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MW (1:00-4:00 PM)
Room 228


My communication model is called Spectrum of Communication. My model is actually a

modification on the Interactive Communication Model, and it focuses on the correlation between
communication and relationships with others. Like the interactive communication model, the elements
include the sender, receiver, and message. Those are the basic components of communication: the
sender makes a message and passes it to the receiver. Instead of feedback, I used the term “response”
to better fit with the theme of relationships, since when we talk to others, we usually make responses,
including a message of our own, rather than just simply reacting to what was said. 

Unlike the interactive model which uses fields of experience, I feel that the relationship between
the sender and receiver is what affects how the message is both sent and received. The triangle that
extends from the relationship represents the emotions. Depending on our relationship with a person,
we can feel different emotions when talking to them. For example, we usually automatically feel happy
when we’re talking to someone we like, almost regardless of the topic. On the other hand, when we
speak to someone who we don’t like, we tend to already feel annoyed with whatever they say. This
doesn’t only apply to people you know. You can have a relationship even with strangers based on their
first impression. For example, how you would talk to or react to a person wearing an expensive suit
would be different from how you would talk to or react to a small child. 

However, as you can see in my diagram, the colors are at their most vibrant near the tip which is
the relationship, and it starts fading out after that. This is because the emotions that you feel towards a
person do not completely change the message; they only affect the way it is perceived. The basics of the
message stay the same, but it might become slightly altered due to the relationship between the sender
and receiver. For example, it’s okay to joke about certain things with your friends, but when people who
aren’t close with you say it to you, it can become offensive. 

But you will notice that I have an element called effort. Effort goes through to the message.
Taking effort to understand one another can go a long way in preventing misunderstandings.   At the
same time, effort is needed from both the sender and receiver. If one doesn’t put in effort, the
relationship won’t grow. Both need to take the time to communicate, since after all, no relationship
starts immediately. You need continuous care and dedication for them to maintain and grow
relationships. As you can see, there is also an arrow connecting the message and response to the
relationship. This is because communication, including the things you say, directly affects the

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