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A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation

between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which
is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.
Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for
employee selection and the main purpose of the job interview is
for the company to find out who among the applicants is qualified
for the job. In order for me to be ready and confident for the
upcoming job interview I consider many preparations together
with the special interview timetable for me to succeed in the
interview process.
Three days before the interview, I was preparing my
application letter with resume attached and planning the dress
that I should wear. In my application letter together with the
resume being attached I indicate my interest of the position I am
seeking and presenting the details regarding myself background,
my education, skills, work experience and accomplishments.
Regarding with my outfit I have a full dress rehearsal to make
sure that it fits me perfectly and feel me very comfortable to gain

Two days before the interview, I must take care in all aspects
of my personal hygiene because it refers to the cleanliness,
appearance and habits of employees. I really give importance to
my good grooming specially with my hair and nails because it is
an indication to the interviewer that I pay much attention to detail
and I take the time to look after my own basic hygiene
appropriately so that it sends a signal that I can make an effort as
a good employee. How you appear is essentially the first
impression you will make on the person who will interview you. If
your appearance is appropriate and well put together, you
instantly gain credibility as someone who cares about making a
good impression, and who has respect for the company and
the interview process.

On the day before the interview, I reviewed and finalized not

just my application letter, resume and the dress being worn but
the entire aspects that could be relevant during the interview
portion. Be good to yourself, and be prepared as much as you can
because it reduces stress and it improves good performance. It is
important to consider the things we need to do before the
interview day. Get a good night’s sleep the night before, don’t
overtire yourself for you to look better and feel better because this
lets you make the best first impression.

Here comes the big day, the moment that I have been
waiting for. I assure myself that I’m totally ready and completely
prepared. I eat a good breakfast so that I’ll be more alert and
focused. But during that time while waiting for my name to be
called I felt conflicting emotions: the expected nervousness,
coupled with excitement, confusion, and even fear. I silently asked
myself a range of questions, mentally ticking off my bullet point
answers and formulating adequate responses that I could use that
day. And finally my name was being called, I take a deep breath,
get up, and smile to conquer my nervousness and fear.
The hours afterward, the interviews over. I’ll get up, smile
and shake hands with the interviewer and turn to go out the door,
relieved but also worried. Worried in the sense that am I succeed
or doing the right way of answering the following questions given
to me. But what important is I’ve done my best and finally it’s
The next day, I feel happy to realize that it’s totally finished
and I remember all the preparations I’ve done in order for this
interview being success.
The most important lesson I learned during my interviews is
we need to be flexible. The questions I answered varied a lot. It
taught me something about myself, which is the first of
various lessons I learn from a job interview.  When you apply for a
job, you’re telling an employer that you’re the best candidate for
the role, unfortunately, sometimes employers don’t agree with
you. Changing the question around is important for a few
reasons. Firstly, doing so allows you to view your achievements
positively. The fact you got an interview is something to be
acknowledged, even if the end result wasn’t what you preferred.
Secondly, by focusing on the strengths that helped you get to
interview, you will have a better understanding of what you need
to do to get to the next interview and succeed. Thirdly, remaining
positive is important throughout the entire process to maintain
eagerness and continue moving from graduation to employment.
For those of you who are just starting to look for the first job after
education, it can be a long road. You need to celebrate the small
victories so you can get to the big ones. It is important to reflect
on interviews and think about what can be done to improve, but it
is equally important see rejection after a job interview not as a
failure, but an opportunity to learn more about yourself.
Interviewing, I am now convinced, is a game. A successful
interview requires skill, calculating, advanced planning, careful
observation, and a lot of luck. Yet, like a game, the risks of this
particular contest are much higher. “Winning” a job not only
provides the victor with material comfort, in the form of salary,
benefits, and the like, but also with confidence in their academic
credentials and future.

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