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Compound Complex Sentence

Kelompok 6
- Gabriela Agnestia Ratosigi
- Maura Sevilla Katarina
- Merlin Salba
- Nazra Alwi
- Siti Hayatiwi Sriwandari
- Wahyurini
A. The Definition of Compound Complex Sentence
Compound Complex Sentence is a type of sentence that combined Compound Sentence
and Complex Sentence. This type of sentence has 3 or more clauses inside of it where is
have to has minimum 2 independent clause and 1 dependent clause.

B. Types of element that form Compound Complex Sentence

Compound Complex Sentence is formed by few types of sentence named Independent
Clause and Dependent Clause.

 Independent Clause
Is one of many clauses in English that can work alone as a complete sentence. It
contains a subject an a predicate that together express a complete thought.
Example :
We really love pandas

- Parts of Independent Clause

A. Subject
The thing that is “doing” the action.
B. Predicate
The word of phrase that expresses a sentence’s “action”.
C. Modifiers
Are adverbs and adjective’s that “modify” another word by adding more
details to it.
D. Objects
Is a thing in a sentence that receives the verb’s action.

 Dependent Clause
Is a clause that can’t exist as a sentence on its own.
Example :
After the dog ran = this clause answers the question “when”

- Part of Dependent Clause

A. Subordinate Conjunctions
It is help the transition between two parts of a sentence with words
expressing things like place and time.
Here are some of the most commond subordinate conjunction :
 After
 As
 As long as
 Because
 Even though

B. Relative Pronouns
Are words like which, whichever, whatever, that, whoever, who, and whose.
They are called “relative” because they are related to the topic of sentence.
Example :
 The person who …
 Whoever eats …
 The house that …
 Whichever house …

C. Example of Compound Complex Sentences

1. Kate doesn’t like cartoons because they are loud, so she doesn’t watch
2. The dog started barking, so the cat ran away and I couldn’t keep up, so I

* This sentence has two independent clause and one dependent clause

D. How to Write Compound Complex Sentences

 Step 1 : Independent Clause
The first independent clause of your compound complex sentences should
have a strong main idea because it will be the main poins of your
Example :
The cat jumped on to the couch

 Step 2 : Related Independent Clause

This means that the two independent clauses will have the same subject.
The second clause should either continue describing the action or add
information about equal importance with the first independent clause.
Example :
The cat sat down on top of the remote control

 Step 3 : Dependent Clause

It wil spice up the two independent clauses that we have already written.
It could tell us more about the situation or explaining an action.
Dependent Cluse can’t be a complete sentence on its own.
Example :
Just when I was searching for the remote control.

 Step 4 : Put it Together with Conjunction

Gather all of the clauses and decide on an order.

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