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Logan Bateman

EDU 299
Professor Wyckoff
February 10, 2020
Praxis Core Exam Analysis
Exam Requirements
I am a firm believer that there are many educators in our school system today who
sometimes fall short of what our students deserve. This leads me to the conclusion that, more so
than ever, the criteria by which we test our teachers must truly measure their capabilities in order
to provide the very best for our students. I myself have realized just how much more effort I have
to put in to be a truly effective educator so that I may advance to my bachelor's degree. These
scores are important and are my educators' first steps towards becoming teachers who can make
a real difference. The Praxis is crucial to anyone who seeks this career and I plan to be a part of
Reading: 73%
Writing: 88%
Math: 69%
Exam Preparation
I prepared for the exam a week before the assignment was due. I made use of the practice
links and studied them extensively. I have also heard about the Praxis and gone over other study
materials in previous EDU classes. Most notably, my EDU 202 class. Here I participated in a
Praxis preparation class and the class actually discussed and worked together to better prepare
ourselves for the Praxis we all knew we would have to take. I will admit that, after seeing my
math score, I wish I would have put more time into preparation for that test.
Exam Results
In reading I scored in the borderline range which means I am on the cusp of either
passing or failing this particular section. I was most surprised by this score because I consider
myself an avid reader with a solid understanding of the English language and literature so I think
I should certainly take care to not overestimate myself and put more effort into my preparation.
In writing I scored in the likely to pass range, so I feel fairly confident in my abilities here. I still
wish I could get a higher score so I think taking this exam a bit more seriously would be much to
my benefit. In math I found myself in the need’s improvement range, much to my dismay. Math
has always been my weak area, so I certainly need to put more work in here and I am bent on
doing better of the official Praxis.
Future Exam Preparation
As I stated above, I have much more preparation to go before I am able to meet the
standards, I hold so high. I believe that I overestimated my abilities when preparing for these
exams and went in needing more practice than I thought. As I am in my last semester needed in
obtaining my Associate's degree, I am a bit rusty and should have brushed up on my basics a bit
more before taking the exams. In the future I will dedicate a significantly more substantial
portion of my time to study and, humbled by my subpar scores, I will be sure not to overestimate
my abilities in the future. I believe that I was lacking quite a bit in that basic skills so those will
be my primary focus as, according to my score breakdowns, they are the areas I need more help

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