BBQ Recipes

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Sticky barbecue chicken wings and drumsticks

This is a no-fuss barbecue chicken recipe - simply marinade the chicken overnight and throw it on the


 6 chicken drumsticks, preferably free-range

 6 chicken wings, preferably free-range

For the marinade:

 2 tbsp clear honey

 3cm/1¼in piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated

 1 garlic clove, crushed 1½ tsp Chinese five spice

 2 tsp soy sauce 3 tbsp orange marmalade

 ½ tsp grated orange zest 1 tbsp sesame oil

Preparation method

1. Slash the chicken drumsticks three to four times each with a sharp knife and place in a non-metallic

bowl with the chicken wings. Mix together all of the marinade ingredients and pour over the chicken.

Leave to marinate for at least 2 hours, or overnight if you can, turning occasionally.

2. Once it has marinated, place the chicken on the barbecue over medium-hot coals and cook for about

20 minutes, brushing with any marinade left in the dish as it cooks. If it's colouring too quickly, move

to a cooler part of the barbecue to cook more gently. It's important you cook the chicken all the way


3. If you're unsure, pierce a drumstick with a skewer: if the juices are still pink, carry on cooking. Eat as

soon as they're cool enough to handle, with the sticky sauce all around your mouth and fingers. Isn't

that what barbecues are all about?

4. The chicken can also be cooked in the oven for perfect picnic food. Preheat the oven to

200C/400F/Gas 6.

5. Transfer the chicken into a roasting tray with a couple of spoonfuls of marinade. Place in the oven for

about 50 minutes, turning occasionally and basting with the marinade and juices until thoroughly

sticky and golden, adding extra marinade to the tray if necessary. Once the chicken pieces are

cooked, eat them when fresh and hot, or leave to cool before packing up for a picnic or packed lunch.
BBQ sauce
The perfect accompaniment for any barbecue -
slather it on sausages and burgers.
 1 small onion, chopped
 3 cloves garlic, crushed
 olive oil
 1 red chilli, finely chopped
 1 tsp fennel seeds, crushed
 55g/2oz dark brown sugar
 50ml/1¾fl oz dark soy sauce
 300ml/10fl oz tomato ketchup
 salt and pepper

Preparation method
1. Fry the onion and garlic in olive oil with the chilli, fennel seeds and sugar.
2. Add the soy sauce and ketchup and season with salt and pepper.
3. Bring to the boil and simmer for a few minutes to combine the flavours. Use as a dip or to coat spare ribs,
chicken or sausages.

Potato wedges with

Potato wedges are the ultimate easy side dish -
just slam them in the oven and forget about
them until hunger strikes.
 1kg/2lb potatoes
 1 tbsp olive oil
 coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper
 rosemary, chopped, to taste
 crushed garlic, to taste

Preparation method
1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
2. Wash and dry the potatoes, but don't peel them. Cut the potatoes into large wedges and place into a bowl.
3. Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix well. Tip the potatoes onto a baking tray.
4. Transfer the potatoes to the oven and bake until golden-brown and cooked all the way through (about 30
5. Serve the potatoes hot from the oven.
BBQ chicken wings with sweetcorn rice and
red cabbage slaw
If the weather permits, then cook the chicken on a
barbecue, for that smoky, woody, charcoal flavour. If not,
you can bake it in the oven, as I have here.
 800g/1lb 12oz mixed chicken wings and

For the barbecue sauce

 6 squidges of tomato ketchup
 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
 3 tbsp soy sauce
 2 tbsp Chinese five-spice powder
 2 squidges of honey
 1 garlic clove
 few sprigs fresh thyme
 sunflower oil

For the red cabbage slaw

 ¼ head of red cabbage
 1 small red onion
 1 small red chilli
 a big handful of raisins
 pinch of English mustard powder (optional)
 2 squidges of honey
 5 tbsp Greek yoghurt
 1 lime

For the sweetcorn rice

 350g/12oz easy-cook long grain rice
 200g/7oz can sweetcorn
 sunflower oil
 large handful coriander or flat leaf parsley
 salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Preparation method
1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
2. Scatter the chicken pieces in a large roasting tin. Put the tomato ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, five spice powder
and honey in a small bowl. Add the garlic and thyme leaves along with salt, pepper and a drizzle of oil. Give
everything a good stir and pour it over the chicken pieces. Toss everything about to evenly coat, settle the
chicken into a single layer and put in the oven to cook for 30 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, prepare the slaw. Mix the cabbage, red onion and finely chopped chilli in a large bowl along with the
raisins, mustard powder (if using) and honey. Spoon the yoghurt in, squeeze in the lime juice and season to
taste with salt and pepper. Mix everything together and set aside.
4. Tip the rice into a medium pan with a little salt, pour boiling water from a kettle so that it is about 2cm/1in above
the top of the rice, put the lid on and bring back to the boil. Then turn it down as low as it will go and leave to
cook for as long as it says on the packet.
5. While the rice is cooking, baste the chicken wings with the sauce in the roasting tray and return to the oven.
6. Once the rice is ready, drain it and then tip it back into the pan. Drain the sweetcorn and add it to the rice with
salt, pepper and a drizzle of oil. Stir together and then put the lid on to keep warm.
7. After the chicken has had 30 minutes, check to see that it is cooked, it should be piping hot in the middle with
no pinkness. The barbacue sauce should be a sticky coating on the chicken.
8. Divide the rice among four serving plates, arrange the chicken on top and spoon the slaw alongside. Rip the
leaves from the coriander or parsley, scatter them over and serve.
BBQ Chicken Wings
A simple and tangy chicken dish, which is super-easy to make. The
chicken parts can be barbecued or grilled. Enjoy as nibbles or a with a side
Ready in 3 hours 35 mins

Ingredients Serves: 6
 1.5kg chicken drumsticks or wings (broken into 3 pieces at the joints,
discard the tips)
 250g tomato ketchup
 125g plum sauce
 4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
 4 tablespoons dark brown soft sugar
 2 cloves garlic, crushed

Preparation method
Prep: 15 mins | Cook: 20 mins | Extra time: 3 hours, marinating

Combine tomato ketchup, plum sauce, Worcestershire sauce, dark brown soft sugar and garlic together. Add

chicken, cover and chill for 3 hours (or overnight).

Drain chi

Ayam Panggang Ala Kenny Rogers:

◦1 ekor ayam-bersihkan
-Bahan untuk marinade ayam:
◦3 biji bawang besar ◦4 biji bawang putih
◦1 inci halia ◦1 ketul kiub ayam Knorr
◦2 atau 3 sudu besar sos lada hitam
◦2 sudu besar madu ◦2 sudu besar gula pasir
◦2 sudu mix herb 2 sudu paprika
◦1 1/2 sudu teh garam halus ◦Sedikit air untuk mengisar kesemua bahan make-up.
◦Sedikit mentega

Campur kesemua bahan make-up dengan sedikit air dan kisar. Lumurkan keseluruhan bahan tadi diluar dan
dalam ayam yang telah dibersihkan. Perap selama 1 1/2 jam. Sapu sedikit mentega keseluruhan ayam dan
bakar/panggang. Bakar selama 1 1/2 jam atau sehingga ayam masak. Semasa membakar, selepas 1/2 jam
pertama, sapukan ayam dengan minyak n campuran rempah yang menitis. Ini supaya ayam tidak terlalu kering.
E.Hidangkan bersama kentang goreng, coleslaw dan kentang putar.Pasta,french fries dan nasi pun boleh.
Resepi Skewer Daging + Ayam Bersama Lada Benggala
Bahan-bahan :

 Daging Lembu : Ikot suka hati

 Daging Ayam : Ikot suka hati
 Kicap Pekat : 5 sudu besar
 Sos Tiram : 1 sudu besar
 Kiub Pati Ayam : 1 kiub
 Mixed Herb : 2 sudu besar
 Rosemary : 2 sudu besar
 Cuka : 2 sudu besar
 Bawang Besar : Sebijik potong petak
 Lada Benggala : 1 atau 2 biji.. Ikot suka nak warna apa - di potong petak jugak
 Lidi untuk mencucuk
 Gula : 1 sudu besar
 Air 1 cawan

Cara-cara :

 Gaulkan kesemua bahan sehingga sebati termasuk daging dan ayam kecuali bawang besar, lada
benggala & lidi.. Ngok la kalau korang gaul dengan lidi sekali kan... hahahaha..
 Perap 10 minit... Express.
 Lepas 10 minit, ambil lidi, cucuk bawang dulu, kemudian cucuk lada benggala then cucuk daging
ulang semula langkah, ambik bawang cucuk, ambik lada benggala cucuk dan ambil ayam pula dan
cucuk, di hujung lidi pastikan letak bawang.. Sebab bawang ketat skit! Kemudian ulang sampai siap..
Buat la beberapa cucuk ok!
 Letak di atas tray yang berjalur besi dulu kemudian baru letak atas tray yang hitam tu.. Biar ada 2
tray dan masukkan ke dalan over selama 20 minit dengan kepanasan 180 darjah celcius mengikut
kesesuaian oven masing-masing..
 Siap dan boleh makan!
Aku tak menggunakan minyak langsung ok! Cukuplah sekadar minyak dari ayam dengan daging tu

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