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The bible is often criticized and there are many people who claim it is

false. But the truth is, there are multiple evidence that is accurate that prove
s the bible is accurate and true. The bible is the most highly copied book in hi
story and throughout the past, a lot of effort is put into copying the bible and
making sure the bible is accurate and true. The bible is true also because ther
e are countless people who would sacrifice themselves for the bible and they wou
ld die to support the accuracy of the bible. Those people didn’t just die but they
also got tortured and they died horrific deaths. You can also check the accurac
y of the bible by checking external evidence. Since the bible often refers to hi
storical events, you can check if those historical events happened. At first, th
ey thought the bible was false because there was no evidence that the people of
Hittite existed but now there is a lot of evidence found in the city of Cappadoc
ia that proves that the people not only existed, but were quite developed.
The bible is the most copied book in history and it also the oldest book
in history. If the bible were not accurate, it would not be as timeless and pop
ular. Not to mention, the bible has been passed on for generations and generatio
ns. If the bible weren’t true then why would anyone go through all that trouble to
preserve it? In the middle ages, they had to copy the bible by hadn’t carefully a
nd they would even say a prayer every time they did. So with so much care put in
to the writing of the bible, it would be impossible for the bible to not be corr
Another way we can tell the bible is true and accurate is by the interna
l test. The bible repeatedly says that its content is true. Not only that, but i
ts writers have repeatedly died and get tortured to support the bible’s accuracy.
Everyone who has witnessed the events and things written in the bible would sacr
ifice himself or herself to get tortured or even die to support the truth of the
bible. So many of Jesus’ disciples who vouch for the truth and accuracy of the bi
ble ended up tortured or even killed. If the bible weren’t true then why would tho
se witnesses sacrifice so much for the word of the bible and its accuracy?
Finally, we can check the bible’s accuracy by using the external test. The
bible often refers to historical things; people or events and you can easily ch
eck its truth by checking the archeological evidence. One example comes from the
Hittites. People said that the people of Hittite never existed because there is
no archeological evidence that determined their existence. But then, in the cit
y of Cappadocia they found lots of archeological evidence that proves that the H
ittite people not only existed but also were exceptionally advanced. There was a
lso evidence that the Hittites were advanced and was one of the earliest Christi
ans in history. There was other archeological evidence that confirmed the bible’s
So to conclude, the bible is very accurate and its accuracy can be confi
rmed by many different ways. Firstly, the bible’s accuracy can be confirmed becaus
e the bible is the most copied book in history. It is also one of the oldest boo
ks in history. Not to mention, many people in history went to extreme measures t
o make sure the bible is accurate. Secondly, the bible is accurate and it can be
seen because there are many witnesses who would sacrifice everything to support
the claims made in the bible and its truthfulness. Finally, the bible is accura
te because there is archeological evidence that confirms the events, people or t
hings the bible mentions, such as the people of the Hittites.

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