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Quiz Bee

English 8
1. It is simply a list of resources used in a particular book or study.
A. Glossary
B. Table of Contents
C. Bibliography
D. Index

2. Don't make so much noise. Noriko______ to study for her ESL test!
is trying
3. What element of the story shows the logical arrangement of events, with a
beginning, middle, and end?
a. exposition b. character c. plot d. conflict

4. Jun-Sik _____ his teeth before breakfast every morning.

will cleaned
is cleaning
5. It is the perceived loudness of the speaker.
A. Volume
B. Pitch
C. Intonation
D. Juncture

6. 6. Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She ______ a bath!

is having
7. Babies _______when they are hungry.
are crying
8. The following are essential parts of the plot EXCEPT _____________.
a. denouement b. exposition c. atmosphere d. climax

9. Jane: "What_______ in the evenings?"

Mary: "Usually I watch TV or read a book."
you doing
you do
do you do
are you doing
10. Jane: "What ..... ?"
Mary: "I'm trying to fix my calculator."
you doing
you do
do you do
are you doing

1. The author may reveal a character‘s traits and attitudes by

a. what he/she says, thinks and does
b. what he/she does or does not do
c. his/her views and opinions
d. all of the above
2. This is considered as the message of the story to the readers.
a. Point of view
b. Climax
c. Theme
d. Plot
3. ______ she was rich, she never forget to help those in needs.
a. Although
b. But
c. As a result
d. Before
4. Sorry, you can't borrow my pencil. I ..... it myself.
a. was using
b. using
c. use
d. am using

5. Jane: "Are you going to the dance on Friday?"

Mary: "No, I'm not. I ________ school dances; they're loud, hot and crowded!"
not enjoy
don`t enjoy
doesn`t enjoy
am not enjoying

6. It refers to place, time, weather condition, social condition, and even mood or
a. Setting
b. Plot
c. Events
d. Point of view
7. The lesson was difficult ______ I understand it very well.
a. But
b. Unfortunately
c. Therefore
d. Until
8. It is the one who undergoes a change or learns something during the course of
the story.
a. Protagonist
b. Reader
c. Antagonist
d. Narrator
9. It is a work of fictional narrative prose with a few characters, limited setting, and
a single major event.
a. Novel
b. Short story
c. Poem
d. Legends
10. Setting is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the time and location
in which a story takes place. It may be the following EXCEPT ____________.
a. mood b. climax c. atmosphere d. social condition

1. refers to the prominence given to a syllable or word which makes the word or
syllable stand out above the adjacent syllable or word.
A: stress
2. it is the movement of the voice up or down, along the line of sound.
A: Intonation
3. He is the author of I am an African Chld
A: Eku Mcgred
4. These are words that qualify the meaning the verbs and adjectives.
A: Adverbs
5. A sentence with multiple independent clauses but no dependent clauses.
A: Compound sentence

1. These are used to join or coordinate two or more sentences, clauses or words.
A: Coordinating Conjunctions
2. It is defined as a word used to modify a noun or pronoun. A: Adjective

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