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Ladies first idee fixed masculinity has been prevalent in the modern society. This sees

masculinity as the one who put preferential treatment on women by giving them the chance to

partake in an opportunity before men, no matter the effort men parlay. Multifarious studies

inclining to gender norms, in which ladies first idee fixe masculinity is part of, has been

collectively categorized as health detrimental (APA, 2015). Furthermore, limited studies relating

to such gender norm of ladies first as a test of masculinity have been discovered. This prompts the

proponents of this study to pursue.

Moreover, the preferential treatment bestowed to a specific gender portrays inequities that

could possibly harm any gender. In this stance, the ladies first preconception of masculinity that

yields special treatment to women can possibly harm the mental well-being of men. They are

constricted to conform and questioning such notion might candidate them towards abomination

and castigation in the society. Adding to that, there are men who believe of such notion and

deviating from it can possible conflict your relations to other men. Another concern might surface

when men are prone to suppress the feelings inside until those accumulate into depression and

such. Because of previous iterations, men are struggling due to ladies first idee fixed masculinity

being practiced across the society, impairing their freedom to express and their health.

Gender inequality exists anywhere. However, its widespread never condones its perpetuity.

In the modern age where liberalization become a strong tool towards positive societal change, we

must rethink and reevaluate our historical idea of being masculine and how it contributes in the

common good of the populace today. The above statements compels the proponents of this study

to initiate this particular research of negative effect of ladies first idee fixe masculinity to the

mental well-being of male students of College of Business and Accountancy in University of Cebu,

Banilad Campus.


Studies regarding the impact of ladies first gender norms as idee fixe masculinity basis has

been seen empty, although there are adjacent researches available. Acquiring this study is going

to be beneficial for both gender since every circumstance requires a perpetrator and a victim.

Women who are common-user of the phrase “Ladies first” to gain advantage are considered one

of perpetrators. Likewise, it is never impossible for men to use such phrase too towards other

female’s advantage. This study would practically educate both gender towards condemning unfair

practices of gender-based preferential treatment. Otherwise, in the event the result indicates

positive impact to the mental well-being of male students, this calls an attention to reinforce such

chivalric ladies first idee fixe masculinity.

Various studies of World Health Organization or WHO (2019) posit the need of

underpinning gender related inequities and their impact to health. They further states that gender-

transformative policies should be adopted to challenge the underlying causes of gender inequities.

This study is a response to the endeavor of WHO to condemn cultural practices that exacerbates

gender gap. In addition, studies of Flemming and Brune (2015) further evidenced manifestation of

implications for an individual’s health because certain behaviors considered normative for a

particular gender may be associated with health outcomes. This signifies the vehemence of gender

norms such as the chivalric ladies first to health and well-being of both man and woman. However,

American Psychological Association or APA (2005) emphasized that being man and woman has

no difference. Both gender have the same mental psychological impact. In the other hand, studies

of UNICEF (2015) assert that gender norms are hazard, although not all. Furthermore, it exploits

that girls are more vulnerable.

The previous iterations display substantial knowledge of gender-related impacts to health

that could be driven by multitude of factors. Although WHO (2019) delineates the necessity to

address gender iniquities, it failed to investigate varying gender norms and how it affects to another

gender instead of mending of what may appear essential gap. Flemming and Brune (2015) may

explain the persistence of health-deteriorating gender normative behaviors but this does not

encompass all gender norms and the study neglect on sieving individual norms. Moreover, APA

(2005) overlooked the diversifying gender norms and intensity of acceptance in the society, thus,

describing only the phenomenon as the same but ignoring the varying intensity of the impact. In

addition, UNICEF (2015) omitted to highlight the vulnerability of men from the gender norms.

In brief, there is a need for a study of a specific gender norm and its’ effects to the health

of a particular gender. Collectively assuming the gender norm as hazardous might consign the

benignant ones from being practiced.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the negative effect of ladies first idee fixe masculinity to the

mental well-being of freshmen male students of College of Business and Accountancy, University

of Cebu, Banilad Campus for the S.Y. 2018-2019.

This research aims to:

1. Identify the effects of ladies first idee fixe masculinity to the :

1.1 Male students’ positive feeling;

1.2 Male students’ positive thinking; and

1.3 Male students’ positive actions.

2. Discover the challenges of ladies first idee fixe masculinity in promoting:

1.1 Male students’ expression; and

1.2 Male students’ character of guilt.

3. Evaluate the satisfaction of male students in ladies first idee fixe masculinity outline


1.1 Interest on the activities or hobbies; and

1.2 Sense of gender equality.

Conceptual Framework

Masculinity and Well-being: Negative Effect of Ladies First Idee Fixe

Masculinity to the Mental Well-being of Freshmen Male Students
of College of Business and Accountancy, University of Cebu,
Banilad Campus, for the S.Y. 2018-2019.

Evaluate based on the
s following:
a. Male students’
positive feeling
b. Male students’ Dependent variable
Independent variable
positive thinking b.) Effect to the male
a.) Ladies first idee fixe c. Male students’ students’ mental well-
masculinity positive actions being
d. Male students’
e. Male students’
character of guilt
f. Interest on the
activities or hobbies
g. Sense of gender

HYPOTHESIS: There is negative effect of

Ladies First idee fixe masculinity to the mental
well-being of male students of College of
Business and Accountancy in University of Cebu,
Banilad Campus.

Scope and Limitations

Five freshmen male students from 1400 population of College of Business and

Accountancy (CBA) are volunteered respondents of this study. This framework, however, solely

pertains to negative effect of ladies first idee fixe masculinity to the mental well-being of male

students in University of Cebu, Banilad Campus. This include various factors such as students’

positive feeling, students’ positive thinking, positive actions, expression, character of guilt, interest

on the activities or hobbies, and sense of gender equality. The results are determined using the

Likert scale survey method. The said study focuses on the ladies first idee fixe which is a culturally

defined masculinity measure in the Philippines. This study did not cover the preferential treatment

given to various pregnant and physically challenged women. Furthermre, the study did not cover

the effects of female population in contrast to the male to the said preferential treatment of lady’s


Significance of the Study

The underlying results will benefit the following:

Society. This rehashes the persistent knowledge of the common people on gender basis

preferences. Moreover, male counterparts who are constricted to conform can positively express

themselves when the society made such efforts to cull the said negative interference.

School Administration. When the school administrators are educated of such negative

consequences, they can implement necessary actions and regulations to achieve gender awareness

and equality by promoting proper thinking of things. Thus, the school can be able to produce

liberated and much mentally positive graduates.

Parents. In this stead, the result relays substantial knowledge for them to facilitate their way of

parenting their child in the satisfactory setting relevant to the study. They can demonstrate to their

children the mutual respect and unhinge to the notion of ladies first idee fixe. Hence, curbing

further negative consequence in their child’s mental well-being.

Teachers. These influential people can be able to rethink their manner of organizing the class in

passing the papers or during class parties where ladies first rule are most common so to speak. By

injecting the results of this study to them, the ladies first rule is going to be less prevalent

contributing to massive awareness and mental well-being of men.

Students. This study hopes to yield results in which useful for them because having awareness on

the two sides of the coins such as men and women, proper decorum of mutual respect is uplifted.

The idea of this study applies even when students successfully become professionals

Definition of Terms

Empty – almost not observable due to less or no available resources.

Gender equality – giving both gender balance treatment instead of having preferential treatment

to what they perceive as a weaker gender.

Gender norms – the normative of the society expected to every gender.

Guilt – product of not conforming to the gender norm.

Idee Fixe – the idea that dominates in masculinity and what it takes to be masculine.

Ladies First – gender norm of chivalric act of allowing the ladies to take the opportunity before

men, no matter the effort men parlay.

Masculinity – societal concept of being male together with expected actions.

Mental – one’s mind.

Negative effect – results when the students’ positive feeling, students’ positive thinking, positive

actions, expression, character of guilt, interest on the activities or hobbies, and

sense of gender equality are not observed.

Positive – equal happiness.

Preferential – giving special treatment to a particular gender instead of treating them equally.

Well-being – the state of one’s mind influence by external factors such as gender norms.


This chapter includes ideas, thesis, researches, generalization, conclusions, and others.

These eclectic inclusions will assist in familiarization of the relevant and similar knowledge

undertow in the study.


There has been very limited related literature particular to the topic in the Philippines.

Nevertheless, the absence of succulent researches fueled the spirit of the researchers of this paper

to pursue this study to contribute in very limited resource material.

A study of Leonora C. Angeles &Kathryn Hill (2009) posits how significant a gender

equality is a given setting. Furthermore, one can indirectly connect that there is no certain ladies

first idee fixe masculinity or patronage to women. There must be an equal treatment of the two

gender. However, it failed to procure direct research regarding the said gender norm of

masculinity. It states:

“Based on parallel field research conducted in two peri-urban villages in the cities of Naga

and Valencia, the Philippines, this article deploy gender analysis to understand livelihood

diversification in the context of agrarian change. In analyzing the role of state organizations and

NGOs in (re)producing gender differences, hierarchies, roles and identities within agrarian

settings, it brings poststructuralist and postcolonial theory into conversation with political

economy to explore how gender is at stake in daily livelihood struggles. Specifically, attention is

drawn to how structural constraints and institutional discourses still render livelihood

diversification a gendered project, and how state and other development organizations are

continuing to perpetuate gender inequalities and re-inscribe normative gender discourses,

particularly around masculinities and women's reproductive roles, in agrarian communities.”

Moreover, a study proposed by Evelyn P. Santiago (2010) delineates how imperative a

woman role is in the society. In spite of the fact that the study focuses on woman’s economic

participation, the persistent gender inequality still affects outcomes. In relation to the gender norms

of masculinity, this displays the possibility that no gender is exempted from the inequalities the

other gender has. In this stead, the said study bolster the volition of the researchers to further

investigate the negative consequences of ladies first idee fixe of masculinity. The study of Santiago

futher states:

“This paper looks into the nature and extent of women's participation in the economic

sphere and how this participation has changed over time as the economy develops. The relative

economic position of Filipino women as compared to men with respect to three aspects, namely:

(a) labor force participation, (b) occupational attainment and (c) relative wage level is examined.

The analysis of women's economic position as directly related to these three aspects provides some

insights on the nature of gender inequality in terms of economic participation. The main question

asked in this paper is whether or not economic growth has improved women's economic position.”


The ladies first idee fixe of masculinity can be seen as an chivalric act to foreign nations.

This has been proven by the study of Twila Bergania (2019) in “Chivalry vs. Equality: Should

Men Still Give Up Their Seats For Women?” It states:

“In a historical and literal context, chivalry is more than just an umbrella term for respect

towards women. During the medieval era, chivalry is known as a set of values and code of conduct

for knights. The word covers how knights should act in their political, religious, cultural, and

military functions. While chivalry emerged at a time where strict gender roles were the basis of

everything, the term spoke mostly of living with bravery, courtesy, and respect towards other

people’s welfare and towards women who are under a knight’s jurisdiction. Naturally, “chivalry”

would spark confusion in the modern era, where women are no longer subject to ownership and


The iterations above signals the astringent gender roles in history. There has been

overflowing discussion made by Bergania (2019) in regards to chivalric gender norms.

Nevertheless, times have changed and our way of living shifted unceremoniously. Hence, the said

research above becomes one of motivating variable to pursuit this paper.

Recent studies further proved the existence of chivalry in modern society. In the study of

James Devitt (2016) in which scenarios were given using “Trolley Dilemma” when subjects are

given the option of the extremes, it resulted that people more likely to save the woman. It states:

“We’re more likely to sacrifice a man than a woman when it comes to both saving the lives

of others and in pursuing our self-interests, a team of psychology researchers has found. Our study

indicates that we think women’s welfare should be preserved over men’s,” observes Oriel

FeldmanHall, a post-doctoral researcher at New York University and the study’s lead author. In

one experiment, study subjects read one of three versions of a “Trolley Dilemma”—a commonly

used technique in psychology studies and akin to the “Lifeboat Question” (i.e., if you could save

only three of five passengers in a lifeboat, whom would you choose?). In the trolley scenario,

subjects read one of three versions of the dilemma, where each vignette described a man, woman,

or gender-neutral bystander on the bridge. The participants were then asked how willing they were

to “push the [man/woman/person] onto the path of the oncoming trolley” in order to save five

others farther down the track. The results showed that both female and male subjects were much

more likely to push the male bystander or one of unspecified gender than they were the female


Following to the previous set, the second experiment conditioned selectional inflictions.

The results showed that women less likely to receive pain than men. The results can also mean that

the male counterparts are harboring more stigma than the female counterparts are. Thus, this study

of ladies first idee fixe plays an important candidate to solidify these claims. The second

experiment of Devitt (2016) states:

“In a second experiment, a new group of subjects was given £20 and told that any money

they held at the end of the experiment would be multiplied up to 10-fold, giving them as much as

£200. However, there was a catch. In the experiment, the subjects interacted with other

individuals—the researchers’ confederates. The subjects were told that if they decided to keep the

money, these individuals would be subjected to mild electric shocks. However, if they gave up the

money, it would prevent the shocks from being administrated. As with the first experiment, women

were less likely than men to be subjected to shocks, suggesting an aversion to harming females—

even when this came at the subjects’ own financial expense. However, while both female and male

subjects were less likely to shock females than they were males, women in particular were less

willing to shock other women.”

The third experiment had proved the existence of gender biases towards female that could

be vitally detrimental to the male. The choices people made are affected by such gender. Despite

the benevolence of the endeavor, it does not enshroud the fact that males receive less better

treatment than women. The third experiment of Devitt states:

“A third experiment was a survey in which a new set of more than 350 subjects was asked

a series of questions relevant to the study’s focus—specifically, the researchers aimed to sort out

the thought process that might explain the behaviors exhibited in the first two experiments. “There

is indeed a gender bias in these matters: society perceives harming women as more morally

unacceptable,” explains co-author Dean Mobbs, an assistant professor of psychology at Columbia

University. The study’s other authors included: Tim Dalgleish a clinical psychologist at Cambridge

University; Davy Evans, a doctoral candidate at the University of Birmingham; Lauren Navrady,

a doctoral candidate at the University of Edinburgh; and Ellen Tedeschi, a doctoral candidate at

Columbia University.”

Due to limited resources regarding the topic of gender norms of chivalric masculinity, this

has lead us to the study of T. William Altermatt (2001). He inclines women as an inferior being

that requires help. This became one of basis in preferential treatment towards women. The study

vindicates the existence of effort of males to uphold masculinity as the culture relates chivalry one

of masculine factors. It states:

“Chivalry is a cultural script prescribing the preferential treatment of women by men in

the contexts of protection and provision. Although it is often regarded as a polite and prosocial

script for male-female relations, chivalry is sometimes suspected of undermining efforts to

promote equal status for women because it suggests that women require more help than men do.

In this report, I examined the relation between chivalry and two beliefs about women: the belief

that women are more virtuous than men and the belief that women are less agentic than men.

Endorsement of the chivalry script was found to be significantly positively correlated with the

belief that women are more virtuous than men and the belief that women are less agentic than men.

In addition, chivalrous men tended to show preferential treatment only to women who appeared to

be high in virtue and low in agency. Finally, participants who merely observed a woman receiving

chivalrous treatment perceived her to be significantly less independent than participants who

observed the same woman when she did not receive chivalrous treatment.



This chapter outlines the research methodology used in the resolve of the research

questions. These are the research design, research respondents, research environment, research

instruments, data gathering, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study takes hold of descriptive quantitative research design. It describes the data and

characteristic of negative effect of ladies first idee fixe masculinity to the mental well-being of

male students in College of Business and Accountancy in University of Cebu, Banilad Campus for

the school year 2019-2020.

The said design would identify the negative effect of ladies first idee fixe masculinity in

terms of the men’s positive feeling, positive thinking, and male positive actions. In addition, this

discover the challenges of ladies first idee fixe masculnity in promoting male students’ expression

and male students’ character of guilt. Moreover, this determines the satisfaction of male students

in ladies first idee fixe masculinity as outline to the interest in the activities or hobbies and also the

sense of gender equality. These are the points-to-consider in determining the negative effect of

ladies first idee fixe masculinity to the mental well-being of male students in University of Cebu,

Banilad Campus.

Research Respondents

The selected five students sample size from College of Business and Accountacy (CBA)

in University of Cebu , Banilad are the chosen respondents for the study. The chosen five

respondents are to answer the 15 statements in which they will mark their intensity of agreement

or disagreement. The sample size derived from 1400 total population with the help of purposive

sampling method as per advised by our instructor. They are chosen for this study aside from being

the witness of this preferential treament of lady’s first, the researchers are interested to know the

effect of the said lady’s first idee fixe masculinity to the mental well-being of the male students

due to the aforementioned in the previous sections of this

Research Instrument

The instrument used was a Likert scale survey. Likert scale is a psychometric scale that

employs statement that should be rated either 'strongly agree' 'agree' 'disagree' or 'strongly

disagree'. The researchers used Likert scale as to get the intend respond for the study. The

statements was drawn out based on the questions in the statement of the problem.

Research Setting/Environment

The study took place at University of Cebu-Banilad Campus located at 6000, Gov. M.

Cuenco Ave, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu. The researchers chose to conduct this study at University of

Cebu, Banilad because this is where we can meet respondents that are needed for the study and do

interactions with different kinds of male students having their own different views about the

conducted study. Moreover, this has also been indicated in the limitations of this study. The

campus has a College Building that is intended for different courses of college students. The

building has 9 floors. On the third and fourth floor of the building is the floor for CBA students

which are the respondents. It is convenient for the respondents as well as for the researcher.

Data Gathering Procedure

First, acquiring consent form and information of respondents’ letter affixed with the

signatures of essential persons to validate the administration of survey is the initial process.

Beforehand, filling-in of consent forms, which comes below information is required for the

respondents. This proves that they have answered the survey and willingly participate in the study

that can be understood in the ascribed information of the consent. The researchers pluck the time

for vacant period(s) of each respondents so that the respondents focus much in the survey


Second, the researchers will now give the surveys to the chosen five respondents using the

Likert scale. Lastly, after gathering the data of the chosen respondents, the researchers will

recollect the filled survey questionnaires and will then analyze and interpret the data gathered.



This chapter includes presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data collected. Moreover,

this chapter contains tables, graphical presentations and corresponding description of the said



Table 1. The data gathered from initial 5 questions, 1 to 5, presented below pertains to

identifying the effects of female's first idee fixe masculinity to the male student's positive feeling,

positive thinking and positive actions.


Strongly Agree 0 0%

Agree 3 12%

Neutral 0 0%

Disagree 11 44%

Strongly Disagree 11 44%

The table above shows that there are 0% of males who strongly agree that there is a positive

effects of female's first idee fixe masculinity to the males student's positive feeling, thinking and

actions. There are 12% of males who agree, 0% of males say neutral, and 44% of males who

disagree and strongly disagree that there is an effect of female's first idee fixe masculinity to the

males students positive thinking, positive feeling and positive action.

Table 2. The data in the table below shows the data gathered from the numbers 6 to 10

questions referring to the challenges of ladies first idee fixe masculinity in promoting male

student's expression and character of guilt.


Strongly Agree 0 0%

Agree 1 4%

Neutral 4 16%

Disagree 11 44%

Strongly Disagree 9 36%

The table above shows that there are 0% of males who strongly disagree and 4% agree that

they are challenged in ladies first idee fixe masculinity in promoting male student's expression and

character of guilt. There are 16% of the male respondents says neutral. Meanwhile, there are 44%

of the male respondents agree and 36% strongly disagree that they are challenged in ladies first

idee fixe in promoting male student's expression and character of guilt.

Table 3. The data below gathered from initial 5 questions of the questionnaire numbers 11

to 15 questions pertaining about the satisfaction of male students in ladies first idee fixe

masculinity outline to the interest on the activities or hobbies and sense of gender equality.


Strongly Agree 1 4%

Agree 3 12%

Neutral 3 12%

Disagree 11 44%

Strongly Disagree 7 28%

The table above shows that there are 4% of the respondents who strongly agree and 12%

who agree that there is a satisfaction of male students in ladies first idee fixe masculinity outline

to the interest on the activities ir hobbies and sense equality. There are 12% of the respondents

who says neutral. In the other hand, there are 44% of the male respondents who disagree and 28%

who strongly disagree that there is a satisfaction of male students in ladies first idee fixe

masculinity outline to the interest on the activities or hobbies and sense of gender equality.



This chapter contains summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendations of the study.

Furthermore, this chapter hopes to yield he overall resolve for the undertaking.


The study was conducted to know the Negative Effects of Ladies First Idee Fixe Masculinity

to the Mental Well-being of Male Students in College of Business and Accountancy (CBA) in

University of Cebu, Banilad Campus for the SY. 2019-2020. Respondents were composed of five

freshmen male students of multifarious programs offered within the CBA. The study was

conducted from October 8, 2019 to October 16, 2019 at University of Cebu, Banilad Campus. The

researchers used a descriptve quantitative research design and apply the process of survey

questionnaire utilizing Likert scale to gather information and used percentage mean as a statistical

treatment of the study. This study did not cover those who are pregnant and physically challenged



The researchers conclude that there is negative effect of ladies first idee fixe masculinity to

the mental well-being of male students in College of Business and Accoutancy (CBA) in

University of Cebu, Banilad Campus SY. 2019-2020 which affects greatly in the aspect of the

male students' positive thinking, feeling and actions. The male students of the University were also

challenged of the ladies first idee fixe in promoting male expressions and sense of guilt. And lastly,

in the aspect of gender equality.


The researchers recommend to those researchers who wish to continue the study to make the

respondents greater in number for it will give a way to the researchers to gather some reliable data

and information. Also, do not just focus on the environment of the University but instead, to go

beyond it. Adding to that, we recommend to study on the correlation of women population to a

specific heteronormative of a given area and its effect to the mental well-being of males.


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University of Cebu- Banilad Campus

Gov. M Cuenco Ave. Banilad, Cebu City

College of Business and Accountancy


Dear participants:

We are Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students of University of Cebu- Banilad

Campus., conducting a research of the following topic: “Masculinity and Well-being: Negative

Effect of Ladies First Idea Fixe Masculinity to the Mental Well-Being of Male Students in

University of Cebu-Banilad S.Y. 2018-2019” as part of our research project.

We would profoundly appreciate if you could kindly assist us by answering our survey

questionnaires. Your response would be utilize for accomplishment of our study. We are convinced

that the said study would benefit the society, including you. Rest assured, the data you have entered

would remain confidential and for academic purposes only.


By listing your name below with you affixed signature, you have read and understood the

above information regarding the said study.

Name Signature

Prepared by:

Bremt Cloyd Anga Jocelyn Villalon

Kelly John Arandia Joann Cañete

Rio Nard Rabor Leslie Sta.Ana


University of Cebu- Banilad Campus

Gov. M Cuenco Ave. Banilad, Cebu City

College of Business and Accountancy

Direction: Please answer the given questions properly.

1. I am not bothered about females first chivalry in any circumstances

2. I am not bothered about being first in line before me in the canteen.

3. It gives me satisfaction about doing female’s first habit.

4. I’m optimistic to make the female the first in an event of giving ice cream in school.

5. I’m in favour of female first before men in answering the teacher’s academic questions.

6. In a scenario where there is a long queue, I allow girls to come first in line before mine.

7. It doesn’t bother me when my teacher put the ladies first in line before boys.

8. I feel good when the organizer or the teacher give way for the girls in any instances even

if we are all the same students.

9. It doesn’t hold me back to delay my disapproval towards lady’s first treatment.

10. I can freely express my support for the girl, in which they are prioritized in any


11. I can give ways for the girls or women in any lining instances.

12. I respect the importance of girls to the fact that they should be first in everything.

13. The saying “Ladies First” is what I’ve been obeying for quite some time.

14. I feel guilty when I let myself first before girls or women.

15. Due to my selfishness, I tend to neglect girls in line.




















A.S. Fortuna St. Banilad Mandaue City

Contact Number: 09665581630


Age: 18

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: September 30, 2000

Place of Birth: Basak Mandaue City, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino


June 2017 – May 2019 Tertiary Level


Banilad Cebu City

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

June 2013 – April 2017 Secondary Education


Poblacion Kiamba Sarangani Province

June 2006 – 2012 Primary Education


Poblacion Kiamba Sarangani Province


Pagsabungan, Mandaue City, Cebu

Contact Number: 09225928283


Age: 18

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: November 18, 2000

Place of Birth: Pagsabungan Mandaue City, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino


June 2017 – 2019 Tertiary Level


Banilad Cebu City

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

June 2013 – 2017 Secondary Education


Maguikay, Mandaue City

June 2006 – 2012 Primary Education


Maguikay, Mandaue City


Looc, Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu

Contact Number: 09565685614


Age: 18

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: September 10, 2000

Place of Birth: Looc, Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino


June 2017 – 2019 Tertiary Level


Banilad Cebu City

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

June 2013 – 2017 Secondary Education



Compostela City, Cebu

June 2006 – 2012 Primary Education


Liloan, Cebu City


Canduman Housing, Mandaue City

Contact Number: 09199884020


Age: 18

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: December 23, 2000

Place of Birth: Pagsabungan Mandaue City, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino


June 2017 – May 2019 Tertiary Level


Banilad Cebu City

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

June 2013 – April 2017 Secondary Education


Canduman, Mandaue City

June 2006 – 2012 Primary Education


Canduman, Mandaue City


Canduman Housing, Mandaue City

Contact Number: 09367255157


Age: 18

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: November 25, 2000

Place of Birth: Sindangan, Zamboanga Del Norte

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino


June 2017 – May 2019 Tertiary Level


Banilad Cebu City

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

June 2013 – April 2017 Secondary Education


Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

June 2006 – 2012 Primary Education


Labason, Zamboanga Del Norte


Upper Panabang, Apas, Cebu City

Contact Number: 09509481614


Age: 20

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: January 18, 1999

Place of Birth: Upper Panabang, Apas, Cebu City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino


June 2017 – May 2019 Tertiary Level


Banilad Cebu City

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

June 2013 – April 2017 Secondary Education


Omega Street, Apas, Cebu City

June 2006 – 2012 Primary Education


Omega Street, Apas, Cebu City


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