Python Lab Assignment-I

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JSPM’s Jayawant Institute of Management Studies, Tathawade

Department: MCA
Academic Year: 2019-20 Session: II
Class: MCA-II Semester: IV Subject: Python Programming

Lab Assignment No. 1

Q.1) Write a Python program to display following pattern using while loop

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2

Q.2) Write a python program to display Fibonacci series

Q.3) Write a python program to display prime no.s between 1 to 100 using range() function

Q.4) Write a python program to display following pattern using for loop


Q.5) Write a python program to display entered no. is amstrong’s no. or not

Q.6) Write a python program to display perfect nos between 1 to 100

Q.7) Write a python program to check accepted string is palindrome or not and display appropriate

Q.8) Write a python program to calculate factorial of accepted no.

Q.9) Write a python program to calculate average of 10 list elements

Q.10) Write a python program to calculate sum of digits of accepted no.

Q.11) Write a python program to display following pattern using for loop


Q.12) Write a python program to make addition of two polynomials

Q.13) Write a python program to do all arithmetic operations on two complex numbers
JSPM’s Jayawant Institute of Management Studies, Tathawade
Department: MCA
Academic Year: 2019-20 Session: II
Class: MCA-II Semester: IV Subject: Python Programming

Lab Assignment No. 2

Q.1) Write a recursive function to make summation of list elements

Q.2) Write a recursive function to calculate factorial of n numbers

Q.3) Write a python program to do summation of matrix elements

Q.4) Write a python program to do summation of diagonal elements of a matrix

Q.5) Write a python program for transpose of m*n matrix

Q.6) Write a python program to depict implementation of string methods

Q.7) Write a python program to depict implementation of list and dictionary methods

Q.8) Write an anonymous function to calculate square of passed list of values (like map())

Q.9) Write an anonymous function to depict implementation of math functions (by passing list of
Math function )

Q.10) Write a python program to find out intersection and union of two lists

Q.11) Write a python program to find out prime nos between 1 to 10 using for-else statement

Q.12) Write a Python Program for implementation of stack and queue operations

Q.13) Write a Python Program to display train no. with multiple stations using dictionary
JSPM’s Jayawant Institute of Management Studies, Tathawade
Department: MCA
Academic Year: 2019-20 Session: II
Class: MCA-II Semester: IV Subject: Python Programming

Lab Assignment No. 3

Q.1) Write a function to find all possible permutations of given list

Q.2) Write a function to sort the list using Bubble sort

Q.3) Write a function to sort the list using Selection sort

Q.4) Write a function to sort the list using Quick sort

Q.5) Write a function to search a entered element is exists in a list or not using Linear search

Q.6) Write a function to search a entered element is exists in a list or not using Binary search

Q.7) Write functions to do stack operations (push, pop, view, quit) using lists

Q.8) Write functions to do queue operations (enQueue, deQueue, view, quit) using lists

Q.9) Write a lambda function to display output of any 5 math methods (by passing list of Math

1. Write a lambda function to display maximum no. from list using LC and reduce function
2. Write a lambda function to calculate the sum of the numbers between 1 to 100 using reduce and
range function

Q.11) Write a python program to copy contents of one text file and paste it in another file

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