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Level G3 Profile Disclosure LUCAPA DIAMOND COMPANY

(1.1) For terms of the reporting of the board of directors of the problems encountered.

To maintain the continuity of the business, the Company took steps productive, such as:
planning a good mining, manufacturing cost efficiencies, increased productivity tool and
operator, as well as changing mine planning more efficient to mine in the area with a stripping
ratio (stripping ratio) is low.

(2.1) In the annual report the company would put their name LUCAPA diamond company

(2.2) In reporting also described the product as well as the number of mines that get results ..

(2.3) With regard to the organization of its structure, the company also makes reporting on
organizational structures.

(2.4) For the headquarters of the company, are as follows:

CENTRAL district of Botswana Orapadiomand near the mine.

(2.6) For the ownership structure of the company according to the agreement with the partner.

(3.1) For the financial statements and annual reports, company LUCAPA DIAMOND
COMPANY necessarily include the reporting period, ie for the period 2015

(3.2) For the latest report of the most recently published on the 28th of june 2014

(3.3) In each reporting period reported by the company LUCAPA DIAMOND COMPANY, the
company chose to do annual reporting (annual reporting)

(4:13) For membership related to governance where as a public company, the Company is also
bound by regulation of the capital market is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA)
and the Indonesia Stock Exchange, such as rules regarding the composition of independent
directors and independent directors, the General Meeting of Shareholders (Annual and
Extraordinary), and the disclosure of information on corporate actions of the Company.
Level G3 Management Approach Disclosure
Social: Labor Practices and Decent Work
Terkait dengan Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja dan Lingkungan pekerja Lucapa Diamond

Disclosure on Management Approach Creating mining opportunities better by working with

several partners in the region and to improve the quality
of worker to obtain mining products have better quality

Policy -code of conduct

- policy and procedure for selection and
(re)appointment of directors
-policy on assessing the independence of director
-securities trading policy
-risk management policy
-procedure for the selection, appointment and raotation
of external auditor
-policy on continuous disclosure
-shareholder communicatin policy
-diversity policy

Training and Awareness Training and education related to workers K3 done

internally and externally adjusted to the level of
education required. To increase understanding and
competence of all workers developed through internal
training , while for certifying the competency to do
through training and external education .

Goals and Objective After receiving training . The company expects

knowledge workers get better to get good mining
results .

Monitoring and Organization Establishment of Committee on Health and Safety ( K3

Committee ) established in each project the Company .
In addition to meeting government regulations , the
Committee is a forum for communication and K3 K3
guidance to workers. K3 Committee was formed and
headed by project leader . Secretary of the committee
are senior workers who have certificates General AK3 .
Members of the committee are representatives from
each department workers and workers' representatives
from trade unions . K3 committee in charge of
reviewing the issues K3 is happening at the project site
as well as providing recommendations and advice in
the development of the implementation of K3 in the
company .

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