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In the name of ALLAH, the Most Magnificent, the Most Merciful

The Weighing (of deeds) on that day is definite. As for those whose scales are heavy, they will be
the successful ones. (8) But those whose scales are light, they are the ones who have brought
loss to themselves, because they did not do justice to Our verses. (9) We established you on
earth, and created in it means of living for you. Little you appreciate. (10) We created you, then
gave you a shape, then We said to the angels, “Prostrate yourselves before ’Adam.” So, they all
prostrated themselves, except Iblis (Satan). He did not join those who fell prostrate. (11) Allah
said, “What has prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?” He said, “I am better than
him. You have created me of fire, and created him of clay.” (12)
Surah Al-Araf, Ayat 8 to 12
Translation: Mufti Taqi Usmani | http:///

Fr om the
Holy Quran

& Core Values
Vision Core Value
To be the Preference in Value
Optimization for Business


To develop Business Leaders through Professionalism
imparting quality education and training in
financial and non-financial areas to bring
This Journal is also available on ICMA Pakistan’s
value-addition in the economy Website :

Estd. 1951

From the Desk of

I n today's global competitive business environment, corporate
governance is recognized as a tool for sustainable development
that brings efficiency and growth to the economy and at the
same time ensures better performance, financial credibility and
value addition in organizations. In fact, corporate governance is a
mindset that prevails at the Board, management and executive
levels that leads to improvement in business efficiency and
profitability. A good corporate governance image such as presence
of dynamic Independent directors on the board enhances the
reputation of companies and makes them more attractive to
customers, suppliers and investors. The modern corporate
At Institute's front, several initiatives have been taken by the
governance requires that company directors think 'sustainably'
Council for the benefit of members, students and the profession.
beyond profits for the long term survival of businesses and this
An entrepreneurship opportunity has been offered to members for
thinking has a salutary effect on the economy.
establishing own entrepreneur centres for CMA programs. The
Pakistan is emerging as a strong propelling force on global map Institute has also taken a historic decision to allow rights of
with the progress and developments taking place under CPEC. The information to examinees to preview their assessed examination
international investors are now looking at Pakistan as a lucrative answer scripts of core/analytical papers and if deemed appropriate
market for doing business. In this backdrop, adoption of best get the scripts re-evaluated w.e.f. Spring 2017 Examination. The
corporate governance practices has become quite imperative for SOPs of this initiative is already notified on website.
Pakistani companies to provide a conducive corporate
For professional development, a Global Management Accountants
environment that could entice global investors and guarantees
Conference (GMAC) was successfully organized in Dubai, UAE.
them security of their interests at all levels of the company.
The remarkable outcome of GMAC was the consensus of the
This issue of Management Accountant attempts to provide a management accounting bodies of SAARC to form a 'Global
holistic view of the current situation of corporate governance Forum of Management Accountants (GFOMA). The foundations
practices in Pakistan vis-à-vis the policy initiatives taken by the of GFOMA has been laid down by ICMA Pakistan and In sha Allah
government and regulators to ensure better governance framework it is expected that other management accounting bodies i.e. CIMA
in the corporate sector. Recently, the SECP issued a draft Listed UK and IMA USA would soon be joining the Forum.
Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations 2017 for
Another significant initiative taken by the Council is the decision
public comments. ICMA Pakistan arranged Stakeholder
to adopt the IESBA Code of Ethics in relation to responding to
Conferences on the draft Regulations and on the basis of comments
Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations (NOCLAR). It has
received from the participants has submitted its recommendations
become applicable on members of the Institute with immediate
to the SECP for consideration.
effect. IESBA has made this Code effective from 15th July 2017
I am really indebted to Mohammad Zubair sahib, Governor of and countries around the world are presently in the adoption
Sindh for sparing from his precious time to meet ICMA Pakistan's process. The Institute would be arranging orientation session on
delegation for an exclusive interview. We had a very useful NOCLAR at ICMAP Campuses in major cities for members'
interaction with the Governor on a number of important matters enlightenment.
and let me mention that we were greatly impressed with his vast
The Election Committee appointed by the National Council has
knowledge and insight on accounting and finance. We really
finalized the timetable for elections of the Institute for term 2018-
appreciate Governor's endorsement of ICMAP's viewpoint for
2020 and an election circular to this effect has been issued.
establishing an independent Financial Reporting Council in
Pakistan. I am also grateful to Mr. S.M. Naveed, President of The themes that have been selected for next two upcoming issues
Pakistan-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry of MA Journal are Retail Sector, Robotic Accounting and
(PCJCCI) for providing the opportunity to interview him on the Integrated Reporting. I would request our members to contribute
role of PCJCCI with reference to CPEC. articles on these topics. Please enjoy reading and share your
valuable comments and suggestions on
The Focus Section covers some very enlightening write-ups
contributed by our valued members. I hope these articles would Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, FCMA
provide a useful source of information to the readers on corporate President
ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 1
Official Journal of Institute of Cost and
Management Accountants of Pakistan

Research & Publications

Contents Volume : 26.5 l September-October, 2017

Interview Section
3 Mohammad Zubair
Governor Sindh

7 S. M. Naveed
President, Pak-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI)

Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, FCMA

Focus Section
Mian Nisar Ahmad, FCMA
Hamad Rasool Bhullar, FCMA
12 Corporate Governance in Pakistan:
A freewheeling assessment 27 IT Governance Leads to
Corporate Governance
Abdul Jabbar Kasim Arshad Masood, FCMA
Faisal Shafique, FCMA The aim of Good Governance is to align business to IT governance is now made to increase value of all the
attain its objective in an ethical way and protect the stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers,
Syed Hassan Ahmed Al-Ahdal, FCMA right of shareholders and government etc.
Syed Babar Ali, FCMA
Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah, FCMA
Shoaib A. Tirmazi, ACMA 14 Need for Corporate Governance
Scoring Index in Pakistan 29 Revisiting the Corporate
Governance Regulations
Zulfiqar Ali Mehto Syed Tariq Waqar, ACMA Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, President, ICMA Pakistan
The corporate sector plays a vibrant role in the socio- Regulation is a key instrument through which the
Jawad Hamid Malik economic development of any country. The corporate governments achieve social and economic policy
sector in Pakistan has progressed significantly during objectives.
Tanvir Shahzad
the last two decades.
Editorial Board
Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, FCMA
President, ICMA Pakistan 16 Draft Code of Corporate
Governance - Random Thoughts 32 Global Corporate
Governance Landscape
Qaisar Mufti, FCMA Muhammad Abbas, ACMA
Prof. Lakshman R. Watawala, An alternate could be association of a Council An important challenge in corporate governance is that
Member of ICMAP / ICAP / ICSP, if the quorum is the company boards should be made accountable for all
President, Institute of Certified Management otherwise made out. the bad decisions they make.
Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICMASL)

Dr. Samina Khalil, Direcor,

Applied Economics Research Center
19 Impact of Corporate Governance
on Earning Management 34 Fine Tuning the Philosophy of
Corporate Governance
A Study of Listed Textile Companies of Pakistan
(AERC), University of Karachi Sayyid Mansoob Hasan, FCMA
By Muhammad Hussain in supervision of Saif Ullah, By focusing the regulations on protection and
safeguarding of public money the corporate
Editor This study examines the relationship between
governance regulations can be strengthened and made
characteristics of Corporate Governance and Earnings
Shahid Anwar, Joint Director more effective to develop public confidence which will
Management for a sample of Personal Goods (Textile)
ultimately result in more corporatization and growth of
Research & Publications, ICMA Pakistan Sector.
Pakistan's economy.
+92 21 99243900 Ext. 117 / 107
Articles Section
Our Next Issues
Nov-Dec, 2017 37 Measuring the Success
of the Board 40 SAFA Index on Public
Financial Management
How do you measure your board's performance? Sir By Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, President ICMA Pakistan
Retail Sector Andrew Likierman describes the 10 key qualities and Chairman, R&P Committee
every board needs for success, and explains how to
Robotic Accounting measure them.
A sound public financial management (PFM) system is
essential for better governance that allows the
government to achieve macro-economic sustainability
Jan-Feb, 2018 and pro-poor economic growth.
Integrated Reporting
Research & Publications Committee would
Special Feature
welcome articles on the above-mentioned
topic for Journal’s forthcoming issues. 43 and
Non-Compliance with Laws
Regulations (NOCLAR) 48 Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka join
hands to form a Global Forum
Disclaimer: Views expressed herein are of Management Accountants
author’s own thoughts/viewpoints and do
not represent ICMA Pakistan’s policy
unless so stated. Publication of paid
advertising and new product/service
Other Features
information does not constitute an
endorsement by ICMA Pakistan. 52 Economy Watch 54 Accounting
Glossary of Management

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Mohammad Zubair
Governor Sindh
ICMAP: What do you think is the way forward in the record in the five year history of Pakistan. During 2006 to 2013,
current political and economic scenario of the country? there was an average three percent growth on an annual basis.

MZ: Every country has to face economic challenges and ICMAP: What are the major challenges at economic front
Pakistan is not an exception. In June 2013 when the government and how they could be tackled?
took charge, there were two main impediments to economic MZ: The two major challenges are ‘trade deficit’ and ‘current
growth viz. alarming power sector situation and the security account deficit’ which are interlinked. These are very serious
concerns. In the presence of these obstacles, you could not even challenges as trade deficit has soared to more than 30 billion
think of economic revival. It was our vision to bring large doses dollars. The obvious reason for trade deficit is increased
of investments in power sector that could reverse this alarming
situation. You can see that during last four years, huge
investment in power sector has been made which is ICMA Pakistan is one of the most
unprecedented in the history of the country. Under CPEC, US$
34 billion investment is for power sector alone. Around 10400
mw will be added by April next year in national grid. During last
professional organizations and with the
six months, if you see, many power projects have been launched.
I give you one example of US$ 4.5 billion Thar Power projects in sort of background of your members; I
which HUBCO has invested US$ 2 billion whereas Engro has
made an investment of US$ 2.5 billion and these plants will be
using indigenous coal. To address security concerns, we started
think you can play a very significant
operations in Karachi in 2013 and in June 2014 ‘Zarb-e-Azam’
was launched at country-wide level which altogether changed and proactive role
the security paradigm of Pakistan. So we had to focus at two
fronts i.e. ensure credibility and assurance of economic policies
and at the same time improve the power sector and security imports, mostly of typical items like oil and largely of plants and
situation. Our goal was to make the macro-economic indicators machinery which cannot be stopped being fundamental to future
positive and today for the first time the GDP growth is over five economic growth. Anyone who argues about high imports must
percent; fiscal deficit is lowest in last ten years and inflation has answer our counter question to identify any specific items which
remained in single digit, mostly below five percent. From should not be imported?
Rs.1900 billion tax revenues we are going to end at Rs.4000 The second reason for trade deficit is falling exports which is
billion by end of this fiscal year so more than doubling which is a obviously an alarming situation but exports decline is an

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 3


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international phenomenon and with exception of

few countries, all nations are experiencing
downward trend in exports. The exports decline
of leading economies like China and India is
more than that of Pakistan. The international
commodity prices have gone down significantly
and for example an item which was exported at
an amount of 1 dollar is now reduced to 50 cents
so you have to double the units to get one dollar.
Having said that, there are very good examples,
like Bangladesh, who have increased their
exports. Recently, during this fiscal year, the
exports have starting picking up and I assure you
that some of the actions the Prime Minister has
taken will start giving the positive results on the
export side narrowing the gap in the trade deficit.
These are major challenges for Pakistan. But it is
not true that the economy has been totally
collapsed as general news is coming nowadays.
We have gone close to six percent of GDP
growth and massive investments under CPEC
were never thought before. In power sector we
have taken turn around. It was thought in ICMAP: As a professional we feel there is some deficiency
Pakistan that security was an issue but I say that power sector on the front of branding Pakistan at international level?
was an issue. I talk about pipelines alone, if you had purchased What are your views about institutional branding?
power stations then how you would have transmitted the same to
the national grid. Close to 6 billion dollars have been invested in MZ: I absolutely agree that branding is needed. In today’s
creating layout for pipelines and that was to be completed organization, marketing and HR aspects has assumed the
simultaneously with power stations. The two biggest dams, importance of a science. In private sector there is a massive
Bhasha and Dhasu started during this tenure are hydel and would competition that is why they have to promote. Coke is a well-
provide the electricity at cheapest rate when they will be known brand in the world but there is not a single day that passes
in 200 countries of the world that it is not promoting itself. From
Pakistan’s perspective, there is a problem of perception. For
Recently, during this fiscal year, the instance, the situation in Karachi was bad for whatever reason
but the international investors only knows that the situation is
exports have starting picking up and I bad; they are not concerned about its reasons. We say that we
have made turnaround and statistics prove that situation in
Karachi has improved but who will correct the perception verses
assure you that some of the actions the reality in the minds of investors. It will definitely correct over a
period of time but my theory is that lesser the gap between
Prime Minister has taken will start giving reality and perception, more chances are for better economic
recovery. From the first month when I took charge as Governor, I
went to Dubai to do a road show to promote the great
the positive results on the export side opportunities that Karachi offers to global investors. I always
give one message to foreigners and diplomats whom I meet to
narrowing the gap in the trade deficit please tell your governments to review travel advisory
mechanism for Pakistan and specially Karachi. The global
investors and financial community need to be convinced that
operational. LNG is also bringing a skyline change. When you inspite of recent happenings in Pakistan like disqualification,
go to the Port Qasim and see left and right sides you will witness JIT etc Pakistan is on right track with a Parliament in place and
the projects on which multibillion dollars of investments have sound economic policies ensured by government. We have
been made. recently visited Boston, New York and Washington with a
The problem is that we never review the performance; we business delegation comprising top management of fifteen
simply talk about irrelevant things so I think these are serious corporations i.e. HBL, UBL, Engro, PSO, OGDC and Pakistan
challenges. Having said that, the government and everyone of us Stock exchange where we show cased Pakistan and also visited
has to do lot of hard work. The first thing is to promote Pakistan New York Stock exchange. The President of Overseas Investors
as a destination for investment and to promote Karachi as a city Chambers of Commerce also accompanied to represent foreign
which has turnaround from a security standpoint. The more the companies and to highlight how businesses have evolved over
efforts of the Government and the private sector to attract the last few years and the positive outlook that they have about
investment the better it would be. Pakistan’s future economic growth.

4 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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Next month, we have decided to go to London, Bradford and Politically, I have my own angle and I think that until the
Brussels to conduct road shows to portray Pakistan’s true image. opposition and media do not understand the actual process
Earlier, we conducted road shows in Doha, Singapore, Hong behind restructuring and privatization, turnaround will not
Kong and all major countries to showcase Pakistan’s political happen. For restructuring you need larges doses of capital and
stability as branding and marketing is important to penetrate investment and also taking difficult decisions with respect to
markets. employees. For instance, PIA restructuring required purchase of
aircrafts to compete with best airlines in the world.
The continuation of political process is very crucial. Last
democratic government completed its tenure of five years from
2008 to 2013 and our government is about to complete its tenure. The first thing is to promote
We are all set for another electoral process in 2018 and inspite of
everything that has happened in the last few years like dharna,
panama, etc, this is the new Pakistan which has emerged. In the
Pakistan as a destination for
past, such serious crises led to wrap up of entire system. We
cannot keep experimenting. The investors and businessmen investment and to promote Karachi as
want stability and continuation of process which is imperative to
be ensured to them. a city which has turnaround from a
ICMAP: What is your action plan for the privatization of
public sector organizations?
security standpoint. The more the
MZ: We made strenuous efforts and gained successes, efforts of the Government and the
especially in equity market transactions through road shows in
which HBL was largest equity offering organization not just in
Pakistan but in frontier market. For privatization due diligence
private sector to attract investment the
process basically starts with the appointment of financial
advisor, which is led by a consortium of investment bank, better it would be
chartered accounting firms, communication strategists, HR
companies and in all cases we appointed the best in the world. This requires revenues for which strict decision on employees
For selection purpose, Citibank, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, has to be taken. During last thirty years, PIA has been in profit
Deutsche Bank and Big four CA firms, out of which one is to be just for one year so privatization of PIA is not a concern for a
qualified, were involved, in addition to top 40 law firms from the single government; rather for all the governments. To ensure
UK. A very comprehensive due diligence process of about 40 to merit culture and achieve turnaround there is a need for a strong
45 public sector companies was carried out, covering financial, performance evaluation which may allow the management to
technical, marketing, legal and HR aspects as per normal reward the best and punish the worst. The former Prime
process followed everywhere. Now, when you have completed Minister Nawaz Sharif once asked me that what I would do as
that process, there are three options i.e. restructuring, Chairman Privatization Commission. I told him that in my view,
privatization and privatization after restructuring to attract there are two angles of privatization; one is professional and the
investors of an entity. We carried due diligence process of 45 other is political. The professional aspect is highly challenging
entities and for FESCO bids were also offered at last stage. and fascinating as you have to deal with top managements of

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 5


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concerned. However, I feel that this should not be the

I think that ICMAP must initiate a prerogative of anyone and we have to make effort in this regard.
I am fully supportive of this and with you hundred percent.
process with major political parties, ICMAP: What will be your message to members of ICMA
Pakistan to play a more proactive role?
considering that elections are just MZ: ICMA Pakistan is one of the most professional
organizations and with the sort of background of your members;
around the corner, and ask them to I think you can play a very significant and proactive role. All
modern organizations are process oriented having significant
disclose their strategy to improve check and balance; control and well-defined decision-making
process which are required to be broad base. The first proactive
step ICMAP should take is on transparency.
transparency when they come into
It should interact with the Government and propose to undertake
power studies on key economic decision making processes of ECC,
ECNEC or specific Ministries that could lead to improving
transparency and creating a positive mindset through
public sector companies; global and local financial institutions; communication and media about transparency in government
CA firms; stock exchanges; Chambers; equity companies; bond entities. ICMAP can review the processes; identify weakness
markets. So if I have all these resources and professionals I will and provide pragmatic solutions for implementation. This
deliver for its due diligence process, marketing, etc. I told Mr. would dispel the wrong picture and create the correct narrative
Nawaz Sharif that the second aspect which is political is to be about transparency in Pakistan. It needs to be understood that
taken care by you i.e., when the key time comes you have to take accounting systems, reconciliation and other processes are to be
the tough decision. assessed. The CFO of IBM in New York which is operating in
In my view, the way forward is privatization and if you don’t 200 countries, do not make daily phone calls to every country
take any initiatives for restructuring e.g., employees behavior, asking for receipts and payment, rather he just reviews few
transfers, etc. and keeping in view the current situation of our pages of processes for transparency.
courts or unavailability of doses of investments in plant and
machinery, IT, etc., then it could not be achieved. Secondly, I think that ICMAP must initiate a process with major
political parties, considering that elections are just around the
ICMAP: IMF and World Bank has recommended to form corner, and ask them to disclose their strategy to improve
an independent Financial Reporting Council to regulate the transparency when they come into power. You can form a strong
accounting and auditing profession, however the Audit team and propose them and I can tell you no one will refuse you.
Oversight board formed recently is dominated by one So, you should make proposals on improving systems and
profession and restricted to public interest companies. We processes and propose to the government and certainly I will put
are persistently pitching up with the government to form an up your proposal to the competent authority. This would be a
independent financial reporting council. What role you can great service for Pakistan.
The interview ended with a vote of thanks to Mr. Mohammad Zubair,
MZ: In Pakistan, traditionally the chartered accountants have Governor Sindh, who spared his valuable time and gave his candid views
dominated the policy making as far financial matters are exclusively for this Journal - Editor

6 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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S. M. Naveed
President, Pak-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI)
ICMAP: What was the idea behind the establishment of of Commerce and Industry. PCJCCI successfully established its
Pak-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2000 sq ft own office. We succeeded in satisfying various
(PCJCCI)? Please apprise us about its objectives, role and delegations and Chinese investors with Market Intelligence
achievements? reports backed by market research, analysis and surveys.
SMN: The idea behind the establishment of Pak China Joint Moreover, these delegates are facilitated by arranging their
Chamber of Commerce was to create a platform to facilitate meetings with the relevant organizations. We endeavored to
investment and trade relations with China. By the grace of Allah
almighty, PCJCCI since inception is endeavoring to strengthen
bilateral business, investment and cultural ties between the two ICMA can enter into MOU with
brotherly nations. PCJCCI is playing a key role in numerous
Pak-China projects. Various delegations with opportunities visit PCJCCI for mutual collaboration and
PCJCCI on weekly basis. Special services being provided by
Pak China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry include cooperation in field of cost saving skills
but are not limited to direct interaction with top business leaders
of China/Pakistan through B2B meetings, business match and business management. I believe that
making, offering a conversational Chinese language course for
removing language barriers, capacity building of local this sort of collaboration will be very
entrepreneurs with the collaboration of Chinese experts.
We have a diligent and hard working team for eliminating
beneficial for both organizations and above
hurdles between the business communities of both the countries
and facilitating moves that can harness bilateral relations with all for our beloved country Pakistan
China. Objectives of PCJCCI are to promote Trade, investment
& mutually beneficial commercial ventures between China & arrange appropriate technology transfer from China with the
Pakistan. To collect evaluate & disseminate among its members collaboration of Science and Technology University Qingdao
statistical & other information concerning commerce & trade & China. PCJCCI Business matchmaking services turned to be
other matters of interest; to provide most effective channels of fruitful in the form of official joint ventures in some prominent
communication between the two business communities. industrial areas including, steel industry, shoe chemical
There are many achievements on our profile that are industry, logistics, insurance sector, and an experiment was
acknowledged by the Government of Pakistan, and particularly conducted with Chinese on agriculture inputs particularly
by the consul general of China. The Year under consideration Compound Microbial fertilizers for enhancing production yield.
proved to be a promising year for Pakistan-China Joint Chamber The experiment ensued amazing results with 20% more

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production yield. PCJCCI is now contemplating establishing an ICMAP: China is the second largest merchandise importer,
office in Chengdu province with the collaboration of Chengdu however its imports from Pakistan are quite negligible
government. This year, PCJCCI, with the collaboration of considering the warmth and depth of bilateral relations.
Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan organized "China Electrical and What are the reasons?
Mechanical Machinery Expo" to which we invited 150 top SMN: It is generally perceived that China is exploiting Pakistan
machinery manufacturing Chinese companies who later on by exporting more and importing less. In reality, Pakistan is
became members' of PCJCCI. unable to virtually benefit from Chinese market due to its narrow
PCJCCI is making strategy for thee innovative and vocational export base. It needs to be understood that there is no element of
training of young industry professionals that is entrusted to exploitation at both ends. The problem is that we are not efficient
enough to increase our export base due to high cost of
production (Mainly high cost of electricity and overvalued
I see future of Pakistan very bright and Pakistan rupee). We need to manufacture market driven goods,
youth are Pakistan's most valuable this is how we can benefit from Chinese Investment and Trade
agreements. We are endeavoring to develop the manufacturing
resources. They are very talented and sector by the transfer of technology from China to Pakistan.
When the manufacturing sector will be empowered enough,
hardworking. They should follow high automatically there will be innovation, perfection and variety in
our manufacturing sector. In short, increase export base,
work ethics, continue working hard and produce market oriented goods and overcome this import/export
concentrate in whatever they doing. I know
ICMAP: Can you identify the potential sectors in which the
that Pakistan youth will play an important Chinese entrepreneurs are more interested to invest in
Pakistan, either directly or through joint ventures?
role in the future of Pakistan
SMN: PCJCCI after in-depth analysis of market trends in China
identified mainstream industrial areas in which Chinese joint
enable them to work for CPEC projects. The joint ventures of Ventures could be prolific. The areas highlighted included;
Pakistan and Chinese companies have not only increased Furniture, Handicrafts, Textiles, Automotives, Fertilizer,
investment opportunities but have also helped combat various Cement, Glass work, Energy, Pharmaceuticals, agriculture, fruit
economic obstacles including unemployment, power shortage, processing units, dehydration plants, gemstones, minerals, dairy
poverty, low standard of living, technology crises etc. products and halal food industry. All these mentioned areas are
We are strongly embedded with the vision of PCJCCI that is the primarily labor intensive, capital intensive and eco friendly.
economic integration of two nations - China and Pakistan Recently, PCJCCI with the collaboration of Ecommerce
through increased regional connectivity for mutual benefit. Our Gateway Pakistan organized "China Electrical and Mechanical
Mission is to accentuate on the proliferation of bilateral trade Machinery Expo" in which we invited 150 top machinery
between Pakistan and China, endeavoring the identification and manufacturing Chinese companies. China electrical and
eradication of potential deterrents to the expansion of trade and mechanical machinery exhibition turned out to be fruitful in the
investment opportunities.

8 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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form of a number of official joint ventures in some of the very contemplate entering into partnerships with international
prominent industrial areas including Automobiles, Fork lifters, technology leaders to provide opportunities to young scholars to
Crockery, Glass wares, Solar lighting, Auto spare parts, kitchen generate fresh innovative startups. In this regard China-Pakistan
wares, sports items and printing machinery. His Excellency, Economic Corridor (CPEC) will help achieve Pakistan's
Long Ding bin, Consul General China in Lahore, also knowledge economy goals, additionally, Pakistan's image
acknowledge the efforts of PCJCCI for facilitating trade & internationally has to be improved so that more international
investment endeavors of both countries' business corporations. partners are ready to visit and invest in Pakistan.
To make aware local investors, entrepreneurs and business It is quite encouraging that the number of PhDs in Pakistan has
entities about the opportunities of investment with Chinese, risen from 300 in 1998 to about 7000 today, but still, knowledge
PCJCCI, frequently launch media campaign to highlight various platform and production platform is not synergized. PCJCCI
innovative ideas that could prove to be milestones in existing and ICMA can jointly put efforts to outline strategic goals where
bilateral relations such as Youth entrepreneurship, potential of fresh graduates and researchers could also contribute in value
hosiery industry, SME's and Cottage industry etc. addition of the commodities being produced in Pakistan. Sadly,
PCJCCI highlighted through media, the need for taking on board Pakistan is ranked very low on the Innovation and
all relevant Chambers and associations to decide setting up of Competiveness indices internationally, that is a serious dilemma
the exact number and types of special economic zones (SEZs) that needs immediate attention and investment, if Pakistan is to
along the CPEC route. move towards knowledge based product growth.

ICMAP: PCJCCI is engaged in capacity building of local ICMAP: What strategy PCJCCI has developed to maximize
entrepreneurs with the collaboration of Chinese experts benefits for Pakistani industry under CPEC?
under the auspices of National Productivity Organization? SMN: This project will not only help turn around Pakistan's
How can ICMA Pakistan join hands with PCJCCI economy but will enable Pakistan to become self-
in imparting specialized knowledge on cost sufficient in energy and infrastructure," The
saving skills and management? future economic prospects of Pakistan look
SMN: Pak-China friendship has been promising but their actual realization
successful in bringing a number of would depend upon a number of
Pakistani and Chinese companies to critical factors such as successful
one platform for four years now. integration of Pakistan into the
Many MOUs have been signed in g l o b a l e c o n o m y, s o u n d
these years, which in turn have macroeconomic policies, strong
blossomed into successful institutional and governance
business relations. The joint framework, investment in
ventures of Pakistani and infrastructure and human
Chinese companies have not development and above all
only increased investment political stability. Pakistan has
opportunities but have also the potential to empower half of
helped in boosting the trade the world's population living in
between two countries. Asia, by developing special trade
routes between China and Pakistan,
Many successful agreements were and our chamber, I believe, can play a
signed in past four years which have pivotal role in harnessing economic
matured into blooming businesses. These activities in this region.
were segmented as education, agriculture,
furniture, handicrafts, textiles, fertilizer, building In the rapidly changing geo-strategic and
materials, glass work, metallurgy, chemicals, marble security environment, both countries are likely to face
industry, food processing, rubber technology, energy & many regional and global challenges. The need of the hour is
biomedical. that, leadership of both countries should work hands in gloves
for cementing the traditional Sino-Pak relationship with an
ICMA can enter into MOU with PCJCCI for mutual exclusive focus on the economic corridor project that would
collaboration and cooperation in field of cost saving skills and bring economic prosperity for Pakistan and China.
business management. I believe that this sort of collaboration
will be very beneficial for both organizations and above all for We need to realize that Pakistan has the geostrategic importance
our beloved country Pakistan. in interconnecting countries. It is through Pakistan that the
economic development will radiate to other countries in South
ICMAP: The Chinese model is to engage academics and and Central Asia therefore earlier completion of CPEC projects
technocrats in production facilities? Can PCJCCI and will speed up the construction of the other part of the Silk Road
ICMA Pakistan collaborate to impart this culture in which is why China attaches great importance to CPEC.
Pakistani industry?
With regard to CPEC, PCJCCI is more concerned with
SMN: Yes, PCJCCI believes that The Chinese model of improving the quality of development instead of quantity. We
indulging academics and technocrats in production facilities are in an effort to maintain a certain speed of development where
should be promoted in Pakistan to create more competitive and more attention is paid to the quality of development for the
research backed products. PCJCCI and ICMA Pakistan can sustainability of ongoing development programs.

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 9


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ICMAP: CPEC will be a game changer for the region. What Pakistan making progress and development. China-Pakistan
are your comments? Economic Corridor (CPEC) could be a fate changer, but only if
SMN: The Friendship between China and Pakistan has now Pakistan succeeds in overcoming its security challenges.
transformed into strategic partnership that has provided Pakistan army has played a crucial role in improving the security
Pakistan with an invaluable opportunity that nations come challenged facing Pakistan. Pakistan needs to handle not only
across in centuries. CPEC- The fate changer is that this has the security challenges at home, but also needs to promote
opened new vistas of prosperity for the people of Pakistan and regional stability.
the nation as a whole. I being an economic analyst declare that About 8,000 Chinese and 85000 Pakistanis workers at present
when CPEC will be implemented in true spirit, "it will re-open are working on 210 projects, executing large projects along the
the economic artery blocked for years". The China Pakistan proposed CPEC routes. Media and academics should play a
Economic Corridor is a $57 billion project intended to rapidly positive role in deflecting, malicious and misleading
expand and upgrade Pakistani infrastructure, as well as create propaganda by highlighting the significance of the CPEC for
about 700,000 direct jobs between, 20152030, and adding 1 to Pakistan. Furthermore, Pakistan and China proposed 29
1.5 percentage points to the country's annual economic growth. industrial parks and 21 mineral zones across the country which
Realizing the importance of CPEC in the ongoing scenario, will enable Pakistan to produce the goods for its public demand.
PCJCCI decided to facilitate the development of Special
Economic Zones (SEZs) by bringing Chinese manufacturing Through more foreign investment, young and educated people
facilities and technology in Pakistan. PCJCCI frequently will get more benefits by getting jobs in new industrial parks and
arranged various briefings for Chinese delegations regarding mineral zones. CPEC and industrial parks will bring up the
SEZs in Pakistan. We prepared reports and articles centered on people from the poverty line and will bring a new look to the
effectively constructing Special Economic Zones for attracting country's economic market. Pakistan will be able to export more
massive Chinese investment from mainstream industrial public goods and related material in international markets.
segments. PCJCCI took rigorous initiatives for the advancement Pakistan and China have to co-ordinate on mutually beneficial
of construction industry of Pakistan. PCJCCI realized the need development agenda. We need to be clear in what we need and
of aligning this important sector of economy with the what China can give, Co-ordination of a development strategy
international quality standards. and plan is necessary.
Moreover, to harness CPEC projects PCJCCI decided to
overcome the communication barriers that were observed as ICMAP: Any message that you would like to give to
major obstacle in way of progress. We are imparting Chinese members and students of ICMA Pakistan?
Language lessons in order to prepare people to easily SMN: I see future of Pakistan very bright and youth are
communicate. One of the objectives of PCJCCI in imparting Pakistan's most valuable resources. They are very talented and
Chinese Language to Pakistani youth is to make them confident hardworking. They should follow high work ethics, continue
in pursuing their innovative ideas and interacting more working hard and concentrate in whatever they doing. I know
effectively with the Chinese counterparts. that Pakistan youth will play an important role in the future of
ICMAP: What, in your opinion, are the main threats to Pakistan. They will make us all very proud!
CPEC in the region? The interview ended with a vote of thanks to Mr. S. M. Naveed, President, Pak-
China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) who spared his
SMN: CPEC is center of attention of people but unfortunately it
valuable time and gave his candid views exclusively for this Journal - Editor
is also focus of conspiracies by enemies who do not want to see

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Corporate Governance in Pakistan:

A freewheeling assessment
B usiness Best Practices have evolved
over a period of time; there is a clear
history of the developments. The
aim of Good Governance is to align business
to attain its objective in an ethical way and
On the hand in US serious attempt on code of
best practices came through Sarben Oxley
Act 2002 which was in reaction to high
profile corporate fraud cases including
Enron and WorldCom. The work carried out
protect the right of shareholders. If we peep under the Act 2002 was primarily intended
into the history we garner that the thrust of to prevent similar situation. The salient
Corporate Governance emerged when it was feature of Sarben Oxley Act 2002 includes:
felt that financial misdemeanor has crept in o Creating and strengthening corporate
and lack of fiduciary behavior is rampant in controls
the corporate world. Investing shareholders
were not in the position to correct the course o Requiring enhanced financial
and gather enough power to assert their disclosures
legitimate rights and correct the o Creating new standards for corporate
misdemeanor. There were cases of accountability
corporate failures and broader disregard of
o Creating new penalties for acts of
Abdul Jabbar Kasim fiduciary responsibility at the corporate
board level. This situation got the investors
Code of Corporate stranded and this was the time for policy In Pakistan the face of Business Best
maker to wake-up. Practices emerged in the shape of Code of
Governance 2017 The need to inculcate discipline in the
Corporate Governance March 2002. The
emphasis a formal and code was mild as seen in retrospect, with
management of corporate affairs was never
proviso emphasizing composition of Board
effective mechanism for felt like this. The endeavor of regulator and
and encouraging independent directors on
policy makers was to take cognizance of the
annual evaluation of the board. The other features of the code
failing responsibility at the helm of affairs
covered areas like separation of the office
board and its committees. and enforce financial discipline to restore
Chairman and CEO, and regular meetings of
confidence in the corporate sector. The end
The evaluation of the objective was to underscore that affairs of
the board. There was an added emphasis on
the frequency of financial reporting, to keep
committee is new the corporate sectors are run in a fair and
the shareholders abreast with the
transparent manner. Additionally those at
requirement (2017) and the helm of affairs are made accountable for
performance of the company.
as such Audit Committee protecting the interest of shareholder in Most of the listed companies at that stage
particular and stakeholders in general. were in phase of comprehending the code
and Human Resource and Board of Directors was at the center stage. with less regard for its compliance. It
Remuneration In the period around the early nineties
appears that the intent of the regulator to see
that the listing regulations in conjunction
Committees will be corporate boards were under scrutiny and
with applicable code are followed in
the regulators were keen to restore of the
evaluated based on the investing public trust with a long-term
practices. Since this was the first move to by
regulator for paving way for establishing
terms of reference given objective of evolving an enabling
good governance practices, there was time
environment to instill business best
to each committee. On practices. In UK Adrian Cadbury committee
frame given for remaining proviso of the
the matter of separation code. This stage was a wait-and-see
report published in December 1992 was a
of the office of Chairman watershed infusing sense of fiduciary
responsibility in the way shareholder money After about 10 years a revised Code of
and CEO, the regulator is used. The report emphasized the role of Corporate Governance was introduced in
has taken the onus of board of directors and their accountability. the year 2012. The Code of Corporate
The code also underscored the requirement Governance brought some significant
deciding companies of competency, education and experience changes compared to 2002 including the
which need to have such for individual seeking position on the board. emphasis on mandatory Independent
Similarly financial reporting and financial directorship on the board and also limiting
offices separated control were key features. the presence of executive directors on the

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board compared to 2002. Other significant feature of the code of one female director within one year of notification of
2012, were a comprehensive test for independence. Following regulations.
the international best practices which emphasized the board Code of Corporate Governance 2017 emphasis a formal and
evaluation, the regulator introduced board evaluation effective effective mechanism for annual evaluation of board and its
year 2015. This was a formidable and legitimate move as the committees. The evaluation of the committee is new
board itself (people who are in trust of shareholders money) requirement (2017) and as such Audit Committee and Human
came under review. With the passage of time companies were Resource and Remuneration Committees will be evaluated
required to have a mechanism in place to ensure this practice. based on the terms of reference given to each committee. On the
With the key development on corporate scenario and some of matter of separation of the office of Chairman and CEO, the
the business failure, internationally, it was appropriate and regulator has taken the onus of deciding companies which need
legitimate to keep on radar the performance of board including to have such offices separated.
the evaluation of individual board members. There was an While the regulators intended aim is that listed companies
essence missing from the area of board evaluation. That is that follow the code of governance in spirit and practices yet the
the evaluation still remains the domain of the board with no thrust is missing. Listed companies' financial performance is
disclosure to the shareholders. The UK code requires disclosure far from desirable, and the list goes on. The financial
of board evaluation every three years, which instill confidence performance of company is highly dependent on the board and
in the company conduct of affairs in the transparent manner. how it leads the management to achieve the ultimate goal of
enhancing shareholders' value. A Mckinsey Survey has shown
An attempt to transparency emerged in code 2012 as the
that companies serious about ethical business practices and
external auditors are required to provide the Review Report to
good governance have higher market capitalization. Very few
the Members of Statement of Compliance with the code of
listed companies in Pakistan have shown such trend and there is
Corporate Governance, which make sense as an external party is
need to work on this.
to provide its assessment as to the corporate practices.
Similarly responsibility falls on the shoulders of Pakistan code needs to provide Comply or explain proviso. In
CEO/Chairman to produce and place before the shareholders UK the latest Code, have taken the 'comply or explain'
titled: Statement of Compliance with the Code of Corporate approach. This is based on the premises that one size does not fit
Governance. The intent of the regulator appears is to have a self- all; this provides the companies latitude to be complaint yet
assessment of the good governance practice by those at the helm follow practices that are in sync with their particular
of affairs and provide such certification. environment.

With the coming in of Companies Act 2017, regulator embarked Further improvement in the performance of listed companies in
on an exercise to align the Code of Corporate Governance. A Pakistan can come through a combined endeavor and elbow
from shareholders. Internationally there is a wave of
draft Code of Corporate Governance 2017 is underway its final
shareholders activist campaigns and it is gaining momentum.
shape. As in the past the regulators have endeavored to
The basic purpose is support and lunge long-term value creation
introduce key features in sync with the international business
which is to the ultimate benefit of the shareholder. Shareholders
activism has also been influential to check the excess executive
The key features of the Code of Corporate Governance 2017 compensation. As a corollary of which disequilibrium in
(under finalization). Includes interalia mandatory requirement corporate resources is fixed which ultimately spur up returns.
in the composition of board of having two Independent In is important that attention is directed to key international
Directors (IDs) or 1/3 of the board whichever is higher. Also developments in the corporate corridors. As regulator can be
that the SECP will develop a data base for selection of IDs, listed one part of improving the business best practices and other and
companies are required to refer to such resource. SECP requires important part is the shareholders.
that a Statement of Material fact should be given with the notice
The author of the article has held senior level position in listed companies and
of AGM indicating the justification of choosing the appointing has been CEO of listed leasing companies. He has also taken board seats as a
individuals as ID appointee. Database for selection will be nominee director. He has presented paper in seminar in Asian countries. He has
maintained. Individual director who is termed ID is required to held training sessions on Corporate Governance. Current interests involve
file a declaration indicating his ID status in terms of law. In the research on Corporate Governance and corporate affairs. He has been invited
as speaker at IBA, ICAP and ICMA forums. His articles on the subject appear in
matter of board composition there is a mandatory requirement Business newspapers and journals. He is presently faculty at IOBM.

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 13


Estd. 1951

Need for Corporate Governance

Scoring Index in Pakistan

T he corporate sector plays a vibrant role in the socio-

economic development of any country. The corporate
sector in Pakistan has progressed significantly during
the last two decades. The legal framework foundation of
corporate sector in Pakistan was first conceived, proposed and
It is a fact that any
country with weak
corporate governance
enforcement practices
would be unable to attract
executed by former Finance Minister Ghulam Ishaq Khan under global capital and
the regime of late President General Zia ul Haq which formed investment. If investors
the basis for a modern corporate sector. During the same regime, are not assured with the
the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and Listed Company q u a l i t y a n d
Regulations were issued that paved the way for establishment of trustworthiness of
innumerable corporations. Thus, the foundations of corporate disclosure, capital will
governance practices were laid on 8th October 1984 with a flow away. On the
vision to promote modern international-styled corporate sector contrary, a country
and business development activities in Pakistan. having good reputation
on corporate governance
At present, the corporate sector in Pakistan is dominated by
landscape and meeting Syed Tariq Waqar, ACMA
family-owned organizations which, though being in minority,
international best
enjoy political power and feudal dominance. These families
practices of governance and accountability would be able to
collectively being the large block shareholder, controls almost
attract capital from investors.
all the internal and external matters of the corporate entities in a
way that all the returns are consumed by themselves with Need for a Corporate Governance Scoring
minimum benefit to overall corporate market, stakeholders and
national interest at large. For this major reason, the corporate
market of Pakistan does not grow with pace historically evident To facilitate all stakeholders such as investors, lenders and most
in the world. This situation creates an unjustified state of affairs importantly the shareholders of every listed Company, a
for small scale shareholders as the impartial treatment and comprehensive corporate governance scoring index (CGSI)
protection of their rights become difficult. This has created rating mechanism should be evolved and maintained by the
dissatisfaction in small investors leading to disinvestment. SECP, which should be displayed on every company's annual
Hence, there is dire need for an effective corporate governance financial report every year. To guide companies towards
mechanism which is capable of safeguarding the interests of improved CG mechanism, penalty for low scoring companies
small corporate shareholders in the country. and minor tax relief for best scoring companies can be imposed
Corporate Governance and its importance
CGSI or corporate governance scoring index is corporate entity
In today's modern world, Corporate Governance is the rating indicator regarding adoption of good corporate practices
harmonization of balance of power between owners or otherwise, creation of such index or rating mechanism is a
(Shareholder) and controllers (board of director) of a company complex task which will involve lot of financial, non-financial,
in such a way that it may lead to corporate fairness, transparency qualitative as well as quantitative information about a corporate
and accountability. Corporate governance is the set of entity. There is no final definition for ideal CGSI composition, a
procedures, corporate practices, policy guidelines, rules & mix of multiple key performance indicators KPI can
regulations and institutions which dictates and guides the way a collectively define a corporate entity CG score which will
company is governed, managed or organized. It is all about facilitate even a laymen for decision making regarding small
governing the corporate entities to help them achieve their investment in shares or an international investor for huge
objectives. Good Corporate governance is also crucial for the investment in share of that entity at large. All the stake holders of
creation of a competitive market as it stabilizes capital markets a corporate entity can take benefit from such an index rating
and safeguard investors. It helps organizations to make their system which will also promote healthy competition in the CG
performance efficient enough to attract investment. It also Good Practice indicator. An experimental CGSI indicator has
empowers businesses to achieve their goals and to shelter the been prepared which can be further refined and improved to
rights of shareholders. After the incidence of commercial create a standard corporate rating indicator for corporate sector
corruption scandals at top U.S companies such as Enron, the of Pakistan.
legislators, regulators and corporate administrators
collaborated in the call for corporate transparency by practicing The above diagram shows the conceptual visualization of CGSI.
improved corporate governance. The technical uniqueness of this index is that we construct a

14 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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comprehensive CGSI corporate governance scoring index, Rating of sample Companies on basis of best
which has been calculated by adopting set of complex
mathematical techniques for each key performance indicator
average CGSI
(KPI) used in the construction of CGSI. This index is based on The data was gathered from the sample corporate entities with
thirty two KPIs including financial as well as non-financial KPI respect to factors of CGSI and the performance indicators. The
such as data on board size; board composition, CEO duality; CGSI score index which had 32 elements could result in a
maximum score of 100. From the table, we observe that the
CSR % NPBT RCED % NPBT CGSI score of governance lies between 70 maximun to 49
Rating of the sample Companies on basis of best average CGSI
S.# Company CGSI
DCR 1 Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. 70.06
FETS ROA 2 Indus Motor Co. Ltd. 68.17
3 Mari Gas Co. Ltd. 66.78
CGSI 4 Fauji Fertilizer Co. Ltd. 66.61
FOB CAR(F) 5 Lucky Cement Ltd 66.33
VPS NPM 6 Pakistan State Oil Co. Ltd. 66.17
7 Engro Corporation Ltd. 65.67
ATOR CR 8 Exide Pakistan Ltd. 64.11
9 Sitara Chemical Industries Ltd. 63.89
10 Ittehad Chemicals Ltd. 63.56
11 Atlas Battery 63.28
12 Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Ltd. 63.28
13 ICI Pakistan Ltd. 63.06
Audit Committee Duality; Female on board; Ownership 14 Nishat Mills Ltd. 62.94
Structure/Concentration; Clear Audit Report (Financial); CG 15 Mehran Sugar Mills Ltd. 60.72
code compliance Report; Institutional Ownership 16 Gharibwal Cement Ltd. 60.56
Remuneration to CEO, Directors and Executives; Corporate 17 Attock Cement Pakistan Ltd. 60.28
Social Responsibility ROA, ROE, ROCE, NPBT, CFFO, and 18 Pakistan Engineering Co. Ltd. 59.50
other comprehensive analytical data-set required for calculation 19 Dadex Eternit Ltd. 59.39
of this index can easily be gathered from the annual financial 20 National Foods Ltd. 59.33

statements of companies. The detail of KPI's used in 21 Atlas Honda Ltd. 59.06
22 Dawood Hercules Chemicals Ltd. 58.83
construction of CGSI.
23 D.G. Khan Cement Co. Ltd. 58.39
Corporate Governance Scoring Index (CGSI) 24 Baluchistan Wheels Ltd. 57.72
S. # Key Performance Indicators Abbreviation 25 Hub Power Company Limited 57.06
used in Data Set 26 Nishat (Chunian) Ltd. 56.72
1 Acid test or quick ratio. AT 27 Al-Abbas Sugar Mills Ltd. 56.22
2 Financial expenses as % of sales FETS
28 Fauji Cement Co. Ltd. 56.11
3 Trade Debt as % of sales TDTS
4 Assets turnover ratio ATOR 29 Cherat Cement Co 55.78
5 Current ratio CR 30 Bolan Castings Ltd 54.56
6 Cost of goods sold to sales COGSTS 31 Bestway Cement Ltd 54.28
7 Debt equity ratio DER
32 Ghandhara Industries Ltd 50.94
8 Return on assets ROA
9 Return of equity ROE 33 Nimir Industrial Chemicals Ltd 49.67
10 Return on capital employed ROCE
11 Dividend cover ratio DCR minimum, which is quite a low rating. Thus, we can drive from
12 Inventory Turnover Ratio INTR
13 Interest cover ratio INTCR above result that the Pakistani companies should strive to
14 Net profit margin NPM improve their corporate governance mechanism by stressing on
15 Operating cash flow to debt ratio OCTD ethics, transparency and accountability in order to protect the
16 Earning per share EPS
17 Break-up value shares VPS
right of small shareholders and involve them in corporate
18 Board Attendance BATD decision making. This would lead not only to achieve higher
19 No. of board NBOD ratings but also to improve financial performance.
20 CEO Duality CD
21 Audit Committee Duality ACD There is a dire need for stringent CG enforcement mechanism.
22 Female on Board FOB The present structure of CG mechanism and its enforcement
23 Ownership Structure/Concentration OS/C
24 Clear Audit Report CAR(F)
from SECP require a major overhauling, implementation of
25 CG Code Compliance Report CAR(CG) regulations needs to be ensured. In the current scenario, both
26 Institutional Ownership IO regulation and regulator needs to be more strengthened through
27 Remuneration to CEO, Directors and Executives RCED
legislative steps in order to safe guard the interest of all
28 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
29 Remuneration to CEO, Directors and Executives to NPBT RCED % NPBT stakeholders, especially small shareholders.
30 Social Responsibility to NPBT CSR % NPBT About the Author: For past 16 years Syed Tariq Waqar, ACMA involved in Govt.
31 Remuneration to CEO, Directors and Executives to Sales RCED % S side Accounting, having insight on Govt Audit & Accounts Consolidation. Working
32 Social Responsibility to Sales SRE % S for Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, as Sr. Accounts Officer (Accounts).

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 15


Estd. 1951

Draft Code of
Corporate Governance
– Random Thoughts
1. It would be advisable to restrict independent directors to
not more than three companies Boards to obviate
possibility of independent directors eventually emerging as
a pressure group. Because the more companies they are in,
the more possessive, assertive and self serving they may
prone to be.
2. In the event of listed subsidiaries of listed companies, not
restricted to have directorships of individuals in more than
five companies, possibility of more and more subsidiaries
of listed companies may rise.
Bar on simultaneous directorship in not more five listed
companies may be kept in tact, to avoid possible abuse of
law provision with reference to the proposal of doing away
with the rider in clause 3.
To the end of good governance one would normally vote for
independent companies in preference over subsidiaries
indirectly ruled. Qaisar Mufti, FCMA
3. To the end of hammering attention to the object of diversity
growth, following may be added at the end clause-4: 6. Fixing number of executive directors, in terms of clause-8,
“The companies shall submit, in relation to each director, appears a rather harsh provision as it will allow one
respective details of competence, diversity, requisite skills, executive director beyond the chief executive when the
knowledge, experience and other particulars notified by Board comprises seven directors. The provision appears
SECP from time to time, by end of three months of his divorced to such situations, which normally require more
assumption of office.” than one executive director beyond the chief executive.
4. What will be the status of decisions taken by a Board which 7. Provision in clause-9 is on separation of the office
does not have the independent directors and as such is not chairman and chief executive. To do away overlapping in
complete? To the end of clarity, SECP may opt to reword the main law, apparently, it is an unambiguous and hence
the provision appearing at end of sub-clause (1) of clause 6. laudable provision. However, it may not always be feasible
to follow. Advisable may be to give powers of giving
5. Clause-7 appears to suggest that female directors shall be a relaxation in this behalf to the SECP Regional Offices.
category of directors by itself. To secure compliance of this
clause, required would be two sets of election of directors Such powers may include having some other director of the
or an election in two phases: (a) both male and female and company, from any class or category, to act as chairman,
(b) female. when chairman is unable to act as such.
This would suggest reconstruction of the law, soliciting This is beside the fact that possible shortcoming in the main
nominations for election of directors in the aforesaid two law may not conveniently be overcome through a provision
categories, putting into process the propositions at (a) and in the code of corporate governance.
(b) herein above. Thus, according to the code, the board of a 8. In beginning of clause 10(3)(vi), relating to the decision on
company shall be deemed constituted after induction of a specified material transactions alongwith their dates of
female director in pursuance of (b) above in disregard of approval or updating, desirable may be addition of the
entry of a female director elected in terms of (a) above. In words: “at the end of each financial year”.
the face of decisions taken by an incomplete board i.e. sans 9. In 10(4) after the word “date of approval or updating” may
females. be added the words: “through well spelled minutes of the
On the electoral college for election of a female director board's meeting”.
e.g. consisting female votes or a mix of male and female, 10. “o” in 10(4) may be substituted by (5). Consequently
focus of law appears called for. clauses (5) and (6) shall stand renumbered to (6) and (7).
16 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017

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11. 10(6) is prone to be expensive for the company. It may not qualified from IBA or LUMS. SECP may appreciate that to
be convenient to bear expenses on travel etc. of outstation the desired end, to be had is certification for educational
directors by every company. competence from ICAP, ICMAP or SECP. Any of these
The intended purpose may be served through each director professional bodies should certify fitness to LUMS and
certifying that he or she had carefully watched and / or IBA graduates on case to case basis.
listened video of the specified general, ordinary and extra 17. The company secretary is a key officer. The 'company
ordinary meeting and that he found nothing objectionable, secretary' is described by section 2(21) of the Act, which
not in keeping with objects of the company worth reporting stipulates that his qualifications and experience may be
to the authorities. specified.
This may be required irrespective of the relevant director Ordinarily, a professional accountant, as such, is not
attending or not physically attending the relevant equipped to rein as company secretary. However, PICG or
shareholders / general meeting. ICSP may give fitness to professional accountants to take-
For good order, the aforesaid evidence may be lodged with up the position of a secretary, on case to case basis.
SECP within seven days of holding a general meeting. Secretary's job entails sorts of jobs majority of which does
12. In terms of clause 13, the CFO and company secretary are not permit substantial delegation. The secretary position is
required to attend meetings of the board of directors. different, which should have been catered by the code.
Under provision appearing after the text they have estoppel Although it is an allied discipline, even when an accountant
from being present at such or part of a meeting as takes-up is well versed in secretarial and legal know, it is difficult to
their performance, terms and conditions of their service. truncate enough by a non-qualified company secretary.
The board may opt not to allow attendance of secretary and 18. To make the audit committee meaningful, in clause
/ or CFO in the situations specified by holding short 27(2)(a), after the word 'held', “at least 24 hours” may be
independent meetings after the stated sort of meeting, added before the word “prior”.
secretary of which may be one of the directors who is 19. Quality of writing is likely to improve with deletion of the
member of the Audit Committee. word “interim” in clause 27(2)(a).
13. A company may not have many independent directors. The 20. After each of the three proviso cited in clause 27(2)(c), the
word “two independent directors” to take-up conflict of word “to be recorded in minutes of the directors meeting”
interest of a director may accordingly be replaced by “an needs to be added to fully describe the issue.
independent director” in clause 16. 21. The Company Secretary (defined by section 2(21) should
An alternate could be association of a Council Member of be different from 'chief financial officer', as defined by
ICMAP / ICAP / ICSP, if the quorum is otherwise made out. section 2(15).
14. Clauses 17 & 18 tend to suggest that remuneration of the By having men of these two sections independent of each
directors attending meetings of the board and its other, intentions of the law makers appears to be that chief
committees, in between them, can be different. financial officer and company secretary should be different
No director may, on his free will, agree that his level of persons.
responsibility and / or expertise is lesser than another Apparently, the audit committee is not empowered to have
director. However, the code perceives that a variation in the a company secretary as 'Secretary of the Audit Committee',
level of directors remuneration for attending the company's which course appears desirable.
meetings may be possible. Moreover, due to sensitivity of the subject, data and
In case the articles of association permits, an independent information the committee's secretary comes to handle,
consultant may be engaged to recommend directors' desirable may not be to combine the two offices into one
remuneration. individual, company secretary or secretary of the audit
The code is pretty hazy on this point. For the code it should committee, in the companies' interest.
not be that cumbersome. One also finds that the code does The framers of law would have been cognizant that despite
not come-up with a lucid statement on this counter. the fact that some study material to aspirants of the two
15. The movement, removal or a shift in the position of a qualifications viz.: (a) secretary and (b) chief financial
member of the Audit Committee shall be reported by the officer may be identical, the two incumbents emerge from
chairman to SECP within 15 days. A clause to say that may different academic and expertise streams.
be ushered in the code. Accordingly, required in unequivocal statement in the
16. Clauses 23(b) and 24(e), in the draft code, may mean hiring Code of Corporate Governance, is that the two, chief
for the job of internal auditor and chief financial officer financial officer and company secretary, shall be different
persons who may be poised for other jobs in the companies. persons.
Having the suggested provisions in the code would mean, 22. Clause 28(3)(i) providing for scrutiny by the Human
other things remaining the same, doing away with the Resource and Remuneration Committee appears to provide
requirements of 'education for the internal auditor' and a gun to the committee to shoot the undesirables, leading
'chief financial officer'. the process for board appointments identifying and
assessing candidates qualified for election of directors (in
Looking at type and level of education being generally particular, independent directors). That is after invoking
imparted, clauses 23(b) and 24(e), blank range, may not be necessary procedures for making recommendations to the
in order. Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance board, prior to publishing names of nominees for directors'
(PICG) has laid down that to be eligible for 'A' class election by the general meeting, and to recommend to the
directorship in a listed company, the incumbent should be

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board for a policy framework's approval to determine machine. The Companies Act omits to tell what he is like or
remuneration to both executive and non-executive should be like. Already an important pillar of corporate
directors as also to members of senior management. structure, the present law does not detail qualification a
Section 159 of the Act caters procedure for election of Corporate or Company Secretary should have. However,
directors. The Human Resource & Remuneration PICG gives due weight to the qualification of Corporate
committee may have no role in the matter of election of Secretary.
directors who are charged for also creation of this Needless to say that in view of courses of their respective
Committee. To be clarified is whether the Committee will Institutes and the specialized qualification they give, per se,
be the one named by the directors whose term is ending or a Chartered Accountant or a Cost Accountant may not
the ones who have to come after (next) election. In the ordinarily be a Corporate Secretary.
former case directors are a spent force. 30. Appears called for is a distinct law providing space to
Appears missing by the code is whether the nominee 'Corporate Secretary'. The law should provide who is or can
director(s) will be within the number of directors fixed by be a Corporate Secretary to guide and drive, sine qua non
the board, joining after election. In the present corporate for the companies' constitutional affairs distinct from the
culture normal is a nominee director with election. chief financial officer.
However, it can not be ruled out that a company may have This writer is, however, inclined to surmise that enough to
arrangements for nomination of their director with a the desired end is not featuring in the literature of PICG.
number of bodies.
31. The SECP may have arrangements to see what goes to
Taking into account the relevant tits and bits, appears crown one as Corporate Secretary. To this end it should
plausible is that board will be duly constituted, empowered have a 'supervisory' or 'overseeing' woven in the structure
to function, while formalities for 'induction' of independent of the Institute of Corporate Secretaries. This the
director(s) and / or a female director are on. Commission can best do through its representation on the
23. To reduce the number of committees, the Risk Council of the Institute.
Management Committee may be done away with and the Besides itself, SECP may also consider representation of
related job specifications may be assigned to the Human & the Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of
Remuneration Committee. Pakistan and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
24 (i). The dichotomy proposed in clause 31(1) vis. a vis. on the Corporate Secretaries' (ICSP) Council.
the head of internal audit reporting to both audit This is not likely to be an ticklish issue because ICSP is a
committee and the chief executive will make hell life company limited by guarantee subject to directions of
of the man, keeping in view the fact that his job is to SECP which can conveniently be tailored to the desired
point out what went wrong within chief executive end.
domain. This may also ignite fighting between the
Chairman of the Audit Committee and 32. The theme of 'independent director' in our law appears to be
Chief Executive. a derivative from the Indian Companies Act-2013. Section
150 whereof carries the provision of having a data bank,
To have the internal audit man 'administratively' containing names, addresses and qualifications of persons
under chairman of the company appears to be who are eligible and willing to act as independent directors,
solution of the issue. maintained in accordance with provisions of the said law.
(ii). In 31(2)(a) the words “listed company” may be Section 166 of Pakistani Companies Act lays down manner
substitutes by “Chairman of the Audit Committee” to of induction of an independent director. As in India, he is
make the responsibility specific, pointed and required to be selected out of a data bank of persons eligible
meaningful. and willing to act as independent directors. Such data bank
(iii). In 31(2)(b), the words “in lieu of” may be substituted is to be maintained by any institute, body or association as
by the words “in the event of”. may be notified by SECP. The data bank is directed to be
posted on the website for use by a company desirous of
25. In clause 38 “nominee directors” should be a distinct making the appointment of such director(s). As per section
category at (v). 166(1), of our Companies Law has introduced details of
26. In clause 38(i), “(including nominee director)” may be independent director to be selected and elected.
added. The Code of Corporate Governance is silent on this issue
27. In clause 41(2) the words “all listed companies” may be and on other issues in relation to such directors. The
substituted by the word “chairman”. election would need an electoral college, funds and
28. Companies Act-2017 and the (draft) corporate governance covassors for election of a candidate as such. Of course
code enormously increase work load of SECP. Hiring for funds outflows would be involved in this situation. Who
these sizeable additional technical inputs on permanent will foot such a bill and for what, needs to be spelled.
basis, the Commission may not find very convenient. To 33. SECP may make it a point not to take decision on any of the
reduce the incremental cost with no compromise on quality, issues without prior debates at the trade / professional
the Commission would be well advised to form benches / bodies. Input in this behalf through communications may
committees, from outside SECP, to tackle certain issues. not be really fruitful. SECP's representative should listen to
Members of these committees may be drawn by SECP from debates of the professional & business bodies members on
amongst ICMAP, ICAP, ICSP members and corporate the issues.
lawyers. The writer practices as Advocate & Corporate Counsel. E-mail:
29. The law mentions the word “Secretary”. His play is
interwoven with life of the company and moving its

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Impact of Corporate Governance on

Earning Management:
A Study of Listed Textile Companies of Pakistan
By Muhammad Hussain and Supervised by Saif Ullah, Ph.D. Scholar
Abstract: This study examines the relationship between characteristics of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management for
a sample of Personal Goods (Textile) Sector as a whole with data from Composite, Weaving & Spinning companies listed on
Karachi Stock Exchange during the period 2009-2013. Especially this study examines the impact of independent variables board
size, board composition, audit committee composition, CEO tenure, CEO compensation, CEO duality & return of assets, on
earnings management, the dependent variable. A sample of 25 listed textile companies of Personal Goods (Textile) Sector at the
KSE has been investigated to find empirical data about the relationship between practices of corporate governance and earnings
management for the years 2009 to 2013. Quality of Corporate Governance has been measured by assigning weights to a set of
related variables whereas earnings management has been calculated by discretionary accruals (Residuals) by using Modified Cross
Sectional Jones Model. Control variables, firm size, liquidity, assets collateral value & leverage have been used in this study to
decrease the bias of the independent variables. Ordinary least square estimation indicates the presence of Positive relationship
between corporate governance and earnings management. In this study panel data analysis random effect model has been used to
test the significance of the results. Results show that there is an indication that corporate governance practices are playing vital role
with positive and negative relationship in restraining earnings management.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Earnings Management, Karachi Stock Exchange.

1. Introduction established local corporate governance principles as code of

corporate governance for better governance of corporations.
1.1 Background Further OECD and the World Bank Group combined their
Corporate governance's has become very important in efforts to promote policies on corporate governance and
monitoring role in recent years after prevalence of enormous established Regional Corporate Governance Round tables and
and renowned financial scandals of large companies such as assessment of corporate governance practices with national
Enron, WorldCom, Union Carbide, San Lu, Tyco, Satyam policy-makers, regulators and market participants. It draws
Computers & Global Crossing (Larcker et al., 2004; Wu, 2002). attention from the 1997 Asian financial crisis, assesses progress
La Porta, et al. (2000) defined, “Corporate governance is a set of and remaining challenges, and formulates common policy
mechanisms through which outside investors may protect objectives and a practical reform agenda for improving
themselves against expropriation by the insiders (managers and corporate governance in the world especially in Asia.
controlling shareholders).” Corporate governance comprises In Pakistan the first code of corporate governance was issued in
of private and public institutions (both formal and informal) March 2002 by the Security and Exchange Commission of
which govern the relationship between those who manage these Pakistan in order to improve transparency, better governance
corporations and those who invest resources in these and protect the interest of the investors by improving the
corporations. These institutions typically include a country's disclosure in financial reporting of the companies. The issuance
corporate laws, securities regulations, stock-market listing of Code of Corporate Governance is result of joint efforts of the
requirements, accepted business practices and prevailing Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, the Institute
business ethics” [Omran (2004)]. Prior research has found of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, Institute of Cost and
relationships between corporate governance practices and weak Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP) and three
financial reporting of the firm (earnings management), financial Stock Exchanges. Many new financial instruments and
fraud and manipulation (i.e. Ali shah et al., 2009; Beasley, 1996; amendments have been introduced by the SECP in the code of
Hashim and Devi 2008). Researchers should anticipate that corporate governance with revised code in 2012 in order to
better corporate governance practices lead to better financial enhance corporate governance policies and practices. The
reporting. Prior literature has focused on Earnings revised code has included many recommendations in line with
Management, financial restatements and found that the role of international good practices and policies. All listed companies
corporate governance players such as board members, internal are bound to follow given principles as per revised code of
and external auditors is important in reducing the material corporate governance and they are publishing and circulating a
misstatements in financial reporting (Ali shah et al., 2009). statement along with their annual reports about the status of
Corporate governance practices matter for the financial their compliance with the best practices of corporate
development by increasing the flow of capital to the capital governance. The Code primarily aims to establish a system
market. The OECD, UNO, World Bank, ADB, SAARC, EU & whereby a company is being directed and controlled by its
BASEL have established a set of corporate governance directors in compliance with the best practices to safeguard the
principles as core template for assessing a country's and interest of all diversified stakeholders. It proposes to restructure
corporation's corporate governance arrangements. In the light the composition of the board of directors in order to introduce
of principles of international organizations, all countries have broad based representation by minority shareholders and by

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executives and executive directors. In August 2002 SECP business groups have lower transparency and weaker corporate
launched a project on corporate governance in collaboration governance mechanism. Pyramid ownership structures made it
with UNDP and Economic Affairs Division of Government of possible to control some firms with a very small share of their
Pakistan mainly for the implementation of code of corporate total capital. The registration is secure and dematerialised
governance and strong regulatory frame work for the corporate through Central Depository Committee (CDC). Changes in
sector in Pakistan. Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistani system of corporate governance are likely to have
Pakistan developed a board development series (BDS) with the important consequences for the structure and conduct of
help of IFC. PICG conducted many workshops for the purpose business in this country. Several studies highlighted the
of understanding corporate governance and responsibilities of environmental and firm characteristics that play a significant
boards of directors. role in determining how firms use its discretion in the presence
1.2 Theory of high quality standards (e.g., Ball, Kothari, & Robin, 2000;
Ball, Robin, & Wu, 2003; Ball & Shivakumar, 2005;
Prior research has examined the relationship between different Burgstalher, Hail, & Leuz, 2006; Leuz, 2003). However, we
corporate governance factors and earnings management believe that there is a gap for research on the role played by
(Beasley, 1996; Dechow et al., 1996; Peasnell, et al. 2005). The firm's characteristics (e.g. corporate governance system) in the
vast majority of previous studies has concentrated on board and quality of financial reporting. The board of directors is being
audit committee as proxy for corporate governance mechanism. considered as crucial player for corporate governance,
For example, Klein (2002) found that firms with boards and/or particularly when it comes to monitoring of top management
audit committees composed of independent directors are less (Fama & Jensen, 1983). The debate on this topic of corporate
likely to have larger abnormal accruals. In the same manner, governance emphasizes the positive contribution that
Shen and Chih (2007) found that effective corporate governance independent board members provide in ensuring that top
mechanism tend to conduct less earnings management. management acts in the interest of all stakeholders (Fama, 1980;
Additionally, Abdul Rahman and Ali (2006) and Epps and Fama & Jensen, 1983). Prior research also emphasized on the
Ismail (2008) confirmed that board characteristics are important role of boards in constraining earnings management activities,
determinants of earnings management. Bedard et al. (2004) especially focusing on two aspects of board composition and
found significant negative relation between residuals of structure of: (1) the percentage of outside or independent
earnings management and independent audit committees. directors and (2) the percentage of outside or independent
However, they found no significant relation between earnings directors in audit committee. While prior empirical research
management and audit committee proxies by annual meetings. widely supports this hypothesis that earnings management is
Cheng and Warfield (2005) investigated whether the propensity negatively related to the proportion of outside directors on the
for earnings management is lower when management and board (Beasley, 1996; Dechow, Sloan, & Sweeney, 1996; Klein,
owners' interests are aligned through higher managerial 2002b). The effect of audit committee on earnings management
ownership. The results confirmed that earnings management is activities is more controversial in this area. Some scholars find
lower for firms with higher managerial ownership. Corporate evidence that the presence of an audit committee limits earnings
governance is very important for developing countries like management (Bèdard, Chtourou, & Courteau, 2004; Klein,
Pakistan as it is the best practice for financial and economic 2002b), while others do not find significant relationships
development of a country. Pakistan developed good corporate (Beasley, 1996; Peasnell, Pope, & Young, 2005). Relevance of
governance laws but due to poor implementation of these laws accounting numbers creates powerful incentives for managers
and political instability adversely affected corporate to manipulate earnings to their advantages (Rahman & Ali,
governance. The quality of disclosure has improved over last 2006). Healy and Wahlen (1999) stated two competing reasons
thirteen years due to increased monitoring role of the SECP and for managers to manipulate their income. The first is the capital
the requirement of basic code revised in 2012. The code of market pressure which states that the widespread use of
Pakistan is based upon the principles of corporate governance accounting information by investors and financial analysts for
issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and stock valuation creates incentives for executives to manage
Development (OECD) and other codes of corporate governance earnings in order to influence short-term stock performance.
developed at the regional and international levels. Therefore, The second reason is contracting motivation which stresses the
the revised Code of Corporate governance 2012 included rules use of accounting data to monitor and regulate contracts
dealing with the essential aspects of corporate governance, between firms and their stakeholders. Managers can manipulate
which were represented in the following six principles: General earnings in order to maximize their income or to signal their
Assembly Meetings, Equal Shareholder Rights, Management of private information, thus influencing the information of stocks
the company, Auditing principles, Disclosure and transparency, prices (Gul et al., 2003). Schipper (1989), Healy and Wahlen
and other stakeholders in the company (Al-Masri, 2009). In (1999) declared that earnings management is the alternation of
Pakistan the main owners are local family-controlled business performance by insiders to either mislead some stakeholders or
groups and the families behind them, the state, and the affiliates to influence contractual outcomes. In other words, managers
of multinational corporations. Ownership is very concentrated can work opportunistically for their advantage and
in the few hands of large families. These families control disadvantage for their companies.
ownership shares through pyramids and tunnelling. These

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1.3 Problem Statement external in nature [Klapper and Love (2002)]. Internal
Despite being described as being most researched area of mechanism deals with the composition of the board of directors,
finance, corporate governance there are questions which are yet such as percentage of independent outside directors, distinction
to be answered whether corporate governance and earning of CEO and chairman etc. another important mechanism is
management has any relationship. The aim of this paper is to ownership structure, or the degree at which the ownership by
find out the answer of this question whether corporate managers obvious trade-off between alignment & entrenchment
governance practices have an impact on firm's earnings effects. External mechanism on the other hand rely on takeover
management. This study is also designed to fill the knowledge market in addition to regulatory system, where as the takeover
gap by answering the research question whether components of market act as a treat to existing controllers is that it enable
corporate governance (board size, board composition, audit outsiders to seek control of the firm if bad corporate governance
committee composition, CEO tenure, CEO compensation, CEO results in significant gap between expected and actual value of
duality, Return on total assets, Leverage, Firm size, Liquidity the firm. So, it is investigated that the legal system is the only
and Assets Collateral Value) have an impact on the Earnings way to ensure good corporate governance. It is also examined
Management of the firm. The concept of earnings management that effective presence of these mechanisms positively
took attention of corporate governance forces and practitioners associated with firm value. The second dimension of this issue is
after renowned scandals in United States and other countries of to investigate the determinants of earnings management in
the world where management and auditors jointly managed Pakistan and its affect on firm performance. The reason is that
reporting of financial statements with manipulated high values when the legal structure does not offer sufficient protection for
of assets and earnings to increase market price of their stocks. the outside investors, entrepreneurs and original owners are
The impact of Corporate Governance practices and policies on forced to maintain position in their companies which results in
performance and earnings management received much concentrated form of ownership [La Porta, Shleifer, and Vishny
attention in financial management literature at the end of last (1999)]. The third dimension of this study is to test the
century and in the beginning current 21st century. Renowned relationship of firm's corporate governance practices and
worldwide companies and businesses collapsed and reported earnings management to know the significance of results.
many financial scandals across the world especially in United 1.5 Significance of the study
States. After having these incidents in developed countries, it Significance of this study is to revolutionaries and democratizes
has made imperative for other developing and developed the mindset of management towards a more openness as for as
countries to focus on best corporate governance practices (Shah the governance mechanism and ownership concentration issues
et al. 2009). In Pakistan most of the organizations are being are concerned. This study is diversified in nature where sample
owned and controlled by families, it creates agency problem study of overall textile sector with sub samples comprising of
that remains between management (controlling family), owners composite, weaving & spinning sectors have been used and will
& board of directors (Abdelkarim and Jibra, 2010). Earnings be beneficial for the researchers, corporate decision makers and
management is one of a technique used by accountants, by other bodies for future aspects of corporate governance and
delegation of the management with manipulated earnings to earnings management. A few prior studies have been conducted
maximize their own interest and benefits (Gulzar and Wang, in Pakistan for assessing corporate governance practices and its
2011). In developed countries, earnings management technique impact on performance (Abdelkarim & Alawneh, 2008;
is being used to augment firm's stock prices, as the market price Abdelkarim & Ijbara, 2010). However, no prior studies have
is normally a key basis for the flexible components of addressed the relationship between corporate governance and
managerial rewards and benefits, which may be stock options, Earnings Management within the Pakistani Personal Goods
bonuses and other incentives (Baker et al., 2003; Cohen et al., (Textile) sector as a whole
2008; Gao and Shrieves, 2002). In under developed countries,
these incentives and benefits may be irrelevant, as in developing 2. Methods
countries like Pakistan the listed companies have a highly
2.1. Sample & Data Collection
concentrated ownership structure and top line management is
controlling shareholders or directly represent the interest of The sample has been collected from Textile Sector (Spinning,
controlling shareholders (La Porta et al., 1999). Weaving & Composite) public limited companies listed on
Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) in Pakistan, 5 year's data from
1.4 Objectives
2009 to 2013 that must be available. The data instruments used
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of were annual reports of the years ending 2009 to 2013 and
Corporate Governance on Earnings Management of Personal publications available on the companies' websites in these
Goods (Textile) Sector as a whole (sample of 25 companies years. The unit has not qualified as sick unit / bank corrupt. The
from composite, weaving & spinning sectors for 5 years from sampling method used in this study is purposive sampling as it
2009 to 2013). The main focus of this study is to investigate, fulfills study objectives to find out the impact of the Corporate
whether corporate governance matters in Pakistani equity Governance on Earning Management of personal goods
market? What are its implications for corporate valuation, (Textile) sector of Pakistan. Regarding Corporate governance
corporate ownership and corporate financing? The first practices of Pakistani Listed companies, such an instrument is a
dimension of this issue is to measure corporate governance and more comprehensive measure since it incorporates all crucial
its impact on earnings management in Pakistan. Corporate elements of standard governance principles. Only publicly
governance is interpreted as mechanism both institutional and traded companies listed at the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)
market based, that induces the self-interested managers were analyzed, due to the absence of available governance
(controllers of the firm) to make decisions that maximise value information for non-listed companies. The population was
of the firm to its shareholders [OECD (1999)]. The purpose of comprised of 25 listed companies. The nature of this study is
these mechanisms is to reduce agency costs that arise due to quantitative in nature by using secondary data. In this study
principle agent problem; and that could be internal and/or panel data analysis will be used. Further we have applied
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housman test to select the appropriate model from random effect 2.2.2. Board Size
model and fixed effect model. The null hypothesis of Hausman It is an independent variable that influences the monitoring
test is that the coefficients estimated by the efficient random ability of the firm that is number of directors on the company's
effects estimator are the same as the ones estimated by the board. Prior research found negative relationship between
consistent fixed effects estimator. If P-value is insignificant then board size and earnings management (Karamanou and vafeas,
it is safe to use random effects. If we get a significant P-value, 2005). This debate still remains until this day whether large or
however, we should use fixed effects. small boards are more effective at restraining earnings
o H0: random effects would be consistent and efficient management. Empirical research has acknowledged that board
size may have direct influence on the level of discretionary
o H1: random effects would be inconsistent accruals. Some prior studies demonstrates, there is a positive
Since the p-value equals 0.9222 (greater then 0.05) we failed to relationship between board size and earnings management
reject the null hypothesis so we will use random effect model. (Chin et al., 2006; Dalton et al., 1999; Gulzar and Wang, 2011).
Peasnell et al. (2001) and Xie et al., (2003) found a negative
2.2. Description of the Variables association between board size and earnings management.
2.2.1. Earnings Management Some authors argue that a smaller board size provides better
financial reporting monitoring and controls, as some authors
It is dependent variable and in this study accounting accruals found that a board size of four to six members is more effective
(cash flow statement) approach will be used to measure as they can effectively communicate and make timely strategic
earnings management. Previous research has found decisions (Eisenberg et al., 1998; Yermack, 1996). On the other
relationships between corporate governance practices and weak hand, a larger board may be able to be more effective with
financial reporting standards of the firm, earnings management broader range of combined experiences. Xie et al. (2003) stated,
and financial frauds and manipulation (i.e. Ali shah et al., 2009; a larger board may be more effective to have independent
Beasley, 1996; Hashim and Devi 2008). One can anticipate that directors with corporate or financial experience, and it may be
better corporate governance practices lead to improved better for preventing earnings management. According to these
financial reporting, there is no agreement as to what comprises conflicting results, it is very difficult to find out a directional
financial reporting standards. Rather than define quality of expectation between board size and earnings management but it
financial reporting, prior research has focused on Earnings is clear that there is a significant relationship between both
Management, financial restatements, the role of various players variables.
that are a part of corporate governance, such as board size, board
2.2.3. Board Composition
members, internal and external auditors, in reducing the
material misstatements in financial reporting (Ali shah et al., The percentage of outside / independent director's
2009). According to Shleifer and Vishny (1997), the separation representation on the board of directors has been the subject of
of ownership and control is the basis of the agency problem. The debate in the literature for benefit of shareholders. According to
agency problem can be reduced by through effective corporate Xie, Davidson, and DaDalt (2003), the empirical evidence on
governance practices and measures in organizations. Therefore, the effectiveness of outside directors in monitoring depends on
the fundamental role of corporate governance is to explore the the setting in which it is examined. Previous research provides
relationship among three key players of the firm: shareholders, evidence to support this concept as the greater percentage of
management, and board of directors (Wheelen and Hunger, independent or outside directors in the Board the lesser likely
2009). Nevertheless, it should also be taken into consideration the firm management will engage in earnings management
that the quality of information produced by the effective (Klein 2002; Lee et al., 1992; Peasnell et al., 2000). Existing
financial reporting system is fundamental for a corporate literature has proved that Beasley (1996) finds a negative
governance system. (Melis, 2004). Levitt (1999, p. 2) stated that relationship between the percentage of non-executive members
the link between a company's directors and its financial on the board and the percentage of financial / accounting frauds
reporting system had never been more difficult. among USA companies. In developing countries, the selection
procedure of top management and board members is based on
Generally, there are two types of earnings management in the networking and personal ties (Johannisson and Huse, 2000).
literature; the accrual-based earnings management method and Such a selection process is prevalent in Pakistan. As a
the real earnings management method (Aharony et al., 2000; consequence, independent board members might have implicit
Jones, 1991; Kothari et al., 2005). The basic tool for relations with the controlling-family; therefore these board
measurement or proxy of Earnings management is discretionary members may not be effectively independent (Bar-Yosef and
accruals. Throughout the literature, the most popular six models Prencipewrite , 2009). The Board's responsibility is to direct and
used to measure discretionary accruals are the DeAngelo (1986) monitor the management to protect shareholders' interests;
Model, Healy (1985) Model, the Jones (1991) Model, the therefore, it can be expected that with the higher percentage of
Modified Jones Model (Dechow et al., 1995), the Industry Board Independence the lower the possibility of engagement of
Model (Dechow et al., 1995), and the Cross-Sectional Jones the company in Earnings Management. Hence, based on agency
Model (DeFond and Jiambalvo 1994). Dechow et al. (1995). theory, it can be hypothesized that there is a significant negative
These models evaluated the relative performance in detecting relationship between board composition and earnings
earnings management by comparing the specification and management.
power of commonly used tests across discretionary accruals
2.2.4 Audit Committee Composition
generated by the models. Dechow et al. (1995) say that the
Modified-Jones Model has outperformed other discretionary It is an independent variable and can be measured by dividing
accrual models in calculating the earnings management. the non-executive directors in the audit committee with the total
Therefore, the Modified Cross-Sectional Jones Model will be number of audit committee members at the reporting date.
employed to measure Earnings Management in this study. Managena and Tauringana, (2007) stated, in their study based

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on Zimbabwe Stock Exchange found negative relationship literature indicated negative relation between firm size and
between independent audit committee and earnings earnings management (Klein 2002; Xie et al., 2003; Abdul
management. Rahman and Ali, 2006). These findings support the idea that
2.2.5 CEO Tenure smaller companies are subject to less control of authority and
managers are more effectively engage in earnings management
Tenure of CEO may determine his or her effectiveness in activities. On the other hand, Moses (1987) argued that earnings
managing the firm. Some prior studies suggest that top officials management activities increase as the size of company increase.
with less experience have limited chances because it takes time
to gain an adequate understanding of the company (Alderfer, 2.2.10 Liquidity
1986). These studies suggest that the longer the tenure of the It is also a control variable in this study and will be calculated by
firm's CEO, the more understanding of the firm and its industry, dividing the current assets by current liabilities. There will be
and the better the performance of the firm. If more experienced lesser chances of earnings management if firm has higher
CEO enhances firm's performance that might also be associated liquidity ratio.
with lower use of discretionary accruals. Dechow and Sloan 2.2.11 Leverage
(1991) investigated the possibility that CEOs in their final years
of service become more prone to manage reported short-term This variable will be used as control variable to minimize the
earnings. biasness of independent variables and can be calculated by
dividing the long term debt over shareholders equity plus long
2.2.6 CEO Compensation term debt. Highly leveraged / geared firms may not be able to
It is also one of the independent variable in this study to check practice earnings management aggressively due to close
the relationship of corporate governance practices and earnings scrutiny of lenders. Bartov et al. (2000) concluded that levered
management. It has been calculated by taking log of total value companies have more incentive to engage in earnings
of CEO compensation at the end of one period. Prior studies management. DeAngelo et al. (1994) and DeFond and
states that it has either positive or negative relationship between Jiambalvo (1994) stated that empirical evidence of abnormal
CEO compensation and financial reporting mechanism. Hence accruals when firms face restrictive covenants from the lending
this study also showing negative relationship of both variables. institutions. Debt covenant violation predicts a positive
2.2.7 CEO Duality association between abnormal accruals and financial leverage.
In the same way, Park and Shin (2003) stated that financial
Another independent variable is CEO Duality. Gulzar and Wang leverage is negative and significant related to earnings
(2011, p. 136) found that, “in CEO duality, the CEO of the firm management
wears two hats one as chairman of the board of directors and
other as CEO of the company.” Therefore, non-duality means 2.3 Corporate Governance Measures
that there are different individuals holding the position of the Corporate governance variables that will be used in the panel
chairman of the board and the CEO of the same firm. Hashim data model were adjusted and selected for measurement of
and Devi (2008) argue that the separation between the CEO of corporate governance effects throughout previous literature
the firm and the Chairman of the board will most likely provide
an effective check and balance on the management's Table-1 Variables Description & Measurement
performance. It is normally assumed that the monitoring ability S. # Variable Abbreviation Measurement
of the board is less effective if the CEO in a firm is also a
1 Board Size B_Size Measured as total number
chairman of the board in the same firm (Gulzar and Wang, of directors in the board
2011). Recent empirical research gives mixed results on the
impact of CEO duality on the quality of financial reporting. 2 Board Composition B_Ind Measured by % of
independent directors to
Prior study done by Abdul Rahman and Haniffa (2005) reveals total directors
significant evidence that companies with CEO duality did not
3 Audit Committee Audit_Ind Measured by % of
perform as well as their competitors. However, most of the Composition independent directors
authors fail to find empirical support on the relationship to total directors in audit
between CEO duality and earning management (Abdul Rahman committee
and Ali 2006; Davidson et al., 2005; Kao and Chen, 2004; Meca 4 CEO Tenure C_Tenure Number of times it changes
and Ballesta 2009; Xie, 2003). Some researchers support during the study period
this hypothesis that there is a significant positive relationship 5 CEO Compensation C_Comp Logarithm of CEO
between CEO duality and Earnings management (Gulzar and monthly salary measured in
Wang, 2011; Klein, 2003). millions of rupees.
2.2.8 Return on Equity 6 CEO Duality C_Dual Dummy Variable: 1 for
duality, otherwise 0
It is also an independent variable and can be measured by
dividing the profit after tax over the owner's equity. This study 7 Return on Equity ROE Percentage of net profit
before tax to Equity
states that return on equity has positive relationship with
earnings management but prior studies have proved both 8 Firm Size F_Size Logarithm of book value of
assets measured in millions
positive and negative relationships between ROE and EM. of rupees.
2.2.9. Firm size 9 Liquidity Liquidity Current assets/Current
It will be used as a controlled variable and refers to the total Liabilities
market capitalization of the firm's equity and has been measured 10 Leverage LEV Total Debt/Equity + Total
by taking log of total assets of each closing period. Market Price Debt
data will be provided by the Karachi Stock Exchange. Previous Note: Logs have been taken to convert a value into small value.

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 23


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(e.g. Gulzar, and Wang, 2011; Klapper and Love, 2002; Lo, 8 Observed NDAt a + B1(5) + B2(7) + E
Wong, and Firth, 2010).
9 DAt (Discretionary Accruals) │ DA t │ = TA t − NDA t
2.4 Earnings Management Measures
Note: All of the variables have been scaled by lagged total
In this study Cash Flow Statement Approach has been used for assets.
measurement of total accruals. Prior studies revealed that in
comparison of both approaches, researchers prefer cash flow 3. Analysis & Results
statement approach (Ali et. Al, 2009). Total accruals for each Following tests and models have been used to analyze above
firm are calculated by using the following equation
statements and hypothesis:-
TAt = N.It - CFOt
Descriptive statistics test between each of the corporate
Where: governance determinants and absolute Discretionary Accruals
TAt is total accruals in year t has been conducted prior to Panel Data Analysis to test the
N.It is Net Income or Earnings before extraordinary items in year t relationship between model variables. As reported in table 2, the
CFOt is cash flows from operating activities in year t absolute value of discretionary accruals of the listed companies
After determining the total accruals for each company in each on KSE has a mean value of 0.00 with a maximum value of
year t (TAt), Earnings Management was measured by the 0.361 and minimum value of -0.011 with standard deviation of
discretionary accrual technique, which is a measurement of 10.70% from the average. Audit committee independence mean
earnings management through non-cash operating transactions. value is 80.268 with minimum of 0.000 and maximum of 100.00
There are many ways to calculate discretionary accruals but this whereas board independence maximum and minimum values
employs the Cross-sectional Modified version of Jones (1991), are 75.00 and 22.222 respectively. In the same way board size
which is consistent with Klein (2002), Xie et al. (2003) and standard deviation is 65.4% with maximum of 9.00 and
Dechow et al. (1995). The Modified-Jones Model is being minimum of 6.00. The same parameters are shown by the above
considered to be on priority of other discretionary accrual table against other variables like liquidity, CEO Compensation
models in detecting EM (Dechow et al., 1995; Guay et al., 1996) & Tenure, CEO duality, firm size, ROE and leverage.
and it is frequently used in the accounting literature (DeFond Panel data cross-sectional random effect model has been used to
and Subramanyam, 1998; Guidry et al., 1999). According to this determine the relationship of corporate governance practices
model, discretionary accruals can be measured by subtracting and earnings management to measure the explanatory power of
nondiscretionary accruals from total accruals. corporate governance variables (independent variables) with
Since the error terms of this regression exhibit discretionary current accruals (dependent variable). According
heteroskedasticity, we follow Teoh, Welch, and Wong (1998) to findings, R²= 0.2092, it reveals that about 20.92% of the
and Jones (1991) and deflate each variable in the model by the variance in absolute Discretionary Accruals (DA), a measure of
book value of total assets from the prior year. earnings management, has been significantly explained by the
independent and control variables in the model. The R² is
Non discretionary accruals are calculated as follows:
moderate indicating there may be other corporate governance
1 Actual NDA= TAt / Assetsi (t-1) variables that are important in effecting earnings management
2 Change in sale (e.g. 2010-2009) that have not been considered in this study. It indicates the
3 Change in Accounts Receivable (e.g. 2010-2009) presence of a significant overall relationship between corporate
4 Difference of (4-3) (Change in A/R Change governance and Earnings Management. Unexpectedly, the
in Sale) overall direction of the relationship between corporate
5 Result 4 / Assets(t-1) governance and earnings management was found mixed results
due to less sample size and observations of only one sector. The
6 Change in Property, plant &
R² may improve by taking more samples from different sectors
Equipment (e.g. 2010-2009)
for comparative study.
7 Result 6/ Assets(t-1)
Table-2 Descriptive Statistics
Variables Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Jarque-Bera Probability
Audit_Ind 80.268 100.000 100.000 0.000 23.606 60.109 0.000
B_Ind 55.916 57.143 75.000 22.222 15.763 7.346 0.025
B_Size 7.536 7.000 9.000 6.000 0.654 9.456 0.009
Liquidity 115.030 106.020 402.160 32.160 50.514 489.663 0.000
C_Comp 6.430 6.509 7.399 5.132 0.469 8.469 0.014
C_Tenure 0.160 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.368 82.484 0.000
C_Dual 0.920 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.272 499.530 0.000
EM 0.000 -0.011 0.361 -0.281 0.107 14.445 0.001
F_Size 9.430 9.261 10.907 7.687 0.617 0.796 0.672
LEV 2.821 0.446 454.809 -68.328 41.521 66695.530 0.000
ROE 0.062 0.064 0.705 -0.241 0.093 1738.391 0.000

24 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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According to table 3, there is a negative significant Table-3 Panel Data Model Results
relationship with earnings management. The results
indicate that with the larger board size the better Dependent Variable: EM
they restrain earnings management. This result is Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section random effects)
consistent with Xie et al. (2003). There is significant Sample: 2009- 2013
negative relationship between board independence Periods included: 5
and discretionary accruals. The resulted Cross-sections included: 25
relationship is consistent with prior studies, which Total panel (balanced) observations: 125
supported the hypothesis that board composition Swamy and Arora estimator of component variances
and discretionary accruals have either a negative or Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
no significant relationship. The results are in
contrast with the results declared by Klein (2002), C_EM 0.147797 0.226379 0.652873 0.5152
Peasnell et al. (2000) and Xie et al. (2003) where BS -0.014698 0.015308 -0.960130 0.3391
independent directors are negatively related to B_Ind -0.001654 0.000663 -2.495814 0.0141
discretionary accruals. The audit committee
Audit_Ind 0.000433 0.000430 1.005237 0.3170
composition has shown positive relationship with
the earnings management by rejecting the C_Tenure 1.69E-05 0.032111 0.000527 0.9996
hypothesis of negative relationship between C_Comp -0.025417 0.027764 -0.915465 0.3620
independence of audit committee and discretionary C_Dual -0.036277 0.039254 -0.924179 0.3574
accruals (earnings management). CEO tenure was
ROE 0.144673 0.134562 1.075146 0.2847
found to have a significant positive relationship
with discretionary accruals as proved in prior F_Size 0.024183 0.021317 1.134465 0.2591
literature. Results proved that longer the tenure of Liquidity -0.000164 0.000287 -0.571253 0.5690
CEO increase the chances of managing LEV -7.36E-05 0.000239 -0.308454 0.7583
discretionary accruals (earnings management).
CEO compensation has shown significantly Effects Specification
negative relationship with earnings management. S.D. Rho
Results of this study are supporting the hypothesis Cross-section random 0.000000 0.0000
as CEO compensation and benefits reduces the
chances of manipulating accounting statements Period fixed (dummy variables)
(discretionary accruals). CEO duality has shown Idiosyncratic random 0.105432 1.0000
insignificant negative relationship with Weighted Statistics
discretionary accruals (earnings management). We
can find out that separation of the CEO from R-squared 0.209170 Mean dependent var -1.11E-18
chairman position of the board is not effective in Adjusted R-squared 0.100340 S.D. dependent var 0.106635
restraining earnings management. Therefore, it is S.E. of regression 0.101144 Sum squared resid 1.115078
possible explanation for the negative relationship
may be due to cultural factors that have not been F-statistic 1.921993 Durbin-Watson stat 2.129399
considered in this study, which opens a new area of Prob(F-statistic) 0.028282
future research. Return of equity is also showing Unweighted Statistics
positive relationship with earnings management in
our results. Management of the firm may increase R-squared 0.209170 Mean dependent var -1.11E-18
the management of discretionary accruals to Sum squared resid 1.115078 Durbin-Watson stat 2.129399
increase return on equity to get short term incentives
for personal benefits. Prior studies also found 4 Conclusions & Recommendations
negative relationship between ROE and EM but most of the
studies proved that ROE has positive relationship with The objective of this study was to examine the relationship
discretionary accruals. between corporate governance practices and earnings
management activities for companies listed on the Karachi
Out of the three control variables, Leverage and Liquidity Stock Exchange (KSE) for the period 2009-2013. In particular,
variables have negative impact over earnings management. This this study examines the impact of the independent variables,
finding is inconsistent with Healy and Palepu (1990) and Board Independence, Board Size, Audit Committee
Sweeney (1994) who found that leverage is included as control composition, CEO Tenure, CEO Compensation, CEO duality
variable as it is more likely of violating debt agreements to have and Return of Equity, on Earnings Management, the dependent
an incentive to engage in earnings management to increase variable. The purpose of this study is to contribute to literature
earnings. The study conducted by Hashim and Devi (2008) the associations that exist between corporate governance
found leverage to be negatively significant relationship when characteristics and earnings management, within the Pakistani
unmanaged earnings are higher than or equal to zero. Firm's size context. For measuring such a relationship Earnings
has shown a significant positive relationship with earnings Management, has been quantified by discretionary accruals,
management. This indicates that the larger the Pakistani firms, using Modified Cross Sectional Jones Model. Control variables,
the more likely they are involved in earnings management than including Firm Size, Liquidity and Leverage were used in the
smaller firms. Another possible explanation is that large firms model in order to decrease the biasness of the independent
have lesser chances to engage in earnings management due to variables. Panel data cross sectional random effect model
more controls in scrutiny from financial analysts and investors indicates the presence of a significant overall relationship
(Zhou and Elder, 2003).
ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 25

Estd. 1951

between corporate governance and earnings management. This Dechow, P. M., Sloan, R. G. and Sweeney, A. P. (1995). “Detecting Earnings
Management”, The Accounting Review, Vol. 70 No. 2, pp. 193-225.
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Defond, M. L. and Park, C.W. 1997. “Smoothing Income in Anticipation of Future
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Firm Value in Small Firms”, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 48, pp. 35- 54.
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García-Meca, E. and Sánchez-Ballesta, J.P. 2009. Corporate governance and Earnings
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reduces the level of management's manipulation of transfer Vol. 17 No. 5, pp. 594-610.
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through related-party transactions. Furthermore, another Finance and Economics, Vol. 66, pp. 77-84.
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accruals because current accruals are easier for managers to Discretionary Accruals Models”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 20, pp.
manipulate. Moreover, independent variables that were not 441-464.

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Management: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms”, International
such as the percentage of shares held by the board of directors or Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, Vol. 1 No.1, pp. 133-151.
institutional investors can be included in future research. Guidry, F., Leone, A. and Rock, S. 1999. “ Earnings-Based Bonus Plans and Earnings
Furthermore, the nature of the sample used in this study was Management by Business Unit Managers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics,
Vol. 26, pp. 113-142.
limited to non-financial listed companies at KSE; therefore,
Hashim, H. A. and Devi S. S. 2008. “Board Independence, CEO Duality and Accrual
other samples can be investigated; such as financial listed Management: Malaysian Evidence”, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting,
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26 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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IT Governance Leads to
Corporate Governance
By Arshad Masood, FCMA

Introduction between IT and enterprise objective is a critical success factor.

IT governance helps achieve this critical success factor by
T he concept of corporate governance was intended as a way of
efficiently and effectively deploying secure, reliable
realigning management objective with increased shareholders
information and applied technology.
value. The idea that emerged at the beginning of the 1990s has
now become a financial reporting topic. The basic principle of In many countries, the IT Manager is now a de facto part of the
Corporate Governance states “Companies' management must main board. Therefore, the board of directors elected by the
seek a balance between the interest of the investors and other shareholders and entrusted the responsibility for corporate
stakeholders”. governance and managing affairs of the business and should
ensure to achieve the company's objective given in its business
IT governance is now made to increase value of all the
Companies have realized the value represented by the
such as employees, customers, suppliers, and government etc
information they hold on customers, markets, processes or
but originally it was devised to increase the value for the
technologies. Information services are growing fast and
shareholders. It is therefore the strategic alignment of
information economy and technological expertise have become
Information and Communication Technologies [ICT] with
a prime means of leveraging value. It is worth noting that if the
corporate objectives.
company decides to open up its information system to its
IT governance is an inclusive term which encompasses customers, typically by offering them online services via the
information systems, technology and communication; Internet, the user help function must be extended to the
business, legal and other issues; and all concerned stakeholders, customers because they then also become users of the corporate
directors, senior management, process owners, IT suppliers, information system.
users and auditors. Governance helps ensure the alignment of
An IT control objective is defined as a statement of the desired
IT and enterprise objectives.
result or purpose to be achieved by implementing control
With this concept, top-level management, finance and procedures in a particular IT activity. General IT controls are
information services departments can work together. Applying controls that apply to all functions within an organization.
the IT governance concept entails: Control procedures include policies and practices established
o Moving information technology to the centre of the by management to provide reasonable assurance that specific
corporate strategy objective will be achieved.
o Managing expenditure like investment Corporate governance requires enterprise
o Recentralizing certain IT activities governance
o Promoting new information technologies in the company Most sources agree that strengthening corporate governance
and with customers dictates improved accountability and transparency. Board
o Improving information management practices independence means directors will need better information and
o Implementing a genuine information system architecture methods to adequately assess and oversea the activities of their
function firms or companies. A coordinated framework of enterprises
o Giving information services business status and governance can help boards and executive management teams
considering the user as a customer streamline and focus their organization's strategy as well as its
internal system of controls.
o Strengthening the cross-disciplinary management
approach for each project The expanding role of technology has caused IT governance to
become a critical component of enterprise governance.
o Making every possible effort to capitalize on know-how Information technology and IT departments today provide the
o Developing the managerial skills of information tools to:
technicians to a level commensurate with their technical o Enable many strategic initiatives that generate competitive
know how edge
Background o Provide analytical and executive decision support
Information technology, long considered only an enabler of an information (including governance measures)
organization's strategy, is now regarded as integral part of that o Track the organization's performance in nonfinantial as
strategy. CEOs, CFOs, and CIOs agree that strategic alignment well as financial system

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 27


Estd. 1951

Route Map of IT to Corporate Via Enterprise Governance Visualizing the importance of Corporate Governance as
experiencing in the West, America and other parts of the world,
Top 5 the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan resolved in
IT Issues 1998 to evolve and recommend a “Code of Good Corporate

Governance” for the corporate sector of the country and formed

a committed consisting of its Past Presidents and the Presidents
of Karachi Stock Exchange and Institute of Cost and
Management Accountants of Pakistan.
Pakistan having a substantial capital market but did not have any
code of corporate governance till March 2002 when owing to
efforts of the above institutions came into being and Securities
o Monitor internal control systems and Exchange Commission of Pakistan announced the Code of
Corporate Governance to foster the public sector for
o Capture and store the organization's intellectual capital accountability and responsibility.
o Oversee corporate information policies such as security, In year 2002, President of Pakistan also promulgated
privacy, continuity and disaster recovery “Electronic Transaction Ordinance 2002” to treat all
To assess levels of enterprise governance, the organization can communications in electronic form as accepted in all official
be broken down in the following areas: and business recording and exempted it from the Notarization
o Strategic planning and Stamp Duty for two years.
o Financial management Relevant Laws/Rules and other Statutes,
o Operations which may be Studied
o Control framework
IT governance as one of the domains of the enterprise
1. Copy Rights and Intellectual Property Laws
governance comprises the body of issues addressed in 2. Electronic Transact
considering how IT is applied within the enterprise. IT is now 3. IT Rules by Provincial/Federal
intrinsic and pervasive within enterprises, rather than being a Govts / World Organization
separate function marginalized from the rest of the enterprises.
How IT is applied within the enterprise will have an immense
effect on whether the enterprise will attain its mission, vision, or
strategic goals.
IT governance as part of enterprise governance should be driven
by business goals and objectives.
IT is one of the most significant functions within an
organization. Companies that have been successful with their
IT often share a common theme the business side is involved
and committed to what IT does. If IT is to deliver the services
that a business needs now and in the future, it has to be managed
by the business as a whole. This is what IT governance is about. Corporate governance guidelines and codes of best practice
Board of directors responsible for running an organization, are arise in the context of and are affected by, differing national
able to exercise effectively responsibility over the use of formworks of law, regulation and stock exchange list rules, and
information technology just like any other part of the business differing societal values. Al though boards of directors provide
so that risk on management and the interests of all stakeholders an important internal mechanism for holding management
are covered. accountable, effective corporate governance is supported by
and dependent on the market for corporate control, securities
History and Significance of the Subject in regulation, company law, accounting and auditing standards,
Pakistan bankruptcy laws, judicial enforcement, copy rights and
A great deal of debate of corporate governance being seen intellectual property laws, electronic transaction laws and IT
nowadays started in UK and USA many years ago. Since 1978, governance guidelines
the New York Stock Exchange has required all listed companies The President of the World Bank, Jim Wolfensohn has point out
to have audit committees composed solely of independent “the proper governance of companies will become as crucial
directors. The “Sarbanes-Oxley Act” enacted in USA last year, to the world economy as the proper governance of the
affecting Corporate Governance and Disclosure, includes far countries”
reaching changes in federal securities regulations that could Information Technology enablers which facilitate good
represent the most significant overhaul since the enactment of enterprise governance and corporate governance provides the
the Securities Exchange Act 1934. It is in response to a series of structure through which the objective of an organization are set,
corporate collapses, disasters and scandals, from Enron Corp to and the means of attaining those objectives, and determines
WorldCom Inc etc. monitoring performance guidelines. Good corporate
Good governance ensures stakeholders' interest in the governance should provide proper incentives for board and
company's business. It promotes corporate culture and suggests management to pursue objectives that are in the interests of the
such corporate structure, which can preempt in prevention of company and stakeholders and should facilitate effective
malpractice and fraud. Good corporate governance leads to monitoring, thereby encouraging forms to use resources more
business prosperity and accountability. efficiently.

28 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


Estd. 1951

Revisiting the Corporate

Governance Regulations

R egulation is a key instrument

through which the governments
achieve social and economic
policy objectives. In this context, the
regulators have a significant and
professional accounting bodies. The draft
rules seemed ambiguous and unclear at
many places that could lead to
misinterpretation and misunderstanding
of rules. Proper references of the
increasingly complex role to transform Companies Act, 2017 were also not
the socio-economic goals of policymakers provided which is the main source of
and to deliver regulatory regimes in an corporate law. It contained undesirable
efficient manner. It is the prime provisions against the interests of
responsibility of regulators to align stakeholders, including the minority
balance for safeguarding interests of all shareholders. Specifically, Section 24 of
stakeholders and protect private and said regulation is quite adverse through
public investment. A Financial regulator which foreign qualified accountants have
supervises and controls a financial system been allowed to become the head of
and guarantees fair and efficient markets internal audit of listed companies in
and financial stability. Pakistan. Such kind of provision
tantamount to encroaching upon the Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, FCMA
The Securities and Exchange President, ICMA Pakistan
jurisdiction of the recognized professional
Commission of Pakistan (SECP) notified
bodies and limiting employment
on 31st August 2017 for public comments
opportunities for Pakistani qualified ICMA Pakistan, in line with
a draft Listed Companies (Code of
Corporate Governance) 2017, under the
newly promulgated Companies Act, 2017. ICMA Pakistan, in line with its policy its policy advisory role to the
Through these regulations, the regulator advisory role to the government, government, organized three
has attempted to align the code with organized three stakeholders' conferences
emerging challenges; however, the at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad which stakeholders' conferences at
proposed draft is compromising the were largely participated by professionals
principles of Code of Corporate including CAs, CMAs etc; financial Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad
Governance, 2012 and maintains the experts; audit practitioners, lawyers; which were largely participated
status quo in the areas of corporate consultants, industry and business
governance. representatives. There was a general by professionals including CAs,
consensus at these conferences that draft
It may be noted that draft CCG regulations
CCG Regulation did not adequately CMAs etc; financial experts;
were to become effective within 14 days
safeguard their interests and is full of audit practitioners, lawyers;
of date of notification, however on the
ambiguities that need to be removed for
demand of ICMA Pakistan, the SECP
extended the deadline upto 30th
better understanding and interpretation. consultants, industry and
ICMA Pakistan submitted its comments
September 2017. The Institute's stance
and recommendations on the said draft business representatives. There
was quite justified as sufficient time was
regulations to the SECP and hoping that was a general consensus at
not provided by the SECP to elicit the
the same would be duly considered for
views of all stakeholders, especially the
incorporation in the final version of these conferences that draft
CCG Regulation did not
The draft regulations also invade the
jurisdictions of recognized bodies of adequately safeguard their
professional accountants in Pakistan. By
incorporating Section 24(2) allowing
interests and is full of ambiguities
members of global accounting bodies to that need to be removed for
become eligible for the position of Head
of Internal Audit of Listed companies, the better understanding and
regulator has provided a gateway to
foreign qualifications to enter the interpretation
ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 29

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Pakistani market at the cost of local professionals. The regulator

seems to be swayed by some external influence to incorporate
this undesirable provision in the draft law which tends to
negatively impact the accounting profession. It is recommended
that Section 24(2) should be completely excluded from the final
version; otherwise it would cast a bad image on integrity and
independence of the regulator.
Let's analyse some of the major provisions of draft regulations
which require revisit by the regulator in terms of its relevancy,
rephrasing, referencing and applicability.
Chapter II of draft CCG Regulations deals with composition of
the Board. The proviso related to listed subsidiaries must be
deleted. If a Director is on the Board of a listed company, he has
to attend at least two meetings in general on a quarterly basis i.e.
Audit Committee and the Board and three meetings per quarter
in particular, if he is a member of HR Committee as well. This
comes to 15 meetings per quarter (5 Committees x 3) for a
director. If we exclude listed subsidiaries from this counting
then this figure will be at higher side and one may not be able to
concentrate on agenda and working papers of meetings as
required by the Code under directors’ role and responsibilities.
The listed subsidiary may be considered a full listed company
In line with CG Code 2012, the Section 20 of Listed Companies
requiring the same attention on Corporate Governance matters
CCG Regulations, 2017 also mentions about mandatory
as required for a listed holding company.
requirement for all directors of listed companies to have
The inclusion of two Independent directors on the board is a certification by June 30, 2020 under any director training
welcome step, however, this need to be referenced with Section program offered by any local or foreign institution. ICMA
166 of Companies Act, 2017 which outlines the selection Pakistan strongly recommends that the SECP should allow only
criteria and maintenance of data bank of independent directors. recognized professional accounting bodies in Pakistan to
Until such time the databank is notified by SECP, listed provide DTP and discourage mushroom growth of other
companies may be allowed to appoint those professionals as institutions otherwise it would affect the quality of training. It

The position of CFO is of specialized nature, only those persons

having professional qualification like CAs and CMAs from any
recognized body of professional accountants in Pakistan should be
allowed to become CFO of any listed company. Foreign qualified
accountants may be considered if they have completed their
qualification through Pakistan Tax and corporate laws
independent directors who are 'Certified Directors' under any is further proposed that persons holding professional
SECP-approved directors training program. The procedure to qualification from recognized professional accounting bodies
fill up casual vacancy of independent directors needs to be may be exempt from mandatory Directors training program.
provided. Through Section 23 of draft regulations, in addition to qualified
The mandatory provision for having one female director on professional accountants, post-graduate degree holders with
boards of listed companies is also an appreciable initiative to five years experience have been allowed to become the CFO of
synchronize with global practice of gender diversity on boards. listed companies. This is against the norms of justice and
Female representation can bring a different perspective, equality as a post graduate cannot be equivalent to a member of
intuitiveness and a more collaborative style of leadership into professional accounting body in terms of required qualification
corporate boardrooms. However, there is an element of concern and skills to perform the role of a CFO. This is the exclusive
that companies will comply by appointing female relatives of domain of professional accountants. It is therefore suggested
incumbent board members. In India and UAE, there is a that since the position of CFO is of specialized nature, only
compulsory requirement for one female director on board those persons having professional qualification like CAs and
whereas in EU countries the threshold is even higher i.e. 40% in CMAs from any recognized body of professional accountants in
Norway, Spain, Denmark and France and 30% in Germany, Pakistan should be allowed to become CFO of any listed
Malaysia and Italy. It is suggested that qualification criteria and company. Foreign qualified accountants may be considered if
appointment procedure for female directors should be defined they have completed their qualification through Pakistan Tax
in draft regulations. and corporate laws. In case of any code of conduct issue, they
30 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017

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should be subject to Pakistani legal framework for disciplinary audit need to be reviewed in a more transparent manner and
action as per applicable code of conduct. equal opportunity may be provided to professionals from other
recognized professional accounting bodies who study audit and
Another flaw in draft legislation is that under Section 24 the
assurance. The management accountants are performing
experience requirement for an Internal Auditor has been
remarkable role in financial management affairs and internal
proposed to be three years, whereas for CFO the required
audit and they have turned around many organizations, both in
experience is five years. Logically, the internal auditor must be
private and public sector. If they are trusted for statutory audit
'smarter' than the CEO and CFO as he is responsible to examine
rights along with cost audit, they can perform much better.
their performances as well as identify fraudulent transactions
and non-compliances of reporting procedures within the In the perspective of external audit provision, it is to be pointed
organization. As such, the experience requirement for Head of out that the existing Audit Oversight Board lacks independence
Internal Audit should be increased to at least 5 years. and under influence of one profession. An Independent
Financial reporting Council (FRC) may be established in its
The draft rules, in Chapter VIII, do not define the required
place as per global practice having representation from all
qualification for a 'Company Secretary' whereas the required
recognized bodies of professional accountants, academia, law,
qualifications of CFO and Head of Internal Audit have been
industry and other stakeholders.
duly mentioned. This omission need to be addressed otherwise
it would lead to confusion in appointment of company secretary Section # 33 under Chapter XII on ‘External Audit’ is missing.
in listed companies. It is proposed that a Company Secretary This need to be clarified by the Commission if this is a
should be a person holding the qualification from any typographical error or else omission of a complete Section
recognized body of professional accountants or the Institute of which inadvertently is not part of circulated draft.
Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan (ICSP) with minimum 3 years
Section 34 refers to the rotation of external auditors after every
experience as a Company Secretary of any other company. The
five years in all listed companies in the financial sector. In
Company Secretary should also be made responsible for
proviso to this section it is stated that all inter related companies/
Corporate Compliance of the listed company.
institutions, engaged in business of providing financial services
It is further proposed that in addition to Audit Committee; shall appoint the same firm of auditors to conduct the audit of
Human and Remuneration Committee and Nomination their account. As per Internal Control principles, rotation of five
Committee, a Risk Management Committee and “ Procurement years is on a higher side and it must be lowered to three years to
Committee may also be formed by the Board in view of its provide opportunity to other firm to review/ audit financial
significance for the listed companies. Accordingly, a new statements from different aspect. Further, change of partner
Section on Procurement Committee may be added in Chapter X does not fall rotation of auditors at international level even. This
of the said Regulations. will create a conflict of interest of audit firm.
One important provision is External Audit under Section 32
which says that every listed company shall appoint only those
audit firms which have satisfactory QCR rating from ICAP and
registered with Audit Oversight Board (AOB) of Pakistan. This
provision need to be overhauled as CMAs qualified from ICMA
Pakistan has been altogether ignored despite being entitled
under Section 247 of the Companies Act, 2017 to conduct audit
of accounts of companies having paid up capital of less than
Rupees three million. This provision is not based on principles
of equality and justice as well as ensuring a level playing field
and competition.
It is the duty of regulator to take along all the stakeholders and
safeguard everyone's interests instead of espousing the interest
of only one profession. The conventional rights of statutory

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Global Corporate
Governance Landscape
I n recent year, corporate governance
has emerged out to be an important
regime in the backdrop of intense
debate among investors, corporate leaders
and other stakeholders to find the best
rules and regulations or pay the penalties.
In the principle-based approach or system,
the companies adhere to the 'spirit' of the
rule or explain in annual reports as to why
they are not complying with the
system through which companies could requirements of the code. This will leave
be directed and controlled in larger shareholders to draw their conclusion
interests of shareholders and other about the governance of the company. The
stakeholders. Corporate Governance, in Principal-based system has been adopted
fact, is based on separation of ownership by FRC of United Kingdom.
and control. The shareholders are the The Rule-based approach is followed in
owner or principal who employ agent USA where the US companies must have
directors, having fiduciary responsibility, to comply with Sarbanes Oxley Act.
to work in the best interest of principal. Considering the changing dynamic of
The corporate governance failures in USA business activities today, right balance
were a pointer towards the fact that the between "Comply or Explain" or
Muhammad Abbas, ACMA internal checks and balances being used Regulations may emerge over time. Some
by these companies at that time were not shifts have already occurred. For
sufficient. Today, the shareholders and Example, Turkey shifted towards a
There are two investors are extra-cautious and demand mandatory approach in 2011 by requiring
better and tighter corporate governance large listed companies to comply with
approaches to corporate structures. These changes have led to some of the provisions recommended by
much stricter scrutiny of the composition the corporate governance principles
and structure of the board. There is now published by the capital markets board of
governance viz. Rule- greater attention towards directors' Turkey. Portugal introduced in 2013 an
independence; board diversity and board additional code prepared by a private
based approach and performance evaluation. Institute besides the existing code
One major challenge in corporate prepared by the regulator. Japan (in 2015)
Principal-based approach. governance is lack of proper and Brazil (2016) also recently
introduced corporate governance codes.
implementation of the governance codes
Australia, Ireland, UK and USA has
In the Rule-based in corporations and this fact is also
acknowledged by the studies carried out predominantly 'dispersed' ownership
by the OECD and UK Financial Reporting structures where listed companies are
approach, it is mandatory Council. It was concluded by them that rarely under the control of a major
lack of corporate governance codes and shareholder but subject to managerial
upon companies to follow principles by policy makers and
corporations was the main reason for the Boards Accountability
financial crisis in 2008. The same issues
the code through Act, still persist and need to be rectified An important challenge in corporate
otherwise it could pose a serious governance is that the company boards
rules and regulations or challenges for another such financial should be made accountable for all the bad
crisis in future. decisions they make. It has been observed
that board normally follow procedures
pay the penalties. Approaches to Corporate under corporate governance practices and
Governance do not give adequate significance to the
substance, which often leads to foolish
There are two approaches to corporate decisions. Let's take the example of Enron
governance viz. Rule-based approach and Board which was highly rated for
Principal-based approach. In the Rule- corporate governance but it made foolish
based approach, it is mandatory upon decision that led to the ultimate closure of
companies to follow the code through Act, this top-ranking corporation. It is

32 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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therefore important that independent directors on the board Resultantly, today most of these emerging nations, including
should prefer substance over procedure. Pakistan, have adopted explicit codes of corporate governance
for their listed companies with focus on independent directors
Boards Gender Diversity and audit committees. The listing requirements of stock
The corporate boards have historically been male dominated, exchanges and securities laws have been strengthened and
however, in recent years; there has been conspicuous change in regulatory authorities enjoy enhanced powers to take action
boards' gender diversity to bring on board female directors so as against companies failing to implement corporate governance.
to have a gender-balanced boardroom concept. The benefits as it However, the progress in uneven and a lot more is to be done to
is recognized, gender board diversity brings are effective meet the future challenges in corporate governance.
decision making; better utilization of talent pool and
enhancement of corporate reputation and investors relations. Director's Tenure and Independence:
The female representation on boards worldwide has increased A topic that is increasingly in discussions is the impact director's
substantially during the last decade and even in many EU tenure has on performance. Indeed, a number of countries have
countries, there are fixed quotas of female directors on board. introduced tenure related guidelines or restrictions for
For instance, in Germany, there is mandatory requirement for independent directors.
atleast 30 percent representation of both genders on the o In Australia "Comply or Explain" model prevails and the
supervisory boards. In USA, large capital firms have highest recommended maximum tenure for a non-executive
proportion of women on boards. director to be considered is between 9 and 12 years.
Independent Directors on Boards o The European Commission recommends that
All Codes recommend that the Boards should have majority of independent directors should serve on board for a
Independent Non-Executive directors (INEDs). INEDs need to maximum of three terms or twelve years.
be independent in letter and spirit and play a vital role by o The UK Corporate Governance Code provides that the
bringing the 'external perspective' on the board.INEDs have board should explain in its annual report, reasons to
especially a more significant role in Asia which is marked by determine that a director who served more than nine years
concentrated ownership structures and weak legal. INEDs qualifies as independent.
should have high ethical standards, with the ability to act o In other countries like Singapore, South Africa and Hong
objectively to ensure that minority shareholders' rights are not Kong, nine years has been adopted as appropriate limit for
exploited. director's tenure on the board.
In almost all Asian economies, there is requirement of at least This focus on board tenure is further supported by research of
1/3rd INEDs on the Board to be independent. The 2012 Huang, which is summarized in Figure 2. Figure 2 plots Tobin's
Singapore corporate governance code recommends a majority Q against board tenure using coefficient estimates from the
of Independent Directors when the chairman of the Board is not regressions. The empirically observed peak value in Tobin's Q is
independent. In US, there is requirement for at least 2/3rd of the around board tenure of nine years. As the figure illustrate, a
directors whereas in EU countries there in obligation on small change in board tenure does not have a uniform impact on
companies to have sufficient number of independent non- firm value. For example, with all the control variables held at
executive or supervisory directors on Board. The Hong Kong their respective mean, for an average board tenure of three
Monetary Authority (HKMA) via letter # B9/149C dated 14 years, an additional year of tenure increases firm value by an
December, 2016 intimated the Chief Executive of all average of 0.45% while for an average board tenure of 15 years,
Authorized Institutions and Directors of the Board of all adding one year to board tenure decreases firm value by an
Locally-Incorporated Authorized Institutions (AI) to consider average of 0.52%. These results are consistent with the
following factors in assessing the independence of a director. interpretations that the marginal value of learning exceeds the
Presence of any one or more factors is considered to be a marginal cost of entrenchment when board tenure is shorter, but
"Threat to Independence". that the entrenchment effect dominates the learning effect as
Where he or she: board tenure continues to increase.
o Holds more than 1% of the share. It can be concluded that
o Has been an employee within three years before the weak and insufficient
appointment to the board. corporate governance
systems and practices
o Receives any significant compensation except for poses a serious threat to
remuneration for services as an INED. economies. The key
o Has any material business relationship. challenge today is not to
o Close family ties with directors. develop better corporate
governance laws, rules
o Cross directorship in other companies. or regulations as these
o Served on board for more than 9 years. are already available in
[Source: Huang, 2012, figure 2, page 51)
The above factors are not intended to be exhaustive. The fact shape of legislations on
that a person falls within one of the above cases may not the statute books, but the
automatically disqualify him for serving as an INED but will real problem is how to
indicate a need for care consideration, and the boards of AIs enforce them effectively and in true spirit.
should establish and oversee policies to identify actual and About the Author: The writer is an Associate member of ICMA Pakistan
potential conflict of interest so that they can be appropriately and CEO of M. A. Sandhu & Company. He can be contacted on
ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 33

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Fine Tuning the Philosophy of

Corporate Governance

I t is now about 15 years that we have a code of corporate governance for good
governance primarily in listed companies. This code has come to Pakistan as
a result of a global move towards good governance after the fall of some big
corporations and Arther Anderson, a global audit firm. Since the apex law to
regulate the companies in Pakistan i.e. Companies Ordinance, 1984 did not have
the provision therefore Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
(SECP) had this enforced by incorporating it within the listing regulations of the
then Stock Exchanges of Pakistan.
Now the Companies Act, 2017, that has been enacted and promulgated, contain
section 156 which empowers the SECP to provide "framework to ensure good
corporate governance practices, compliance and matters incidental and axillary
for companies or class of companies in a manner as may be specified".
So, the SECP issued "Listed Companies Code of Corporate Governance
Regulations, 2017" for public comments. The draft code, at the philosophical
level, is not different from the past code as it misses the very fundamental focus
Sayyid Mansoob Hasan, FCMA that needs to be there to address the core question. And before putting the core
question forth I would like to give some hints from the past which highlight the
need to correct the focus.
SECP issued "Listed
In the 1980s there were Samad Dadabhoy, Alliance Motors, Taj Company,
Companies Code of Cooperatives and many other big and small swindlers who robbed the masses of
their billions of rupees at that time. Then there was loot and plunder going on in
Corporate Governance the state owned and nationalized financial institutions including NDFC, PICIC.
Then we saw a wave of incorporation and listing of private banking and non-
Regulations, 2017" for public banking financial institutions around the year 2000, and we also saw the same
comments. The draft code, at loot and plunder in these institutions. And the general public was deprived of
their money. And regulatory bodies came into action after much of the disaster
the philosophical level, is not had taken place; and yet justice needs to be served.
With the abovementioned references the core question is highlighted i.e.
different from the past code "Protection and safeguarding of public money". Before moving on to the
as it misses the very discussion let this term "Public Money" be clear. Public money includes equity
investment (by people other than majority shareholders) also known as minority
fundamental focus that needs shareholders; investments in quasi equity instruments, mutual funds and
insurance companies; and deposits with financial institution under various
to be there to address the core nomenclatures and titles.
question. And before putting Why public money in totality is important because the majority shareholders
have at their disposal the sum of the public money "collected" under various
the core question forth I heads of equity, investments and deposits, which happens to be a good number of
times the investment of the majority shareholders. And in the wrong hands and
would like to give some hints under an ineffective governance mechanism there are fair chances and proven
history of corruption, frauds, loot and plunder.
from the past which highlight
The early codes of corporate governance were successful to the extent of
the need to correct the focus. introduction of a governance mechanism in the listed and some other classes of

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companies. However, the benefit did not reach the intended

audience as the focus to protect and safeguard the public money
was missing. The new code also misses the same focus.
Let us see how this core question can be addressed:

Board's commitment
The code should require the board to demonstrate their
commitment to protect and safeguard public money through
their policies and procedures. This policy should be translated
from board through the various levels of management to the
workers so that each and every person working in the executive directors". This needs to be further strengthened by
organization knows the responsibility towards the trusted protecting their representation at the board through
money of the general public. whistleblowing regulations as they are in a good position to
assess the situation and make a responsible decision to inform
Selection and role of independent directors SECP or SBP (State Bank of Pakistan) for any major suspected
corruption or fraud or mismanagement.
With public money trusted with the company the selection as
well as the role of independent director becomes all the more Board committees
important. Considering this importance and looking at the
failure of Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance, I The draft code suggests two mandatory committees audit and
suggested to the SECP, while the company law was in the human resource, and two optional nomination and risk
formation phase, to develop and maintain a list of qualified, management committees. As many of the listed companies
experienced and competent people who could serve as include financial institutions both banking and non-banking
independent directors from where interested companies could which have significant amount of public money at their disposal
find suitable independent directors. The suggestion was and since the board is now being suggested to be made
accepted by SECP and section "166 Manner of selection of responsible for protecting and safeguarding of public money
independent directors and maintenance of databank of and as significant risks are involved in the transactions of
independent directors" has been made part of the Companies financial institutions therefore risk management committee
Act, 2017. should be made mandatory for all financial institutions whether
banking or non-banking.
Protection to independent directors
Statutory officers
As independent directors are not involved in the day to day
business of the company and they do not have the same access to Other than the directors, chairman and CEO three statutory
people and information as the executive directors have, officers have been defined i.e. Chief Financial Officer - CFO,
therefore their reliance is on the information and documents that Head of Internal Audit HIA and Company Secretary - CS.
they receive at the time of the meetings. With sophisticated The responsibilities, qualifications, experience requirements
corporate frauds and connivance of the executives it becomes and competencies of these officers should be aligned with the
quite difficult for the independent directors to form their opinion policy to protect and safeguard public money. That translates
and make reasonably informed decisions. That creates chances into a CFO competent enough to make financial decisions and
of undue responsibilities and burden on the independent should be independent enough to stand for the protection and
directors. Seeing that I suggested SECP to limit the safeguarding of public money in case of apparent fraud and
responsibilities of the intendent directors which was done mismanagement. In the case of HIA to be smarter enough to
through "section 181 Protection to independent and non- check the works of the CEO, CFO and other department heads.

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The present experience requirements suggested by the draft pressure they are made to compromise on ethics and integrity
code does not fulfil this criterion. This needs to be increased to at resulting in loss of public money and false reporting. To protect
least 5 years. and safeguard the public money these statutory officers need
protection of their employment if they stand in the way of
The inclusion of academic qualifications in the eligibility
corruption and fraud and mismanagement. This can be done
criteria for the positions of CFO and HIA is without any
through the whistleblowing regulations. The promulgation of
rationale as:
Whistleblowing Regulations, 2017 has been deferred by SECP
o No university in Pakistan is providing quality education on September 6, 2017, these regulations need to be reviewed
and training in accounting, auditing, taxation and corporate and promulgated at the earliest possible.
laws to the level of education and training provided by
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan Outsourcing of internal audit
and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. The decision to outsource internal audit function is subjective as
o No university has professional code of conduct for its internal audit comprise of two segments pre-audit and post-
graduates and nor are the graduates accountable to the audit. About 80% of the internal audit function is pre-audit
universities. meaning all payments above a certain threshold or all certain
types of transactions must pass through pre-audit before
o No university conducts Continued Professional
payment or investment or disbursement. The post audit is left
Development Programs which are done by ICMAP and
with smaller volume as major chuck is taken care of by pre-
audit. For pre-audit function companies need a full-time
So, post graduates of any university do not stand anywhere in resource available within the company and thus cannot be
terms of professional knowledge, training and updated in the outsourced. For post audit outsourcing can be considered.
fields of accounting, audit, taxation and corporate laws. However, for financial institutions outsourcing of internal audit
Further, recognizing foreign qualifications for the statutory function should not be allowed.
positions also need to be reviewed as: Responsibility of external auditors
o No foreign professional body or country provides The stakeholders rely on external auditors' report and have the
reciprocal and similar recognition to Pakistani impression that audit reports everything and they make
professionals. decisions accordingly. Their impression is wrong and is against
o Foreign qualified persons are not subject to any code of the reality. External auditors have accepted limited scope and
ethics within Pakistan so in case of any violation of ethics assume no responsibilities. Whereas, external auditors cannot
there is no professional body to hold that professional be absolved of their principal responsibility on giving their
accountable. opinion on the financial statements that they are free from
material frauds and financial mismanagement to make the audit
o This would provide room to foreign professional bodies to
report trustworthy. This statement should be made part of the
gain ground in Pakistan at the cost of local professional
standard audit report. In order to improve the quality of audit
monopoly in audit profession needs to be eliminated and
o This would discourage development of local intellectual competition should be introduced. This will ultimately benefit
capital. the business & industry and economy of Pakistan.
And in the case of the CS no qualification or experience Conclusion
requirement has been defined. This is another highly technical
area neglected by both the SECP and the companies. Members By focusing the regulations on protection and safeguarding of
of Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan having 5 years public money the corporate governance regulations can be
of experience should be defined as persons eligible for strengthened and made more effective to develop public
appointment as company secretaries of the listed company. confidence which will ultimately result in more corporatization
and growth of Pakistan's economy.
Strengthening statutory officers' role
The author is Managing Partner of MANSOOB & CO., Vice President of
Since, CEO, CFO, HIA and CS are the top executives of the Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants, Chairman SME Board
company and legally responsible for various duties and it is also of ICMA Pakistan, Chairman Dispute Resolution Committee Karachi
a reality that they remain under pressure of their employers, not (established under Insurance Ordinance 2000) and Member Permanent
the company but the majority shareholders, and under this Panel of Arbitrators of Pakistan Stock Exchange.

36 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


Articles Section Estd. 1951

Measuring the Success

of the Board
How do you measure your board's performance? Sir Andrew Likierman describes the 10 key
qualities every board needs for success, and explains how to measure them
By Sir Andrew Likierman
This is one of the Articles of Merit, judged as such under Professional Accountants in Business - Articles of Merit
Programme for distinguished contributions to Management Accounting, established by the Professional Accountants in
Business Committee (PAIB), (under its former name of FMAC) of IFAC.

H ow would you rate your own board of executive and

non-executive directors? High, because the
organisation is doing well? Low, because you can't
fathom how such a bunch (other than you) could have been
appointed? At 6 out of 10, because it's a complicated
The formal requirements
The combined code, which gives corporate governance
requirements for listed companies, is clear: “Every company
should be headed by an effective board, which is collectively
responsible for the success of the company.” And paragraph A6
judgement? None of the above bears close examination. of the code specifies that “the board should undertake a formal
So, in common with many bodies who find it difficult to and rigorous annual evaluation of its own performance and that
measure performance, boards may be tempted to fall back on of its committees and individual directors.”
the measurable. But numbers - whether showing activity
(number of meetings) or even outcomes (company profitability) 10 KEY MEASURES FOR BOARD
- can't possibly capture the essence of how a board functions.
This is why it's false, indeed dangerous, for board members to The starting point
assume that the organisation's success reflects the success of the
board. 1. Ability to choose the right members.

Today's success may well originate from decisions taken years 2. Agreement about priorities in its role.
ago by a previous board, or from other factors that have little to 3. Agreement about how to achieve company strategy.
do with the current board's efforts. For the same reason,
currently unsuccessful companies can have successful boards - Process and relationships
in that they are keeping those companies going while 4. Effective in dispatching business in and between
competitors are going bust, and laying down the basis for future meetings.
success. 5. Good internal board dynamics.
Nor is the performance of individual members the same as 6. Good key relationships.
performance of the board as a whole. There may be excellent
individuals in a dysfunctional team. Conversely, a great team Coverage
could be far more than the sum of its parts, with the chairman 7. Focuses on key issues and risks.
playing a key role in making it happen.
8. Initiative-taking, dealing with crises and identifying
This article sets out how to measure board success. Really emerging issues.
discussing how fully your board demonstrates the 10 abilities
set out in the box (see Box 1) will provide the basis for an Impact
assessment, rather than just adding up numbers or ticking 9. Contributes to the company's performance.*
boxes. The list of abilities relates to UK listed companies, but
the principles are just as applicable to unlisted companies Sustainability
seeking long-term shareholder value. Most also apply (though
10. Aware of, and interested in, good practice.
in different institutional contexts) to non-UK companies and to
public sector organisations. * the crucial factor

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There is certainly evidence that such evaluation is happening. 1. Does the board have the ability to choose members with the
But the main focus of paragraph A6 is on individuals, not the right balance of qualities and skills, particularly the right
board as a whole. Also, 'performance' is a less ambitious goal chief executive officer (CEO)?
than 'success' - a board could be effective if it simply kept to the
2. Is it agreed about priorities in its role?
3. Is it agreed about how to achieve the company's strategy?
Doing the right thing in corporate governance terms is an
important, but not a sufficient, condition of success. And doing Board membership needs will evolve constantly with the needs
the wrong thing (e.g. an ineffective audit committee, or lack of of the business, for example when moving from national to
independence among the non-executives) will make it more international operations, or from family control to wider
difficult to succeed but is not a measure of success (or lack of it). ownership. To meet constantly evolving challenges, the board
needs the right combination of qualities and knowledge, with an
Anyway, being successful means being more than just effective.
ability to renew and refresh its own membership and their skills.
It means making a significant contribution to the long term
So 'right', here, means appropriate for this stage of the
interests of the shareholders by adding value in excess of
company's development.
It's difficult for any group to recognize the need to change its
The starting point own composition and provide for succession, but this is
The starting point for measuring board effectiveness is to essential for a board. And among these appointments, that of the
consider how it rates on the first three measures, i.e: CEO is critical. Indeed, it's arguable that this is the single most
important decision a board can make.
THE DISCUSSION FOLLOWING Success also means the board having a common understanding
about the priorities in its role. All boards fulfill the same formal
BOARD APPRAISAL purposes, but these don't capture the real agenda. For example,
does the board need to encourage the executive directors to take
Board appraisal usually involves a set of questions to each initiatives? Or does it need to restrain them from taking too
board member (face-to-face or through a questionnaire), many? Is it about adding skills (say communication) or
discussion of the completed form with each member experience (say doing business in China) to complement those
individually (if a questionnaire), collation of the findings of the executive directors? With a common understanding of
and discussion of them by the board as a whole. The these priorities, the board will get the best out of its members
chairman may then take up points with members and board discussions. Without it, opportunities will be lost.
individually, perhaps as part of their individual annual
A separate issue is basic agreement about how the company's
strategy is to be achieved. This does not mean agreeing on all
If possible, feedback should be from face-to-face aspects of what to do and how to do it (there is a danger of
interviews to supplement questionnaires, with the 'groupthink'). But if the board is hopelessly divided on basic
emphasis on nuanced responses. It may only be possible to assumptions about whether to grow organically or
tackle sensitive issues when outsiders are used: relying on inorganically, and about the appetite for risk, the chances of
anonymous responses given to other employees isn't being successful are slim.
realistic, and internal reviews will probably need to be less Appropriate measurement: board appraisal (see Box 2) and
ambitious. annual personal feedback procedures need to pick up what
Adequate time must be allowed to discuss the results from board members think about their colleagues, about the role of
questionnaires in depth. The discussion needs to be about the board and about delivering the company's strategy. The
chairman is key to turning the potential for disagreement into
significant issues arising from comments about outlying
creative discussion and to defusing any potentially harmful
scores and views on board priorities, processes and
personal differences.
relationships. It should not be a cosy chat or have a focus
on small movements in numbers. Process and relationships
The discussion should take into account developments The subsequent three qualities required for board success
from previous years, to clarify whether lessons can be concern process and relationships, the key questions being:
learned about the choice of key issues and decisions and
4. How effective is the board in dispatching business (including
how they were handled. Nevertheless the discussion will through effective board committees in and between
add value by focusing on specific examples and meetings) and following up on decisions?
suggestions to shape the agenda for next year rather than
being a post-mortem. 5. How good are internal board dynamics and culture (handling
dissent, the relationship between executives and non-
The form of the review needs to reflect the internal executives etc)?
dynamics of the board. If there can't be candour in open
6. How good are the board's key relationships with major
session, the chairman should orchestrate a combination of
stakeholders, and is there respect for what it does?
private and open meetings. If issues to be discussed
include the role of the chair, the senior independent Effective processes, including persistence and resilience in
director should take the lead. making sure things happen, not just talking about them, are a
prerequisite for board success. An open culture, with the board

38 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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involved early and fully in key decisions and board members

comfortable about challenging in meetings, is crucial. So, too, is
the ability to communicate effectively inside the company and
with other stakeholders. And respect (not popularity) is an
important signal, both inside and outside the company.
Appropriate measurement: since the code became a
requirement for listed companies, increasingly sophisticated
questionnaires for board members have been developed.
Discussing the answers is the golden opportunity to improve
result, the less plausible the connection. Even for events with a
board performance. There will be feedback on respect for the
short lead time, quality of execution and overall stock market
board - and therefore its communication skills from employee
trends often mask the board's particular role.
surveys and the opinions of major shareholders.
Appropriate measurement: the answer will be qualitative and
Coverage will come from a combination of questions in the annual board
The questions relating to coverage are: appraisal and feedback from key interlocutors inside and
outside the organisation. Again the chairman has a key role in
7. Does the board identify and focus on key (not just a long list using the results of the feedback to discuss members'
of) issues and risks facing the organisation? understanding of how exactly the board currently adds value
8. Is the board able to take initiatives, deal with crises and and what it can do to improve.
identify emerging issues?
These may look like factual questions, but both are matters of
Finally, comes the over-arching question:
judgement. They apply as much to interpreting the past as
hypothesising about the future, since usually only after an 10. Is the board aware of, and interested in, good practice?
extended period is it possible to know whether the board has
Left to themselves, boards tend to become insular. Working
dealt with the right issues, how well it has done so, and which
methods become “the way we do things round here”. So even if
issues have not been addressed. Thus failing to ensure
the board comes out well from questions 1-9, there's still the
succession or invest in new technology is just as much about
issue of whether it is committed to sustaining good practice.
performance as successful talent management or systems
Non-executive directors can be very helpful here in giving
investment. And boards can be really helpful in identifying risks
context and helping with best practice.
that executive directors alone, sometimes preoccupied with
current challenges, may not have spotted. Appropriate measurement: executive directors may not have a
basis for comparison and even non-executives may have limited
There are two questions rather than one here because a history
experience of other boards. But there is a huge amount of
of dealing with key issues as they arise is not enough. The
information around about good practice, including increasing
ability to take initiatives, deal with crises and identify issues that
amounts of detailed information in annual reports. This is not
are not part of 'normal business' is a crucial differentiator
about grasping every passing fad, but about always being
between a good and an adequate board. For the same reason
willing to learn.
'meeting board objectives' isn't included as a success measure,
since it runs the risk of being too inward-looking and passively Conclusion
taking things too much as they are.
A successful board cannot guarantee that a company will be
Appropriate measurement: the board needs to take stock of the successful, but can make a huge contribution to it being so. An
answers to these questions as part of its annual appraisal unsuccessful board will mean that at best the company does not
process. reach its potential, and at worst it is destroyed. So there's plenty
at stake here, and not only for the investors and other
Impact stakeholders who want reassurance about investments or
If there had to be a single question about the success of the relationships.
board, it would be:
Board members as individuals have a great deal to gain from an
9. What is the board's contribution to the company's answer to the question, “is the board successful?” All will want
performance? to know about the results of their efforts and, on the downside,
about any danger of personal liability or to their reputations.
Boards will understandably want to take credit for things that go
Executive directors (and indeed all other employees) will want
well. This inclination applies not only to the success of visible
to know that their company is getting the best direction possible
initiatives (new ventures, new people etc) but also to actions
and that their futures are secure.
resulting in the absence of problems normally indicating board
failure (e.g. deciding against an unfortunate acquisition, Answers to the above questions will mean that the successful
recording fewer bad debts than competitors). board does not have to guess whether it is successful, and the
unsuccessful one will possess information providing the basis
But making either connection isn't easy, particularly for
for improvement. Continuing success will mean continuing to
contributions such as establishing ethical standards. So while it
ask for answers to the questions. F&M
may be possible for major individual events, such as
acquisitions, to be linked to board decisions, the larger the Sir Andrew Likierman is professor of management practice at the London Business
School and a past president of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
organisation and the longer the lead time between decision and

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SAFA Index on Public

Financial Management
By: Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, President ICMA Pakistan and Chairman, Research and Publications Committee
Preamble ICMA Pakistan is embarking on an emerging regional role that
would lead to wider recognition of its contributions towards the
Public Financial Management (PFM) is crucial to any country's regional economic development, in general and improving
economic development and helps in achieving aggregate fiscal public financial management, in particular.
discipline; strategic resource allocation and efficient public
service delivery. According to the World Bank, a good financial Why Need for SAFA Index on PFM?
management is important to a country's development because it A sound public financial management (PFM) system is
gives assurance to citizens that their taxes are being used essential for better governance that allows the government to
appropriately; to donors and lenders that funds provided are achieve macro-economic sustainability, developmental
being used appropriately; and to the private sector that there is objectives and pro-poor economic growth.
an appropriate environment for investment and growth.
The implementation of SAFA Index on public financial
The changing global scenario demands that both the developed management practices would therefore be quite beneficial for
and emerging economies must strive for putting in place a sound the SAARC region as it would enhance transparency,
performance assessment framework for public financial accountability and good governance in public sector
management that could lead to ensure good governance, organizations and stimulate regional economic growth which
transparency and accountability in the state owned and public would ultimately benefit the common man and the business
services organizations. The international and regional alliances, enterprises in the SAARC countries.
especially in the field of accounting and finance, need to adopt a
proactive role in consolidating efforts of their members in Basis of SAFA Index on PFM
developing and implementing a harmonized and integrated The SAFA Index on PFM is proposed to be based on broad
framework for PFM to strengthen financial management framework followed under 'PEFA Program' which is globally

“With the adoption of proposal by SAFA Board, ICMA Pakistan has become the first
professional Institute in South Asia chosen to lead a significant project on SAFA Index. This is
a milestone and an honour for ICMA Pakistan which would have far reaching benefits to
public sector organizations in SAARC”

A Milestone for ICMA Pakistan accepted as the basis for evidence-based measurement of PFM
systems in different countries. PEFA stands for 'Public
ICMA Pakistan has taken the lead by initiating the idea to Expenditure and Financial Accountability' and it was launched
develop a SAFA Index on Public Financial Management. Mr. in 2001 in joint partnership between the World Bank, EC, IMF,
Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, President ICMA Pakistan who is also DFID-UK, SECO-Switzerland and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Chairman of Governmental and Public Sector Enterprises of France and Norway, respectively. PEFA helps government to
Accounting (GPSEA) Committee of South Asian Federation of improve PFM systems to achieve their development goals.
Accountants (SAFA) presented a proposal for developing a
SAFA Index on PFM which was welcomed and appreciated by 'PEFA Framework' launched in 2005 signifies a diagnostic tool
GPSEA committee. This proposal was recommended to the to assess PFM performance in different countries. It provides
SAFA Board which, in its meeting held on November 02, 2017 set of 31 indicators for PFM performance measurement system.
at Colombo, Sri Lanka approved the proposal formed a Task These 31 indicators are further categorized into seven 'Pillars' of
Force, headed by President ICMA Pakistan, to undertake the performance' under PEFA framework.
project. Proposed SAFA PFM Index - 7 Pillars of Performance
With the adoption of proposal by SAFA Board, ICMA Pakistan o Transparency of Public Finances
has become the first professional Institute in South Asia chosen o Budgeting and Policy-based Fiscal Strategy
to lead a significant project on SAFA Index. This is a milestone o Budget Reliability
and an honour for ICMA Pakistan which would have far o Budget Execution and Control
reaching benefits to public sector organizations in SAARC. o Accounting and Reporting
This would also lead to strengthening public financial o Management of Assets and Liabilities
management to improve good governance, transparency and o External Scrutiny and Audit
accountability in SAARC countries.
40 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017

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Index 1: Transparency of Public Finances

Goal Measurement Sub-Index
Information on PFM Detailed budget classification; l Budget classification
is comprehensive, transparency of all government l Budget documentation
consistent and revenue and expenditure i.e. inter- l Central government operations outside financial reports
accessible to users governmental transfers; published
l Transfers to sub-national governments
information on service delivery
performance and ready access to fiscal l Performance information for service delivery
and budget documentation l Public access to fiscal information

Index 2: Budgeting and Policy-based Fiscal Strategy

Goal Measurement Sub-Index
Budget and Fiscal Fiscal strategy and budget are prepared l Macroeconomic and fiscal forecasting
strategy are based on with due regard to government fiscal l Fiscal strategy
fiscal policies policies, strategic plans, and adequate l Medium-term perspective in
macroeconomic and fiscal projections
l Expenditure budgeting
l Legislative scrutiny of budgets

Index 3: Budget Reliability

Goal Measurement Sub-Index
Budget is realistic Comparison of actual revenues and l Aggregate expenditure out-turn
and implemented as expenditures with the original l Expenditure composition out-turn
intended approved budget l Revenue out-turn
Index 4: Budget Execution and Control
Goal Measurement Sub-Index
Resources are being The budget is implemented within a l Revenue administration
obtained and used as system of effective standards, l Accounting for Revenue
intended processes and internal controls.
l Predictability of in-year resource allocation
l Expenditure arrears
l Payroll controls
l Procurement
l Internal control on non-salary expenditures
l Internal audit
Index 5: Accounting and Reporting
Goal Measurement Sub-Index
Accurate and reliable The accounting information is l Financial data integrity
records are produced and timely disseminated to
l In-year budget reports
maintained the concerned quarters for decision-
making, management and reporting l Annual financial reports
Index 6: Management of Assets and Liabilities
Goal Measurement Sub-Index
Effective Assets are recorded and managed; l Fiscal risk reporting
management of fiscal risks are identified; and debts and l Public investment management
assets and liabilities guarantees are prudently planned, l Public asset management
approved, and monitored.
l Debt management
Index 7: External Scrutiny and Audit
Goal Measurement Sub-Index
Public finances are External follow-up on implementing l External audit
being independently recommendations for improvement by l Legislative scrutiny of audit reports
reviewed executive

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Status of PFM in SAFA Countries

Let's have a brief look at the status of initiatives taken in the SAARC countries for public financial management.

Bangladesh Framework (MTEF) was started in FY 2002-2003. PEFA 2007

indicated a high risk environment in financial management in
Since 1990s, public financial reform Nepal after which a PFM Reform Program (PFMRP) has been
programs were undertaken in Bangladesh initiated. The four main weaknesses in PFM systems as
which has improved the management of identified by PEFA in its report are:
public resource. PEFA 2016 concluded
a) lack of monitoring fiscal risks
that Bangladesh has made positive strides
in developing its PFM systems since b) poor capital budget preparation and implementation
2010; however there are still areas for improvement. A new c) weak sector strategies and
PFM Strategy 2016-21 with following goals has been initiated
to build on past reforms and strengthen the basics required for d) weak reconciliation of revenue accounts
achieving overarching national goals:
a) Raise revenue, especially through new VAT law and
broadened direct tax base Key milestones achieved in PFM
reforms in Pakistan. The Government
b) Implement a new financial management information of Pakistan has continuing agenda of
system (IBAS++) based on the new chart of accounts PFM Reforms. A centralized and
c) Implement reforms to strengthen public investment advanced financial reporting system
management and planning-budgeting linkages i.e. PIFRA funded by World Bank has
been initiated by AGP which is
d) Strengthen PFM skills and staff retention
working efficiently. In 2003, a Medium-Term Budgetary
e) Improve the timeliness of publication of audited financial Framework (MTBF) was initiated which aims at enhancing
statements fiscal discipline; improving linkages between government's
f) Roll out e-procurement across government strategic policy priorities and budget, and enhancing
operational efficiency. Restructuring of PSEs is initiated as
India roadmap for improved economic governance. Current
programs are focused on areas of weakness in PFM
Over the year, the PFM reforms in India administration with special focus on achieving the following
have focused on bringing innovations in goals:
PFM systems, especially budget
management, accounts and audit, a) Establish an effective system for financial management,
institutional strengthening for financial reporting and audit
management and capacity building. In b) Implement a medium-term budget framework
2004, preparation of medium term fiscal policies was
c) Strengthen the capacity of the public sector in key areas
introduced through a Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
(including PFM)
Management Act (FRBM). PEFA 2010 concluded that PFM
reforms yielded results in areas of fiscal discipline, strategic d) Reform tax administration and strengthen the FBR; and
resource allocation and efficient service delivery; however, e) Consolidate and strengthen the country's public
fundamental changes to PFM systems were not achieved as procurement system
expected. The following areas remain crucial in strengthening
PFM system in India: Sri Lanka
a) Producing suitable performance measures to influence Sri Lanka has taken PFM reform
budgetary decisions initiatives to ensure transparency and
b) Continuing with existing efforts to expand accrual a c c o u n t a b i l i t y, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n
accounting procurement, public assets management
and other public resources. As per
c) Modernizing internal audit and control
USAID PFM Report 2015, PFM in Sri Lanka is fragmented and
d) Improving the effectiveness of external audit, and unable to ensure adequate and efficient use of public resources.
e) Introducing an exclusive procurement law. The PFM objectives viz. fiscal policy, strategic allocation and
operational efficiency are not integrated. A 'National Asset
Nepal Register' is prepared to highlight government's commitment to
transparency, accountability and proper asset management. A
A stability program funded by IMF in 1987 and a 'Public Finance Act' is being drafted to bring improvements in
Structural Adjustment program in 1989 financed areas of budget formulation, public debt management, financial
by World Bank were initiated. An Immediate management and financial reporting. A National Procurement
Action Plan (IAP) was initiated in 2002 to Commission has been set up to improve procurement
expedite reforms in three critical areas i.e. regulations. Other reforms in PFM include bringing a National
prioritizing public expenditures; improving Audit Bill; Right to Information (RTI) bill; Code of Conduct for
service delivery and strengthening anti-corruption and Civil Service; Budget Regulations bill etc.
accountability measures. A Medium Term Expenditure
42 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017

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Special Feature

ICMA Pakistan adopts

Dear Member,

I am pleased to inform you that the ICMA Pakistan has adopted the International Ethics Standards Board of
Accountants (IESBA) Code of Ethics in relation to responding to Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations
(NOCLAR). This Code is effective from 15th July 2017 and countries around the world are presently in the
adoption process.

The proposal for adoption of NOCLAR was unanimously approved by the National Council held on Saturday,
11th of November, 2017. The IESBA Code on NOCLAR would become applicable on the members of the
Institute with immediate effect.

The standard sets out a framework to guide auditors and professional accountants in public practice and in
organizations, as to what actions they are required to take in public interest when they become aware of a
potential illegal act or NOCLAR committed by a client or employer. In fact, it enables accountants to set aside
the principle of confidentiality when there is a strong public interest reason. The standard addresses
breaches of laws and regulations that deal with matters such as tax and securities frauds, corruption and
bribery, money laundering, tax payments, financial products and services, environmental protection, and
public health and safety. It provides a clear pathway for auditors and other professional accountants to
disclose potential non-compliance situations firstly to the management and the people in governance and
in case they do not respond effectively, to the appropriate public authorities without being constrained by
the ethical duty of confidentiality. It also places renewed emphasis on the role of senior-level accountants in
business in promoting a culture of compliance with laws and regulations and prevention of non-compliance
within their organizations.

The Institute will soon organize awareness seminars across Pakistan about NOCLAR for the benefit of
Members of ICMA Pakistan.

With kind regards,

Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, FCMA


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July 2016
Final Pronouncement: Responding to Non-Compliance
with Laws and Regulations
This summary provides an What was the The objective of the project was to develop a framework to guide
overview of the International objective of this auditors, other professional accountants (PAs) in public practice,
project? and PAs in business (PAIBs) in deciding how best to act in the public
Ethics Standards Board for interest when they become aware of non-compliance or suspected
Accountants (IESBA)'s non-compliance with laws and regulations (NOCLAR).
Responding to Non- What was the It was about what is reasonable to ask of PAs, given their responsibility to
heart of the act in the public interest when they encounter or are made aware of
Compliance with Laws and
debate? NOCLAR or suspected NOCLAR, when providing a professional service
Regulations. to their clients or carrying out their duties for their employer.

The pronouncement
When is the The pronouncement is effective July 15, 2017. Early adoption is
contains consequential and pronouncement permitted.
conforming amendments to effective?
a number of sections in the
IESBA Code of Ethics for Where can I find For more information, including implementation support materials,
Professional Accountants more visit the IESBA NOCLAR web page or
(the Code). information?

This At-a-Glance publication has been prepared by IESBA staff for information purposes only. It does not form part of the pronouncement, the IESBA Code of Ethics
for Professional Accountants (the Code), or other authoritative publications of IESBA. It has not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise acted upon by the IESBA.

Why Was the Project Started and How Was It Informed?
The IESBA believes Why was the project started? How were the IESBA deliberations
that the NOCLAR informed?
The project was started to address concerns
response framework is from the regulatory community and other The development of the pronouncement over
stakeholders about: more than six years was informed by research
in the public interest.
and extensive public consultation and
l The duty of confidentiality under the Code
The development of the stakeholder outreach, including:
acting as a barrier to timely disclosure by
framework was auditors of fraud and other NOCLAR to l Gathering data on regulatory approaches
informed by appropriate regulatory and enforcement authorities in to reporting NOCLAR in a number of
the public interest jurisdictions around the world
research, two formal
public consultations, l Auditors simply resigning from the client l Two exposure drafts
relationship because of identified or
three global l Three global roundtables in Hong Kong
suspected NOCLAR without the matter
roundtables, and SAR; Brussels, Belgium; and Washington
being appropriately addressed
extensive stakeholder l A lack of guidance in the Code about the
l Discussions with the IESBA Consultative
outreach, including thought process and relevant factors to
Advisory Group on 12 separate occasions
discussions with the take into account in determining an
IESBA Consultative appropriate course of action in responding l Numerous meetings with the international
to the matter in the public interest and national regulatory community
Advisory Group. including audit oversight bodies,
The scope of the project was subsequently
international policymakers, investors,
broadened to cover not just auditors but also
those charged with governance,
other PAs in public practice and PAIBs.
preparers, national standards setters,
professional accountancy organizations,
representatives of large and small
accounting firms, and other stakeholders

44 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


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Key Elements of the Response Framework and Key Intended Outcomes
The framework focuses What is NOCLAR under the framework? What is the scope of laws and regulations
on the desired covered?
Any act of omission or commission, intentional
outcomes in the public or unintentional, committed by a client or Laws and regulations that have a nexus to PAs'
employer, or by those charged with governance professional training and expertise, i.e.:
interest, i.e., that PAs
(TCWG), by management or by other
do not turn a blind eye l Laws and regulations that have a direct
individuals working for or under the direction of
effect on the determination of material
to the matter, that a client or employer which is contrary to the
amounts and disclosures in the financial
NOCLAR prevailing laws or regulations.
consequences are What are the key intended outcomes?
l Other laws and regulations, compliance
addressed or that Key intended outcomes in the public interest with which may be fundamental to the
NOCLAR be deterred, include: entity's business and operations, or to
and that further action avoid material penalties
l Ensuring that PAs respond in a timely way
be taken as appropriate to identified or suspected NOCLAR
in the public interest. l Rectifying, remediating, or mitigating the What is not in the scope?
adverse consequences of identified or
l Matters that are clearly inconsequential
suspected NOCLAR to stakeholders and
the general public l Personal misconduct unrelated to the
business activities of the client or employer
l Deterring the commission of NOCLAR
l Non-compliance other than by the client or
l Stimulating increased reporting of
employer, or TCWG, management or
identified or suspected NOCLAR where
other individuals working for or under the
required by law or regulation, or where
direction of the client or employer
determined appropriate under the Code in
the public interest

What Is Required of Auditors under the Framework?
The framework specifies a Raise the identified or suspected NOCLAR l In light of that response, determine
differential approach to with management/TCWG objectively if further action needed in the
l To clarify their understanding of the public interest
responding to identified or
matter, to substantiate/dispel their The nature and extent of further action needed
suspected NOCLAR: concerns, and to enable management/ will depend on various factors, e.g.:
l Auditors vs. other PAs TCWG to investigate it l Credible evidence of substantial harm to
in public practice l To advise management/TCWG to: the entity or stakeholders
o Address the consequences l Any law prohibiting disclosure of
l Senior-level PAIBs vs. o Deter the NOCLAR confidential information to an outside
other PAIBs party
o Disclose the matter to an appropriate
authority where required by law or Courses of further action may include:
This approach recognizes
regulation or where necessary in the l Disclosing the matter to an appropriate
the different remits of the public interest authority even if not required by law
different categories of Fulfill professional responsibilities l Withdrawing from the engagement and
PAs, the different spheres l Understand and comply with applicable client relationship
of influence, the different laws and regulations, including o If withdrawing, inform proposed
levels of authority, requirements regarding reporting to an successor of the NOCLAR
appropriate authority and prohibitions Imminent breach
responsibility and decision
against “tipping off”
making, and the different In exceptional circumstances, may
l Comply with applicable auditing immediately disclose the matter to an
levels of public standards appropriate authority if imminent breach of a
expectations. l Communicate the matter appropriately in law or regulation that would cause substantial
the context of a group harm to stakeholders
Determine if further action is needed Document, among other matters, courses
l Assess appropriateness of the response of action considered, judgments made, and
of management/TCWG decisions taken

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What Is Required of Senior-Level PAIBs under the Framework?
The framework describes Overarching expectations l In light of that response, determine
a senior-level PAIB l
Set the right tone at the top within the objectively if further action needed in the
(“senior PAIB”) as a organization public interest
director, officer, or senior l Establish appropriate policies and The nature and extent of further action needed
procedures to prevent NOCLAR, will depend on various factors, e.g.:
employee able to exert
significant influence over, including whistleblowing procedures as a l Credible evidence of substantial harm to
necessary part of good internal the organization or stakeholders
and make decisions governance
regarding, the acquisition, l Any law prohibiting disclosure of
Fulfill professional responsibilities confidential information to an outside
deployment, and control party
Take appropriate steps to:
of the organization's
l Raise the identified or suspected Courses of further action may include:
human, financial,
NOCLAR with a superior/TCWG l Informing management of the parent
technological, physical, entity in the case of a member of a group
and intangible resources. l Understand and comply with applicable
laws and regulations, including l Disclosing the matter to an appropriate
Senior PAIBs can play an requirements to report the matter to an authority even if not required by law
appropriate authority l Resigning from the employment
important role within their
organizations in promoting l R e c t i f y, r e m e d i a t e , o r m i t i g a t e relationship
consequences Imminent breach
an ethics-based culture,
including taking l Reduce the risk of re-occurrence l In exceptional circumstances, may
appropriate steps to l Seek to deter the NOCLAR immediately disclose the matter to an
Also determine whether disclosure to the appropriate authority if imminent breach
implement internal
external auditor, if any, is needed. of a law or regulation that would cause
systems, policies, and substantial harm to stakeholders
procedures to prevent Determine if further action is needed
Documentation is encouraged
NOCLAR. l Assess appropriateness of the response
of superiors, if any, and TCWG

What Is Required of Other PAs in Public Practice and Other PAIBs under the
The basic ethical PAs in public practice other than auditors Courses of further action may include:
principles are the same l Discuss the identified or suspected l Disclosing the matter to an appropriate
for all PAs, i.e., they NOCLAR with management and, if they authority even if not required by law
should respond to the have access to them and where l Withdrawing from the engagement and
appropriate, TCWG client relationship
issue and not turn a blind
eye. However, the l If the client is also an audit client of the The nature and extent of further action will
firm, or a component of an audit client of depend on various factors.
implementation of those
the firm, communicate the matter within
principles will differ Imminent breach
the firm so that the audit engagement
depending on their roles, partner is informed about it In exceptional circumstances, may
levels of seniority, and immediately disclose the matter to an
l If the client is an audit client of a network appropriate authority if imminent breach of a
spheres of influence. firm, or a component of an audit client of a law or regulation that would cause substantial
network firm, consider communicating harm to stakeholders
the matter to the network firm so that the
audit engagement partner is informed PAIBs who are not senior PAIBs
about it l Escalate the identified or suspected
l For any other client, consider NOCLAR to the immediate superior or
next higher level of authority; or
communicating the matter to the firm that
is the external auditor, if any l Use established internal whistle-blowing
Stand back
Documentation is encouraged for both PAs
l Consider whether further action is needed in public practice other than auditors, and
in the public interest PAIBs who are not senior PAIBs

46 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


Estd. 1951

What Are the Strengths of the Framework?
The Code alone cannot A holistic and balanced model Expanded auditors' “toolkit”
address issues of non- l It focuses on the desired outcomes in the l It provides a pathway to disclosure of
compliance. There also public interest. serious identified or suspected NOCLAR
needs to be strong to an appropriate authority in the
l It places appropriate and necessary appropriate circumstances, without the
corporate governance emphasis on the actions of auditors and ethical duty of confidentiality standing in
systems; robust, trusted, other PAs vis-à-vis the responsibilities of the way.
management and TCWG.
and effective legal and l If an auditor has chosen to resign from the
regulatory regimes; and l It balances in a robust way the need for client relationship as a result of taking this
ongoing efforts by PAs to act in the public interest against course of action in following the
considerations of global operability. framework, the predecessor auditor, on
accounting firms, being approached by a proposed
professional accountancy A proportionate approach successor auditor, is required to
organizations, academic l It recognizes the different capacities and communicate information concerning the
spheres of influence, and the different identified or suspected NOCLAR to the
institutions and others to
levels of public expectations, for the proposed successor without needing to
assist PAs in becoming obtain client consent.
different categories of PAs, and scales the
more aware of and in responsibilities accordingly. Complementing laws and regulations
better understanding their
A renewed emphasis on tone at the top l It fills a gap where laws and regulations do
legal, regulatory, and not address PAs' responsibilities
ethical responsibilities l It emphasizes the importance of senior-
regarding responding to NOCLAR; and in
level PAIBs promoting a culture of jurisdictions that do, it may well
regarding responding to compliance with laws and regulations and complement the legal and regulatory
NOCLAR. prevention of NOCLAR within their framework by providing necessary
organizations. guidance to PAs in complying with the
legal or regulatory requirements.

d ate
A Up

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 47


ICMA Pakistan’s Global Management

Accountants Conference Estd. 1951

Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka join hands to form a

Global Forum of Management Accountants
The foundation of a Global Forum of Management Accountants
has been laid down by ICMA Pakistan. The professional
management accounting bodies of Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka
have joined hands to form a 'Global Forum of Management
Accountants (GFoMA) to reinvigorate the management
accounting profession to play a more proactive role in assisting
global businesses in achieving cost efficiency and value
optimization and to adopt a unified stand to meet current
global challenges facing profession.
A Joint Declaration to this effect was announced by the
Presidents of the three management accounting bodies viz. Mr.
Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, President ICMA Pakistan; CMA Sanjay
Gupta, President, Institute of Cost Accountants of India and
Prof. Lakshman R. Watawala, President of Institute of Certified
Management Accountants of Sri Lanka at ICMAP's first Global
Management Accountants Conference held at Dubai, UAE.
The Global Forum for Management Accountants is also supported by Bangladesh however; President of Institute of Cost and
Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB), Mr. Jamal Ahmed Choudhury FCMA, could not make up to attend GMAC due to his
pre-commitment. The two other management accounting bodies namely CIMA UK and IMA USA will also be invited to join the Global
Forum. The Presidents of all professional bodies of management accountants will be invited to become the 'Chairs' of the proposed Global
The second Global Management Accountants Conference (GMAC) will be organized in India in May 2018. The President, Institute of Cost
Accountants of India has announced to host the next GMAC.

The Leaders of Professional

Bodies of Management
Accountants in SAARC Region
who assembled in Dubai, UAE to
take stock of current challenges
facing the management
accounting profession has
decided in principle to form a
'Global Forum of Management
Accountants (GFOMA)' to set the
right direction and revitalize the
(Left to Right) CMA Sanjay Gupta, President, Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI),
Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, President, ICMA Pakistan and Prof. Lakshman R. Watawala,
President, Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICMA SL)


GMAC signify a landmark event for ICMA Pakistan as it was the first-ever international mega event organized overseas. The theme
selected for GMAC was 'Costing and Pricing A Competitive Edge'. The special focus of GMAC was also on Value Added Tax (VAT)
introduced in UAE recently to enlighten participants about its impact on businesses in Gulf and Middle East and possible role that can be
played by professional accountants, especially management accountants. The conference was a resounding success, despite being the
first international venture of the Institute and appreciations are continuously pouring in from CMAs all around the world on organizing
such an important conference in Dubai.

ICMAP Estd. 1951

ICMA Pakistan’s Global Management

Accountants Conference Estd. 1951

Glimpses of GMAC

Welcome Address:
Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, President ICMA Pakistan

Anis ur Rehman, Vice President & Khawaja Ehrar ul Hassan, Conference Moderator: Waqar Ali Khan,
Chairman CPD, ICMAP Honorary Secretary, ICMAP Member National Council ICMA Pakistan

A Better Way - The Accountant as a Driver of Innovation Cyber Security – The Essentiality Today: Q & A Session
Daniel Monehin, PAIB Committee Member, IFAC H. L. Kumar, Vice President, Klystron Global DMCC

Group Photo

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 49


Estd. 1951

ICMA Pakistan’s Global Management

Accountants Conference Estd. 1951

Technical Session 1: Understanding VAT

Pricing Strategies with particular reference to Healthcare Impact of VAT on pricing in UAE
Srinivas Achar, CFO, National Hospital Mian Mohammmad Ramzan, CEO, TMRC Consulting

Accountants' Perception on VAT Challenges of Management Accounting:

Syed Asif Zaman, President, ICAP President, Dubai Chap. Faisal Anwer, Financial Controller, Getz Pharma

Group Photo

50 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


ICMAP Estd. 1951

ICMA Pakistan’s Global Management

Accountants Conference Estd. 1951

Technical Session 2: Role of Professional Accountants

In Economic Value Addition Through Costing and Pricing
Integrated Reporting - Role of Cost and Role of professional accountants in
Management Accountants CMA Sanjay Gupta, Economic Value Addition Prof. Lakhsman
President, ICoAI Watawala, President, CMASL

Performance of Pakistan Association of Mr. Muhammad Abbas Sandhu, Activity Based Costing – As a tool for
Dubai (PAD) in UAE CEO, M. A. & Co. Pricing: Abdul Qayyum, Financial
Dr. Faisal Ikram, President, PAD Controller, Anglo Eastern Industries

Group Photo

Panel Discussion Audience

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 51


Estd. 1951

Economy Watch
Compiled by Research and Publications Directorate, ICMA Pakistan

SECP notifies Draft Companies (Compliance The regulations also specify the particulars for the registers of
members, debenture-holders, directors, and officers etc. to be
and Reporting) Regulations kept by the companies. In addition to that the mechanism of

T he Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

(SECP) has notified the draft Companies (Compliance and
Reporting) Regulations, 2017, to obtain public opinion. The
price determination for transfer of shares of a private company,
conduct of shareholders in the meeting, qualification of
company secretary, manner of selection of independent director
draft regulations have been placed on the SECP’s website. on databank, mechanism for easy exit of defunct company and
provisions relating to inactive company have been specified in
The regulations primarily specify the form and manner of filing the draft regulations. The regulations will replace Companies
of various statutory returns as required under the provisions of (General Provisions and Forms) Rules, 1985, and Companies (Easy
the Companies Act, 2017, as well as the standardized formats Exit Scheme) Regulations 2014. They have been notified with the
for filing of applications under the various provisions of the Act. objective of ease of doing business. The public is requested to send
The statutory forms specified under the draft regulations their comments by email at
pertains to commencement of business, registration of altered
articles of association, change of principal line of business, SECP approves US equity index futures
returns concerning registration, modification and satisfaction of contracts for trading through PMEX
charge, return for transfer of shares and further allotment of
shares, notice of alteration of share capital, special return for
change in shareholding of more than 25%, annual returns,
T he Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
(SECP), having notified the ‘International Equity Index’ as
a financial instrument for the purposes of Futures Market Act,
returns pertaining to global register of beneficial ownership, 2016, has accorded approval for trading of US equity index
filing of special resolution, consent to act as director etc. The futures contracts through the platform of PMEX. These futures
formats of applications specified under the draft regulations contracts shall further enrich the existing product portfolio of
include change of name, rectification of name, conversion of PMEX, which includes commodities such as gold, silver, crude
status of company, alteration in memorandum of association, oil, international cotton, platinum, natural gas, copper, red
issue of shares otherwise than right, issue of shares at discount, chilli, paddy rice, wheat, etc. Trading of international equity
extension in annual general meeting and laying of financial index futures contracts through PMEX is envisaged to create
statements, relaxations concerning financial statements, awareness among investing public about US equity indices such
approval of loan to directors etc. as Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Italian Investors Keen to Benefit from Stefano said the heads of
many large Italian companies
Opportunities Stemming from CPEC: Envoy had visited Pakistan in recent

I talian Ambassador to Pakistan Stefano Pontecorvo said there

was growing interest among Italian business community to
explore investment opportunities in Pakistan, specially in view
months to meet officials and
potential business partners
specially in fields such as
of the new possibilities opening up under the China Pakistan natural gas, liquefied natural
Economic Corridor (CPEC). gas, automotive industry,
agricultural machinery,
He was talking to Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission textile machinery and the
Sartaj Aziz who called on him here along with Roberto Puddu, construction sector.
Commercial Counsellor of the Italian Embassy.
The ambassador invited the
Sartaj Aziz on the occasion expressed his satisfaction at the Deputy Chairman to visit Italy at a mutually convenient time to
recent 46 per cent increase in bilateral trade between the two further strengthen economic cooperation between the two
countries from $1.3 billion in 2015-16 to $2 billion in 2016-17. countries.

52 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


Estd. 1951

US$ 3.93 Billion US$ 8.99 Billion
July-August 2017-18 July - August 2017-18
Showing 17.7% growth during same Showing 7.6 % decrease over preceding
period last year (US$ 3.34 billion) two months (US$ 9.74 billion)


US$ 6444.46 Million US$ 2.60 Billion
July - October 2017-18 July - August 2017-18
Current Account Deficit was US$ 3.10 billion
Remittances were US$ 6301.39
during May-June 2017, showing
during same period last year
improvement of 16.2 percent


US$ 12.1 Billion 6.1% of GDP
July - October 2017-18 (Rs. 2.2 Trillion)
Government target is 4.1% or Rs. 1.5 Trillion
(Source: World Bank Pakistan Development Update November 2017)


78.7 % of GDP US$ 939.7 Million
July - October 2017-18
The ratio of Revenue to Debt is over 700 times
FDI was74.4% higher than same period last year
(Source: World Bank Pakistan Development Update November 2017)
(Source: State Bank of Pakistan)


US$ 19.7 Billion 3.5%
As on 10th November 2017 July- October 2017
This includes Forex held by SBP @ US$ 13.7 billion Average inflation stood at 3.95%
and held by commercial banks @ US$ 6 billion during same period last year
(Source: State Bank of Pakistan) (Source: Daily Business Recorder)

ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 53


Estd. 1951

Accounting Terms
Activity attributes Nonfinancial and financial information items that describe individual activities.

Benchmarking An approach that uses best practices as the standard for evaluating activity performance.

Certified Management A person who has passed a rigorous qualifying examination, has met an experience requirement, and
Accountant (CMA) participates in continuing education.

Discount factor The factor used to convert a future cash flow to its present value.

Environmental costs Costs that are incurred because poor environmental quality exists or may exist.

A balanced scorecard viewpoint that describes the financial consequences of actions taken in the other
Financial perspective three perspectives.

Goal congruence The alignment of a manager’s personal goals with those of the organization.

Hybrid product-costing A system that incorporates features from two or more alternative product-costing systems, such as job-order and process costing
The positive or negative measures taken by an organization to induce a manager to exert effort toward
Incentives achieving the organization’s goals.
Just-In-Time (JIT) A purchasing method that requires suppliers to deliver parts and materials just in time to be used in production.
Keep-or-drop decisions Relevant costing analyses that focus on keeping or dropping a segment of business.

Labor-intensive A production process accomplished largely by manual labor.

Manufacturing cycle Time The total amount of production time (or throughput time) required per unit.

An approach that assigns the actual costs of direct materials and direct labor to products but uses a
Normal costing predetermined rate to assign overhead costs.

Operating expenses The money an organization spends in turning inventories into throughput.

Perquisites A type of fringe benefit over and above salary, which is received by managers.

Quality of conformance Conforming to the design requirements of the product.

A transfer price acceptable to the Internal Revenue Service under Section 482. The resale price method computes
Resale price method a transfer price equal to the sales price received by the reseller less an appropriate markup.

Scatter diagram A set of plotted cost observations at various activity levels.

The average amount of time required to convert raw materials into finished goods ready to be shipped
Throughput time to customers.

Under-applied overhead The amount by which actual overhead exceeds applied overhead.

Variable cost Costs that, in total, vary in direct proportion to changes in a cost diver.

Waiting time The time during which partially completed products wait for the next phase of production.

An alternative approach to budgeting in which the prior year’s budgeted level is not taken for granted. Instead,
Zero based budgeting the existing operations are analyzed, and continuance of the activity or operation must be justified on the basis
of its need or usefulness to the organization.

54 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017


Estd. 1951

Letter to the Editor

Dear Mr. Iqbal Ghori

An article ‘Business Entrepreneurship’ published in

Management Accountant is very interesting. It
We believe that the readers are the best judge to highlight
provides history of successful entrepreneurs, gives the areas where improvement in 'Management
statistical data, motivation and shows steps to start Accountant Journal' can be made. The Research and
Publications Committee invites your valuable comments
new business. It highlights the associated risks and
and suggestions on the editorial, articles and other
suggests precautionary measures and transition contents of the Journal. These comments/suggestions
from job to a successful entrepreneurship in will be published in the Journal on a regular basis.

Pakistan. The Committee reserves the right of editing the

comments and suggestions.
Zahid Mahmood, ACMA The intellectual and research based inputs may be sent on
Cell: 0341-2521165

Advertise in

Accountant Journal
Back Cover (Coloured) Rs. 200,000/-
Front Inside / Back Inside (Coloured) Rs. 150,000/-
Inside Pages (Coloured) Rs. 125,000/-
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For more details and information, please contact:
ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, September-October, 2017 55

Estd. 1951

National Council


Mohammad Iqbal Ghori, FCMA

Raheel Asghar Ginai, FCMA Kashif Mateen Ansari, FCMA Zia ul Mustafa Awan, FCMA Waqar Ali khan, FCMA


Anis-ur-Rehman, FCMA

Jameel Ahmad Tahir Mahmood , FCMA Dr.Talat Imtiaz Sumaira K. Aslam

Deputy Governor Securities and Exchange Deputy Auditor General of Pakistan Ministry of Finance
State Bank of Pakistan Commission of Pakistan (SECP)

Khawaja Ehrar ul Hassan, FCMA

Saghir ul Hassan Khan, FCMA Mushtaq Ahmed Madraswala, FCMA

Research & Publications Committee

Chairman Members

Mohammad Iqbal Mian Nisar Ahmad, FCMA Hamad Rasool Bhullar, FCMA Faisal Shafique, FCMA Syed Hassan Ahmed Al-Ahdal, FCMA Syed Babar Ali, FCMA

Ghori, FCMA

Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah, FCMA Shoaib A. Tirmazi, ACMA Zulfiqar Ali Mehto Jawad Hamid Malik Tanvir Shahzad

56 ICMA Pakistan’s Management Accountant, July-August, 2017

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