anticipation and you got to take 

your time. (The whole process, not just sex). 

● Master the escalation model you learned above and use it. 
It’s real and it works and you’re going to need it. 

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​ ideos​ for ​Arouse​. 

● You must escalate and you must do it with the right pace and 
with her consent. 

● Anticipation is key: don’t be too eager for anything. 

There Is More 
Visit the video section of the program where I describe this in 
more details. 

If you need help or have questions about any of this, visit ​the 
contact page​. 

This is Ben, thank you for reading this. See you in ​the 
members area​.  

Click here​ to access the v

​ ideos​ for ​Arouse​. 

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