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What Are the Major Goals &

Objectives of Social Studies
By Maria OCadiz
Social studies educates students on becoming patriotic and responsible citizens.

Social studies education develops right from kindergarten and into

high school to help students understand their place in the world.
Social Studies teaches children their roles and responsibilities
particularly in relation to social and civic affairs. It h elps students
develop critical thinking abilities, prepares them to participate
competently and productively as concerned citizens and teaches them
to address societal and global concerns using literature, technology
and other identifiable community resources. Social studies include
history, geography, political science, sociology, economics and civics
and it is an integral part in ensuring well-rounded education in the K-
12 curriculum.

Civic Competence 公民能力

The National Council for the Social Studies defines the subject as the
integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote
civic competence. Social studies educates students on citizenship,
providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help
them to become competent and responsible citizens who are informed,
thoughtful, participate in their community and exhibit moral and civic
virtues. For example, students learn about voting as a form of political
participation, and how they can exercise their right to vote in elect ions
to choose the leaders that they want.

Critical Thinking 批判性思维

Social studies education teaches students about history and enables

them to understand how society has evolved. It places a strong
emphasis on important and enduring ideas, events and person alities
that affect peoples’ lives. From these lessons, students are able to
learn about their place in the living history of the United States and to
establish a foundation for their future ideas. The subject not only
offers students a strong knowledge content base, but it also helps
them develop an ability to think critically about societal issues and
learn how to address them based on their understanding of social

Social Understanding 社会理解

The subject also includes the study of the interrelationsh ip among

people, as well as the relationship between them and their
environment. This allows students to develop an understanding of
society and the human condition. Social studies education creates
awareness in students of the diversity and interdependenc e of the
world and helps them to recognize the challenges and benefits of
living in a world with multiple cultures and ideologies. For example,
learning about the multi-cultural American society helps students
understand democracy, rights and freedoms and the need to balance
the various values, cultures and ideologies to have a balanced and
peaceful co-existence.

Integrating Ideas 整合思想

Social studies involves a number of subjects including history,

geography and economics. Students learn how to integrate ide as from
different disciplines to come up with reasoned decisions, and to make
the connections between related concepts and ideas so that they are
better able to identify problems affecting society. For example,
investigating poverty in society requires kno wledge in history,
economics and politics. Students have to make the connection
between ideas such as discrimination, resource allocation and
political priorities to make sense of how poverty affects certain
populations in the country.

compel students to:

understand the facts, concepts, principles, and perspectives that shape social studies

apply learning to complex situations and contexts

think critically about important issues and communicate their findings

engage in the processes of problem solving and discipline-based inquiry






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