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1. Which of the following statements on Time-boxing is INCORRECT?

A. It proposes fixing certain timeframe for each activity.

B. It ensures that Scrum Team members do not take up too much or too little work for a
particular period of time.
C. It is a principle through which Scrum framework addresses the project constraint of
D. It ensures that there is detailed upfront planning before every Sprint begins.
Answer: D

2. What is iterative development?

A. It refers to using more than one product development cycle to develop the final project
deliverables through the learning from the previous development cycles.
B. It refers to developing the final project deliverables in one product development cycle.
C. It refers to developing project deliverables using automated processes.
D. It refers to developing project outputs through detailed upfront planning with emphasis
on fixing scope, quality and other project aspects.
Answer: A

3. Select the factors you should consider when evaluating a cloud service
i) Network Connectivity
ii) Control
iii) Speed of implementation
iv) Scalability
v) Greenness
A. All the above
B. i, ii, iii
C. None of the above
D. i, iii

Answer A
4. What type of components would be found at the infrastructure as a service or IaaS level?
i) Virtual machines
ii) Contracts
iii) Server Locations
iv) Virtual Networks
v) Storage Accounts
vi) Connectivity
A. All the above
B. i, iv, v and vi
C. None of the above
D. i, ii, iii and v

Answer B

5. Which service is offered as a pay-as-you-go model?

A. Capital Expense or CAPEX
B. Cloud Computing
C. Operational Expense or OPEX
D. Advance Purchase Excursion or APEX

Answer: B

6. Which two concepts are associated with the cloud computing model?
i) Allocation
ii) Virtualization
iii) Abstraction
iv) Hosting
A. i, and iv
B. iii and iv
C. ii and iii
D. i and iii
Answer C

7. Why would cloud computing be attractive to a start-up or small business?

A. Onetime fee
B. Guaranteed no downtime
C. Entry cost can be affordable
D. Access to a physical Server

Answer: C

8. What is meant by SLA in a cloud service?

A. Service-level agreement
B. Service-level acknowledgement
C. Service-level agreement
D. Service-level acknowledgement

Answer: A

9. How are the layers of a stack organized?

A. The stack is organized from the most to the least required
B. The stack is organized from the most to the least important
C. The stack is organized from the most to the least complex
D. The stack is organized from the most to the least expensive

Answer: C

10. Why would a cloud provider not divulge the location of their data?
A. So they can access your data without your knowledge
B. So you cannot get your information at the end of your contract
C. They share the location once you sign your contract
D. So the physical location is not divulged to somebody who might want to attack the data

Answer: D
11. Which of the following activities is not part of the Dissemination phase of the Data Science
A. Deploying findings and reports to a production environment
B. Writing reports of the results from each iteration
C. Creating and managing analysis scripts
D. Publishing and Sharing result findings

Answer: B

12. Which of the following are not true about IPython

i) It does not provide system shell access
ii) Several Clients may be concurrently connected to a single kernel
iii) It supports interactive parallel computing
iv) Results can only be displayed in LaTex format
v) It is open source
A. i, and iv
B. iii and iv
C. ii and iii
D. i and iii

Answer A

13. You are given a task to create an application that can process datasets that do not fit into a
traditional relational database management system but must still possess some form of order
and hierarchy. What kind of data will you be making use of for this task?
A. Structured
B. Semi-Structured
C. Un Structured
D. Complex

Answer: B
14. Which of the following is not a valid command for generating a range of dates that sans 25
calendar days beginning from November 13, 2015?
A. Print(“Dates: “,pd.date_range(‘11132016’,periods=25, freq=’D’))
B. Print(“Dates: “,pd.date_range(’11-13-2016’,periods=25, freq=’D’))
C. Print(“Dates: “,pd.date_range(start=‘11/13/2016’,end=‘12/7/2016’, freq=’D’))
D. Print(“Dates: “,pd.date_range(’11/13/2016’,periods=25, freq=’D’))

Answer: A

15. Which of the following is not a feature of the Anaconda Navigator Application
A. It can be used to launch Python data science applications
B. It provides a graphical user interface
C. It supports the conda package manager but is shipped separately
D. It can be used to manage python data science packages

Answer: C

16. You have imported the pandas library into your current namespace as an object named
“pd”and have creates a pandas Data Frame named “df”. Which of the following is not a valid
pandas command for reading and writing data to/from a CSV file?
A. df.to_csv(‘myFile.csv’)
B. df.to_csv(‘myFile.csv’, index=False)
C. pd.to_csv(‘myFile.csv’)
D. data=pd.read_csv(‘myFile.csv’)

Answer: C

17. Which of the following is not true about the Jupyter Notebook application?
A. A notebook server must be running in order to create and interact with notebook
B. Cells may only run one at a time
C. Code maybe stored and run along with its output in each notebook document
D. It is a web-based interactive computing environment
Answer: B

18. You are debugging a Python program using interactive Python debugger, and you want to
obtain a stack trace. Which of the following command could you use at the interactive
Python debugger prompt?
A. Whatis
B. Where
C. Step
D. p

Answer: B

19. Which of the following is not an attribute of an ndarray object

A. Ndim
B. Shape
C. Dtype
D. Length

Answer: D

20. You have launched the spyder IDE from the anaconda Navigator and have started a new
IPython console. Which of the following command could you execute so as to be able to use
the NumPy package in your current namespace?
A. Load numpy
B. Import numpy as np
C. Import numpy
D. Load numpy as np

Answer: B

21. Which of the following is the correct command for creating a Python list?
A. ballTypes=[‘Tennis’, ‘Soccer’, ‘Golf’]
B. ballTypes=[‘Tennis’; ‘Soccer’; ‘Golf’]
C. ballTypes=(‘Tennis’, ‘Soccer’, ‘Golf’)
D. ballTypes=(‘Tennis’; ‘Soccer’; ‘Golf’)

Answer: A

22. Which of the following is not true about the NumPy package?
A. It can be used for array sorting and shape modification
B. It can be used for calculation of multidimensional arrays
C. It can be integrated with other programming languages
D. A given NumPy array may store elements of various types

Answer: D

23. What are some of the features of a good program?

i) The code is not unreadable
ii) The program is not inefficient
iii) It has been fully tested for errors
iv) It does not contain comments or indentation
v) It is not fault tolerant
A. i, ii, and iv
B. iii and iv
C. i, ii and iii
D. i and ii

Answer C

24. Identify the main differences between the waterfall model and extreme programming
A. In extreme programming, the process flows in a single direction-whereas in the waterfall
model the process can return may times to previous phases
B. In the waterfall model the phases are isolated-whereas in extreme programming, the
phases are integrated
C. In the waterfall model, the phases always stay the same-whereas in extreme
programming, the phases can change for different projects
D. None of the Above

Answer: B

25. Which control structure does the example represent?

A. Repetition
B. Sequence
C. Selection
D. None of the above

Answer: C

26. What function were scripting languages designed to perform?

A. Enabling programmers to modify existing features in applications
B. Enabling programmers to create GUIs
C. Enabling users to add functionality to existing applications
D. Enabling programmers to develop visually appealing and interactive web sites

Answer: C

27. What are some of the guidelines for using the top-down approach to algorithm writing?
i) All input conditions should be addressed
ii) You should include all the steps
iii) Use simple English
iv) Use a new line for each instruction
A. i, and iv
B. iii and iv
C. ii and iii
D. i and ii

Answer D

28. What are some of the features of OOP?

i) Programming logic relies on real-world logic
ii) Objects consist of properties and methods
iii) Statements are processed one after the other, from the beginning of a program
to the end
iv) An entire application is processed by a compiler at runtime
A. i, and iv
B. iii and iv
C. ii and iii
D. i and ii

Answer D

29. The huge numbers of devices connected to the Internet of things have to communicate
automatically, not via humans. What is this called?
A. Machine to Machine (M2M)
B. Bot to Bot (B2B)
C. Skynet
D. Intercloud

Answer: A

30. What is IOT?

A. Internet of things
B. Industry of things
C. Idea of Things
D. Information of things
Answer: A

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