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FREEILM.COM (©) @)@© FREEILM.cOM Chapter: 01 The Dying Sun Sr. Words Meanings no. 1. | immense huge, enormous, massive, big, large 2 | rare seldom, not often, uncommon, unusual 3. | substance material, body, stuff 4, | rare uncommon, singular, exceptional, unusual, scarce 5. | voyage journey, travel, passage, trip 6. | seldom infrequently, occasionally, hardly, ever, sometime 7._ | tides waves, surge, tidal wave, surf 8. | tidal of wave 9. | entirely fully, completely, utterly, totally, absolutely, wholly 10. | in course of time after enough time, eventually, finally 11. | gave birth to produce, breed, procreate, beget 12. | chiefly essentially, especially, mostly, mainly, largely 13. | humble lowly, common, modest, ordinary, poor, simple 14. | certainty assurance, sureness 15. | human race mankind, humanity, human beings 16. | frightening fearful, horrible, frightful, awful, terrible 17. | stretches expanses, vastness, immensity, extension 18. | rarity infrequency, scarcity, shortage 19. | calculation estimation, reckoning, working out 20. | so far as up to a certain time 21. | appearance advent) emergence, presence Showing up 22, | scattered Strewn, spread, sprinkled 23. | degree of frost the degree of temperature Fahrenheit below the freezing point 24. | scale level, balance 25. | Milky way constellation, collection of stars 26. | unimaginable inconceivable, unthinkable, undreamed of 27. | cold frost, chill 28. | seem look like, look, appear 29. | narrow contracted, limited, restricted, thin, slender, slim 30. | unusual uncommon, rare, scarce, odd 31. | pack put into box, parcel, etc 32. | radiation energy, waves, heat, emission 33. | universe cosmos, heaven 34. | spare do without, let another have 35. | complex not simple, complicated, hard to get clear 36. | planetary of planets, planet, a star moving round the sun FREEILM.COM © @@OO

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