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today on side guys Charles law

welcome to psy guys I'm Ryan and I'm

mark and welcome to part two of our

series on the laws of gases Charles law

under temperature doo doo doo doo doo

doo doo doo doo charles law states that

in a closed system temperature and

volume change proportionally to one

another that is as temperature increases

so does volume and vice versa the

equipment we need for this episode is a

heat-resistant bigger or glass some

balloons some boiling water and a fridge

or freezer to cool our balloons in in

this experiment we're going to be using

boiling water so for safety reasons we

highly recommend the use of goggles

temperature resistant gloves and an

apron or lab coat to protect from spills

and splashes the first step in our

experiment is going to be to blow up our

balloon now if you watched our previous

episode we're going to want to blow it

up a little bit more this time like so

we're just going to tie it off like so

there you go the next step in our

experiment is to pour boiling water into

our glass beaker place your balloon into

the beaker in our first attempt of this

experiment we used a water balloon in

boiling water as the water balloon sits

on top of the boiling water it gradually

increases in size there's only one

problem with a water balloon they tend

to pop because of their small size in

our second attempt we used a full-size

12 inch party balloon and less water we

also placed a lid on the top to contain

the hot air inside the beaker in this

version of our experiment we see a more

dramatic change in the balloon size as

well as a much lower risk of the balloon

popping for the second portion of our

experiment we're going to place a

balloon into the freezer leave your

balloon in the freezer for a few hours

after a couple hours when we remove our

balloon from the freezer we'll notice

it's smaller in size as it warms up it

will gradually increase in size let's

have this experiment a little closer

Charles gas law states that when a fixed

amount or mass of an ideal gas is kept

at a constant pressure and in a closed

system then its temperature and volume

are directly proportional what this

means is when temperature increases

volume increases or as 10

decreases volume decreases as we

mentioned in our last episode an ideal

gas is a theoretical gas composed of a

set of randomly moving non interacting

particles under normal conditions many

gases such as oxygen hydrogen and some

heavier gases like carbon dioxide will

behave like an ideal gas this means they

follow the laws of gases such as Charles

law in our experiment our balloon is

filled with gaseous air molecules when

the balloon is placed in the beaker with

boiling water the energy from the higher

temperature water and steam molecules

transfer to the lower temperature air

molecules inside our balloon exciting

them when the air molecules in our

balloon are excited by raising their

temperature they spread further and

further apart increase in the volume of

space they take up the higher the

temperature or the more energy the air

molecules get the larger our balloon

will grow or other words the greater the

volume of space our gas will take up if

we remove our balloon from the hot water

the air molecules inside our balloon

will gradually lose the energy they've

been given dropping back to room

temperature causing the balloon to

shrink in volume back to its original

size in the second portion of our

experiment we place our balloon in a

freezer which causes a transfer of

energy in the form of heat from the

warmer air molecules inside our balloon

into the cold freezer as the energy is

removed from our air molecules they slow

down drop in temperature and get closer

and closer together decreasing the

volume of space they take up the colder

the air molecules get the closer

together they will be if the temperature

of a gas is lowered low enough it will

go through a change in state from a gas

into a liquid when we remove our balloon

from the freezer the air molecules

inside will gradually gain extra energy

from the air in the environment raising

its temperature causing the balloon to

increase in volume back to its original

size by changing the temperature of our

balloon we can clearly see the directly

proportional relationship between the

temperature and volume of an ideal gas

this relationship is known as charles

law well that's it for episode 2 of our

series on the laws of gases thanks for

watching if you enjoyed this episode let

us know in the comments below and

subscribe for future episodes and don't

forget to Like us on Facebook and follow

us on Twitter maybe have any questions

related to this episode or will

science in general let us know in the

comments below or message us on Facebook

we'll try to help you out as best

possible thanks for watching bye under

temperature doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

doo doo doo here at SCI guys were always

curious how experiments turn out so if

you do these experiments at home share a

video or photo of them with us on our

Facebook or Google+ page but remember to

always ask your parents permission

before you share any photos or videos

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