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Chronology of violence against Angeline

The Jakarta Post May 26

Bali Police investigators quiz Margareith.
Jakarta | Thu, June 11, 2015 | 02:32 pm
June 1
Officers from the Denpasar branch of the
Community Services Center for the Protection of
Women and Children (P2TP2A) visit Angeline's
house, but Margareith refuses to meet them.

June 2
Police search the house but find no signs of

June 3
Safe Childhood Foundation, the Bali branch of
Sahabat Anak Foundation, and Komnas PA
organize an event to distribute flyers on the missing
The Bali Police are questioning a number of people girl in the neighborhood around Angeline's house.
following the finding of the remains of Angeline, an
8-year-old girl, who was reported missing for nearly June 5
a month in Bali. Her remains were found buried in Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister
the backyard of her adoptive mother's house. Here Yuddy Chrisnandi pays a visit to Angeline's house
are some media accounts that reveal signs of ill but is turned away by the family's house guards.
treatment that Angeline may have experience before
her death. June 6
Empowerment and Child Protection Minister
May 16 2015 Yohana Yembise pays a visit to Angeline's house
Angeline's adoptive mother Margareith C. Megawe but fails to meet any of the family members.
reports the girl missing after she was last seen
playing in front of the family home on Jl. Sedap June 10
Malam, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, at 3 p.m. Police unearth the decomposing remains of
Angeline with her doll, wrapped in a bed cover. The
May 17 body was buried under a heap of trash in between
Angeline's family creates a Facebook fanpage "Find banana trees next to chicken cages.
Angeline-Bali's Missing Child".
An autopsy on Angeline's body finds that the cause
May 18 of her death was head trauma. In the autopsy, the
Police question several witnesses to locate Angeline police find signs of violence, namely bruises on the
and track down Angeline's biological mother, face, neck, hands and legs. Police also find a burn
Hamidah. wound from a cigarette butt on the right side of her
back in addition to traces of plastic rope around the
May 24 neck.
The National Commission on Child Protection
(Komnas PA) visit Angeline's house and meet After three weeks of Angeline being reported
Margareith. missing and presumed dead, the police apprehend a
former domestic helper, Agus who confesses to
May 25 committing acts of violent against Angeline leading
Bali Police chief Insp. Gen. Ronny F. Sompie forms to her death. Police also detain Margareith. (dmr)
a team to find Angeline.
Source: Media accounts from Antara, Kompas and Via:
other local media.

Angeline, please forgive us for being ignorant

Jakarta | Fri, June 12, 2015 | 06:18 am cause an awkward situation or even harsh backlash
from the family. Even neighbors who really care
might find themselves in a difficult situation as they
Angeline, an 8-year-old girl from Bali who had have no idea to whom they should report the abuse.
gone missing for nearly one month, was found dead,
buried in a shallow grave in the backyard of her Worse still, uncertainty over some elements of our
adoptive mother's home in Denpasar. law enforcement may prevent people from taking
action as they are unsure if their efforts will bring
The pictures of the long-haired girl with her angelic about a better situation for the child or just impose
smile caught public attention through alert messages more trouble.
posted by her family on social media from the day
she went missing. A Facebook page was set up, Unlike reporting other crimes, reporting child abuse
named 'Find Angeline' Bali's Missing Child.'€ may cause worry over who is going to care for the
child in the future, despite laws on domestic
There was also a rally held by local Balinese as one violence and on child protection.
of many attempts to find her.
There is an Integrated Women's and Children's
But as has happened in many other unfortunate Center (P2TP2A) in every regency that has the
incidents, our consciousness of Angeline's condition authority to receive reports on child abuse and
was too late. perform follow-up investigations.

Many other children in our society share Angeline's However, we still get stuck with the classic problem
situation. There were clues that Angeline was from of huge distances between the policy-makers and
a troubled home; neighbors reportedly admitted that the people resulting in some good policies going to
they were aware of occasions when Angeline was waste as a result of ineffective information
heard or seen receiving violent verbal abuse from distribution in their implementation.
her family. Her school teacher also often found her
attending school in quite a worrying condition. We have failed too many young lives and we can no
longer stay silent about domestic child abuse.
Yet no real action was ever taken to seek help for
Angeline. Waiting for law-enforcement to take effect may
take time, and worse, may cost us more innocent
Collectively, as a society and as a nation, we have lives. At this moment, community-based support
failed Angeline. and campaigns are probably the most effective way
to help end child abuse.
Domestic abuse remains a complex issue from
sociocultural, religious and legal perspectives. A In almost every case of abuse, neighbors are usually
husband beating his wife, and parents neglecting the first people who have concrete proof of the
children or expressing abusive anger toward them violence.
are still widely seen as private matters for families.
Intervention from people outside the family may What we need is a massive public education
program to spread the message that violence about sexual issues but also about saving victims of
directed at children 'as with any other violence' is domestic abuse.
never a private matter. It is a crime. Every adult is
legally responsible for taking action to stop the When it comes to enforcing 'morality', religious
violence. leaders are the right people to collaborate with.
Mosques, churches and other religious centers can
The same awareness is also needed for cases of embrace their love of morality and preach this
marital and partner violence. Since the victims are important message to their huge numbers of
adults, mostly women, people may often misjudge followers.
that they should be able to help themselves to leave
the abusive relationship. Only few understand that We just need to make sure that these elites agree to
these adults often have very low self-esteem that broaden their view of what constitutes 'immorality'
they do not see leaving their abusive partner as a in order to see that it includes domestic violence.
possible option.
We always love to take pride in our strong sense of
communal identity. True, we regularly watch and Via:
read news reports about people getting together as a
neighborhood community to catch and punish geline-please-forgive-us-being-ignorant.html
couples for illicit sexual activities.

This is the time to put our communal identity to

wider use. What we should consider is expanding
our definition of morality so that it is not always

adoptive daughter Engeline. Margriet will appeal

the guilty verdict.(JP/Zul Trio Anggono)

The Denpasar District Court in Bali on Monday

Engeline'€™s murderer agreed to the demand from prosecutors to punish
Margriet Christina Megawe, 60, with life in prison
gets life in prison for murdering 8-year-old Engeline Margriet
The Jakarta Post
The court's sentence concluded the four-month-long
Denpasar   /   Tue, March 1, 2016   /  08:39 am trial that captivated the entire nation.

The court also sentenced the other defendant,

Agustay Handa May, to 10 years in prison for
helping Margriet, the victim's adoptive mother,
cover up her crime.

A panel of three judges agreed that Margriet was

guilty of violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code
on premeditated murder, which carries a maximum
sentence of life in prison or capital punishment.

The judges also declared Margriet guilty of

The sentence: Margriet Christina Magawe leaves violating multiple articles in the 2002 Child
the Denpasar District Court in Bali on Monday after Protection Law by exploiting Engeline for
receiving a life sentence for the murder of her economic reasons and abandoning her.
‘The defendant is found guilty of premeditated and the family created a Facebook page for
murder, child exploitation, child abandonment and Engeline called 'Find Engeline 'Bali's Missing
discrimination. She is therefore sentenced to life in Child'.
prison,'€ presiding judge Edward Harris Sinaga
said. However, a police investigation later led to
accusations that Margriet had killed Engeline by
The judges said that based on witnesses and slamming her head into the floor and then ordered
evidence presented during the trial, Margriet was Agustay Handa May, her domestic worker, to bury
incapable of taking care of Engeline as she had no the corpse.
steady income for the past few years. Thus, starting
several years ago, she used her backyard to raise The police named Agustay a suspect immediately
chickens and sell them to people. She forced after they found Engeline's body. They named
Engeline to take care of all the chickens. Margriet the main suspect a couple of weeks later.

'The defendant tried to hide the fact that she was no Both suspects have been undergoing separate trials
longer able to take care of the victim. Thus, she in the murder case since October last year.
wanted to kill her because it was impossible to give
the victim back to her biological parent,' Edward When testifying as a witness in Margriet's trial,
said. Agustay said his employer had tortured Engeline by
pulling her hair and repeatedly slamming her head
The judges also emphasized that Margriet had into the floor prior to her death.
prepared a murder plan as she had told Agustay, her
former domestic worker, to dig a burrow in the He also said Margriet ordered him to cover
backyard before killing the victim. Engeline's body, along with her doll, with bed linen
and a curtain and that she burned Engeline's back
'The defendant prepared a carefully thought-out with a cigarette to ascertain whether or not she was
plan before and after the murder,' the verdict said. dead.

Margriet was surprisingly calm when her sentence After he took Engeline's body to the backyard and
was read out. buried her there, Agustay testified that Margriet told
him to cover the spot with a big red basket and put
She did not shed tears like she did when the some chicken feed on it to avoid suspicion.
prosecutors read out their sentence demand on Feb.
4. Agustay's sentence was lighter than the 12 years'
imprisonment sought by prosecutors.

In contrast, Engeline's biological mother, Hamidah, Reading out Agustay's sentence, judge Edward,
who was present on Monday, cried after the judges who also served as the presiding judge in Agustay's
read out the sentence. trial, said that the defendant had helped Margriet
bury Engeline's body and was thus guilty of
'She should have been sentenced to death. She must violating Article 181 of the Criminal Code for
feel what my daughter felt,'€ Hamidah said. concealing evidence and articles 76 and 80 of the
Child Protection Law.
Margriet's lawyer, Hotma Sitompoel, meanwhile,
said that his client would file an appeal against the The panel of judges, however, declared that
court's guilty verdict in a higher court. Agustay was not guilty of premeditated murder.

Engeline's body was found buried in the backyard Agustay's lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, said that
of Margriet's house in June last year after she was his client would challenge the sentence. He said that
declared missing several weeks beforehand. the sentence was too heavy for Agustay because he
was forced to help Margriet bury Engeline's body.
Engeline's disappearance attracted public attention
Timeline of Engeline murder case

May 16, 2015

Eight-year-old Engeline Margriet Megawe Engeline
is reported missing

June 10, 2015

Engeline's body is found buried in the backyard of
Margriet Christina Megawe's house on Jl. Sedap
Malam in Denpasar. Police name Margriet's former
domestic worker Agustay Handa May a suspect.

June 14, 2015

Police name Margriet as a suspect in a child
abandonment case.

June 18, 2015

Agustay retracts his previous statement that he had
raped and killed Engeline, saying that Margriet, the
victim's adoptive mother, had murdered her.

June 28, 2015

Police name Margriet as main suspect in Engeline's

Sep. 7, 2015
Bali Police investigators hand over dossiers and
supporting evidence in the murder case to the
Denpasar Prosecutor's Office. The office confirms
that the dossiers are sufficient to bring the case to

Dec. 21, 2015

Agustay testifies that Engeline was tortured on the
day she was killed.

Feb. 2, 2016
Prosecutors demand the Denpasar District Court
sentence Agustay to 12 years in prison and a fine of
Rp 1 billion (US$75,000).

Feb. 4, 2016
Prosecutors demand a life sentence for Margriet.

Feb. 29, 2016

The Denpasar District Court sentences Margriet to
life imprisonment, Agustay to 10 years in prison.

Source :
The Rape and Murder of a Schoolgirl Has Brought Indonesia's
Culture of Sexual Violence Into Focus
By Yenni Kwok | May 4, 2016 Yuyun “is actually just one of 44 women and girls
killed by men and boys in the first four months of
A brutal crime that snuffed out the life of a bright 2016, but her case is certainly one of the most
student has shocked Indonesia and galvanized brutal,” says Kate Walton, a Jakarta-based
public demand for the leaders of the world’s most women’s-rights activist who first brought Yuyun’s
populous Muslim nation to take violence against rape-murder to the attention of other feminists last
women seriously. weekend. She logs instances of Indonesian women
killed by men, who are mostly their sexual partners.
Yuyun — whose name has been released by her
family — was a schoolgirl born to a poor family in Women’s-rights activists hope that the outrage
the small village of Kasie Kasubun in Bengkulu generated by Yuyun’s case can push for change in
province, Sumatra. Local media reports give her age both legislation and also in daily life, and say that
as either 13 or 14, and she was a bright student, patriarchal culture is the root cause of violence
ranked third in her class. On April 2, going home against women.
from school she was gang-raped and murdered by a
group of 14 men and boys. Her body was dumped at Back in Yuyun’s village, her family is still reeling
a rubber plantation and found two days later. from the grief and shock. Girls in the village don’t
dare to walk to and from home unescorted.
Police swiftly apprehended 12 of the 14 alleged
perpetrators, which include her ex-boyfriend and The trial of the seven underage perpetrators, who
two students from her school. Half of the suspects face 10 years in jail, opened on Monday under
are aged 18 or younger. heavy security. “We want the perpetrators get the
heaviest punishment,” her mother Yana told BBC
As gruesome as it was, the news barely caused a Indonesia. “I want to ask for life.”
blip in national media until feminist activists in
Jakarta launched a social-media campaign. Last Source :
weekend, independent musician Kartika Jahja of murder-indonesia-schoolgirl-yuyun-sexual-
Kolektif Betina (the Female Collective) kicked off a violence/
viral video campaign with the hashtag
#NyalaUntukYuyun (which can be paraphrased as
Light a Candle for Yuyun). Soon, Indonesian
celebrities from singers Julia Perez and Kristina to
movie directors Joko Anwar and Nia Dinata began
to show their support.

On Wednesday morning, hours before women’s-

rights activists are set to hold a candlelight vigil
opposite of the presidential palace, President Joko
Widodo made a statement. “We all mourn the tragic
departure of YY,” he tweeted, using the victim’s
initials. “Arrest and punish the perpetrators as
severely as possible. Women and children have to
be protected from violence.”
grade 1 student at Cikini Primary School, Central
The Sad Story Arie Jakarta.

Hanggara By his classmates, Arie is known as a lively child,

funny, sometimes stubborn, and happy joking.
Prizki | 2017 While in the eyes of his teacher, Arie is known as a
diligent and clever child. Its worth for maths 8.5.

However, for Tino and Santi, Arie's mischief has

crossed the line. The torture of this cheerful child
took place on November 3, 1984, when Arie was
accused Tino and Santi of stealing Rp1,500. Arie
screamed in pain when being bombarded by both
parents for not wanting to confess.

The blow hit his face, hands, feet, and the back of
his body. Not until there, Tino also tie the legs and
Arie Hanggara is a sad story about the son who was hands Arie. Then, like the thief Arie was told to
molested by his parents, Machtino bin Eddiwan aka squat in the bathroom. "Let's apologize and
Tino and his stepmother Santi bint Cece. Arie's confess," shouted Santi.
tragic story that occurred in November 1984 gave
rise to grief and public resentment. Feeling not doing what was charged to him or as an
expression of disobedience, Arie remained silent.
He may be said to be born in the middle of a lame Intrigued, Tino and Santi unhook Arie's hand and
family. Tino's father is a lazy and high-class pour cold water into the boy's body. Santi requested
promise. In fact, the brothers of his wife talked Tino additional punishment by telling Arie to squat while
as a male who is only able to make a child. holding his ear. This innocent child carries out his
punishment while groaning in pain.
Having no job, while he has high self-esteem in the Tino and Santi's cruelty continued and peaked on
midst of the demanding conditions of Jakarta, Tino Wednesday, November 7, 1984. Arie again accused
and his wife Dahlia Nasution often argue. The wife of stealing money Rp 8,000. The boy who claimed
eventually returns to Depok and Tino entrusts her not to steal was again persecuted. Santi furiously
children to the grandmother's house. slaps at Arie who stands afraid.

Shortly thereafter, Tino again took his children and Still not admitting, Tino lifted the broom and beat
lived with his new wife named Santi. In a small the boy's body. Arie's cry of pain at 22.30 WIB
rented house in Mampang area, South Jakarta, they faintly heard his neighbor. "Over the wall,"
live. Tino and Santi and 3 children Tino namely screamed Santi as told by a number of witnesses.
Anggi, Arie, and Andi.
Upset because the word sorry never came out, Santi
Realizing that he was unemployed, after taking his then came with a mango paring knife and once
wife to work, Tino applied for work to various again threatened Arie to apologize. However, again
places. Friends also began to be contacted, but none Arie shut her mouth. Emotionally, Santi grabbed
of them gave hope. This condition makes Santi start and pointed the knife into the face of a very
nagging, plus children who began to stubborn in frightened boy.
accordance with the development of his age
After the stepmother left the "torture room", it was
Santi's innuendo questioning her children's attitudes Toni's turn to come and hit Arie who was so weak.
made Tino start acting hard on Arie and his 2 "Stand there," the father commanded.
brothers. For some reason, Tino and Santi's anger is
based on Arie, Tino's second child who is also a
The clock shows at 01.00 am when Toni wakes up
and visits Arie. He found that the boy was no longer
standing and was sitting. Drinks in the ordered glass
should not be drunk, already shifted location.

Instead of feeling compassion, Toni got even

bleeding and tortured her again. The broom handle
began to rain on this poor boy's body. Toni also
banged his head against the wall. Finally, this agile
child jerked and slumped down. The father went
back to the bedroom.

At 03.00 pm, Toni woke up and saw his son was

lying stiff. The father panicked and with Santi run
Arie to the hospital. However, the doctor who
examined him said Arie was lifeless. That day,
Thursday 8 November 1984.

The next day the public was in an uproar when the

print media reported the death of this unfortunate
child. For weeks later, this tragic story made
headlines in the newspapers. Since then, Arie's
name is inherent in public memory as a victim of
cruelty of parents.

The neighbors confessed that night, as well as the

previous days, heard a loud "BEHIND THE
HOOP!" But they were silent, inaction, unhelpful.

Early morning, Arie Hanggara found drooping,

unconscious. His life is not helped.

The father says, violence is part of the discipline.

The mother, calling economic pressure makes her
often out of control. Neighbors argue, they are silent
because they are reluctant to interfere with other
people's household affairs.

All have a reason. Forgive Mama, Forgive Papa,

Excuse the Neighbor. Unfortunately, that late
apology, could not save Arie's life.

Source :
An Elementary Student Died Bullied by Senior
Reporter : Nurito | Editor : Anisah Mardhatilla | May 05, 2014 life, the victim lived with her on Gg Raban, RT
02:20 PM | Hits 4890 10/07, Halim Perdanakusuma, Makasar, East
Jakarta. The victim's mother died long time ago.
A fifth grade student of SDN Makasar 09, Makasar While his father, Yurnalis (50), now lives with his
Sub-district, East Jakarta, Renggo Khadafi (11) died young wife in Halim Perdanakusuma. "Renggo did
after allegedly being bullied by his senior, SY (12), not want to confess. But after feeling pain he finally
on last Monday (4/28) inside the classroom. told me that he was beaten by his senior," explained
" There is a sanction, definitely, especially if there
is a negligence element from our investigation. So, While SY, the sixth grade student allegedly as the
it is possible the principal will be removed from his perpetrator, justified if the victim had spilled over
position" his drink. But he denied that the victim had
apologized to him. "Renggo did not apologize. I had
The persecution occurred when the victim a fight with Renggo in the classroom. But Renggo
inadvertently spilling the suspect's drink. started it first," SY told at the funeral house.
Eventually, the victim was already asking for
apologize and giving money to the suspect. Meanwhile, Head of East Jakarta Primary
Suddenly, the suspect beat Khadafi inside the Education Sub-Department, Nasrudin said that he
classroom. will immediately summon SDN Makasar 09
principal. A strict sanction will be given if there is
The incident was not stopped there. After the school any element of negligence of the principal and the
hours was ended, the suspect continued kicking and teachers in the investigation result.
beating Khadafi using mob handle.
Nasrudin added that the heaviest sanction is the
Arriving home, Renggo was moaning in pain and possibility of the principal to be removed from his
complained about the incident to his foster mother, position. While the student who allegedly bullied
Jessica (35). Hearing the complaint, Jessica brought the victim, will be handed over to the police if there
Renggo to Anak Purba Hospital in Halim is a criminal element in this case. "There is a
Perdanakusuma. However, because Renggo sanction, definitely, especially if there is a
suffered from vomiting blood, he was referred to negligence element from our investigation. So, it is
the Polri Kramatjati Hospital. possible the principal will be removed from his
position," said Nasrudin.
After a few days of treatment, Renggo finally
breathed to his last on Sunday (5/4) at around 01.00 Source :
AM. He was then buried in Kampung Asem TPU,
Kebon Pala.

Nino (11), Renggo classmate, stated that  the

incident occurred at break time and there was no
teacher at that time," said Nino, Sunday (5/4).

The victim's foster mother, Jessica was shock when

the victim was moaning in pain and telling the
undesirable incident that happened to him. In daily

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