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This chapter shows the presentation of the data gathered from the respondents.

Analysis and interpretation of the research findings will be presented through tables that

would help the researchers to determine the effects of modern technology on academic

performance of students in Movers Academy.

Data Analysis

I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 1.1 Gender of the respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 43 48.86%
Female 45 51.14%
Total 88 100%

Table 1.1 indicates the frequency of every male and female respondent included

in our study. Most of the respondents participated in the study were Female that took

51.14% of the respondents and 48.86% respondents for Male.

Table 1.2 Age of the respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

16 15 17.05%
17 41 46.59%
18 above 32 36.36%
Total: 88 100%
Table 1.2 showed the age of the respondents who participated in the study.

There were 17.05% of students who are 16 years old. Most of the respondents were 17

years old that took 46.59% almost half of the respondents. And the rest of respondents

belongs to 18 years and above that took 36.36%.

Table 1.3 Grade of respondents

Grade Frequency Percentage

Grade 11 37 42.05%
Grade 12 51 57.95%
Total 88 100%

As shown in Table 1.3, there were 37 (42.05%) Grade 11 respondents

participated in the study while 51 (57.95%) of them were Grade 12.

Table 1.4 Strand of the respondents

Strand Frequency Percentage

HumSS 45 51.14%
ABM 22 25%
STEM 21 23.86%
Total: 88 100%

Table 1.4 shows that most of the respondents were HumSS students that

consists of 45 (51.14%) and the least were STEM students that consists of 21 (23.86%).
II. Factors Affecting Academic Performance


Scale Rate Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21 – 5.00 Always

4 3.41 – 4.20 Often
3 2.61 – 3.40 Sometimes
2 1.81 – 2.60 Rarely
1 1.00 – 1.80 Never

Table 2.1

How often do you use a computer for the

following learning activities in your academic?

Create Power Point presentations. 3.76 Often

Search online to collect information. 4.53 Always

Post your work on the school’s website or Facebook

2.51 Rarely

Create documents using word processor (e.g.

3.57 Often
Microsoft Word)
Check the school website for announcements, dates,
3.57 Often

Table 2.1 shows that on the first statement, the data reveal that the respondents

perceive that they Often (3.76) create power point presentations in the use of computer

for their learning activities.

On the second statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that they

Always (4.53) search online to collect information for their learning activities.

On the third statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that they

Rarely (2.51) post their work on the school’s website or Facebook page for their

learning activities.

While on the fourth and last statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive

that they Often (3.57) create documents using word professor and check their school

website for announcements, dates, etc. for their learning activities.

Table 2.2

How often do you use a cellphone for the

following learning activities in your academic?

Chat online to ask for assignments. 4.24 Always

Download/upload/browse material from your school’s

3.34 Sometimes

Download documents from websites. 3.74 Often

Create and present audio/video as part of your

3.33 Sometimes
subject requirements.

Send school work by email or messenger. 3.68 Often

Table 2.2 indicates that on the first statement, the data reveal that the

respondents perceive that they Always (4.24) chat online to ask for assignments in the

use of cellphone for their learning activities.

On the second statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that

Sometimes (3.34) they download/upload/browse material from your school’s website for

their learning activities.

On the third statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that they Often

(3.74) download documents from websites for their learning activities.

On the fourth statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that

Sometimes (3.33) they create and present audio/video as part of your subject

requirements for their learning activities.

While on the last statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that they

Often (3.68) send school work by email or messenger for their learning activities.

Table 2.3

How often do you use an internet for the following

learning activities in your academic?
Watch films for creating reaction paper as part of your
3.72 Often
subject requirements.

Search online for completing homework. 4.18 Often

Learn using online dictionaries. 4.57 Always

Use search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Google

4.11 Often

Transfer data from online to your device. 3.5 Sometimes

Table 2.3 shows that on the first and second statement, the data reveal that the

respondents perceive that they Often (3.72 and 4.18) watch films for creating reaction
paper as part of your subject requirements in the use of cellphone and search online in

completing homework for their learning activities.

On the third statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that they

Always (4.57) learn using online dictionaries for their learning activities.

On the fourth statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that they

Often (4.11) use search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Google Scholar) for their learning


While on the last statement, the data reveal that the respondents perceive that they

Sometimes (3.5) transfer data from online to their device for their learning activities.

Table 3


Scale Rate Verbal Interpretation Symbol

4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree SA

3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree A

2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree D

1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree SD


It enhances my academic performance. 3.33 SA

It gives me failing grades. 2.20 D

It motivates me to study well. 2.95 A

It is a distraction in my academic performance. 2.34 D

It leads me to good results during quizzes and
2.85 A
It makes me become lazy. 2.59 A

It helps me finish my assignments. 3.22 A

It makes me become less creative. 2.39 D

It’s my way of asking my friends regarding the
3.20 A
It makes me become dependent to it instead of
2.86 A

Table 3 indicates that on the first statement, the respondents Strongly Agreed (3.33)

that using modern technology enhances their academic performance.

On the second statement, the data reveal that the respondents Disagreed (2.20) that

modern technology gives them failing grades.

On the third statement, the respondents Agreed (2.95) that they are motivated to

study well when they use modern technology.

On the fourth statement, the data reveal that the respondents Disagreed (2.34) that

modern technology is not a distraction when it comes to their academic performance.

On the fifth, sixth, and seventh statement, the respondents Agreed (2.85-3.22) that

modern technology leads them to good results during quizzes and exams, helps them

finish their assignments, yet, it makes them become lazy.

On the eighth statement, the data reveal that the respondents Disagreed (2.39)

about modern technology making them less creative.

While on that last two statements, the respondents Agreed (2.86-3.20) that modern

technology is their way of asking their friends regarding the assignments yet, it also

makes them become dependent to it instead of books.

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