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An Undergraduate Thesis

Thesis Presented to the Faculty and Staff of Junior and Senior High School

Department of Margosatubig PAX High School/Kindergarten, Inc.

Presented to:
Mr. Mark Joshua B. Vallespin

Presented by:
Balagtas, Charles Christian S.
Meriales, Paulnel Aljoser V.
Bulagsac, Bea Charisse P.
Bruan, Lleyton Paul D.
Salison, J-lo N.

November 2019




The research entitled “Effects of the Video Game: Mobile Legends” on the

Study Habits of Junior and Senior High Students of PAX High School”, is made in

order to identify the effects which the rise of mobile video games, namely Mobile

Legends: Bang Bang, bring along, especially in the field of academic performance,

and how these effects are expressed in their study habits.

Entertainment has always been an essential part of our lifestyle, even more

so with the increase of easily accessible supplies of media content. This newfound

invigoration for entertainment has garnered with it its fair share of different

mediums in which to express that sense of entertainment. The relevant medium to

our study is Gaming. It is an increasingly popular act of playing an electronic game

which involves interactions made between interface and player feedback.

The world is facing a general rise in financial capability. One can argue

otherwise, but the truth is, comparatively, we are experiencing quite a departure

from the days of old in which most can’t even ring a job, let alone earn themselves

a decent pay not under the minimum wage. Because of this rise in the quality of

life, combined with technological advancements, it became easy to incorporate

entertainment and luxury to one’s own way of living.

At school, we see the same growing trend we see globally, a rising priority in

luxury and entertainment. Though in isolation it isn’t at all detrimental, when placed

in the context of the academic lifestyle we start to see a shift in values in the

students’ life. Students’ behaviors are influenced by their values and these values

dictate their actions and habits. With gaming, the students are provided an outlet

to unwind, and this provides the student with an option to neglect studies in favor

of a more nonchalant life if given the freedom to do so. Combine our increasingly

positive social standings as well as the addictive game design in these video

games and you have a new part of your life affecting most aspects of it, especially

the educational. Though, it should be understood that whether or not video games

affect one’s study habits in a negative way, we still need to be cautious with how

we spend our time, as it is valuable, and the only thing we truly have.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of Mobile Legends on the Study
Habits of Students. The research participants of the study are the Junior High
School (Grade 7-10) and Senior High School (Grade 11- 12) students of PAX High
School, school year 2019– 2020.

Specifically, this study answers the following questions:

1. How do the students feel about the Mobile Video Game- Mobile Legends:
Bang Bang?
2. What are the possible reasons why students are prioritizing gaming over
studies? … and studies over gaming?
3. What are the ways to prevent “Mobile Legends” addiction?
4. What are the effects of “Mobile Legends” addiction?
5. How does the addiction affect the academic performance of the students?


Ho. There are a lot more students who do play Mobile Legends, however a
majority of them do not develop bad study habits.

Ha. There are a lot of students who play Mobile Legends to the point of addiction
that not only do they develop bad study habits, they no longer take care of their
proper hygiene.

Perspective of the Researcher

This research is made by the Grade 10-St. Francis students. They want to
become responsible members of society someday in the hopeful future.

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram showing the effects of Mobile Legends on Students

Scope and Limitations

Subject matter. This study is centered in determining the different effects

of Mobile Games, specifically Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, have on the students.

Time and place. This study was conducted at PAX High School, Pob.

Margosatubig Zamboanga Del Sur for the school year 2019-2020

Research Participants. The participants of this research will be the

students of PAX High School.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study helped in assessing the effects of Mobile


Students. The results may provide students an awareness to the effects of

Mobile Legends.

Teachers. The results may provide teachers the knowledge on how they

will educate their students on the effects of Mobile Legends

School Administrators. The results may provide school administrators the

idea on how to discipline the students on the subject of prioritizing studies over


Future Researchers. The results may serve as basis or reference for the

future studies that is relevant to the effects of Mobile Games. Furthermore, they

can expound it and associate it with other related topics.

Definition of Terms

To have a better understanding of this study, the following terms were


Video Game. a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by

a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) mobile

game developed and published by Shanghai Moonton Technology.

Study Habits. the behaviors used when preparing for a test or learning academic


Health Related Problems. any physical damage to the body caused by violence

or accident or fracture etc. softness, unfitness.

Superficial Stress. a feeling of emotional or physical tension appearing to be

true or real only until examined more closely.

Aggressive Behavior. the reactionary and impulsive behavior that often results in

breaking household rules or the law; is violent and unpredictable.

Ineffective Time Management. the improper way of planning and exercising

conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase

effectiveness and productivity, but ultimately not having the desired effect.

Academic Performance. the extent to which a student has attained their short

or long-term educational goals.

Addiction. the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing,

or activity.

Mobile Game. a video game played on a feature phone, smartphone, PDA,

tablet computer, or portable media player.

Entertainment. the action of providing or being provided with amusement or


Lifestyle. the way in which a person or group lives.

Media the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, video

games, and the Internet) regarded collectively.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter indicates the related literature and studies, locally, nationally,

and internationally were gathered to support the study. This gave important

concepts and ideas for the development of the study.

Foreign Literatures and Studies

Janice Leung (2006) stated that “... social mobile games will find the most

success in niche markets, such as the MySpace generation (or simply put,

teenagers) who are already familiar and comfortable with the idea of virtual social

networking. However this once again draws attention to the fact that consumers

are dynamic in their engagement with mobile technologies, and that their choices

of consumption are not directly influenced by market pressure, but rather by

actively selecting media elements that best compliment their own lives,” but since

the “MySpace generation” are no longer niche audiences the reach of mobile

games has been greater to a degree. The same goes for the popularity of Mobile

Games, with more and more of the populace being people who are familiar and

already integrated with the concept of digital socializing. This allows the game to

be more successful than it should have been without the ever-adapting population.

Furthermore, Krassie Petrova, PhD (2006) stated that “… Mobile gaming is an

example of a mobile commerce (mCommerce) application which is provided

through a paid for service. Typically, the mobile network operator to whose network

the player subscribes collects the revenue; the revenue stream may be also shared

with other business entities involved- such as mobile network infrastructure

providers, mobile content developers and publishers, portal aggregators, and

retailers,” this puts into view the reality of digital entertainment. First and foremost,

it is a business. The game Mobile Legends is a front in order to get your money in

exchange for in-game cosmetics and possible boosts to your overall experience.

This is why making video games addictive and accessible is highly profitable

because once you’re hooked it’s terribly tough to get out.

According to Simon Tan (2009), “… was designed as a collaborative game. In

fact, the competitive aspects of the game were emphasized and the children were

encouraged to finish each round as soon as possible to keep their score high.

Because of this, the children were highly competitive while playing the game, only

focusing on their individual scores and not realizing there was a group… ” this was

a game created by the researchers, yet they still failed to create a mainly

collaborative game, means that even if the developers’ intention was to create a

collaboration-intensive game, the competitive nature of humanity will eventually

start to show. Even if Mobile Legends was, all-in-all, a game between two groups,

more often than not, it became a game between 10 people, all blaming one another

for mistakes and exalting oneself for achievements made.

National Literature and Studies

According to the SunStar (2018) (a news outlet in Cagayan de Oro) article “Is

Mobile Legends Good?” published by Juventus Fox, written by Gwen Katrice A.

Emano, that “... Mobile Legends is arguably one of the most popular mobile games

currently being played… Some say that it can be harmful to a person. But think of

it, playing mobile games have positive effects to the players. Researchers came

up with a study to show that there is also an effect in mobile games to the behavior

and health of students. There are positive and negative effects. Positive effects:

improving brain functions and educating children. Negative effects: distraction

while performing another important activity, affecting social interaction, sleep

problems and loss of productivity. The negative effects can be avoided by your

child, just guide them well and make a schedule for their games. You could set up

a time for their mobile games and family outdoors. Through that activity, the

interaction of the child to their mobile games can be avoided or lessen, “this goes

to show that Mobile Legends doesn’t always have to bring alongside it a plethora

of negative effects, some can be positive as well, given the proper guidance.

Local Literatures and Studies

From what Gomez (2019), a student in PAX High School, as well as a

researcher in this paper, has seen, Mobile Legends has been a popular past-time

for students and even teachers alike. The problem exists when the game becomes

more than a game, more than a simply enjoyable past-time. Mobile Legends is a

mobile video game in which elements of collaboration, competition, success,

defeat, and monetization exist. This may be the reason why it is currently so

popular, but herein lies the issue: If a mobile game is prioritized over studies or

even over basic needs, as some extreme cases may tend to reach that point, what

should be the proper guidelines in playing what should be a simple game? If I were

to judge only from what I’ve seen, I’d say that in the present, Mobile Legends

should only be a past-time, not a place to put your money in, and definitely not

replacement for real-life victories and successes.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design selection, research

instruments, research environment, research respondents and research procedure


Research Design

The study is a descriptive research. This utilizes survey to get the data

needed. As a descriptive study, it collected, gathered, analyzed, classified and

tabulated detailed and factual information about the prevailing conditions and then

accurately interpret the data with or without aid of statistical treatment. This study

was correlational for it demanded the degree to which the variables were related

to each other. The case study then describes the in-depth study of the researchers

to the respondent’s group, through questionnaires that the participant’s answered

to which that identified as survey.

Research Subject

The research subjects of this study are the selected students of PAX High

School from Grades 7 to 12 who commonly encountered students, or are the

students who play Mobile Legends.

The population of PAX High School are indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Population of Margosatubig PAX High School Campus

Year 2019-2020

Grade Level Number of Students

per Year Level

Grade 7 49

Grade 8 52

Grade 9 56

Grade 10 39

Grade 11 20

Grade 12 28

Total 244

Research Setting

The study was conducted at PAX High School, 7035, Poblacion

Margosatubig Zamboanga del Sur since the chosen respondents were the

students of the school.

Sampling Techniques

The sampling techniques of this study were to the students of PAX High


The researchers utilized survey questionnaire to the respondents, then the

respondents answered the questionnaires.

Research Instruments

The researcher administered this study to determine the data needed for this

study. The survey form determined the population of PAX High School

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers approached the concerned students for the conduct of the


Statistical Treatment

The data gathered in this study were subjected to the statistical procedure

which involved the testing of hypothesis in order to have validity. The researcher

utilized a survey form.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the data collected from the respondents which are
subjected to analyzation and interpretation. It will be explained how the survey
went and consequently, its results. The interview is also being encoded and
presented in verbatim in respect with respondent’s responses during the
interview. Moreover, the interpretation for both data will be combined for it
strengthens and verifies its accuracy.
Table 1

The Number of Respondents and Percentage by Grade Level

Grade Level Number of Students Percentage

Grade 7 49 20.08%

Grade 8 52 21.31%

Grade 9 56 22.95%

Grade 10 39 15.98%

Grade 11 20 8.20%

Grade 12 28 11.48%

Total 244 100%

As shown in Table 1, there are a total of 244 respondents which implies a 100% of

the research respondents wherein the Grade 7 has a population of 49 which falls

at 20.08% while the Grade 8 has a population of 52 which falls at 21.31%.

Moreover, Grade 9 have the highest population count of 59 which falls at 22.95%

of the respondents and the Grade 10 with a population of 39 which falls at 15.98%.

In addition, the Grade 11 with the lowest population count of 19, falling at 8.20%,

and the Grade 12 having the population of 28 falling to 11.48% of the campus


Number of Students
60 56


30 28



Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Number of Students

Figure 2. The Number of Students by Grade Level at Pax High School

Table 2

Respondents’ Response on The Interpretation in Determining the Effects of The
Video Game: Mobile Legends on The Study Habits of Junior and Senior High
Students of Pax High School

Statement Yes No Total

1.Have you played Mobile Legends? 149 95 244

2.Have you neglected studies in order to 83 161 244


3.Have you tried to play the game 146 98 244

because of having friends who play

Mobile Legends?

4.Have you sacrificed sleep in order to 68 176 244

play more?

5.Have you neglected your nutrition, in 65 179 244

favor of playing Mobile Legends.

Total (Average) 102.2 141.8 244

Total (Sum) 511 709 1220

Total (Percentage) 41.89% 58.11% 100%

Table 3

The Percentage and the Total Number of Respondents on the Effects of The

Video Game: Mobile Legends on The Study Habits of Junior and Senior High

Students of Pax High School

Indicators/Response (Average) (Percentage)

Number of Number of
Respondents Respondents

Yes 102.2 41.89%

No 141.8 58.11%

Total 244 100%

As shown in Table 3, out of 244 respondents on average, 102.2 answered Yes,

while 141.8 answered No. When put in the perspective of percentages, 41.89%

answered Yes, while 58.11% answered No.

Response Percentage

Yes No

Figure 3. Summary of Student’s Response

Table 4

The Level of Students Response and the Percentage on the Effects of The Video
Game: Mobile Legends on The Study Habits of Junior and Senior High Students
of Pax High School

Statement Yes Percentage Interpretation No Percentage Interpretation Total

1. Have 149 61.07 H 95 38.93 L 244
you played
2.Have 83 34.02 L 161 65.98 H 244
studies in
order to
3.Have 146 59.84 H 98 40.16 L 244
you tried
to play the
of having
who play
4.Have 68 27.87 L 176 72.13 H 244
sleep in
order to
5.Have 65 26.64 L 179 73.36 H 244
in favor of

Level of Response: 0-50%= LOW (L) 50-100%= HIGH (H)

Table 5

Testing the Significant Difference of the Level of Response in Determining the

Effects of The Video Game: Mobile Legends on The Study Habits of Junior and
Senior High Students of Pax High School
X1 X2

Yes No D D2

149 95 54 2916

83 161 -78 6084

146 98 48 2304

68 176 -108 11, 664

65 179 -114 12, 996

∑ 𝑫 = −198 ∑ 𝑫𝟐 =35, 964


= −𝟎. 𝟖𝟏

Ho. There are a lot more students who do play Mobile Legends, however a

majority of them do not develop bad study habits.

The formula for the t test is:

D= the mean difference between the two samples
ΣD2= the sum of squares of the difference between the two samples
ΣD= the summation of the differences between the two samples
n= the sample
(∑ 𝐷)²
√∑ 𝐷² 𝑛

√∑ 35,964− 244

t= 35,964−160.672

√∑ 35,803.328

t= 0.847

t = -0.956

Level of significance:
a = 5% or 0.05
df= n-1
= 244-1
= 243

T-0.956= 3.324

Decision: t<CV accept Ho.

Table 6

Testing the Significant Measure to Determine the Effects of The Video Game:
Mobile Legends on The Study Habits of Junior and Senior High Students of Pax
High School
Tool Df Ex t-test CV Decision Conclusion Implication
t-test 243 .05 -0.956 3.324 t<tabular There are a There is a
value lot more significant
accept students difference
Ha fail to who do play between the
accept Mobile factors of
Ho Legends, cutting
however a classes
majority of towards
them do not students of
develop bad PAX High
study School at .05
habits, at level of
0.5 significance
where t<cv.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations concerning The Effects of The Video Game: Mobile Legends
on The Study Habits of Junior and Senior High Students of Pax High School.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted by the researchers in order to know the effects

of the video game “Mobile Legends” on the study habits of Junior and Senior

High Students of Pax High School.

Table 2 and 3 reflect the students’ responses were an average of 102.2

students responded with a Yes indicator, falling under the 41.89% of the campus

population. On average, 141.8 students answered with a No indicator, belonging

to the 58.11% of the student population in the campus.

Table 4 shows the level of students’ response and the Percentage on The
Level of Students Response and the Percentage on the Effects of The Video
Game: Mobile Legends on The Study Habits of Junior and Senior High Students
of Pax High School. The two questions we have pertaining to simply playing Mobile
Legends received high levels of response (50-100%). The three other questions
which involved a neglecting a certain aspect of daily life received low levels of
response (0-50%).

The conclusion is derived as a result from the data presented in Table 6,

with the test value being -0.956 and the critical value of 3.324, and the decision of
“if the test value is lower than the critical value, then accept Ho.” The researchers
found out that there are a lot more students who do play Mobile Legends,
however a majority of them do not develop bad study habits.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made.

A majority of students play the locally popular mobile game “Mobile

Legends”, with more than half of those students who do play the game willing to

sacrifice some time that should be devoted to studying in order to lengthen playing

time. Almost all of the students which play the game did so because of having

friends which influenced them to “join the fun.” Less than half of those who play are

willing to sacrifice their proper nutrition, and even fewer willing to neglect their

sleep, in favor of attaining more playtime with the mobile game.

If students play “Mobile Legends” there is not only a good chance that they
will not allot the proper amount of time to study, but also develop a neglectful
amount of concern towards their proper nutrition, sleep, and hygiene. For the
students which do not play Mobile Legends, they immediately do not need to have
their attention split between playing the game and heeding their academic,
hygienic, and nutritional needs.

As the tables presented in chapter 4 it answers the statement of the problem;

A majority of the students do have an existing relationship with Mobile

Legends, and do not seem to be quitting any soon.

More than half of all the students who do play Mobile Legends, their studies

seem to be the first thing sacrificed for more playtime. Sleep and nutrition follow


Almost all of the students who play Mobile Legends did so because of peer

pressure, or simply knowing a friend who dabbles in playing the game.

People who do play Mobile Legends are more at risk at not only developing

bad study habits but worse self-care as well.

Avoid being addicted to Mobile Legends by putting your needs first. This

includes but is not limited to nutrition, proper sleep, and studies.

Labeling all those who do play Mobile Legends as people who are addicted to

the game is incorrect. There can be a space where the game is used

recreationally, and this can be seen in the students who do play yet do not

develop any detrimental habits.


Based on the summary of findings and conclusions of the study, the

following recommendations were made:

1. Parents should monitor their children to make sure that they aren’t putting

the game first before fulfilling their needs.

2. Scholastic Entities should impose light consequences to those who are

known to prioritize Mobile Legends over their studies.

3. Friends shouldn’t force others to play something they know can be

detrimental to their overall lifestyle.

4. For those who do enjoy playing Mobile Legends, you need to discipline

yourselves- to not make it a purpose but a pastime.

5. For those who are addicted to Mobile Legends, you need to express your

willingness to help yourself first so that others may truly help you as well.

The world inside a game is just digital, the world has real consequences.

6. For everyone, we mustn’t label an activity inherently good or evil. The

morality of an action should depend on the intention, the consequence, and

the nature of the act. Gaming can be recreational, but it can also be



Collaborative Games on Mobile Phones- a study conducted by Simon Tan (2006)



Learning from Commercial Mobile Games- a study conducted by Janice Leung


Playing Mobile Games: Consumer Perceptions- a study conducted by Krassie

Petrova, PhD (2007)-


“Is Mobile Legends Good?”- a SunStar article published by Juventus Fox, written

by Gwen Katrice A. Emano -

Appendix A
(To be accomplish by students)

Instruction: Please take time to read each question carefully and answer
honestly. Put a check mark on the relevant column to express your response.

Statement Yes No
1.Have you played Mobile Legends?
2.Have you neglected studies in order to
3.Have you tried to play the game
because of having friends who play
Mobile Legends?
4.Have you sacrificed sleep in order to
play more?
5.Have you neglected your nutrition, in
favor of playing Mobile Legends.
Total (Average)
Total (Sum)
Total (Percentage)

Appendix B

Attendance Sheet
(To be accomplished by the Researchers)

Total Number of Students: ______
Number of Students Present: _____
Number of Students Absent: _____
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________

Total Number of Students: ______
Number of Students Present: _____
Number of Students Absent: _____
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. _________________________

Total Number of Students: ______
Number of Students Present: _____
Number of Students Absent: _____
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________


Total Number of Students: ______
Number of Students Present: _____
Number of Students Absent: _____
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________

Total Number of Students: ______
Number of Students Present: _____
Number of Students Absent: _____
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________

Total Number of Students: ______
Number of Students Present: _____
Number of Students Absent: _____
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________

Total Number of Students: ______
Number of Students Present: _____
Number of Students Absent: _____
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________

Follow Up Absentees Date

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________
9. __________________________
10. _________________________
11. __________________________
12. __________________________

Appendix C
Breakdown of the Response of the Respondents by Grade Level
Grade Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 T
Level O
Indicator Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No A

1. Have 15 34 41 11 49 7 19 20 13 7 12 16 244
you played
2. Have 15 34 35 17 15 41 4 35 13 7 5 23 244
studies in
order to
3. Have 15 34 41 11 41 15 12 27 12 8 8 20 244
you tried to
play the
because of
friends who
4. Have 15 34 28 24 7 49 6 33 6 14 6 22 244
sleep in
order to
play more?
5. Have 15 34 30 22 5 51 6 33 5 15 4 24 244
nutrition, in
favor of
Total 75 170 175 85 117 163 47 148 49 51 35 105 1220

Appendix D

Percentage of the Breakdown of the Response of the Respondents from Grade 7 to Grade

Grade Level Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9

Indicator Yes Percent No Percent Yes Percent No Percent Yes Percent No Percent
age age age age age age
% % % % % %
1. Have you 15 30.61 34 69.39 41 78.85 11 21.15 49 87.50 7 12.50
played Mobile
2. Have you 15 30.61 34 69.39 35 67.30 17 32.70 15 26.79 41 73.21
neglected studies
in order to play?

3. Have you tried 15 30.61 34 69.39 41 21.15 11 21.15 41 73.21 15 26.79

to play the game
because of having
friends who play
Mobile Legends?
4. Have you 15 30.61 34 69.39 28 53.85 24 46.15 7 12.50 49 87.50
sacrificed sleep in
order to play
5. Have you 15 30.61 34 69.39 30 57.69 22 42.31 5 8.93 51 91.07
neglected your
nutrition, in favor
of playing Mobile
Total 75 30.61 170 69.39 175 67.31 85 32.69 117 41.79 163 58.21

Appendix E

Percentage of the Breakdown of the Response of the Respondents from Grade 10 to

Grade 12

Grade Level Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Indicator Yes Percent No Percent Yes Percent No Perce Yes Percent No Percent
age age age ntage age age
% % % % % %
1. Have you 19 48.72 20 51.28 13 65.00 7 35.00 12 42.86 16 57.14
played Mobile
2. Have you 4 10.26 35 89.74 13 65.00 7 35.00 5 17.86 23 82.14
neglected studies
in order to play?

3. Have you tried 12 30.77 27 69.23 12 60.00 8 40.00 8 28.57 20 71.43

to play the game
because of having
friends who play
Mobile Legends?
4. Have you 6 15.38 33 84.62 6 30.00 14 70.00 6 21.43 22 78.57
sacrificed sleep in
order to play
5. Have you 6 15.38 33 84.62 5 25.00 15 75.00 4 14.28 24 85.72
neglected your
nutrition, in favor
of playing Mobile
Total 47 24.10 148 62.6% 49 49.00 51 51.00 35 25.00 105 75.00


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